sabato 30 aprile 2011

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CANADA China Radio Intl relay-CRI 13700 2212 GMT Spanish 333 April 28 YL and OM with comments plus some vocal music in between some of the comments.

CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 11990 2234 Spanish 333 April 28 YL and OM with comments. //15455 via Canada.

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 13670 2220 GMT Spanish 333 April 28 YL with ongoing comments.

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 11670 2242 GMT Spanish 444 April 28 Two OMs with comments at a sports event.

ECUADOR HCJB 12040 2228 GMT German 333 April 28 Two OMs with comments.

JAPAN Radio Japan-NHK 13640 2224 GMT Japanese 333 April 28 Two OMs with comments plus some vocal music.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWCR-#3 13845 2206 GMT English 433 April 28 YL with comments on how you can find GOD via the Holy Spirit.

UNITED STATES Radio Marti 11930 2237 GMT Spanish 333 April 28 Two YLs with comments.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

venerdì 29 aprile 2011

Glenn Hauser logs April 28-29, 2011

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA36: Friday April 29 at 1304, S9 to S9+10 peaks but undermodulated talk by lively YLs; made out one word: ``micrófono``. Next check at 1314 had ACI from 15480 Greenville carrier until its 1315* [see USA]. As usual, RNASG weakened and by 1400 only trace, while ACI from other stations on both sides, 15470 and 15480 was stronger. Greenville back on 15480 earlier than usual at *1416:05 but cut off at 1435:30* after which there was no significant signal from Esperanza anyway.

Roberto Scaglione in Sicily has more news about it early April 29:
``Hi Glenn, I know something more every week. Last week (Monday 18 and Tuesday 19) they had some trouble to power generators, with a general blackout for a few hours on Monday. They are on air with 2 kW (just like WRTH says), a 5 kW transmitter but the generator does not have enough power. Email still not working. Phone number is working ONLY from Argentina. Until the next``

In Benelux DX, Maurits Van Driessche in Belgium apparently has not been hearing it, unlike last year when he frequently got LRA36 when we did not. He points to a Youtube about it, which is a 7-minute 2009 Spanish DX segment from RAE, illustrated with stills of the station and the base:
From there you will also find linx to some others (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA [and non]. 9625, CBCNQ Sackville still on the air with open carrier, April 29 at 0559 almost an hour after sign-off, vs stronger REE Costa Rica 9630; after 0600 both of them OC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake April 29: Did not start checking until 1256, so hustled to scan the bands before usual break at 1300, after which some but not all come back:
10970, VG at 1257; no 7970 or anywhere below 10970; poor at 1323
13920, VG at 1258
14700, VG at 1258
15900, VG at 1320, somewhat stronger than 15970
15970, good at 1319
16100, VG at 1259-1300*; back on at 1319 check
16980, VG at 1259, 1319

** KUWAIT. 15540, R. Kuwait again on the air late after closing English at 2100, in Arabic at 2108 April 28, better than // 17750 which is supposed to be on until 2400 but much more subject to fading and fadeouts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. 17725, VOAf from the GJ, April 29 at 1417, fair signal and modulation with YL talking about the beginning of the revolution in 1973, but nothing about the current counter-revolution! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Antenna TV, the début of which on KFOR-TV 27 had been delayed and delayed since network startup in January, first noted April 24 on 4.3 subchannel. It`s mostly reruns of old sitcoms, judged not to be a significant threat to the ratings of the main channel. 4.2 continues with weather. Antenna TV has already been running in several other markets, via spare DTV capacity only as the name implies, but hardly nationwide. After deleting lots of recent cookies, I am still hooked into nothing but the Antenna TV schedule when I go to zap2it on my Firefox. How to get that back to normal? I warn everyone not to click on the program schedule link at the Antenna TV website (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 15480, R. Sawa monitoring April 29: pre-test caught at 1314-1315* concluding as usual with a weak tone. Apparently not back on until *1416:05, earlier than usual, but by then LRA36 is about gone from 15476 anyway [see ANTARCTICA]. Open carrier, until 1429:25 cut on modulation of YL rock song in English; 1430 cut to a different YL rock song in English --- presumably as before going from VOA Music Mix to Sawa feed. 17545 after 1430 as usual now in International Edition, news.

However, 15480 dumped off the air at 1435:30* before we could hear any Arabic announcements or news. Still off at 1500 and final check 1552, so apparently never came back before scheduled 1600*. Let us hope this means that GB received late word that the transmission had been cancelled, rather than another transmitter breakdown. We shall see, tomorrow (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1562 monitoring: our best early airing, UT Friday April 29 on WWRB 2390 and 5050, was missing from both frequencies! Instead, preaching or Bible reading. WWRB later answered my inquiry on what happened? ``Our Microwave link to charter cable  was knocked out by the storms.`` I guess that means they could not download the program. Better luck next week?

On WRMI 9955: confirmed Friday April 29 at 1437; as usual, free of CCI during this semihour, but weaker than adjacent 9960 music and RTTY, no jamming below 9965. Next WORs: on WRMI, Saturday 0800, 1730, Sunday 0800, 1530, 1730. On WWCR: Friday 2030 on 15825, Saturday 1600 on 12160, Sunday 0630 on 3215. On IPAR: Saturday 1800 on 7290 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ZAMBIA. 13590, April 29 at 0606, gospel rock with VG signal toward Michigan, and fair at 1321 in English, so 1Africa is now back on its proper frequency after a few days on 13599.8 for the 06-20 broadcast. I suspect this is what happened: main transmitter broke down, and it was replaced by a different lower-powered backup unit, incapable of operating on the proper frequency. It might not even have been in Zambia. I heard 13599.8 April 25-27. Bill Bingham in South Africa had logged CVC using 13590 on April 22-23 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

giovedì 28 aprile 2011

Log Saverio De Cian

… sono diminuite le mattinate di aperture in onda media, ogni tanto però arriva ancora qualcosa di nuovo:
1570   25/04/2011  0350-0357   USA  WNSH, Berverly, MA Px mx, annunci vari e Id in S "La Nueva Viva 15-70"
Ringrazio Groppazzi per l'aiuto nell'identificazione.
Saverio De Cian
QTH: Sedico (Belluno)
RX: SDR-14

Report from I01366RM

HAWAII WWVH Time Station 15000 0630 GMT English 33333

NEW ZEALAND RNZI 11725 0530 GMT English 44444 then hard interference by
Radio Romania Int. on 11730 April 28

AUSTRALIA Radio Australia 15415 0530 GMT English 5555 April 28

73 Fabio Bonucci

SWL I0-1366/RM (also IK0IXI - KF1B)
QTH Civitavecchia (Roma) - Italy
Receiver: JRC JST-135, IC-R70 Antenna: 33 ft. vertical monopole


Sabato prossimo 30 aprile, a Villa Griffone di Pontecchio Marconi - la casa paterna alle porte di Bologna da cui Guglielmo Marconi effettuava i suoi esperimenti sulle radiocomunicazioni, mettendo a punto il sistema di telegrafia senza fili - sara' assegnato il Premio 'Marconista dell'anno" per il 2011 a Lodovico Gualandi, un 85enne bolognese ex radiotecnico Rai che ha dedicato buona parte della sua vita alle ricerche su Guglielmo Marconi, gia' da quando nel 1943 entro' a far parte dell'equipe tecnica dell'allora EIAR. Gualandi, strenue difensore di Marconi come vero inventore della radio in contrapposizione a chi ne attribuisce la paternita' ad altri scienziati come Nikola Tesla o Alexander Popov, e' autore di diversi libri in materia, l'ultimo dei quali e' ormai in fase di stampa per l'editore Sandit e verra' distribuito entro la prima quindicina di maggio. In questo libro Gualandi si propone come l'unico studioso italiano che ha tradotto dall'inglese la descrizione definitiva del brevetto richiesto da Marconi a Londra il 2 giugno del 1896. "Questo brevetto - 8.000 parole e 16 figure - svela praticamente l'essenza delle prime basilari invenzioni e scoperte scientifiche di Guglielmo Marconi", dice Gualandi. Gualandi giovedi' non potra' ritirare personamente il premio - gia' assegnato in passato dalla Fondazione Marconi a personalita' del calibro di Francesco Cossiga, Romano Volta, Giulio Bargellini, perche' sara' impegnato tutto il giorno con il suo identificativo I4CDH nell' "International Marconi Day", l'annuale appuntamento tra le stazioni radioamatoriali internazionali che si celebra normalmente il 25 aprile e che quest'anno e' stato spostato al 30 aprile per le concomitanti festivita' pasquali. Intanto, il 29 aprile, sempre a Villa Griffone, la Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi e la sezione italiana dell'IEEE - Institute of electrical and Electronic Engineers, associazione a carattere mondiale per lo sviluppo delle tecniche e delle tecnologie elettriche ed elettroniche - collocheranno di fronte alla collina dei Celestini due pietre miliari dell'IEEE in ricordo di Guglielmo Marconi. L'iniziativa "IEEE Milestone" e' promossa nell'ambito del programma "IEEE Global History Network", istituito per preservare e promuovere la storia dell'innovazione nel settore dell'elettricita' e delle telecomunicazioni. Sono state collocate nel mondo piu' di cento 'pietre miliari'. La cerimonia del 29 aprile vedra' la partecipazione, tra gli altri, della figlia di Marconi, Elettra, del presidente della Fondazione, Gabriele Falciasecca, del presidente dell'IEEE, Moshe Kam, del presidente esecutivo di Telecom Italia Franco Bernabe'. (AGI)

Glenn Hauser logs April 27-28, 2011

** ANTARCTICA. 15476.00, April 28 at 1346, very poor signal in talk, carrier still detectable at 1424 after Greenville 15480 was on. At the earlier hour I measured frequency as best I could by zero-beating WWVH 15000, and stepping 1 kHz up and down from 15476 on the YB400, hearing exactly the same pitch. Contrary to a couple other reports that put it on 15475.9 and 15476.13 --- of course, it could vary, if not something else, especially when a carrier is reported outside the usual hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake April 28:
13920, poor at 1342, some ute QRM; none lower found since 1330
15430, fair at 1345, no victim audible but vs V. of Tibet via UAE
15570, very poor at 1350, vs het from 15568, V. of Tibet via Tajikistan per Aoki
15670, instead of FD there is CNR1 jamming, good at 1351 vs R. Free Asia Tibetan via Tajikistan, some of that also audible underneath
16100, good at 1351, best of all FD signals, better than // 13920, but gone at 1427 recheck. No others found higher (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. 18028-18053, OTH radar pulsing, presumed from here, April 28 at 1425 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUINEA. 7125, April 28 at 0557, hilife music, only poor signal less than usual, but again on before 0600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TINIAN [and non]. 21580, April 28 at 0550, several wide-awake Chinese voices from R. Free Asia, the OSOB at poor level, but always fun to hear anything on 13m in the nightmiddle. Swept that band after hearing 17855 same via SAIPAN. 17855 is 100 kW, 310 degrees until 0700, while 21580 is 250 kW, 313 degrees until 0600; and no sign of jamming on either, not propagating (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 15480, IBB Greenville, on the sixth day after starting relays of R. Sawa, finally almost gets it right: April 28 at 1424 open carrier is already on, 1429:30 cut on music // 17545 São Tomé, i.e. VOA Music Mix in English, but 1430:00 cut again to Sawa music // Kuwait 17530, and presumably stayed with it for next sesquihour, unmonitored. Nominal Sawa // 17785 from Botswana had only a JBA carrier. The uncertainty at the outset may be caused by master control feed from Washington (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17775, April 27 at 2010, KVOH out of whack again, huge signal but extremely distorted modulation, and with BFO on, the carrier sounds like a buzzsaw, i.e. very unstable. Figured it was a good time for the spur to audiblize on 17920v, and so it did, talk modulation spikes matching 17775 at 2013; but nothing audible on the always weaker match 17630v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. The Alabama tornado outbreak missed Vandiver, WEWN operating normally as if nothing had happened, April 28 at 1426, M. Angelica in English; 11550 stronger than squealing // 12050 in Spanish at 1535 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15550-USB, April 28 at 1517, WJHR with perpetual F&B gospel huxter; poor signal but readable if one ever cared to.

Benn Kobb forwards an FCC notice of April 27 that WJHR has finally been granted a license --- that`s after a sesquiyear of running no-carrier SSB only, obviously with much less than the supposedly required minimum of 50 kW, even considering the PEP factor. This means that any ham or pirate with a kilowatt transmitter, perhaps linear-amplified for a bit more, can qualify as an SWBC station as far as the FCC is concerned. Floodgates? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1562 monitoring: first airing confirmed on WRMI webcast, Thursday April 28 at 1500; checking 9955 at 1516, too weak to confirm, but with BFO there are two carriers slightly apart, implying that WRMI is one of them, the other YFR via Taiwan.

Next repeats on WRMI: Thursday 2100, Friday 1430, Saturday 0800, 1730, Sunday 0800, 1530, 1730. On WWRB: UT Friday 0330 on 2390, 5050. On WWCR: Friday 2030 on 15825, Saturday 1600 on 12160, Sunday 0630 on 3215. On IPAR; Saturday 1800 on 7290.

Full schedule and links to webcasts:

UNIDENTIFIED. 15401, April 27 at 2021-2022* surprised to hear a het here, barely pinned to 15401 carrier before it went off, leaving much weaker BBC Ascension on 15400. FWIW, the next scheduled occupant of 15400 is HCJB Australia from 2345 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

MV Baltic Radio is on 6140 khz this Sunday

MV Baltic Radio is on the air this Sunday the 1st of  May 2011.

The frequency will be 6140 khz, and the time slot will be 0900 to 1000 utc.



Repeat Programmes this weekend on 9480 khz:

Radio Gloria Int   repeat programme will be on Saturday on 9480, at 12.30 UTC.

MV Baltic Radio repeat programme will be on  Sunday  on 9480, at 12.30 UTC.


Good listening and good reception!


Good Listening   73s Tom



PS. MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for Summertime 2011/12

       1st    Sunday – MV Baltic Radio                0900 utc

       3rd    Sunday – European Music Radio       0900 utc    (June)

       4th    Sunday – Radio Gloria International   1300 utc

SIDC Weekly Bulletin

:Issued: 2011 Apr 26 0737 UTC
:Product: documentation at
# SIDC Weekly bulletin on Solar and Geomagnetic activity            #
WEEK 538 from 2011 Apr 18 


During the past week, 7 different NOAA active regions were visible on the solar disk. In the beginning of the week NOAA AR 1193 (Catania 55) with a beta-gamma configuration was responsible for most of the solar activity, producing several C-flares. However, when NOAA AR 1195 (Catania 58) turned over the east limb on april 19th, it took over this role. Cat 58 was the source of a large number of C-flare throughout the week, in addition to 2 M-flares on April 22. (an M1.8 flare preaching at 04h45 and an M1.2 flare around 15h53). Afterwards solar activity returned to quiet levels with the X-ray background flux at B-level.

The STEREO/COR2 and LASCO chronograph images did not show any clear CME linked to any of these flares. However, Cactus detected a CME at 04h12 UT on the morning of April 18, originating from AR 1190. As this region was located on the west limb during the eruption, this CME was not directed towards the earth. SDO/AIA 304 and STEREO-B/COR2 images showed a filament eruption that took place on April 19. Cactus detected the associated CME in LASCO at 22h24 in the NE with a speed of 500 km/s. The CME was directed mostly northwards, and did not reach the Earth. Finally, LASCO also observed a CME at 05h24 on april 21 morning in the NE quadrant, most probably originating from the AR just behind the limb there.


A discontinuity was observed in the solar wind around 06h00 UT on April 18. It was most probably linked to the arrival of the CME that was observed late on april 15th and caused one period of unsettled conditions (Kp=4). Geomagnetic conditions became active in the morning of April 20, due to the arrival of a fast coronal wind stream (starting the day before around 20h). The solar wind speed increased up to 550 km/s. The local K index in Dourbes reached a maximum of K=4 (and Kp=5 for one period).

DATE          RC  EISN  10CM  Ak  BKG    M  X
2011 Apr 18  068    043  111  008  B3.8  0  0
2011 Apr 19  078    045  111  005  B4.2  0  0
2011 Apr 20  107    047  117  018  B4.1  0  0
2011 Apr 21  088    054  113  006  B4.5  0  0
2011 Apr 22  ///    055  115  006  B8.4  2  0
2011 Apr 23  ///    051  119  004  B3.7  0  0
2011 Apr 24  ///    041  117  008  B3.8  0  0
# RC  : Sunspot index (Wolf Number) from Catania Observatory (Italy)
# EISN : Estimated International Sunspot Number
# 10cm : 10.7 cm  radioflux (DRAO, Canada)
# Ak  : Ak Index Wingst (Germany)
# BKG  : Background GOES X-ray level (NOAA, USA)
# M,X  : Number of X-ray flares in M and X class, see below (NOAA, USA)
22  0435  0457 0514 S18E43 M1.8 SN                                  58  1195
22  1547  1553 1611 S18E35 M1.2 1N                                  58  1195

# Solar Influences Data analysis Center - RWC Belgium                #
# Royal Observatory of Belgium                                      #
# Fax : 32 (0) 2 373 0 224                                          #
# Tel.: 32 (0) 2 373 0 491                                          #

Australia al mattino...

Un po' di Australia al mattino sul vecchio Drake..

Australia, 13630, r. Australia, 0612, 26/04, English, talking about University, poor, strong QRM from Turkey 5 kHz up, LSB only (SIO 222)
Australia, 13690, r. Australia, 0612, 26/04, English, talking about University, good (SIO 454)
Australia, 15160, r. Australia, 0555, 28/04, English, current affairs, good (SIO 454)
Australia, 15240, r. Australia, 0550, 28/04, English, talking about current affairs, poor (SIO 232)
Australia, 15415, r. Australia, 0610, 26/04, English, talking about University, good (SIO 454)
Michele D'Amico

(RX:  Drake R4C.  Antenna: Cushcraft R8 multiband vertical)

Esuchas Onda Corta Javier Robledillo


9.895 kHz, Radio Nederland, Nauen, 22-04-11, 1510-1514. Locutor entrevista a invitado con referencias al fútbol, en holandés. SINPO 55555

11.645 kHz, Voice of America, Lampertheim, 22-04-11, 1454-1459. Música árabe, identificación, noticias con referencias a Libia y fin de emisión, en kurdo. SINPO 55544

11.730 kHz, RFE Radio Liberty, Lampertheim, 22-04-11, 1449-1454. Locutor entrevista a invitado e identificación, en ruso. SINPO 55444



11.505 kHz, WYFR Family Radio, Yerevan-Gavar, 22-04-11, 1500-1503. Inicio emisión, identificación y comentarios de locutor, en punjabi. SINPO 34333



9.655 kHz, The Overcomer Ministry - Brother Stair, Moosbrunn, 22-04-11, 1515-1519. Predicador con comentarios religiosos, en inglés. SINPO 55444


CHINA, Rep. Popular

11.785 kHz, Radio China Int., Kashi Saibagh 2022, 22-04-11, 1438-1444. Locutores con comentarios, en chino. SINPO 45444



9.935 kHz, ERT3 Radio Makedonias, Avlis, 22-04-11, 1505-1510. Música, identificación y comentarios de locutora, en griego. SINPO 44333



9.575 kHz, Radio Mediterranee Int., Nador, 22-04-11, 1524-1542. Música, identificación y programa de cine, en francés. SINPO 55555



11.760 kHz, Radio Polonia, Woofferton, 22-04-11, 1444-1449. Locutora entrevista a invitado con referencias a Polonia, en ruso. SINPO 34333



9.610 kHz, Voz de Turquía, Emirler, 22-04-11, 1519-1524. Identificación en varios idiomas, música pop, comentarios de locutora y fin de emisión, en italiano. SINPO 44444


Javier Robledillo
Elche (Alicante)

Rx: Sangean ATS909

Ant: Telescópica

Tips "Girolla" Buccinasco

2344 5940    R Missionaria  B Camboriù px rlg locale  -Suff 
1757 5066,3  R Télé Candip Bunia   COD  px locale better USB     -Suff   
1734 7295    Traxx FM Kuala Lumpur   MLA px mx rock 17,25 utc "Foo Fighters- All my life"  -Buono
1717 4819    AIR Bhopal IND 333   px mx locale -Buono     
1714 4920    AIR Chennai IND 333   px mx locale  -Buono   
1711 4910    AIR Jaipur   IND 333   px mx locale    -Buono
1709 5010    AIR Thiruvananthapuram    IND 333   px mx locale  -Buono


2022 12133,5 AFRTS Saddlebunch FL   USA  px relay   -Buono    
2016 13362   AFRTS Barrigada    GUM  px relay    -Buono    
2008 11765   Super R Deus è Amor     B    Curitiba - px rel    -Buono    
1958 11735   R.Transmundial - Santa Maria  B  px nx sport+ id  off 20,02utc    -Buono  
1953 11815   R Brasil Central -Goiania    B   px locale    -Buono   
1948 15190,2 R.Incofidencia  B    Belo Horizonte -px locale     -Buono    
1940 15345   RAE General Pacheco ARG  px "Actualita DX" in italiano +id+mx -Ottimo

- Mauro Giroletti IK2GFT - Swl 1510 -
- JRC525Nrd - Lowe HF150 -
Filter PAR Electronics – BCST-LPF + BCST-HPF- DSP 9
-Eavesdropper SWL Sloper 11mt to 120mt Band- Loop LFL1010
-Lat. 45°25'0"N Long. 9°7'0"E -Locator grid. Jn 45 Nk-

Log Roberto Pavanello

 3933 21/4 19.15 R. Tarzan - Dutch ID e MX buono
 4835 21/4 21.45 VL8A - Alice Springs EE intervista buono
 4845 23/4 23.25 R. Dif. Amazonas - Manaus PP NX buono
 4915 23/4 23.20 R. Difusora - Macapà PP MX buono
 5940 23/4 23.40 R. Voz Missionaria - Camboriù PP predica buono
 6255 25/5 08.40 R. Saxonia -
EE ID e MX buono
 6265 24/4 09.05 R. Develon - EE ID e MX buono
 6276 24/4 08.45 Delta R. - EE ID e MX buono
 6285 24/4 22.15 Powerline R. -
EE ID e MX buono
 6305 24/4 22.20 Cupid R. -
EE ID e MX buono
10000 24/4 22.30 Observatorio Nac. - Rio de Janeiro PP ID e pip pip suff.
11725 21/4 21.40 R. Marumby - Curitiba PP predica suff.
11780 21/4 21.30 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP MX buono
11815 21/4 21.35 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP NX buono
15345 20/4 19.10 R.A.E. - Buenos Aires IT NX buono

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli / Italia

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CANADA China Radio Relay-CRI 6020 0557 GMT English 333 April 25 YL with China Studio program. Also with an OM with comments.

CUBA Radio Rebelde 5025 0528 GMT Spanish 444 April 25 OM with comments followed by a YL singing.

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 6010 0554 GMT English 444 April 25 YL with RHC ID and then comments from Studio 8. Then a YL singing 0555 GMT.

HAWAII WWVH Time Station 5000 0526 GMT English 444 April 25 OM with WWV-Colorado. YL heard with WWVH ID and Time.

VENEZUELA Radio Valera 4840 0534 GMT Spanish 433 April 25 OM with ongoing comments.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WTWW 5755 0543 GMT English 444 April 25 OM with comments from the Bible books of Jude and Peters.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWCR 5890 0550 GMT English 444 April 25 OM on the image of the Beast in the Middle East.

UNITED STATES, Tennessee WWCR-#2 5935 0552 English 444 April 25 YL with comments on Miracale's in the Bible.
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

mercoledì 27 aprile 2011

Glenn Hauser logs April 27, 2011

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, April 27 at 1252 weak talk, building to S6 peaking at S9+10 by 1259, and stronger than UK 15480. Musical segués continue until 1306 announcement, just as the Greenville carrier comes on for pre-test; it goes back off at 1309 after brief tone test, and does not come back on until 1421:40 prior to scheduled R. Sawa transmission at 1430; see U S A. Back in the clear, at 1309, 15476 had a spirited dialog or trialog, 1312 music again. Signal declined and by 1415 was just barely audible carrier. I see reports from elsewhere that 15476 is sometimes on the air before 1200 or after 1500, so seems rather flexible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CHINA. Firedrake April 27:
 7970, fair at 1241
10300, fair at 1247, fair at 1427
10970, good at 1242
11500, fair at 1248, with CCI, lo het. Per Aoki, not only is Sound of Hope here until 1600, but also V. of Russia, English via Tajikistan until 1300, then Hindi. By 1426, FD is dominating 11500
12600, very poor at 1349; had not heard any in the 12`s for a few days; also JBA at 1426
13920, good at 1243
13970, very good at 1426
14700, poor at 1244; all the others // except this one
15430, fair at 1345 and growling jamming too vs V of Tibet via UAE
15570, fair at 1351 vs nothing in Aoki, except: V. of Tibet via Tajikistan on 15568 from 1340, but no het audible now
15900, good at 1251; off at 1338
16100, good at 1253; fair at 1338
16980, very good at 1254; no others up to 19 MHz, but CRI EAST TURKISTAN also VG on 17490 English, 17650 Chinese; 16980 off at 1338

CNR1 jamming, like a spoilt child yelling so he cannot hear what his parent is trying to say to him:
11990, very good at 1347 vs VOA Chinese via SAIPAN
15115, very good at 1347, the other Chinese slightly under being VOA via THAILAND; an echo apart from 11990

At 1508, CNR1 jamming against 13640, 13675 and 13755. Per Aoki and HFCC, the victims are:
13640, R. Free Asia via Tinian (CRI English from Kashgar also sked)
13675, R. Free Asia Mandarin via Tajikistan
13755, VOA Uzbek via Kuwait

** CUBA. 11760, RHC again here instead of 6010 with music // English service on 6050, April 27 at 0525. Usually 11760 is inbooming but not this time, only fair with fades. A 0540, 6010 still missing, as in `DXers Unlimited` Arnie is talking about sporadic E showing up on 10m, and how Cycle 24 is rising. 6050 was the only decent frequency for this, as // 6060 was quite weak as usual (aimed toward ENAm and Europe), and 6150 way undermodulated as usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 11645, VOG with the R. Filia service is not always propagating, but April 27 at 0526, poor signal in non-English talk, not // 9420. Might be separate Greek, but not sure; no change after 0530 during hour sometimes in English including BBCWS relay (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA [non]. 21480, April 27 at 1423, fair signal in Hausa from Hamada Radio International via Wertachtal, GERMANY. 13m not funxioning as well as it had been, but usual signals also audible on 21470, 21505, 21540, 21540, 21610, 21655 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 13620 and 13730, usual totally different jamming against the two R. Dabanga frequencies, April 27 at 0520 check. Maybe RD should try hopping to different frequencies nearby (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 15450, April 27 at 1315, V. of Turkey has fair signal during music-fill end of broadcast, so I make a point of catching the sign-off announcement at 1323: a month after A-11 began, the YL is still clueless, thinx this broadcast *starts at 1330 on 11735 and 12035, while it is really at 1230 and now on 15450 only, as the other frequency, 15520 eastward has been deleted in favor of a separate new English broadcast on that at 1630, as now HFCC registered but not confirmed here. Anyhow, there was no signal on 15520 at 1320+. After her imaginary schedule announcement, before carrier-off, only one iteration of the redone IS on a keyboard, so one would not know there are no longer any variations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. R. Sawa observations April 27:

15480, Greenville pre-test, carrier on at *1306-1309* marring LRA36 15476; off after quick tone at the end. Back on at *1421:40 with strong open carrier, brief tone at 1422; 1429:35 turns on music, presumably from R. Sawa, but like yesterday, 1430 cut to VOA English, ``From Studio 23 in Washington, International Edition``. Unlike yesterday when stayed with this for at least one hour, at 1433:45 cut back to Sawa music; was not listening closely but noticed still music at 1449 so quarter-hour news break was less than 5 minutes. Music rules at R. Sawa! In a misguided attempt to influence and inform younger Arabs. 1458 rap in English, 1500 Arabic announcement, 1510 some YL singing ``People Got the Music``, 1515 R. Sawa ID and akbar.

Meanwhile, already at 1431, the 15480 signal had declined from solid to rather weaker and fading. It was even eclipsed by briefly // 15580 São Tomé. Could be a propagational anomaly, altho WWCR 15825 had become enhanced by sporadic-E; or a power cut at GB as sometimes the 250-kW units have to run much less due to technical problems.

17530, fair with Arabic music at 1340, 1341 W&M Arabic talk, 1345 akbar = news. HFCC says this is via Kuwait, 250 kW, 285 degrees at 1300-1500 to CIRAF 38 = Egypt, SE Tunisia --- and Libya, which we have to thank for Sawa`s shortwave comeback. But is all that music and little bits of news really helpful for the mission? Unfortunately, VOA is now incapable of a full-service Arabic broadcast.

17540, fair at 1504 with music // 15480 but not synchronized. 17540 is Kuwait at 1500-1600, same parameters as 17530 before 1500. (In yesterday`s report I overlooked this shift.)

Never heard anything from 17785, supposedly in use from Botswana at 1430-1600 for R. Sawa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15825, WWCR, April 27 at 1506 got a boost from HF sporadic E from barely audible to good strength, while 13845 was up from fair to very good (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ZAMBIA [and non]. 13599.8, 1Africa, still attempting to reach 13600 instead of scheduled 13590, April 27 at 1250 making het with a real 13600.0 station; by 1425 its gospel rock is atop the competition (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

martedì 26 aprile 2011

Glenn Hauser logs April 25-26, 2011

** ALBANIA. 13735, April 25 at 1855, R. Tirana`s English to NAm from 1845 today has sufficient modulation, unlike yesterday, now easy to follow something about the European Parliament. Still totally in the clear from QRM, no other signals between 13720 and 13750.

13625, April 26 at 1442, R. Tirana English is poor with some music audible; both signal and modulation are subpar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, no carrier detected from LRA36 April 26 at 1302, 1358 or at 1420 when the Greenville 15480 carrier had come on; see USA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake April 26:
 7970, fair at 1257; poor at 1322
10965, good at 1257; very poor at 1324
12980, poor at 1257; very poor at 1324
13920, very good at 1258, heard a snippet before it cut off at 1259; VG at 1324
13980, good at 1325
14700, very good at 1326
15430, poor at 1358 // 13920; 15430 is vs V. of Tibet via UAE
14950, very good until 1300*; very good at 1325
16980, good at 1327; none others up to 19 MHz. I did not start checking soon enough before 1300 to do a complete bandscan then or might have found some others (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4055, R. Verdad, April 26 at 0553 fair with pervasive storm noise on these lower bands, carrier unstable and hard to zero-beat, already in sign-off routine in Spanish, English, 0554 German.

Also received April 25: QSL #10 for their Anniversary 11, ``Nueva Etapa`` showing 4.055 MHz, with 7 photos of staff and equipment, predominant color blue instead of green. Endorsed by Édgar on reverse, ``many technical reports, 700 watts, with special gratefulness``. Also enclosed the check from Jesucristo, 1-sheet 2011y calendar with photo of Dr Madrid next to his colleague from Nueva Radio Lwenge FM, Congo [which one?]; two info sheets as of April 15 with listenership statistics; yellow bumper sticker; and the new fabric rather than plastic/rubber pennant.

This time the envelope bears 3 x Q6.50 stamps, a Q0.50 and a Q5.00 for a total of Q25, all from the same set, three very nice and colorful geometric fabric (?) designs, the work of Priscilla Bianchi --- but the stamps are stuck on the back of the envelope, sort of sealing it as the flap was tucked in, and the 0.50 and 5.00 stamps are stuck on top of the 6.50s! Worse, they are all underneath a big piece of clear sticky tape to seal the envelope for sure. I`ll have to explain how to make philatelists even happier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI, April 26 at 1345 check, very poor with music audible, and carrier definitely on this frequency, so not off the air, but might as well be for such insufficient reception during another presumed `Exotic Indonesia` Banjarmasin-Tuesday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH. 13760, April 26 at 1353, VOK fair with stilted talk about respecting intellexual property, as today is: World Intellectual Property Day! Since 1970. DPRK joined an accord about this in August 1974. I could hardly keep from LOL! Then into sign-off. This frequency is to Europe, and in quality ranked between the ones to NAm, better 11710 and worse 9335 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 6170, April 26 at 1319, RNZI about PNG politix, fair signal weakening to very poor at 1400 when still audible with timesignal. Nothing on 9615 after 1400 today, so yesterday`s mistaken appearance there has been repaired, to the detriment of listeners here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PORTUGAL. 21655, April 25 at 1859, RDPI surprisingly stronger than RFI via GUF on 21690; music but somewhat distorted and carrier unstable. ID and announcement in Portuguese that 9860 to Europe would soon be changing to 9795, timesignal, and at 1900*, 21690 cut off the air without any such warning. Latest schedule via DX Mix News shows:
Brasil/Cabo Verde/Guiné Bissau Mon-Fri
1300-1900 on 21655 LIS 300 kW / 226 deg

West Europe Mon-Fri
1600-1855 on 11905 LIS 300 kW / 045 deg
1900-2255 on  9820 LIS 300 kW / 045 deg* extraordinary emissions
And no usage of 9795 whatsoever! Outdated announcement?

21655 again April 26 at 1440, fair but carrier unstable. This is about when the `Caixa Postal/Dexismo` program used to air, but it`s gone from the minute-by-minute program schedule at
nor at the other time circa 2330 Mondays. Further, it is no longer in the alfabetical list of programs at
so we can only assume it has been deleted completely. Perhaps this one is to substitute: `Clube da Amizade` on Saturdays. Or not. It`s all the way from ``0808 to 1200`` with some breaks, not a convenient time in América.

Furthermore, the program schedule still shows Lisboa and UT as the same! Even tho Portugal has been on UT+1 for a month. So which column are we to believe?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. 9630, REE via COSTA RICA, back here April 26 at 0543, instead of alternate 9675 heard 24 hours earlier; so was that slopperation or a test? For benefit of would-be CBCNQ listeners before 0505*, bigsig 9675 would be better from Cariari (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 13620, April 26 at 0527, R. Dabanga carrier off a few seconds after this minute rather than erroneous English for a sesquiminute as last time; while the jamming tone continues, in the clear without a SAH from Madagascar.

13730, the other R. Dabanga frequency, via UAE, bore only the jamming consisting of an oscillating noisy tone pulsing at the rate of 72 times per minute, and cutting to silence a split second every quarter-minute, still going at 0539 long after RD had finished (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3215, WWCR: last Friday night (UT Saturday) there was music, Rock the Universe? Instead of Rollye James, so I check again Monday night (UT Tuesday) April 26 at 0555, and now there is gospel music, no Rollye either. The program guide dated April 1 at
still shows `Rollye James` Mon-Sat at 0500-0800 UT, but evidently she`s gone from WWCR. That`s a large chunk of available airtime, 18 hours a week.

Altho the Programming Linx page was updated April 25, she`s still listed, onward to:
The situation is explained here:

It seems Clear Channel, her original syndicator wanted her gone by March 31, and she has been trying to interest Sirius/XM in picking up her show, but ``no bandwidth available`` so far. So she`s off the air completely for now. How come? She could still be on WWCR, but not even a mention of the shortwave option! Not that I cared to listen to this Mediatrix. DXing and sleeping has been far more satisfying (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9330, WBCQ dead air/open carrier again April 26 at 1343 for at least a minute; next check 1447, GFRN is back (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 17670, April 26 at 1309, fair signal in Christian music, 1311 Vietnamese talk, undermodulated, and at 1315 transmission breaks three or four times. It`s AWR via MADAGASCAR, 250 kW, 60 degrees at 1300-1400. Chances are, anything your hear in Vietnamese on SW will most likely be from western missionaries rather than Rational Atheists, let alone Commies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. The PTB at IBB ordered Greenville to start broadcasting Radio Sawa, 55 degrees to Libya again from April 23, at 1430-1600 on 15480, despite LRA36 Antarctica on 15476. However, on April 26, RNASG was not audible at all in the earlier sesquihour. GB open carrier on at 1420; at 1421 faded in tone for a little while, then back to OC; 1429.5 cut on Sawa-sounding music, but at 1430 switched to VOA in English! ``From Studio 23 in Washington, this is VOA`s International Edition``. It`s // but an echo apart from 15580 and 17545 which are synchronized with each other this time.

After world news stories, feature item at 1448 mentioned matter-of-factly that ``Chernobyl released 400 times more radiation than Hiroshima and Nagasaki``! That can`t be true; surely nuclear explosions are in an entirely different league than meltdowns. Signal cut off the air for less than a minute at 1450, but resumed still with English instead of Sawa. 1455 closing credits were for Kate somebody as managing director; anchor Paul Westfeeling (sounded like --- just try to find him at the Inside VOA page! Nor does the program page
say anything about personnel!); which of them or what writer is responsible for that unchallenged statistic? But Wikipedia says:
``Some comments have been made in which the radioactive release of the Chernobyl event is claimed to be 300[3] or 400[4] times that of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The work of SCOPE[5] suggests that the two events can not be simply compared with a number suggesting that one was XX times larger than the other.`` It all has to do with isotopes, half-lives, and effects over time rather than immediately.

1456, USG Editorial also about Chernobyl, but this YL reader tried to make the y into a diphthong.

1500 News, 1505 `Border Crossings`, usual pop music stuff and chatter from host Larry London. Fulfilled one request for Peace Corps Volunteers in Zambia, so evidently such Americans abroad are not banned, but would he ever play a classical music piece if one were requested? The closest to that today was a protracted `live` performance of ``Hey, Jude`` by McCartney at 1518.

By now 15480 would be the SSOB if it were not for WYFR on 15130. No time to listen further, but presumably never picked up Sawa until I heard the carrier go off at 1600*.

Ivo Ivanov says other new frequencies for Radio Sawa at 1430-1600 since April 23 are 17530 Kuwait and 17785 Botswana, the former also on in the previous sesquihour. Did they get the correct feed today? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 13585, April 26 at 1317, poor signal in Korean vs CODAR, as I was checking for Zambia on 13590/13599.8 --- it`s VOA at 1200-1500. Aoki says TINIAN, but HFCC says TINANG, PHILIPPINES. It`s too easy to mix up these similar-sounding sites, but IBB might easily switch between them for no particular reason (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 17775, KVOH, after its three-day-long-weekend, is back on the air Tuesday April 26 at 1453 already, VG signal with gospel song in English instead of Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, WRMI, April 26 at 1535, WORLD OF RADIO 1561 is barely audible on very poor signal, lite SAH from Taiwan, but no jamming, so WRMI is not off the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTNEING DIGEST)

** ZAMBIA [and non]. 13599.8, 1Africa continues to use this unlisted off-frequency instead of scheduled 13590: April 25 at 1857 still making het with something on 13600.0, and 13590 vacant.

April 26 at 0537, nothing on 9430, 13590 or 13599.8, but tuning 13599.8 at 0558, there it is again, this time with its own tone test instead of het. At 0558:42 cut to modulation by gospel music. During jingle at 0600 cut off the air before 0601; 0602 back on with modulation stepping up and down, into Jesus story and plug www site. 0603 cut off and on and off and on, modulation problems, open carrier, etc.

Next check at 1316 found Russian on 13600 (probably CRI, not VOR) about equal level to 1Africa with gospel rock on 13599.8, horrible het. Listed 13590 remained vacant. Around 1500 no longer hearing either, 1Africa off again?

Website shows ``frequency change update --
These frequencies are valid for a period of 6 months (March-October)
0600-0800 CAT: No SW Broadcasting (Listen Live/ Satellite)
0800-2200 CAT: 13590 kHz
2200-2400 CAT: 9505 kHz
1900-2400 CAT: 4965 kHz (South Central Africa)``

Subtract 2 hours for UT. So it seems 4965 has also been switched from the other CVC domestic service to this external service at 17-22 UT // 13599.8 until 2000 UT, then // 9505 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Dx Mix News # 675

DX MIX NEWS # 675                                             26 April 2011
ARMENIA(non)  Updated A-11 schedule of Democratic Voice of Burma in Burmese
1430-1530 NF  6225 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SEAs, ex 11515 ERV, from Apr.25
2330-0030 NF 11595 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SEAs, ex  9490 WER (MBR)

ISRAEL    Summer A-11 schedule for Kol Israel in Persian:
1400-1525 on 11595*ISR 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs
 Sun-Thu     13850#ISR 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs
1400-1500 on 11595*ISR 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs
 Fri/Sat     13850 #SR 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs
* co-ch VOA in Tibetan till 1500 and Iranian Bubble Jammer
# plus Iranian Bubble Jammer

ITALY(non)   Summer A-11 of NEXUS-IBA IRRS Shortwave from Milan,Italy:
Miraya FM Radio
0300-0600 on  9670 RSO 150 kW / 150 deg to EaAf/Sudan in Eng/Ara Daily
1400-1700 on 15710 RSO 150 kW / 150 deg to EaAf/Sudan in Eng/Ara Daily

European Gospel Radio/International Public Access Radio, incl. DXPL/WOR px*
0800-0900 on  9510 RSO 150 kW / non-dir to Eu/ME/NoAf in English Saturday
0930-1200 on  9510 RSO 150 kW / non-dir to Eu/ME/NoAf in English Sunday
1800-1900 on  7290 RSO 150 kW / 060 deg to Eu/ME/NoAf in English Fri-Sun
*DX Party Line: 2nd/3rd/4th(5th)Sat 0830-0845; Sat 1845-1900; Sun 1145-1200
*World of Radio: Sat 1800-1830
*Radio Joystick in Greman: 1st Sat 0800-0900

PAKISTAN    Updated summer A-11 of Radio Pakistan:
0900-1000 on 11645vISL 100 kW / 118 deg to SoAs
             15620 ISL 100 kW / 118 deg to SoAs
1200-1300 on 11845 ISL 250 kW / 070 deg to EaAs
             15700 ISL 250 kW / 070 deg to EaAs
1445-1545 on  7455vISL 100 kW / 270 deg to WeAs
1145-1215 on  9795 ISL 100 kW / 147 deg to SoAs
             11945vISL 100 kW / 147 deg to SoAs
1045-1145 on  9795 ISL 100 kW / 147 deg to SoAs
             11945vISL 100 kW / 147 deg to SoAs
1000-1030 on 11645vISL 100 kW / 118 deg to SoAs
             15620 ISL 100 kW / 118 deg to SoAs
1345-1445 on  7455vISL 100 kW / 270 deg to WeAs
1700-1800 on  5900vISL 100 kW / 260 deg to WeAs
              7485 ISL 100 kW / 260 deg to WeAs
1230-1300 on 11880 ISL 100 kW / 147 deg to SoAs
             15540vISL 100 kW / 147 deg to SoAs
1300-1330 on 11880 ISL 100 kW / 147 deg to SoAs
             15540vISL 100 kW / 147 deg to SoAs
0045-0215 on 11580 ISL 250 kW / 118 deg to SEAs
             15490 ISL 250 kW / 118 deg to SEAs
0500-0700 on 15725 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu
             17830 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu
0830-1105 on 15725 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu*
             17720 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu*
1330-1530 on 11575 ISL 250 kW / 282 deg to N/ME
             15290 ISL 250 kW / 282 deg to N/ME
1700-1900 on  9350 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu or new 15265
             11590 ISL 250 kW / 313 deg to WeEu
v=xxxxx.4 kHz
*including English news 0905-0910 and 1100-1105

PORTUGAL   Operational A-11 schedule of RDP Internacional/Radio Portugal:
West Europe Mon-Fri
0500-0755 on  7240 LIS 300 kW / 045 deg
0645-0800 on 11850 SIN 250 kW / 055 deg
0800-1200 on 12020 LIS 300 kW / 045 deg
1600-1855 on 11905 LIS 300 kW / 045 deg
1900-2255 on  9820 LIS 300 kW / 045 deg*

West Europe Sat/Sun
0700-1355 on 12020 LIS 300 kW / 045 deg
0830-1000 on 11995 SIN 080 kW / 052 deg DRM mode
1400-1855 on 11905 LIS 300 kW / 045 deg
1900-1955 on  9820 LIS 300 kW / 045 deg
2000-2255 on  9820 LIS 300 kW / 045 deg*

Middle East/India Mon-Fri
1300-1500 on 21810 LIS 100 kW / 082 deg, cancelled

Sao Tome/Principe/Angola/Mocambique Mon-Fri
0500-0655 on 12060 LIS 300 kW / 144 deg, new
0700-0955 on 15160 LIS 300 kW / 144 deg
1000-1200 on 15180 LIS 300 kW / 144 deg
1600-1900 on 15170 LIS 300 kW / 144 deg, cancelled

Sao Tome/Principe/Angola/Mocambique Sat/Sun
0700-0955 on 15160 LIS 300 kW / 144 deg
1000-1355 on 15180 LIS 300 kW / 144 deg
1400-1555 on 15470 LIS 300 kW / 144 deg, cancelled
1600-2000 on 15170 LIS 300 kW / 144 deg, cancelled

USA/Canada Tue-Sat
2300-0200 on  9715 LIS 300 kW / 300 deg
1900-1955 on 15560 LIS 300 kW / 300 deg*
2000-2255 on 13755 LIS 300 kW / 300 deg*

USA/Canada Sat/Sun
1400-2000 on 15560 LIS 300 kW / 300 deg
2000-2255 on 13755 LIS 300 kW / 300 deg*

Venezuela Mon-Fri
1300-1555 on 17575 LIS 100 kW / 261 deg, new
2300-0200 on 11630 LIS 100 kW / 261 deg, cancelled

Brasil/Cabo Verde/Guine Bissau Mon-Fri
1000-1200 on 15575 LIS 300 kW / 226 deg, cancelled
1300-1900 on 21655 LIS 300 kW / 226 deg

Brasil/Cabo Verde/Guine Bissau Tue-Sat
2300-0200 on 11940 LIS 300 kW / 226 deg

Brasil/Cabo Verde/Guine Bissau Sat/Sun
0700-0955 on 12000 LIS 300 kW / 226 deg, cancelled
1000-2000 on 21655 LIS 300 kW / 226 deg, cancelled
* Reserved for extraordinary or special programs

RUSSIA(non)    Frequency change for Voice of Russia in French to Africa:
1600-2000 NF  9900*ERV 500 kW / 190 deg, ex  9840 to avoid RL in Russian
* QRM from 9895 16-17 RNW Dutch; 18-19 WYFR Romanian; 19-1930 VOV Russian

USA(non)    Frequency change for WYFR Family Radio in Russian to CeAs:
1200-1300 NF 11855 TAC 100 kW / 039 deg

USA(non)    Additional SW frequencies of Radio Sawa in Arabic from Apr.23:
1300-1430 on 13690 LAM 100 kW / 132 deg
1300-1430 on 17530 KWT 250 kW / 285 deg
1430-1500 on 15480 GB  250 kW / 055 deg
1430-1500 on 17530 KWT 250 kW / 285 deg
1430-1500 on 17785 BOT 100 kW / 350 deg
1500-1600 on 15480 GB  250 kW / 055 deg
1500-1600 on 17540 KWT 250 kW / 285 deg
1500-1600 on 17785 BOT 100 kW / 350 deg

Radio Heritage Feature - Blue Hawaii

Media Release
Radio Heritage Foundation
April 26 2011

Elvis, Blue Hawaii and
Hawaii Radio Dial 1961

It's 50 years ago that a young Elvis Presley recorded the sound track for his movie 'Blue Hawaii' that was released later that year, and the Radio Heritage Foundation has released a new feature celebrating the connections between Elvis, his music and the Hawaiian Radio Dial in 1961.

Along with colorful Hawaiian adverts from the era, this new feature at takes a look at events taking place in Hawaii in 1961, and brings together a rich array of content about the complete Hawaiian radio broadcasting scene at the time.

Drawing on its own collections of Hawaiian radio material, the Radio Heritage Foundation has succeeded in bringing to life many aspects of Hawaiian broadcasting from that period.

Station artwork, letters and cards from any of the broadcasters involved, including original station owners, all form a unique introduction to the Hawaiian radio dial at the same time as Elvis Presley was performing to raise funds for the Pacific War Memorial and filming the movie 'Blue Hawaii'.

This new feature is in addition to the very popular Art of Radio Hawaii Exhibition which has been running at for several years and together, the two features are a must see for anyone interested in how art, music and radio have collided in the islands.

If you have your own memories, memorabilia and more you'd like to share about Hawaiian radio then the Radio Heritage Foundation wants to hear from you.

It may be some old photos, booklets, newspaper or magazine articles or even some recordings. Memories of listening to Hawaiian radio over the years are also important and wanted because they help people understand the important role played by Hawaiian radio over several generations.

The Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit organization connecting popular culture nostalgia and radio heritage across the Pacific and its website is Donations towards its operational costs through becoming a supporter in 2011 are welcomed.

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

CANADA Radio Canada Intl-RCI 17860 2128 GMT Portuguese 333 April 22 YL and OM with comments. //15455[333].

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 17560 2147 GMT Spanish 333 April 22 YL and OM with comments. OM ID as Radio Havana Cuba 2148 GMT //13670[444].

FRANCE Radio France Intl-RFI 21690 2112 GMT French 433 April 22 Two OMs with comments plus a YL at times.

SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 17595 2140 Portuguese 444 April 22 OM with banjo music vocals. OM with comments 2142 GMT.

UNITED STATES , FLORIDA WYFR-Family Radio 18980 2120 GMT English 333 April 22 OM with comments from Exodus in the Bible. //17845[333], 15440[444], 17795[444].

UNITED STATES, Florida WYFR-Family Radio 18930 2125 GMT Arabic 333 April 22 OM with comments.

UNITED STATES, California KVOH 17775 2135 GMT Spanish 444 April 22 OM singing.

UNITED STATES, Florida WYFR-Family Radio 17725 2140 GMT French 333
April 22 YL and OM with Comments.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

lunedì 25 aprile 2011

Ascolti pasquali

Auguri (tardivi) e qualche ascolto "pasquale" con la coppia di Drake che oramai si sono stabilmente installati nel mio shack. L'antenna è la verticale Cushcraft 8 bande.

Argentina, 15344.3, R.A.E., 2108, 23/04, Spanish, phone interview, good (SIO 454) (D'Amico)

Australia, 11695, r. Australia, 2113, 23/04, English, ID, "good morning and welcome to the program", interview with an Australian man working in Saudi Arabia, very good (555) (D'Amico)
Australia, 11945, r. Australia, 0750, 23/04, English, live sports, // 15160, good (SIO 454) (D'Amico)
Australia, 15160, r. Australia, 0750, 23/04, English, live sports, // 11945, good (SIO 454) (D'Amico)

Brasil, 10000, Observatorio Nacional, 2131, 23/04, Portughese, continuous ID and time, fair (SIO 343) (D'Amico)
Brasil, 11765, Radio Deus é Amor, 2019, 23/04, Portughese, sermon by a male preacher, fair (SIO 343) (D'Amico)
Brasil, 11780, r. Nacional Amazonia, 2027, 23/04, Portughese, talk, strong QRM, heard on LSB only, poor (SIO 223) (D'Amico)

Equatorial Guinea, 15190, r.Africa, 2013, 25/04, English, sermon by a male speaker, fair (SIO 344) (D'Amico)

New Zealand, 11725, r. New Zealand Int., 2013, 23/04, English, interview about sport, very good (SIO 455) (D'Amico)

Portugal, 15160, R.D.P., 0740, 24/04, Portughese, Easter mass, but erratical transmission, continuosly switching on and (mostly) off, equipment problems ? Very good when on, blanking out Australia (SIO 555) (D'Amico)

Russia, 11946, V.o.Russia (spurious ? off frequency // 12040), 2039, 23/04, English, political talk, ID, fair (SIO 333) (D'Amico).

73, Michele

(RXs: Drake R8E, Drake R4C.  Antenna: Cushcraft R8 multiband vertical)

Ascolti AM Luca Botto Fiora

Ascolti AM (orari UTC)

(tutte con E5 Etón)
Domenica 24 aprile 2011
21.00 - 10000 kHz
PP, IDs e t/a ogni 5-10 secondi!!!
Segnale sufficiente-buono
21.04 - 10300 kHz
Mandarino, tk OM.
Segnale insufficiente-nullo
Firedrake not heard.
21.10 - 9745 kHz
VOICE OF KUANGHUA - Kuanyin (Taiwan)
Musica locale e annunci YL.
mescolata su e giù con
Canzone melodica YL.
Segnali sufficienti-buoni
21.27 - 11765 kHz
SRDA - Curitiba (Brasile)
PP, "Milagro ão stomaco!!!"
(guarigioni di massa allo stadio)
Segnale sufficiente-buono
21.34 - 15345 kHz
SS, ID "Radio pública" e calcio locale live.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
21.39 - 6977//15850 kHz
GALEI ZAHAL - Lod (Israele)
Telefonata in diretta.
Segnale sufficiente buono (6977)
Una marea di scariche tropicali!
21.53 - 6325 kHz
EE, IDs OM e mx rock 80s.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
22.05 - 6285 kHz
EE, IDs OM e mx 70s.
Segnale sufficiente
ID tnx blog Shortwave DX.
22.07 - 6305 kHz
EE, IDs OM e mx rock.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
ID tnx blog Shortwave DX.


Lunedì 25 aprile 2011
05.45 - 1170 kHz
RADIO CAPODISTRIA - Beli Kriz (Slovenia)
II, pubblicità area Gorizia-Trieste.
Segnale buono-sufficiente
Non sapevo facessero pubblicità di negozi italiani.
08.01 - 6255 kHz
EE/GG, musica rock 80s e IDs OM.
Segnale buono-insufficiente
Rapporti c/o SRS Deutschland.
ID tnx blog Achim's FRD.

Legenda segnale
IN - Insufficiente/Poor
SF - Sufficiente/Fair
BN - Buono/Good
MB - Molto buono/Very good

Luca Botto Fiora

G.C. 09E13 - 44N21
Rapallo (Genova)

R7 Drake
VR5000 DSP Yaesu
Satellit 500 Grundig
E5 Etón
G3 Etón
ATS909 Sangean
Loop in ferrite ACA di 75 cm modificata (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop filare da finestra da 1 spira 150x100 cm (@2-6 MHz)
Dipolo aperto 21 m (@6-30 MHz)
Ampli RF K0LR per loop ACA modificato (WA1ION)
Ampli RF LX1456 Nuova Elettronica per loop SW e dipolo
Balun a choke coassiali 1:1 di RG174 per dipolo (IZ7ATH)
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 modificato (W8JI)
Software demo Multimode 6.2.3 Black Cat Systems

Glenn Hauser logs April 24-25, 2011

** ANTARCTICA [and non]. 15476, April 25 first checked at 1310, only to find strong open carrier and tone test on 15480 but thankfully off at 1311. That`s 250 kW from Greenville warming up for the new R. Sawa transmission at 1430-1600, which we hope will be abandoned as quickly in a few days as the previous one on 15470. LRA36 at 1311 audible with music, weakening by 1348 check. It certainly can`t take such adjacent interference, which is also co-channel to Poland 15480 via UK before 1430 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. 15400, April 25 at 1259, HCJB Global Voice Australia ID in English, and signing off until tomorrow morning at 2200 UT on 15525. A weaker carrier came back on at 1302, thought maybe HCJB after antenna change, but HFCC lists KNX on same 340 degree antenna from 1230 to 1430, with English at 1300-1330 amid Mandarin.

HCJB`s own more current A-11 program schedule
does show closing at 1300 after English shifted to 1230-1300, later Chinese deleted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake April 25: none found between 13 and 14 UT, 7-18 MHz. However, 15670 had CNR1 jamming around 1313 vs RFA Tibetan via Tajikistan per HFCC and Aoki, via UAE per EiBi. 17515 had VG signal from CNR1 jamming at 1316 vs BBC Uzbek via Thailand; also on 17705 until 1315 vs AIR Chinese, which continued with tone test (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. 17725, V. of Africa from the Great Jamahiriyah, I was hearing in English Sunday April 24 much better than usual both in signal and modulation, at a few chex between 14-16 UT, but did not even bother to log it.

Then David Alpert reported at 2244 UT that there was a blank screen on Libya's satellite TV channel following reports by AFP and Reuters that the Libyan state TV building in Tripoli has been hit by airstrikes -

``BREAKING Reuters: Three Libyan state TV stations go off the air after explosions heard in Tripoli: witnesses - 1546 PDT

I can confirm #Libya state TV Jamahirya Satellite Channel is off the air - 1549 PDT [2249 UT]. Not sure, but I believe Libya's shortwave broadcasts originate from the same building.`` But at 0107 UT April 25 he followed up: ``Half an hour later, rechecking - Libya state television sat channel back on the air. Regular programming.``

So I check 17725 again April 25 at 1406 --- yes, still on the air, poor with music. Can`t be sure it`s the English broadcast as usual. Of course, most of the programming is so generic and repetitive that they could just be playing back old tapes at the Sabrata transmitter site as a rule even if the Tripoli studio isn`t destroyed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 55.25 MHz, I have been running my old Zenith 12-inch B&W TV much of the time all winter/spring on channel 2 with antenna southwards, just waiting and hoping for some sporadic E from Mexico. Finally an analog signal overcomes the snow, April 25 at 1601 UT, weak but locking in enough to tell the lettering is in Spanish, about Pablo Montero. It came and went so quickly that at first I suspected a meteor burst, but faded in some more for longer periods, then mixed with weak CCI including cartoons. Lasted 10-15 minutes, in and out, mostly out. But still signs of video at 1655. Meanwhile the ham QSO maps showed zero Es on 6 or even 10 meters, but for me it`s the first opening of the `season` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 9615, April 25 at 1412, good signal with `live` continuous reggae concert, no announcements except occasionally from the stage and incomprehensible. Normally nothing heard here at this time; what in the world? Kept listening and finally at 1457 outro as ``1814``, group name? And recording credits mentioning Radio New Zealand International, 1500 timesignal and RNZ news.

RNZI is supposed to be on 6170 during this hour, but we`re not complaining as that has long since faded out here. 9615 is on the current schedule in AM at 1836-1950 only, so yet another foulup in their frequency programming. [HFCC shows 1745-1900]. The RNZ National schedule for early April 26 shows: ``2:05 Womad Taranaki 2010 (RNZ)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. 9675, surprised to hear REE via COSTA RICA here, instead of usual 9630, April 25 at 0513, interview about the 25th anniversary of Emisión Sefardí, // 3350, 5965 and direct on 6055. I`m quite sure I have been hearing this on 9630 in A-11, altho it was on 9675 in B-10. HFCC now shows identical registrations for both frequencies at 0200-0600, 100 kW, 340 degrees from Cariari, so have they deliberately switched to an alternate, or by mistake? Not a good idea, as overshadowed by WYFR on 9680 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, WRMI, UT Monday April 25 after 0500 with `DX Partyline`. Re previous report: Jeff White confirms that there was a power outage again at the transmitter site April 24, but it was back on the air before 1800 during WORLD OF RADIO from 1730. What`s with the erratic electricity supply at urban Hialeah, anyway? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5000, April 25 at 1318, WWV announces that propagation info will cease on Sept 6, inviting comments to by June 30. Does that mean we have two months to talk them out of it? That forwards to titled ``WWV replacement instructions`` with the same info, and an e-mail link to swpc.wwv @
Then the usual prop info shifted a minute later to 1319. SF = 117, K = 1, but 13m is dead again today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ZAMBIA. 13599.8, April 25 at 1350 a new signal here with overblown drama in English, het from weaker 13600.0 station which went off at 1357* but back on a few sex later. Then YL speaking with Strinish accent, 1400 plugging and Jesus. So it`s CVC, ex-13590 which was vacant altho still registered in HFCC at 06-20, 315 degrees toward Nigeria and Michigan. Own website above still shows 13590!

Why would they move? HFCC shows collisions on 13600: CRI going from Russian via Xian to Tamil via Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN at 1400, and also VOR via Irkutsk until 1400. But 13590 also listed with Russians before and after 1400. CODAR affects both frequencies. BTW, goes to something else, a real TV station, unrelated? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

Radio Cuore ha abbandonato Rapallo-GE?

Da qualche giorno Radio Cuore da Rapallo-Madonna Nera (GE) su 90.3 risulta spenta e il sito dell'emittente non la riporta più. Già aveva lasciato Chiavari e Lavagna su 89.2 con il subentro di Radio Italia Network. Prima di toglierla dagli elenchi aspetto, poi chissà che non torni Radio Padania Libera, sparita dalla medesima postazione un po' di tempo fa ma ancora citata sul sito della radio leghista. Una seconda ipotesi potrebbe essere Radio Sportiva, presente solo tra Genova e Savona. Altre idee non mi vengono, perché più o meno a Rapallo i principali networks commerciali sono attivi. Ah sì, in espansione c'è anche Radio Number One, casomai prima della stagione delle spiagge abbia in mente di farsi avanti. L'ardua sentenza...appena possibile.

Luca Botto Fiora

domenica 24 aprile 2011

Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA

BONAIRE Radio Netherlands Intl Relay-RNI 15540 2208 GMT Dutch 433 April 22 Two OMs with comments plus a YL with comments.

BONAIRE Radio Japan-NHK Relay 15265 2218 GMT Japanese 333 April 22 YL and OM with comments. Music 2220 GMT. Then two OMs with comments. OM singing 2225 GMT. //13680[333].

CANADA China Radio Intl Relay-CRI 13700 2240 GMT Spanish 333 April 22 OM with comments.

CUBA Radio Havana Cuba-RHC 15230 2230 GMT Portuguese 444 April 22 IS 2230 GMT. ID by a YL 2231 GMT. YL with comments plus an OM.

CUBA Radio Venezuela Relay 11670 2250 GMT Spanish 333 April 22 OM with comments. Venezuela mentioned often. RV ID by an OM 2252 GMT.

GREECE Foni Tis Helladas 15630 2204 Greek 333 April 22 OM with comments. Then an on singing.

RWANDA Voice of Germany-DW Relay 15640 2155 GMT English 333 April Suddenly of the air at 2156 GMT.

SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 15110 2236 GMT Spanish 444 April 22 YL and OM with comments in the Diaria program.

KUWAIT 17550 My Thanks to all who have contacted me and letting me know that the Unknown station is possible Radio Kuwait. What suprised me the most is the strong signal from the station. It sounded like it was in my backyard with such a Clear Signal. I gave it a SINPO-555!! Rating. The music was very good to listen too. Thanks for your input.

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"

Glenn Hauser logs April 23-24, 2011

** CANADA [non]. 17495, Sunday April 24 at 1449 gospel music, 1451 YL with North American accent about Jesus; closing with long PO Box number starting with 5- was cut off abruptly at 1459. Had not been hearing anything on this frequency, certainly not WBCQ as registered, which is only a wooden one, alternate to 15420. But HFCC explains the current curious setup on 17495, by MBR, only on weekends:

Sat 1345-1415 & 1415-1500, 250 kW, 83 degrees from Issoudun, FRANCE
Sun 1400-1500, 250 kW, 95 degrees from Nauen, GERMANY, both to CIRAF 41 = S Asia. Aoki elucidates that it`s all for Bible Voice Broadcasting. Not to be confused with 17485 still carrying Brother Scare via Germany (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake April 24:
 7970, not heard at 1320 or later; maybe was on before 1300
10300, fair at 1321, not // 10970 or any of the others later
10970, fair at 1320
11500, good at 1324, // 10970, not 10300; still at 1352, seems to have CCI, lo het, and much stronger than 10970, 10300
13130, poor at 1327 // 11500
No others heard up to 18 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11760, April 24 at 1335-1349, RHC `En Contacto` DX program, with birthdays; feature on CMBF/Radio Musical Nacional, founded on April 25, 1948, so survived the revolution and incorporation into ICRT --- the classical music channel which shamefully is never put on SW but instead RHC wasting 4 or 6 frequencies at once on a single band. I later did get a prompt but lo-quality webcast connexion via where you will not escape Commie propaganda but hopefully not much of it in the programming. At 1344, 11760 dumped off the air briefly. Third subject: earliest Cuban radio from amateur broadcaster 2LC, then PWX.

No need for any Sunday shifts, as already last Sunday, RNV advised that there would not be any `Aló, Presidente` this week either. Yet at 1357 there was a suspicious open carrier on 15370. 13680 remained on 13680, not 13750, in the doctor show about condoms (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9305, April 24 at 0602, R. Cairo Arabic is still on, distorted as always. Being a domestic service relay, the hours for his normally shift depending on DST; last summer the sign-off earlied from 0700 to 0600. WRTH 2011 said on page 183: ``UTC +2h (29 Apr-29 Sep: +3h). DST may end earlier (at start of Ramadan)``. But says there will be no DST in Egypt in 2011y (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. 15190, April 23 at 2226, R. Africa still propagating arrested, charged, tried, convicted and serving 175 years for child sex abuse, evangelist Tony Alámo. Virtually zero-beat with WYFR in Portuguese, and no trace of R. Inconfidência which if on is normally slightly off-frequency. BTW, I see that Harold Sellers` similar log where he assumed it was Brasil instead of WYFR was not corrected in the latest DSWCI DX Window, while it was promptly corrected in DXLD; WYFR to Brasil at 2200-2445 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420, April 24 at 0534, classical choral music with soloist which struck me as in German during the few seconds I heard it, maybe something by Bach for Easter, instead of the usual off-key singing by GO monx heard Sunday mornings from VOG. 0535 music seemed incomplete but into Greek announcement, more triumphal choral music. Per this year the Orthodox and Unorthodox Christian faxions have managed to pick the same date for Easter; next year they`ll be a week apart. Fluttery signal, but after 0530, so no Iran clash (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4055, April 24 at 0547, R. Truth with hymn in English ``Softly & Tenderly, Jesus Is Calling``, but modulation quite distorted on S9+17 signal; also vs atmosferix with spring storms not far away in OK (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, April 24 at 1313, VOI with ``News from Around the Country`` segment during English hour. Tho registering a respectable S9+18, has some flutter, and lately VOI has not been coming thru with the usual oomph, tho I have not noticed any absences. Also bits of IADs continue (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 6110 via CANADA, NHK World R. Japan, UT Sunday April 24 at 0524 mailbag during `Friends Around the World`, which per website is the successor to `World Interactive` and with new W&M hosts. R. Japan revamps its programming every April for new fiscal year, no apparent other reason, with previous presenters` contracts expiring. This show had been preëmpted quarterly on last Sundays for something else, e.g. in January, but not any more. Along with other updates, the new name has been duly entered in our DX program listing,

** MADAGASCAR [and non]. 13620, April 24 at 0528, another too-late check of R. Dabanga and the jamming against it, found by surprise YL talk in English until 0528:30* cutoff, while the tone jamming continued. Sounded a bit Strine but not // 13630 RA in stupid ballgame; more like the interview I then heard on 13775 VOR to 0529. But I think what really happened was a switching error, the Talata relay running a sesquiminute of something else, perhaps RNW satellite feed before cutting off later than usual 0527:00* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA [non]. 9610, April 24 at 0549, poor in presumed Hausa from Hamada Radio International via GERMANY. Could not hear anything on 9860 or 11970, so probably back to only one frequency now. Missed checking for the 1400 broadcast on 21480, but before and after 1430, 13m was dead of any signals (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. 15110, Sunday April 23 at 2206, REE`s excellent world-music show `Mundofonías` starting with Brasil, VG signal direct and also via COSTA RICA 17850 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 15480, R. Sawa is back on a Greenville transmitter, and only 4 kHz from LRA36! Couldn`t IBB have picked a further frequency? April 24 at *1422 open carrier; 1425 added VOA English audio for a minute or three, an echo apart from 17545, which I thought yesterday would also be Greenville due to signal strength, but 15470 is a word ahead of 17545. 1428 back to OC, and I can hear some weak music under, which is presumably the finale of scheduled Poland in Belarussian via Rampisham UK until 1430.

Still dead air until R. Sawa music modulation cuts on at 1432:48, then Arabic announcement about DVDs for ``The King`s Speech`` et al. 1445 news as usual on the quarter hour; still going at 1559-1601, but off at next check 1604. Let`s hope this transmission nominally 1430-1600 does not last any longer than the previous one for two days on 15470, since now it will prevent any audibility of LRA36 between 1422 and 1500 M-F.

15580 // 17545 with VOA discussion show in English, Sunday April 24 at 1437, with 15580 ahead of 17545. Both listed by HFCC as São Tomé, but that may have changed with IBB`s constant site shuffling; synchronized audio is really neither here nor there, as they program feed routings into a single site may be different, or there may be a deliberate offset to even out power consumption (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7415, UT Sunday April 24 at 0541, WBCQ still on, ``Love Can Make You Happy`` song, outroed by Ted Randall as the Christian version of it and interviewing someone, perhaps the performer. `QSO with Ted Randall` is now scheduled for six hours straight from 2200 Saturday, but he makes it even more than eight hours, morphing at some point from ham show into evangelism. His own website still shows QSO starting at ``7 pm Central``, i.e. 0000 UT, (and no mention of Sat 18-20 on WTWW 9479) while the WBCQ schedule still shows Sat 2200-0400 Sun (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13570, in its severely curtailed schedule instead of 24/7 on this or 9265 as still shown on website, WINB I have noticed goes off around 1315 weekdays, but weekends stays on. Sunday April 24 at 1328 the gospel huxteress with a funny accent is giving some websites,,, also mentions AWR, 3ABN, phone numbers for Your Story Hour. Hum on her continues during canned WINB ID, into next program, atop constant CODAR swishes. Anyhow, the 1300 Sunday program appears to be from AWR, listed on WINB sked as `Living the Bible` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, WRMI inaudible Sunday April 24 at 1556 check during WORLD OF RADIO --- just a very weak carrier, which may well be YFR via TAIWAN, always clashing during this hour. The WRMI stream was also down, so maybe another power failure at Hialeah or some other problem. Better luck for remaining repeats of WOR on WRMI: Sunday 1730, Mon 1130, 2130, Tue 1530, Wed 0100, 1530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. 11670 via CUBA, April 23 at 2229, time for a periodic incredulous log that RNV is STILL announcing in Spanish their initial transmission schedule from *2004y, even tho it was already outdated before 2005, and now by sheer luck contains only one time and frequency which are still in force --- plus the times are all local in the target areas, disregarding DST, and not specified as such. This was also long before four morning broadcasts were added, which you would never know about by listening to RNV itself (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9124, April 24 at 0538, huge S9+20 open carrier, slight fades and hum, likely Cuban spy numbers transmitter of equivalent power to 250 kW RHC, probably at same site. Still on at 0545 past 0600+. Another one was on 5800 at 0545 but had some rapid clix audible, perhaps mix with jammer output (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 14422-SSB, April 24 at 1332, two-way in Italian; nice to hear something besides bastard Spanish for a change (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###