martedì 4 settembre 2018

Babcock’s Media Services to be sold

** U K [and non].  Babcock’s Media Services to be sold

There is a new name to get familiar with:

Note the statement from Encompass about their reasons for purchasing Babcock’s Media Services. It does not mention the word "radio" at all. Seems to me that radio distribution will in future be just a legacy service, kept in the same way Babcock already keeps the traditional stuff of World Radio Network after they likewise took over this company three years ago. Just consistent with the observation quoted at

The sports stuff mentioned in the statement is this:

And a picture is worth thousand worths [sic], so just compare the photos from 2004

with the current ones of what has in the meantime developed into a TV/video NOC:

I would be surprised if Encompass keeps the former WRN HQ, because they already have a facility in London:

(Kai Ludwig, Germany, Sept 2, shortwave sites yg via DXLD)