martedì 1 luglio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs June 30, 2014

** CHINA. 15175, Monday June 30 at 1319, CNR1 jammer, an echo apart from // 15115; still on 15195 and 15265 this hour. New for me on 15175, and off at recheck 1344. Aoki shows it`s against BBC Uzbek via OMAN scheduled 1300-1330, this frequency only on Mon/Wed/Sat.

16360, June 30 at 1321, CNR1 jammer, fair; also at 1347, good

17480, June 30 at 1322, CNR1 jammer, good // 15175; none in the 18s. Aoki shows this too is vs BBC Uzbek at 1300-1330, in this case, via Thailand on Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri, since May 14

15970, June 30 at 1345, CNR1 jammer, fair

** CUBA. 9580, June 30 at 0121, CRI English relay is once again cutting the modulation off and on, more off than on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also IRAN

** IRAN [and non]. 6060, June 30 at 0122, RHC Spanish with song, and surprisingly, a fast SAH, indicating co-channel interference from a station within 15 Hz or so; normally there is a LAH from the Brazilian which has been reported as low as 6059.7. Has that adjusted frequency or is this something else?

The latter: Aoki reminds us that Iran has just started a Ramazan special service: ``6060 VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN 0120-0320 1234567 Azeri 500 ND Kamalabad IRN 3546N 05127E IRIB a14 Jun.28-Jul.29`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Sporadic E opening, UT June 30:

0044 on 2, from WSW in Spanish, novela, Televisa net-2 star bug LR

0058 on 2, now heavy CCI here

0104 on 2, Gala swirl bug in LR, i.e. Televisa net-9
0105 on 4, local? Music show; Azteca-13 bug in UR (these two typical of Hermosillo, Sonora); after a SW/FM monitoring break, back to TV:

0143 on 2, video from one, audio from another; Gala net-9 promo

0144 on 3, ad for Q resort; glimpse of Stars & Stripes, maybe aimed at Americans for July 4th (later seen definitely on XHBC Mexicali)

0145 on 4, algo, MUF up to here; soon see Televisa-2 star bug LR, and lucky!!! Just before 0146, also white super local ID upper left:
Of course, came and went too quickly to get a photo. Unusual for these to include the date? I have presumably seen this station a number of times before; it`s really XHBS-TV, 100 kW.

[At this point I also get some FM DX; see USA: 88.3]

0153 on 2, Gala bug in LR

0154 on 3, XHBC bug in UR: it`s the dark blue square with a bold white italic 3 in the middle in a circle; left border, XHBC letters on their sides reading upwards; across the bottom in tiny font, MEXICALI-CALEXICO. Something else at the top may have been cut off by overscanning. At same time, generic Televisa squashed-oval bug in LR.
With news anchor? Caption reads CARLOS ARGÜELLO / STUDIO C MEDIAWORKS.

0158 on 3, large on screen: TELEVISA / BAJA CALIFORNIA; `Hola Mexicali` program promo for 2 de julio.

Photo of N logo of Notivisa on snowy XHBC picture at 0202:

0203 on 5, briefly Azteca-13 bug LR, no doubt XHAQ also Mexicali

0204 on 3 and onwards, lengthy interview by leggy woman with Eva Longoria, all in English with open Spanish captions. Eva explains that she`s of Mexican heritage but a ninth-generation American from Texas; parents speak Spanish to each other but not to her; is snow free much of the time, but heavy ghosting.

0205 on 3, photos of XHBC (sorry, my monitor is ``folding over`` at the top of screen, but you can still see the ``3`` bugs in the UR)
Eva by herself:
Eva with leggy interviewer:
Eva interview with Spanish caption:
To be added to

0206 on 3, Eva iv interrupted for ``Somos Amigos del Aire`` XHBC-3 promo, anti-pollution? federal PSA; Copa promo

0219 on 3, after another commercial break, cut back abruptly to Eva iv in progress as if there were not any natural breaks in it; prompted by the interviewer, she is lamenting how tough it is to be both beautiful and bright. Then fade out for a while

0224 on 2, two stations at same offset CCI from SW; one with a pasodoble, dance competition show? on Televisa-2 net

0227 on 3 & 4, algo

0228 on 3, poor signal about the Copa from Televisa Deportes

0247 on 3, XHBC fades back in, still the interview with Eva Longoria

0248 on 3, ad on XHBC for Q – Quechan Casino Report (which is not in the Andes, but Winterhaven CA, across from Yuma AZ)

0254 on 3, XHBC audio mixing with something else, football?

0320 on 3, XHBC still in poorly

0358 on 2, bit of f-bug in LR from SW, i.e. Televisa-4 net

Another Sporadic E opening, June 30 UT:

1406 on 2, f bug in LR from south, i.e. Televisa-4 net or relay

1415 on 2, TELEACTIVA bug in UR, i.e. XEFB-TV, Monterrey NL

1416 on 4, algo

1435 on 2, talk show, Azteca-13 bug in UR

1445 on 2, nothing but CCI now

1507 on 2, Azteca 13 bug in UR, very poor

1529 on 2, TU CANAL bug in UR, 9:29 AM clock during detailed horoscope nonsense by YL, from Aries onward, i.e. XEPM-TV Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, still going at 1537

1540 on 2, local Ciudad Juárez ad; in `Hola, Juárez` show, with its large but lower-case j logo

Then I have to go out, but no Es noted on lower FM caradio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 960, June 30 at 0503 UT, KGWA Enid Fox-hole is not quite dead-air; again can barely hear some music, which matches that on 103.1, its sibling station KOFM from the same tower site. The 960 signal can still be mostly nulled audiblizing jumble of other stations, but at precise null position big hum surges, so need to rotate slighty off full null (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 88.3, June 30 at 0118 UT, as I am tuning for possible Es DX, I notice that KOSR, the recently added low-power relay for Stillwater itself, with a marginal signal here, of KOSU 91.7 ``Stillwater`` but really closer to OKC with degraded signal in the home city, is running about 1 second ahead of 91.7; why? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, June 30 at 0114, R. Chaski carrier barely audible thru the noise, until cutoff at 0115:40* which is 11.5 seconds later than 48 hours ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1727 monitoring: confirmed on Area 51 webcast, starting slightly before 0300 UT Monday June 30; later barely audible in noise level on WBCQ 5110v-CUSB. Next:
Tuesday 1100 and Wednesday 1315 on WRMI, 9955
Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB

** U S A. 5050, June 30 at 0121, open carrier/dead air from WWRB, and for at least several minutes thereafter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 0147 on 88.1, standing by for Es MUF to enter FM, here`s an operatic excerpt fading up from nothing; 0149 Porgy & Bess outro in English; followed this for 10 minutes, including song about seafood, ``Baby, I Can Cook``; from ``On the Town``; ``Sara Lee`` sure sounded like Mandy Potëmkin, but outro as Jim Walton; faked out by: KWOU Woodward OK, marginal public radio relaying KGOU 106.3 Norman; at 0159 closing `Footlight Parade` show with reference to as ACI from 88.3 grows so over to it:

0148 on 88.3, Mexican music fades in strong; this is certainly Es, but is it really Mexican? Fade out and I stick to 88.1 instead until 0200 when 88.3 overcomes, as recorded: ad mentioning Tepic??? I listen to recording over and over, sure what it sounds like, yet there are some Anglo words mixed in, and there are NO 88.3s in Tepic, Nayarit listed anywhere, nor is this in the area I am otherwise getting. In fact, 88.3 is the one FM frequency with only one Mexican listed on it, faraway in Tapachula, Chiapas. More below.

More notes from my 88.3 recording 0202 UT onwards: promo for Reforma Migratoria --- that makes it more likely American than Mexican. Slogan as ``La Campesina 88.3``. Ad for a concert sponsored by Bud Light, with groups from Tijuana, Sinaloa (not to be taken as local ID clues!), then ``¡¡¡La estación líder en eventos, La Campesina, no más!!!`` (much quoted here should be accompanied by six exclamations, uttered by super-hype voice actor [SHVA]). More ads, including a Mexican grill, Águila radio-taxis; about a remote from Talking Stick (?) Resort, at Indian Bend.

``Gracias a muchos anunciantes que hacen posible continuar el sueño de César Chávez, via ésta, tu estación, La Campesina, --- y la Fundación César Chávez --- viviendas para personas de la terera edad, 300 casas para familias de bajos recursos --- 4000 --- en Arizona, California, Nuevo Méjico y Tejas.`` ``La Campesina y la Unión de Campesinos, en la lucha por la reforma, 88 punto tres, 88 point 3 eff emm, Kay En Ay Eye, Phoenix, Arizona`` (the legal ID part for KNAI in accented English altho not required to be). ``Fundada por César Chávez, La Campesina, en la lucha para la reforma, ¡¡¡sí, se puede!!!`` Into music and shortly fading out. Listen to 3:49 clip:

See DXLD 12-18 when I last heard KNAI on July 9, 2012. My comments are still the same:
```These are fully-produced hard-sell commercials, not ``underwriting announcements`` by any stretch of the imagination! How do they get away with operating a commercial station so blatantly on the non-commercial band? César Chávez should be ashamed; his foundation runs it.

BTW, it`s almost a vanishing breed, apparently a share-timer with KPHF
of Family Radio. shows them both licensed with exactly same
22.500 kW power, same latitude 33-35-47.00N, but different longitudes
and antenna heights: 112-5-29.00W and 304m for KNAI; 112-5-31.00W and
297m for KPHF; so are they really not sharing the same transmitter and
antenna? What a waste. Is there anything in the FCC licensing info
about how the time is shared?```

Current WTFDA database still shows both KNAI & KPHF on 88.3 in Phœnix.

What about the ``Tepic`` local reference I heard first? Re-listening to my 0:43 recording of that:
ads for the Chef Store, also on Facebook, but when I find it there, it`s all about Santiago, Chile! Restaurant supplies, job openings. Listening again, address for it announced is 3115 --- something --- Drive. In case this was the same Phœnix station, I google search on that and land the answer: Chef Store, 3115 South McClintock Drive, in TEMPE! Which is pronounced tem-PEE, almost like teh-PEEK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

NOTE: thanks to several for comments on my sudden high noise problem on SW, with advice, own horror stories, commiseration. Since then, it`s sometimes a bit lower or intermittent; and I find monitoring from a neighbor`s porch further away, and with a longer wire, helps, tho less convenient (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0015 UT July 1