ROMANIA RRI Bucharest Arabic sce at 0630 UT
only heard via two units at RadioCom Galbeni site at 140degr azimuth
to NE/ME on 9770 and 11980 kHz both were properly on air,
but both 247degr azi channels of Tiganesti 9740 and 11970 kHz
were OFF AIR at 06.40 UT August 4th. 73 wb
ROMANIA RRI Bucharest SUNDAY ONLY service "Curierul Romanes" at 07-08 UT
were on air on all four channels,
but 9540.000 kHz noted only here in Europe with tremendous S=9+45dB
powerhouse, - but NOT in Qatar ME SDR installation,
so seemingly 9540 kHz came from Saftica substitute RadioCom site
with revolving log-periodic horizontal antenna in use ?
Tiganesti 11789.984 kHz S=9+5dB in Qatar ME, S=9+35dB signal here in EUR.
Galbeni RadioCom outlets 13750 kHz S=9+10 in Qatar ME, S=9+15dB in EUR.
15200 kHz S=9+5dB in Qatar ME,
but latter surprisingly S=9+55dB powerhouse here in CeEUR. 73 wb
No signal on 15130
0900 in Romanian
1000 in French
1100 in English
(Ivo Ivanov)
ROMANIA 9609.999 approx. RRI Arabic S=9+10dB in Doha Qatar at 12.10 UT
11699.984 odd fq; as S=9+25 dB stronger in NE/ME.
13750even kHz RRI Arabic towards 247deg WeAfrica, NoWeAfrica Sahara/Sahel,
S=7 sidelobe in Qatar ME, S=9+20dB in WeEUR.
15130 OFF AIR today.
9490even RRI Romanian afternoon sce to Western Europe
via 100 kW Saftica RadioCom broadcast center, noted at 12.30 UT
S=9+40dB powerful clean audio signal of 11.4 kHz wideband block visible.
13845even kHz RRI Chinese sce at 67degr azimuth, S=9+20 sidelobe
signal into central Europe, but weak and tiny in Doha Qatar SDR unit,
at 12.32 UT on August 4th.
15160 OFF AIR today.
others in 19mb
15109.713 kHz KUWAIT R KWT Kabd in Arabic S=9+40dB into western Europe at
12.35 UT
15179.981 KOREA D.P.R. VoKorea in Korean from Kujang site S=8 at 12.37 UT.
73 wb