domenica 6 luglio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs July 5, 2014

** CUBA. 5040, July 5 at 0144, RHC is off this frequency, while 5025 Rebelde remains on; still the same at 0521 check.
12140, July 5 at 0234, JBA RHC harmonic from 6070, vs CODAR, but at least escaping the hi noise level at home QTH, here near the intersexion of Cleveland & Rupe among a long line of parked vehicles to view the fireworx from Meadowlake Park & Lake to the east. We are right near a power line, but it`s completely quiet, on the DX-398 with whip only (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9935, July 5 at 0147, ERT Open on this new frequency again tonite, VG signal equivalent to // 9420, and merely good signal on // 15630. This time 9935 is also reported by John Babbis, Silver Spring MD. He says it`s Avlis transmitter 1, heard as early as 2300 July 4 with 55545 signal, up to 55555 by 0200, 100 kW at 323 degrees, while 9420 is transmitter 3 with 170 kW at same azimuth USward, altho not sure how he knows these details. He was still not hearing 15630 which he says is 100 kW at 226 degrees.
The 323 degree beam crosses the southern tip of Greenland, northern tip of Labrador near Ungava Bay, across Québec and Ontario to Lake of the Woods, across USA from Minnesota to Arizona, near Denver and Albuquerque; only about 5 degrees off from Enid. Seems a bit further north/west than one would expect for general coverage of North America, but obviously still puts plenty signal into the east coast. Perhaps originally set up to go right across Cologne, Hilversum and Edinburgh. Still on at 0235 with Greek song; don`t know when 9935 went off, but not on after 0500. 9935 is not in HFCC, but then NO AVLis registrations are now; Aoki agrees that 9420 heads out at 323 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENINIG DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 760, July 5 at 0306 UT, no WJR, but dominant signal on caradio is Mexican, ad mentioning Parral, PSAs. However, there is no 760 in Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua; likely the usual occupant, XEES, Antena 7-60 in Chihuahua city, tho listed by IRCA as only 500 watts at night, 1000 day. WRTH 2014, however says 10 kW fulltime, which is more like it, ``Antena Musical``. Cantú says 10/1 kW without the Musical. Take your pick (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Another analog sporadic-E opening is underway when I turn on and tune in at 1418 UT July 5:
1418 on 2, `Sabadazo` show bug in lower left, with segment from a beach, peaks southwest. Televisa-2 star bug in LR; audio CCI from rap/dance music in English
1423 on 2, now they`ve added an -o, so ``Sabadazoo`` as current guest is a parrot
1433 on 2, Sabadazo now features clown, and girl with teeth braces
1436 on 4, algo with loud audio but hardly any video. This takes some doing, considering the 4.5 MHz MUF difference. I`ve long suspected certain Mexicans are still running 2:1 video/audio power ratio, analogically abandoned long ago in USA for 5:1 and then 10:1. It`s // something in the CCI on 2
1457 on 3, Grupo Pacífico oval 3 bug in UR, so XHQ Culiacán, Sinaloa; 1459 organ donation PSA/promo, finishing with animated YO CREO
1502 on 3, ``Grupo Pacífico`` audibly mentioned, 1503 DTV promo explaining about converters. So how much longer will XHQ remain DXable on analog 3? Until November 26, 2015 according to:
See also map at
But it must be outdated as claims already shutdown analog May 2014 in Monterrey, and border cities Nuevo Laredo, Juárez, all of which I am still seeing in analog in June/July! But I suppose ch 2 stations like XEFB, XEFE and XEPM could vanish at any moment
1504 on 3, animated intro to CARRUSEL show for kids, then YL hostess in studio, soon two of them. This is still XHQ
1509-1510 on 3, snapped several photos of XHQ with 3 bug in UR, this the sharpest altho color had dropped out:
to be added to
1513 on 3, stationary graphic about ``Fidel Gutiérrez`` audibly mentioned, turns out to be an ``Amber Alert Sinaloa``, i.e. missing (young?) person
1526 on 4, MUF up to here now with CCI
1529 on 3, another Amber Alert Sinaloa with mugshot. Bug in upper right now appears to be Pacífico`s stylized gull-in-flight enlarged in the oval, but no number
1530 on 3, back to show with 3 bug in UR
1532 on 4, it`s Televisa-5 net bug in LR with animation, soon gone
1539 on 4, shelf of football uniforms, pre-game show. Generic Televisa Deportes bug in UR, alternates with Televisa-2 star bug also in UR
1539 on 2, // 4 but much CCI on 2; then 4 talking about boxing next Saturday, back to Copacabana for World Cup
1540 on 3, still kidvid with two YLs
1556 on 4, Belgian national anthem, // Univisión on cable 61 here, not synched by a few seconds. Also // ABC via KOCO-7, not ESPN-1 with Wimbledon. This 4 is very likely XHBS-TV, Los Mochis, Sinaloa
1612 on 4, built up to strong signal but also CCI; yet nothing on 5, 6
1616 on 5, now weak video here
1616-1628, FM from 88.1 Nevada: see U S A
1619 on 5, it`s WC FB // 4
1627 on 4, I am still seeing World Cup, but now with Azteca-13 bug in UR. Skip has evidently shifted to Hermosillo, Sonora, XHHSS-TV. So both major nets are covering the same game? In any given market is it only one or the other, or does both not matter?
1634 on 4, back to Televisa Deportes generic bug UR for WC FB alternating with net-2 star. At the moment nothing visible on 2, 3, 5!
1659 on 2 & 3, only weak CCI remains
1659 on 3, fades in something letterboxed, evidently PSA for GNP, followed by ad for Nikzon (pronounced almost like Nixon), an haemorrhoid remedy, and then Bancomático; no bugs during these ads to distract customers
1701 on 3, Televisa Deportes graphic, photoed
and back to game, snow-free for a while, Argentina beating Bélgica; then bug in LL says TECNOLOGIA TD LIBEROVISION --- apparently an interactive gadget for classic fútbol games wherein TD means not only Televisa Deportes but Tú Diriges. (I am not certain it`s still XHQ by this time.)
1705 on 3, WC FB // UNI and ABC, and nothing on other channels
1731 on 2, weak video CCI only; mostly gone, so lunch
1840 on 2, bit of video but mostly nothing

** NORTH AMERICA. 6945-AM, July 5 at 0232, pirate music on very poor signal, but I am using only the whip on the DX-398 as I am remotely located near Meadowlake Park, south side of Enid, awaiting annual fireworx show with Enid Symphony Orchestra accompaniment (having heard the music earlier in rehearsal at much more pleasant venue of Enid Symphony Center. The live music is occasionally JBA from the loudspeakers at the lake when the wind is blowing the right way, so instead I accompany the explosions by KRMG-740 which at 0240 UT is playing a far-out version of the SSB and other patriotic music, perhaps to accompany fireworks in Tulsa.)
O yeah, the pirate: this thread,17566.0.html
says it was X-FM featuring C-Quam stereo, numerous logs including minute-by-minute content from 0204 to 0512* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 530, July 5 at 0254 UT, even when I am much closer to Vance AFB for the fireworx, ``K530AM`` is quite weak on the portable. Must be running much less than the nominal 10 watts now, and probably no longer reaching the outskirts of OKC. Still with inane loops of PSAs about carseats for kids, what to do when a hurricane hits here (?! Not likely until sea level is 1200 feet higher), etc. (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 780, July 5 at 0249 UT, open carrier/dead air, obviously daytimer KSPI Stillwater once again failing to turn off the 250-watt transmitter at sunset. When I null it, not WBBM but Spanish music from Mexico; when I don`t null it, other music probably from Pueblo underneath. Recheck 0530 still OC, and now inhabiting the null is WBBM, the two making a fast SAH. FCC shows KSPI`s official July sunset is the same as June, 0145 UT; August, 0115 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN. 9500, July 5 at 0148, RSO on correct frequency tonight, poor in Arabic, instead of 15355 or 15140 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 9955, July 5 at 0147, Chinese on WRMI as I tune across, then English ID for ``Voice of Free China, Taipei, Taiwan`` and music probably national anthem. Must be an historical clip within PCJ hour on WRMI; over lite pulse jamming, tnx a lot, Arnie (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1728 monitoring: confirmed on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB, Saturday July 5 at 1430 following another English show. Lacking any response lately on how summer reception is in Europe, I`m employing the Twente remote receiver in Netherlands. A bit noisy but sufficient and readable. Schedule there is 0630 & 1430 on Saturdays, repeated Wednesdays. Next:
Sat 2330 on WTWW-2, 9930? We`ll see
UT Sun 0030 on WRMI-9, 9495 (maybe previous episode)
UT Sun 0400 on WTWW-1, 5830? We`ll see
UT Mon 0300v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB, etc.
Mon 2130 on WRMI-9, 15770 – NEW; etc.

** U S A. 5085 remains silent from WTWW-2, July 5 at 0145, but BS is on 12105, WTWW-3 instead. WTWW-1 is still on 9475 apparently until 0200 switch to 5830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5050, July 5 at 0145, WWRB again has Brother Scare on this frequency and non-BS programming on 3185 instead. Not much atmospheric noise tonite to impede 3185 at midsummer (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 590, July 5 at 0502 UT check, ESPN is strong and clear from KXSP Omaha NE (né WOW), after very weak to no signals previously, so back to 5 kW ND for now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 88.1, July 5 from about 1610 UT I am waiting for Es FM DX now that MUF from western Mexico has reached channel 4-5. At 1616 UT fades in signal too strong to be either Okie, soul music in English; fade out until back at 1622 UT during Social Security promo about disability benefits, phone 702-920-6599, which means Las Vegas NV. Non-ID ``A. C. Green Show on your Soul-School Station, 88.1 FM``, Boyz2men music, fade-out; recorded 1+ minute:
1628 UT back in with another SocSec promo on the A. C. Green Show, back to music and fade-out again.
FCC FM Query shows:
WTFDA database disagrees on the power:
KCEP 88.1 LAS VEGAS NV 9.8 9.8 364.0 364.0 36.0031 15.0022 HD POWER 88 URBAN CONTEMPORARY
That fits for what I am hearing, but note the different slogan. No other FM DX in this opening (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1130, July 5 at 0503 UT, SRN News, 0505 UT no ID and into gospel huxter. Fits for direxion of my semi-local KLEY Wellington KS, there being no problem from KWKH, which is supposed to be one watt at night, presumably 250 times that with daytime transmitter. NRC AM Log 2013 does not list SRN for KLEY nor a totally religious format, however. Don`t find any other likely 1130s with SRN either. SRN stands for Salem Radio Network, informally ``slanted radio news`` with its far-right religious agenda. Wasn`t it originally ``Satellite Radio News``? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)