mercoledì 13 marzo 2019

Glenn Hauser logs March 13, 2019

** CUBA. In previous report, even I was confused in assessing the RHC situation. Let`s try again with this graf corrected to replace it:

9720, Tuesday March 12 at 2145, is NOT on the air, despite Sunday having moved English-allegedly-to-Africa into the 21-22 hour instead of 22-23. But today at *2154 the RHC IS starts playing, until 2201 morphing into theme and opening --- French! Then at 2245 check the second half of this hour is back in --- Brazuguese! i.e. both an hour *later* than they had been until March 10. 9720 at 2317 check is in --- English! also an hour *later* rather than earlier, which would be the *logical* change when DST start, and now // 5040 which has logically shifted an hour earlier. So now English starts at 1 am in RSA where 9720 is supposedly aimed, 23-24 UT, instead of only midnight local. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6100 & 6060 & 5040, March 13 at 0610, the final? RHC English hour is running on these frequencies, all with loud enough modulation, while the other pair of The Cuban Five are OFF tonight: 6000 & 6165, the latter bearing weak NHK Arabic via FRANCE instead. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 13628.295, March 13 at 1426, RHC spur with some music audible, and weaker match on the opposite side of source 13700-AM, at 13671.69 or so; second order at twice the distance, 56.60 below, JJBBA on 13643.40. Its match on the plus side computed circa 13756.60 is totally blown away by WINB DRM noise! Come on, WINB, give the RHC spurs a chance! Maybe we can hear that one on a weekend. But when, o when, will RHC resume huge FM spurblobs all over the 13 MHz band? That would give WINB a run for its money. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 101.5-WBFM, March 13 at 1723 UT check, KOCD Okeene is *still* cutting on the air for 7 seconds of modulation, 25 seconds off the air, over & over; now in its ninth day at least of doing this since I first noticed March 5, but probably considerably previous. Any listeners they had before must have abandoned them by now; but did not a one of them inform HQ of the problem? This non-LP transmitter ought to be audible at source KWDW-LP, SW OKC. I`m certainly not going to, as tracking this incompetence is a lot more fun than listening to gospel-huxtering in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7340, March 13 at 1745, Radio Martí on surprise new daytime frequency, fair and // much stronger 11860, 11930 and 13820, all of which are atop jamming but none yet on 7340. Maybe a test? Tnx to tip by Ethan Best, KC9YDN to the WOR iogroup at 1722: 

``During a midday band scan I noted at 1710z Radio Marti on the unusual frequency of 7340 kHz. ID heard at 1715z. SINPO 55555 here in central Indiana. The transmission is still on at time of posting`` 

But Steve McGreevy, CA, was hearing nothing on 7340; intermittent or just not propagating that far? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1972 monitoring: Richard Langley reports: ``Glenn: I think you missed confirming the airing on Monday [March 11] at 1900 UT on 7290 kHz via IRRS and Romania. I can confirm that WoR 1972 was indeed broadcast as monitored using the U. Twente SD receiver``

WORLD OF RADIO 1973 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday March 13 at 1030 on WRMI 5950, as I happen to awaken, after double Biermann IDs during 
1029-1030. S6-S7 on indoor longwire. Next:
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v
0000 UT Thursday  WRMI 7730
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780
0930 UT Friday    Unique Radio 5045-LSB NSW
0729 UT Saturday  HLR 6190-CUSB Germany
1130 UT Saturday  WRMI 9955
1200 UT Saturday  Unique Radio 5045-LSB NSW [March 16/30, alt weeks]
1531 UT Saturday  HLR 9485-CUSB Germany
1930vUT Saturday  WA0RCR 1860-AM
2100 UT Saturday  WRMI 9955
0030 UT Sunday    WRMI 7730
0300vUT Sunday    WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315]
0830 UT Sunday    WRMI 5850 5950 7730
1130 UT Sunday    HLR 7265-CUSB Germany
2130 UT Sunday    WRMI 7780
0130 UT Monday    WRMI 5950, 9395
0230 UT Monday    WRMI 7780 [NEW]
0300vUT Monday    WBCQ 5130v Area 51
0330 UT Monday    WRMI 9955
0930 UT Monday    Unique Radio 5045-LSB NSW
1900 UT Monday    IRRS 7290 Romania
0030 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7730 [or preferably new 1974]
0900 UT Tuesday   Unique Radio 5045-LSB NSW [2 editions]

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcast access:

** U S A. 5830, March 13 at 1508, WTWW-1 night frequency is still running at S9+20, not yet on 9475 past 10 am local; it all depends on when Ted gets around to QSYing that transmitter. Strangely, no daytime signal today from 5085 WTWW-2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7490, March 13 at 1512, no signal from WWCR-2; already changed to 12160 at S9-S6 with flutter and vs CODAR. EiBi still shows WWCR 7490 until 1600 Mon-Sat, -1500 Sunday, but he`s still not updated since pre-DST March 5. WWCR`s own program sked as of March 11 shows the transition daily at 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1480, March 13 at 0556-0606 UT, Vietnamese still being the main language audible here, i.e. KBXD Dallas. I decide to compare it to the Vietnamese always on 1560 from KGOW Houston market, which is now dominant and easily heard thanx to STA of ND(?) instead of strictly direxional nights SE into the Gulf (of Mexico, not Tonkin) toward S America where it used to be a common DX catch when desportive. By golly, sounds like the same programming on both, M&W chatting with lots of laughter, bits of music, and no ToH ID from either. But far out of synch; listening with two sets of headphones upon my head from the DX-398 and the R-75, I can`t decide which is delayed, as recognizing keywords in VV is not that easy, and it`s high time to snooze (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7332-USB, March 3 at 0606-0607, random bandscanning finds something akin to what I logged 5+ hours earlier on 6903-USB: this time it`s a YL voice with fonetik alfanumeric message, and I just catch the last part of it: ``OTOLSOBRAVL6 --- this concludes a message of 30 characters --- this is C8W --- out``

As for 6903, Ron Howard replies with research from Russia:

Hi Glenn, Found via online search, for your consideration:

". . . or concatenated with additional alpha-numeric characters to produce alpha-numeric strings that total 28 characters (the most common length; 30-characters prior to 01 Oct 2000; 26-characters prior to 01 Oct 1998) . . ."  "EAM" is Emergency Action Message.

Below is also something to consider, via HFU HF Underground.

6903 USB, October 03, 2017, 2111 UTC --- I've been hearing what sounds like EAM broadcast on 6903 USB starting 2029z on 6903 USB. While these messages were being broadcast I tuned in 11175; 8992; and 6988; the messages on 6903 were not simulcast on those other frequencies (nothing at all heard on 8008). Other sources indicate that these are transmissions for a Skymaster exercise. Logged - Northeast Ohio 

Re: 6903 USB, October 04, 2017, 1517 UTC --- Several logs for this frequency and 6988 kHz USB in the Other and Utility forums. Both 6903 and 6988 kHz have been logged in the past with EAMs - radio operator training as well as 68xx kHz frequencies``

There`s more: the EAM training season must be in full swing: 5074-USB, March 13 at 0613, just hear the end of what sounds like another EAM: ``November, Oscar, out`` by OM voice; squeezed in between WTWW 5072+ spur and 5085 fundamental. I assume these messages once decoded will be inconsequential in a non-emergency; one-time pads, or what? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7575-USB, March 13 at 1511, 2-way in Spanish, ``cambio`` but no reply heard. A good choice as NO broadcasters are now listed anywhen on 7575 (but not good during 7570 WRMI usage). EiBi, however shows something intriguing nearby from Spain we are not likely to hear: ``7572 0840-0850 Mo-Fr E Ejercito del Aire S E to`` = Toledo? A net or broadcast, USB or what? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9985.035V, March 13 at 1502, S9+10 of Korean from RFA via disputed site; wobbles slightly so hard to measure exactly. This bigsig is typical of what we get from Tinang, Philippines, when on the 21 degree azimuth antennas toward North Korea, beam which carries on across the USA: northern edge of Alaska, Michigan to South Carolina; while the approx. azimuth from NMI to P`yongyang is 335 degrees. The registered Az. on record for Tinian 9985 were 325 and 329 degrees, resulting in much weaker sig here, not to mention power disparity of nominal 100 kW vs 250 from Tinang (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1757 UT March 13