giovedì 1 agosto 2013

New Overcomer Broadcasts via Media Broadcast

Dear Listener,
today we started with some new transmissions for the Overcomer Ministry. Attached is the full TOM schedule broadcasted via MEDIA BROADCAST GmbH.

13810 1400-1600 daily ISS 100 kW TOM Near East / Middle East
 9655 1400-1600 daily NAU 100 kW TOM West Europe, UK
11775 2000-2200 daily NAU 100 kW TOM Africa (West / Central)
15390 2100-2300 daily NAU 125 kW TOM South America
15620 2100-2300 daily NAU 125 kW TOM North America
15205 1200-1400 daily ISS 100 kW TOM East Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North China, North and South Korea
17750 1200-1400 daily ISS 100 kW TOM Middle East, Iran, India, South West China and South East Asia

We would very much enjoy receiving reception reports (by e-mail) for those transmissions because we are very interested in the information how the signals could be received at different locations in the world.

Thank you for listening.

Best regards,

Michael Puetz
Sales Consultant, Business Unit Radio

Reception reports to: