plugs "Allan&Angela Worldwide on tonight. 7490/3265 and running 135KW on 9330. Starting at 8pm.".
Right now (2205 UT) it apparently is still the old transmitter, with carrier on almost 9330.1 kHz. Program audio is Brother Scare, parallel to and, it seems, even more or less in synch with WWCR 20 kHz up.
By the way, do other USAGM facilities besides Tinang still play the old "This is the Voice of America, signing on" opener, as noted prior to 2200 on 9320? Makes not so terribly much sense anymore, because it will never appear on transmissions via third party facilities.
(Kai Ludwig)
USA WBCQ around 23.04 to 23.17 UT on May 10:
all older TX #1 to #5 on air, odd frequency
9330.203 kHz S=5 in EUR 23.04 UT
7490.160 kHz S=8 in EUR 23.09 UT
3264.897 kHz S=6 in NY state USA 23.17 UT
(Wolfgang Bueschel)