lunedì 7 luglio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs July 5-6, 2014

** BRAZIL. 11750 & 11810, July 6 at 0517, distorted spurs from RNA 11780 are again audible, but not overwhelming. So distorted that can only match to 11780 by the cadences, pauses (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5040, July 6 at 0305, RHC is back on tonight, and so is 5025 Rebelde (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9935, July 6 at 0307, ERTOpen, another night using this frequency with very good signal in Greek music.

15630, July 6 at 0524, ordinary Greek music rather than
Orthodox service which seems to be long gone from Sunday mornings; we miss that neat music. Now this is a better frequency than // 9420, more absorbed east of the terminator; and 9935 is off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 13590, July 6 at 0520, IRIB IS, fair with flutter. What`s coming up? Nothing! It`s the tail of the 0450 Russian broadcast and off by 0521*; 500 kW, 325 degrees from Kamalabad, also good for US (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 17660, July 6 at 0526, Qur`an followed by presumed NA, 0530 ``Inja`` ID implying Persian-related, but scheduled as Bosnian from VIRI at 0520-0620, 297 degrees from Kamalabad, to be followed by an hour in Italian 3 degrees further south, per Aoki. Of course, VIRI does not broadcast in its own language per se, just incidentally (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. 17870, July 6 at 0526, poor signal with ME vocal music. It`s VOA Kurdish via Biblis, GERMANY, its reprieve still in effect (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 15825, July 6 at 0522, Station YHWH, anti-Christian pirate on WWCR`s frequency! (but we`re sure he`ll never use it during their hours); good signal peaks but deep fades, still at 0537 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 780, July 6 at 0253 UT, daytimer KSPI Stillwater again with carrier still on more than an hour after legal sunset, dominating frequency by groundwave here (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1640, July 6 circa 0245 UT, KZLS Enid-Hennessey-OKC is again playing country music, no doubt sibling simulcast from KNAH 99.7 Mustang, instead of talk, its major format; recheck July 6 at 1217 UT its third format is dead air with hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 21500, July 6 at 0533, RRI very poor in English, // better 17760; 0535 `Week in Review` starting with support for Republic of Moldova entering the EU. A midnight-sun phenomenon, 13m propagable like this. 21500 is 97 degrees from Tiganeshti while 17760 is 100 degrees from Galbeni, i.e. both for Asia over full-day path; 9700 is the 0530 frequency for North America at 300 degrees from Galbeni where we normally hear this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAO TOME. 7260, July 6 at 0300, a bit of VOA`s `Yankee Doodle Dandy`, tone and off. 0300 is supposed to be the *start of an IBB half-hour in Arabic, per HFCC. Aoki clarifies it`s the Afia Darfur service to Sudan. Or has it been canceled? Supposedly not (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1728 monitoring: as suspected, no airing July 5 on WTWW-2 at former time of 2330 Saturday on 9930. WTWW-2 is off the air with its predominant BS programming on 12105 WTWW-3 instead, which continues July 5-6 at the Saturday/UT Sunday times formerly occupied by WOR and QSO with Ted Randall. However, WOR was replaced on WTWW-1 (webcast but 9475 off the air then), Thursday July 3 at 2100 by Amateur Radio Newsline, and the same happened UT Sunday July 6 at 0400 on 5830.

Ted Randall has apparently taken extreme offense at something I wrote, objectively covering the increasingly disturbed WTWW transmissions, but he has never told me exactly what he wants to censor. Things are seething there behind the scenes as Ted is in a power struggle with George McClintock for control of WTWW, and WOR is apparently unwillingly caught up in this. All we want to do is provide the most accurate up-to-date news, mainly about SW broadcasting without getting involved in internal station politix, while retaining our editorial independence, especially in DXLD. So WOR has apparently been pulled from WTWW, tho without the courtesy of notifying us.

WOR confirmed after 0030 UT Sunday July 6 on WRMI 9495, but as often the case, it`s last week`s 1727. WOR 1728 confirmed on webcast, UT Monday July 7 at 0300 on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB. Next:

Monday 2130 on WRMI 15770 [NEW; good for Europe and eastern N America]
Tuesday 1100 on WRMI 9955
Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1315 on WRMI 9955
Wednesday 2100 on WBCQ 7490v

** U S A. 12105, July 5 after 2300, WTWW-3 is still Brother Scare, WTWW-1 9475 with SFAW, but WTWW-2 is still off, neither 9930 nor 5085.

12105 July 5 at 2359, canned Ted Randall QSY announcement to 5085, which would have been correct if this were still on 9930; continues on 12105. At 0035 July 6, still same situation: No QSO with Ted Randall on any frequency, and no WORLD OF RADIO either [see separate report].

12105, July 6 at 0518, this frequency in the middle of the night has gone back to `Bible Worldwide` instead of BS, with canned Ted Randall announcement, introducing a Pastor Peter J. Peters segment in English, besides virtually 24/7 on WTWW-1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENIG DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, Sunday July 6 at 1230, poor reception from WRMI after preacher, but song about sugar cane opens what used to be `Viva Miami` with ``Miami Vice`` theme; now I think Jeff called it `Viva Okeechobee`, and went on to talk about his dog and Applebee`s, but too poor to follow further. 1230-1245 Sunday continues to be a blank spot on the WRMI program grid still dated May 31. I suppose he shifts title from Miami to Okeechobee on a whim; but he spends so much time at the site now, why not? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1090, July 6 at 0550 UT, open carrier/dead air, DF fitting KAAY AR, presumably instead of Brother Scare; what a marked improvement (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1110, July 6 at 0255 UT, KFAB with sesqui-decade or older Art Bell show as he is recounting how when stationed at Amarillo AFB, he ran a pirate broadcasting station, which even made the ratings book in the city some miles away. Most people didn`t realize it was illegal. WTFK? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGESST)

** U S A. 1130, July 6 at 0502 UT, once again I have missed the ToH ID for suspected KLEY Wellington KS running 250 instead of one watt at night, already in SRN News. Then the hour is filled by `Restaurant Radio` with guest someone who has a show on cable TV`s Food Network; 0557 UT finishing with ad/plug for a (?) restaurant in Chicago; show site is --- 0559 UT ad for CardGuard, and this time I stay tuned and awake for the next ToH ID at 0600 UT which is: ``The new Radio 11-30, KLEY-AM, Wellington`` plus singing ID of call letters, into more slanted radio news (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1600, July 6 at 1216 UT tune-by ID in English for KRVA Cockrell Hill-Dallas TX, and right back to Vietnamese. Thank you very much. I don`t think I`ve ever heard the English slogan ``Radio Saigon`` as listed in NRC Log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1700, July 6 at 0540 UT, I am hearing two stations on different sports-talk nets, and not a hint of music, Tejano, or otherwise; therefore I conclude that KKLF Richardson TX must be off the air, leaving us with KBGG Des Moines IA and KVNS Brownsville TX to make a SAH of 228/minute = 3.8 Hz. Next check at 1219 UT, an hour after LSR, there is some music again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ZANZIBAR. 6015, July 6 at 0302, poor signal taken to be Arabic, but must have been Swahili as this is when everyone hears ZBC and only other thing in Aoki is Kazakh from PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi. On the PL-880 with whip only, as I am in downtown Enid awaiting another fireworx display, from outside the ballpark. Haven`t heard anything on 11735 for months in the 18-21 period (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1680, with KRJO Monroe LA off the air for financial reasons, I ought to hear some of the five other US X-banders; July 6 at 0545, there are two very weak signals, one with talk from NE/SW, making a fast SAH, perhaps WPRR, Public Reality Radio in Ada MI, if not the closer but weaker TISes in IA that KAZ has been hearing from IL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Note: heavy sporadic-E opening almost all-day July 6 has yet to be compiled, from Canada, USA, Mexico; TV and FM, sometimes all at once!

Note2: again having trouble with my main account. Mail acknowledged as ``sent`` is not sent, which has delayed circulation of this report. If it doesn`t clear up by July 7, may have to resubscribe to all my groups with a different address.