mercoledì 2 luglio 2014

Glenn Hauser logs July 1-2, 2014

** BRAZIL. 4754.9, July 2 at 0118, very poor signal with music, talk on the lo side of 4755; presumed R. Imaculada Conceição, as usual off frequency (In January, Dave Valko had it on 4754.8; Scott Barbour on 4754.92). It`s 10 kW, ZYF904 in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. Not much else from Brasil on 60m now but a few other carriers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 5990, July 2 at 0114, RNA extra frequency is on tonight, fair signal with music // much stronger 6180, also at 0543 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 17485, July 2 at 1412, CNR1 jammer, fair vs the M/W/F 14-15 frequency of IBB Tibetan via Thailand. Cursory scan of 12-19 MHz found no others, but some probably obscured by the accursèd neighborly high noise level I have been hit with (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6000, UT Wed July 2 at 0537, Arnie is again phoning-in `DXers Unlimited` to RHC studio, i.e. telco-quality audio compared to the canned open & close, featuring the 6000 English frequency which he explains at 01-05 uses a curtain covering the east coast from northern FL up to the Canadian Maritimes; at 05-07 switches to antenna toward the Pacific coast of North America, but also reaching Hawaii, Japan, Australia, New Zealand (here in OK there is not much difference). 5040 is omnidirexional on NVIS (near vertical incidence skywave) dipole antenna, but admits it also has several low-angle lobes. Arnie hasn`t updated his blog with DXUL scripts since September 29, 2013, where one may skim thru his extremely repetitive topix for anything of possible interest (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Bits of sporadic E above 54 MHz: nothing during the day on July 1, but snow-patrol on analog 2 set finally gets something July 2, UT:

0306 on 2, talkshow from TELEFUTURA bug in UR fades in weakly = XEFB-TV, Monterrey NL; also algo on 3

Bits of video continue to show occasionally on 2 past 0435, maybe same station. Some may be meteor bursts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 91.7, KOSU Stillwater/OKC, current promotional slogan is ``KOSU and The Spy --- Crazy-Smart Radio``. As it`s about to enter its third year of this Hyde-Jekyll deal: public radio talk in the daytime, indie music at night, and classical banned. Spy alludes to former format of its commercial competitor in Stillwater, KSPI 93.9/93.7, which lived on the web until KOSU decided to broadcast it and allegedly pull in more financial support (Glenn Hauser, Enid, July 1, 2014, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, July 2 at 0115-0115:51.5*, R. Chaski JBA carrier until cutoff, 5.5 seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 7355, July 2 at 0543, BBCWS in English, 102 degrees via Ascension to Africa is still missing from what had been its best incidental frequency in North America. Perhaps we jinxed it by pointing that out, so it was reaching too many listeners here who are forbidden to hear BBCWS on SW? Am I just kidding?

HFCC still shows 7355 at 05-06, but starting 110614, until 301014. It was certainly on the air long before 11 June, but maybe some parameter change was made then. We previously suspected it was only off temporarily due to another power failure at ASC; has anyone noticed other scheduled frequencies from there to be absent? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 11995, July 2 at 0547, VOA Kurdish is still on the air here, fair signal, and at 0548 pronouncing address. Kurdish was on the list of SW services to be cancelled, per a BBGWatch post of June 28, but reprieved? Not on an official Operational Memo dated June 29 listing all the cuts. 11995 is via VATICAN at 05-06, and successfully airing today unlike my previous log of June 27 when it dumped off at 0500. Ivo Ivanov confirms Kurdish continued July 1-2 via various sites: 05-06 on 11995, 15560, 17870; 14-15 on 15370, 17870; 17-18 on 7365, 9850, 11995; and Noel Green, England also confirms the two 14-15 frequencies.

Kai Ludwig in Germany has just written July 2: ``Hi Glenn, from the work place, in case an analysis is still missing: What has *not* been taken off shortwave, contrary to BBG Watch June 28, are VOA Kurdish, VOA Bengali, VOA Khmer and RFA Khmer plus any of the RFE/RL transmissions. Last night I checked for RFE/RL Belarus shortly before 1800, and indeed it was still on both 5930 and 6105, with 6105 being noticeably weaker than the Lampertheim signal the evening before, consistent with the specified change of the antenna configuration. So the operational memo, issued June 29, obviously reflects the real situation.

One has to wonder what happened during the last few days. Is it a big bunch of internal disinformation that got reported June 28? Or have "they", whoever "they" may be (the usual PR, featuring governors meeting in a TV Martí studio etc., appears to be half of the truth at best), changed their mind again during the weekend? Either way it is beyond me what this has to do with strategic planning at all. It looks like plain management by chaos. Or was it the result of a panic that they suddenly had to save $$$ somehow?

It is also noteworthy how BBG Watch is meanwhile just one big rage against the machine. One must conclude that this reflects the morale amongst the staff. Good luck with such a broken organization! All the best, Kai`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1727 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday July 2 at 1315 on WRMI 9955; JBA here tnx to high noise level. Next: Wed 2100 on WBCQ 7490v. Expect to have new 1728 ready to go by 0330 UT Thursday on 9955, also at 1230 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, July 1 at 2027, WTWW-3 is off, and so is 9475, WTWW-1, while 9930, WTWW-2 is on with BS.

12105, July 2 at 0123, WTWW-3 is still off, but 9475, WTWW-1 is on, as well as 5085, WTWW-2, as usual now making an earlier switch than -1 to its night frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9370, July 2 at 0535, WWRB with BS has stayed on day frequency at night, nothing on 3185; 9370 much stronger than 9955 BS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17775, July 2 at 1413, KVOH Spanish is still having problems with undermodulation, distortion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1620 UT July 2