lunedì 3 marzo 2014

Glenn Hauser logs March 3, 2014

** CHINA. 14700, March 3 at 1437, CNR1 jammer, very good; none in the 12s or 13s. It`s about 2 seconds behind all the others heard, all-talk in Chinese, making checking delays easier, in this Firedrake-non era.

14750, March 3 at 1437, CNR1 jammer, good signal noticeably weaker than 14700, and 14750 is about 2 seconds ahead of 14700; all the others are within a reverb of // 14750, with 14700 the odd one out.

15800, March 3 at 1440, CNR1 jammer, good

16160, March 3 at 1441, CNR1 jammer, fair

17765, March 3 at 1412, CNR1 jammer, fair as expected on the Monday frequency of VOA Tibetan, unheard. Tomorrow should hit 17790 WRMI.

18970, March 3 at 1443, CNR1 jammer, VG here – glad I kept bandscanning upward, and for good measure up to 21 MHz but no more (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT [and non]. 11905, March 3 at 0207, strong signal but just barely modulated (JBM), causing low audible heterodyne (LAH) with weaker station, i.e. R. Cairo atop SLBC Sri Lanka. R. Cairo General Service starts Arabic toward North America at 0200, so we need to catch SLBC from *0115 before that (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 5960, March 3 at 0235, VG via FRANCE, NHK Japanese service playing western classical music this UT Monday, Bach on solo violin. More! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 720, March 3 at 1355 UT looking for KDWN NV on day pattern after 1345, but instead a quick ``Extremo 7-20`` ID which we know is XEJCC Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, as in WRTH and IRCA with only 1 kW fulltime; while Cantú *still* hasn`t corrected typoed night power as ``1,0000``.

BTW, there is a new 720 in Mexico: ``XEZX, R. Noticias/La Voz de Usumacinta, Tabasco, ex-860 kHz (from via ARC via NRC IDXD Feb 21 via DXLD)``

No power given, but still in Cantú on 860 it was:
XEZX ZX Radio Voz del Usumacinta + FM 89.3 Tenosique, Tab. 1,000 150
Maybe moving to 720 allowed a power improvement? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6935-SSB, March 3 at 0230, fair pirate signal with music; 0233 ID as XLR8 (= ``accelerate``). As I had also heard Feb 26 after 0104 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 960, March 3 at 0143 UT, local KGWA is in dead air, except for beeps averaging 20 per minute, but irregularly spaced from 2 to 4 seconds apart.

960, at 1359 UT March 3, somestation in English tearing up KGWA when it`s nulled, fast SAH, exactly an hour after sunrise here (blinding white snowcover, temp down to 3 F), but many westward signals still sunrise-skipping. Couldn`t pull an ID (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 7445, March 3 at 0148, good signal mentioning BBC and Afghanistan. Aoki shows it`s 250 kW, 82 degrees from Woofferton in Dari. Per Aoki, the entire transmission is 0100-0330, alternating half-hours in Pashto & Dari, first from Woofferton, 0200 switching to Oman; plus 0330-0430 in Persian via Pridnestrovye (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1710 monitoring: confirmed on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5110v-CUSB, starting at 0401:16 UT Monday March 3. Next: Tue 1200 & Wed 1400 on WRMI 9955; Wed 0730 & 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7506.6v, March 3 at 0229, at least the second night with no signal from WRNO; when was it last heard? Altho registered for very long hours on 7505, can attain neither frequency nor schedule, really nominally 0200-0500 UT only, to shift March 10 to nominally 0100-0400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 660, March 3 at 0157 UT check, Navajo talk replete with glottal stops, so obviously KTNN Window Rock AZ is still on ND day pattern; take that, New York! Again at 0617 UT check going smoothly from Navajo talk (ad?) to GEICO ad in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 980, March 3 at 1403 UT, ``Country Morning Show on K-Mine, 980 AM or 96.7 FM`` and webcast on --- ``tell your family, friends, lover(s), wherever your are, Moriarty, New Mexico or Hobart(?), Oklahoma; request line 505-285-5598. Website has a station history, photos of staff and equipment. This is KMIN, Grants NM, west of Albuquerque on the way to Gallup. 980 is 5000/230 U1, well into daytime now, while 96.7 is K244DT, also in Grants. I was thinking this station had manœvered to get into Albuquerque via some relay. ``Mine`` refers to uranium mines in the area, once a mainstay of the local œconomy despite a few health hazards.

Axually, I was checking for a closer 980 enchanter, KICA Clovis NM, reported recently reactivated as an ESPN outlet duplicating 1010 KTNZ Amarillo TX --- but no sign now of KICA, which is 1400 watts day, also non-direxional (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENNG DIGEST)

** U S A. 1550, March 3 at 1410 UT, Cokie Roberts & Linda Wertheimer discussing politix, so 100% sure it is a rare NPR station on AM, KUAZ Tucson AZ, a 50 kW ND daytimer, whose March hours are 1330-0130 UT.

Looking thru KUAZ` correspondence file at FCC AM Query, UA notified that they were starting IBOC on May 13, 2010. NRC AM Log 2013 does not show it now as IBOC. Nor on this roster, not even as formerly:
I did not notice any IBOC noise around 1537 or 1563, but was not looking for it at the time.

KUAZ also has a PSRA of 39 WATTS from Oct thru March, N/A the other months as already on from 6 am local with full power; limiting station being XEBG which is 10/1 kW in Tijuana per IRCA. KUAZ also has PSSA of 39 watts every month, as late as 0330 UT in March, 0430 UT in June and July (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [non]. 12050, March 3 at 1434, WEWN Spanish with ``Radio Vaticano, la Radio del Papa`` ID, and voice-over translating from Italian to Spanish his pronouncements this Sunday. WEWN program schedule shows Vatican relays M-F at 1430-1500 on 11550 & 12050, and 2200-2230 on 12050 & 13830. These of course, are necessarily flanked by squealing spurs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1560, March 3 at 1412 UT, ``I Shall Not Be Moved`` (or was it We--?), styled as if it were a Christian hymn rather than a Civil Rights anthem; loops NE/SW, no problem yet from OKC comedy, but fading out as the song ends. Most likely KLNG Council Bluffs IA, 10 kW ND daytime, which is religious, but there are also some MO and TX stations, and in KS, KABI Abilene which is Nostalgic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 12450, March 3 at 1429, JBA carrier, 1430 traces of music? I again call upon Eastern Hemispherians to please check this out. Could be second harmonic of 6225 Democratic Voice of Burma via Tajikistan at 1430-1530. Have also checked several dates since my first log of this with no results.

12450 could also result from a leapfrog mixing product across the 25 m band, if there are two transmissions from the same site at equal intervals; example: 11500 over 11975 another 475 kHz higher, or 11600 over 12025 another 425 kHz higher, etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1819 UT March 3