** ARGENTINA [non]. 9395, UT Saturday July 14 at 0120, music on WRMI sure doesn`t sound like RAE, but I keep listening to be sure: 0122 on to ``Georgia on My Mind``, 0125 usual canned Bob Biermann ID during `Oldies` service but never uttering that word; and more music. AND it`s // 5950. 9395 & 5950 are supposed to be the RAE relay in English during this hour UT Tue-Sat (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. July 13 at 0543-0554 UT, I survey the mostly JBA carriers from overnight stations, some with a bit of audio, to measure them precisely, as to be a Brazilian SW station, you *must* be off-frequency:
11934.938, R. Evangelizar
11855.825, R. Aparecida
9818.834, R. Nove de Julho
9725.359, R. Evangelizar
9664.408, R. Voz Missionária
9630.552, R. Aparecida
9564.960, Super R. Deus é Amor [vs over-run Cuban jamming]
** BRAZIL. 11780-AM, July 13 at 1340, Brazuguese talk at S9, so RNA is back in whack, instead of FM circa 11727 & 11699 as heard a few days previously, morning and evening. No Anguilla on 11775 to bother, as PMS remains mum Tuesday-Saturday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 13740, July 13 at 1309, RHC with squeal typical of this frequency/transmitter. Something`s always wrong at RHC.
13700 should also be on after 1300, but a JBA carrier, else? At *1309.6, signal surges up a bit so I can hear some RHC modulation, but still much weaker than 13740. I`m afraid this is not enough to audiblize a panoply of parasitic FM spurs, should they be trying to radiate them today. Something`s always wrong at RHC. 1334 recheck, now 13700 is S6 and air seems dead again, whilst 13740 is S9+20/30 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 12000, July 13 at 2330, RHC English on wrong frequency! // 11880, but 12000 is supposed to be Spanish, which remains on 11850, 11840, 11840, 11760 and 11700, and during this weekday hour only, separate Spanish `Mesa Redonda` TV soundtrack on 11950. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 6000, July 14 at 0117, RHC English is way undermodulated, // better mod on 6165. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 4920.761, the JBA carrier I heard before and after 0200 UT July 7 has now been identified. The claims of a ``La Voz del Alba`` in Perú to be on 4920 turn out to be a red herring. It kept being heard in South America with nothing but music, apparently initial testing --- until Pedro F. Arrunátegui in Lima reported to us on July 13:
``El Chasqui DX Julio 2018
4920.8 PERÚ, R. La Voz del Pueblo, Santiago de Chuco, La libertad 1140-1340 UT, 33333, música variada. ID "Radio la Voz del Pueblo, transmitiendo en la banda de 60 metros en los 4910…" Indican cómo se encuentran en el dial, junto a Nor Andina, (el locutor explica como encontrarlos en el día de un radio). (Escuchar grabación) dicen que su QTH es Poemas Humanos 650 Altos San José. El nombre de la calle se debe capaz a que en esa ciudad nació el poeta César Vallejos, incluso en algunas canciones que ellos ponen, citan a este poeta.
Desde el 4 de Julio, en diferentes días y horarios, he venido tratando de escuchar esta estación con sus problemas iniciales de operatividad; el s/on lo efectuaban inicialmente a la 1800 UT (1 de la tarde como indican en su grabación, después su s/off lo fueron variando inicialmente a las 0300, 0330 UT hasta hace dos días que lo están efectuando a las 0400, siempre cortando la música sin indicación alguna.
Hoy traté de ver si salían al aire en la mañana; de un momento a otro a las 1200 UT, salieron al aire y en un programa que por primera vez lo escucho, dicen su ID. (Después de varias oportunidades en que sólo trasmitían música variada sin ninguna indicación.)
Por la música variada que ponen y un comercial de una corrida de toros, no creo que sea una estación con fines bíblicos, tal como aparece en la hoja de propaganda [de La Voz del Alba]. Cabe indicar que en las varias escuchas efectuadas, no han pasado ningún mensaje y/o programa bíblico.
Parece ser la estación 4910 OAW2H según el WRTH 2018 pág. 318; ellos no pueden salir al aire si no cuentan con el permiso previo a MTC. Bueno, tiempo a tiempo y sabremos más de ellos.
Con este reporte doy término a mi tiempo sabático sobre nuestro DX; nuevamente estaré participando en el sideral mundo de nuestro DXLA.
Agradezco a Henrik Klemetz y Tore Vik sobre las diferentes comunicaciones y soporte sobre esta estación para lograr su ID. Al fin lo logramos.
Estoy usando una antena de hilo largo de 20 metros acompañado del Elad ASA-42 y RSP1A.
73’s Pedro F. Arrunátegui,
-- Vivo en una casa muy pequeña, pero,
sus ventanas se abren hacia un
mundo muy grande``
He attached three clips, now audible via the WOR iog, including IDs, one of 8 minutes including a 5:11 pm timecheck amid it. And followed up with:
``Señores: Radio la Voz del Pueblo tiene facebook
tnx Taka.
Saludos, Pedro``
It`s on FB, with a number of logo grafix dating back to May - June 2017, mentioning 4910 kHz --- of course, no one ever heard them on that frequency, or 4920+ until recently.
I retype the florid content of the grafix:
``Radio la Voz del Pueblo
Al pie del majestuoso Quilla Hirca, al frente del rebelde Huacapongo y la hospitalaria Chiminiga, desde el histórico Pichi Paccha, como un rayo de luz, nace radio LA VOZ DEL PUEBLO, el mensajero andino de la voz telúrica de los chucos y sus ondas vuelan por los cielos del mundo como el condor milenario llegando la antorcha del mensaje chuco a los pueblos. Escúchelo en el punto exacto [sic] de su dial 4910 kh.
Radio LA VOZ DEL PUEBLO, siempre en tu corazon, con la mejor programación: música variada, noticias, entrevistas, todo lo que quieras escuchar y difundir.
Radio La Voz del Pueblo, tu radio, pone a tu disposición la hora del folclor santiaguino. Disfruta de tu música, de tus sonidos que hacen historia...``
Now the question is, whether they are +0.761 kHz off-frequency, or really believe they are on announced 4910, and thus +10.761 kHz off??
Besides the rare discovery of a brand-new SW station, we`re glad to learn that this has led Pedro to end his almost 2-year ``sabbatical`` away from DXing! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15730, July 13 at 1303, S9+10 of open carrier. Altho a frequency time-shared later with Cuba, I`m sure this is one of VOA Greenville`s typical circa 9 am transmitter tests to be sure it`s ready for the scheduled broadcast, i.e. French from 2000. Wish they`d play a bit of music during (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. (7490), July 13 from 2330 past 0100 July 14, I doze a much-needed sesquihour nap to compensate for my overnight sleep deficit, so depend on John Carver to summarize this week`s `Alan Weiner Worldwide` on WBCQs:
``Tonight's show started on time. Listening on 7490 again. Allan and Angela in studio one. Broadcasting this evening on 5130, 7490, 9330 and 3265.
More talk about the weather in Maine and Angela's gardens. Then into the legalization of drugs again, expressing great disappointment in his generation who make up the people in charge who refuse to legalize drugs. Jumping around, they also cover again the history of radio. Then a slight foray into the subject of obese children.
First and only phone call at 0028 from Mr. Transistor, Norm. Talk of motorcycles, ham fests, radios and TVs.
After the call is finished some more talk about TV sets. Then Allan read an email from his father-in-law quoting statistics from 1910. A reading of a recent Free Radio Weekly and reading of emails began at 0052. After a quick prayer show was off the air at 0101. John, Mid-North Indiana`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7505v, July 13 at 1301, I find WRNO is still on with YL & OM alternating Chinese & English, one typical programming ploy of the Chinese service, but cut off air abruptly amid all this at 1301:35*. WRNO ``scheduling`` is scatttershot: some other days they were running fake `TruNews` TV soundtrack in English only, well past this hour, as they were a couple hours earlier today per Ron Howard:
``Hi Glenn, Thanks for the TruNews alert. July 13, tuned 7505v (WRNO), at 1123+ and heard their TV audio feed. On the following video, I noted their audio at about 20:00 into the video. Reception was fair. As you say, recently WRNO was mostly running the Chinese program "Grace for Today" during this time period, so a significant scheduling change. Is TruNews daily now?`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15665-15670-15675, July 13 at 1335, DRM noise, as scheduled from WINB on weekday mornings. This time it seems ``normal`` 10-kHz expanse. Supposedly only 15 kW aimed at Europe, reversing the usual 9265 antenna beam back here.
These suspicious DRM tests may or may not be related to these:
Wall Street Uses Shortwave to shave a few nanoseconds off trading info:
(via Chuck Albertson, DXLD)
Part III of photo investigation of high-power HF experimental stations
(via Benn Kobb, DXLD) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
This report dispatched at 0347 UT July 14