venerdì 3 maggio 2019

SWLDXBulgaria News May 2-3

AUSTRIA   Very good signal of Oesterreichischer Rundfunk, May 3
0500-0620 on  6155 MOS 300 kW / non-dir to WeEu German Mon-Fri
0500-0610 on  6155 MOS 300 kW / non-dir to WeEu German Sat/Sun

FINLAND   A-19 frequency changes of Scandinavian Weekend Radio:

FRANCE(non)   Radio France Int & Deutsche Welle via Issoudun, May 3
0530-0600 on 11790 ISS 500 kW / 140 deg to ECAf Swahili, very good,
co-ch  same  11790 YAM 300 kW / 330 deg to FERu Russian Radio Japan
0630-0700 on 11800 ISS 500 kW / 170 deg to WeAf Hausa, good signal:

GERMANY(non)   Very good signal of BVBroadcasting via MBR Nauen, May 3
0501-0516 on  9735 NAU 250 kW / 120 deg to N/ME Arabic/English Fri
0600-0615 on 11655 NAU 125 kW / 180 deg to NoAf Arabic Dardasha 7

GERMANY(non) vs.IRAN   Dandal Kura Radio Int vs.PARS TODAY VIRI IRIB, May 3:
0700-0800 on 13590 NAU 125 kW / 185 deg to CeAf Kanuri, as scheduled in A-19
0730-1430 on 13590 ZAH 500 kW / 289 deg to NEAf Arabic, A19 sked 0830-1430UT

GREECE   Reception of Voice of Greece on 9420 kHz, May 3:
0651&0655 on  9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3
*Arabic/Serbian nx and transmitter switches off at 0701UT.

KOREA SOUTH   Reception of KBS World Radio in English on May 2:
2200-2300 on 11810 KIM 250 kW / 305 deg to WeEu English, good &
co-ch  same  11810 BEI 100 kW / 015 deg to EaAs Mongolian CNR-8

NUMBERS STATION   Reception of E11 Oblique in 41mb/19mb, May 2/3:
1900-1903 on  7600 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB, good
0745-0748 on 15720 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB, good

TURKEY   TRT Voice of Turkey on very odd 9505.7 and 11615.7 kHz on May 2
1530-1625 on  9505.7 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Azeri, instead of 9505
1930-2025 on 11615.7 EMR 500 kW / 262 deg to NWAf French, instead 11615:

TURKEY   TRT Voice of Turkey on very odd 13765.7/11795.79655.7 kHz on May 3
0500-0655 on 13765.7 EMR 500 kW / 210 deg to CEAf Hau/Swa, instead of 13765
0830-0955 on 11795.7 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Persian, instead of 11795
1000-1055 on  9655.7 EMR 500 kW / 072 deg to CeAs Georgian, instead of 9655

U.K.(non)   Reception of FEBA Radio via ENC-DMS Dhabayya, May 2
1600-1630 on 11655 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf Afar, very good

U.K.(non)   Additional transmissions of BBC in Somali & Hausa from May 4:

USA   Fair signal of WEWN-1 Global Catholic Radio, May 2
1900-2400 on 15610 EWN 250 kW / 085 deg to WeAf English

USA   Additional three hours of OCB Radio TV Marti on 7335 kHz, May 3
0000-0700 on  7335 GB  250 kW / 225 deg to Cuba Spanish, as scheduled
0700-1000 on  7335 GB  250 kW / 225 deg to Cuba Spanish, addit, weak:

UTILITY   Reception of LZW Varna Radio in 80mb on May 3:
0704&0708 on  3740 USB mode English/Bulgarian, fair/good


73! Ivo Ivanov
More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire