lunedì 2 luglio 2018

Glenn Hauser logs July 1-2, 2018

** CUBA. 5012-5035 approx., July 2 at 0121, R. Rebelde, 5025V is S9+30/45, distorted and splattering out at least to this range, the fundamental also waVering. WRMI`s limited use of 5010 to Cuba and beyond is prudent instead of former 5015; give Rebelde a wide berth! Even affects 5040 RHC which is blasted from the other side by 5050 WWRB during fortunately rare activation, and to make it worse, 5040 is undermodulated. So a toss-up whether to try 5040 on LSB or USB. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6165, UT Monday July 2 at 0136, RHC in wrong language! Spanish instead of English, which remains on 6000 only. All other Spanish frequencies checked are really SS, not exchanged with English: 5040, 6060, 7330, 9535, 11700, 11760, 11830, 11840, 11850, 12000. And this is about when some guy on 5850 & 7780 is saying ``Something`s always wrong at RHC``. 

And this is also when `En Contacto``s final repeat is starting, first topic, señales digitales. At 0145-0148 concludes with a monthly DX report voiced by Pedro Sedano of AER in Spain. He spends much of his precious triminute spelling out postal and e-mail addresses (not in Spanish, of course) for QSL attempts, having time to deal with external schedules for only two stations, Afghanistan and Mongolia, plus a quick mention of RVA closing SW this coming June 30 (like, yesterday) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 9570, July 2 at 1229, JBA carrier, certainly not CRI via CUBA, which is inexplicably AWOL, along with its filthy spurs circa 9555 & 9585. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba. The uncoveree would be KBSWR in Indonesian (also English at 13 should Cuba still be off) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 13700, July 2 at 1302, RHC fails to provide 15 FM spurs today across the 20, 21 and 22 meter bands; just the 13660 leapfrog with 13740. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9804.70, July 1 at 2125, open carrier/dead air or JBM? With lite pulse jamming on 9805 against no Radio Martí except in the mornings. Everything points to this being Radio Cairo, English sesquihour, which is supposed to be on 9800, but is habitually under/non-modulated, off-frequency to 9799.7, where there is nothing now nor on 9800.0. So not only is it minus 0.3 kHz off, but starting out, off at 5 kHz plus, doubly mistaken. BTW, Aoki/NDXC shows RBAustralia is also on 9805 in English and/or Korean depending on DOW, at 2115-2145 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** HAWAII [and non]. 10000, July 2 at 0603, WWVH announcing its 808- phone number, no WWV audible, but switching to 5000, July 2 at 0604, WWV does the same for its 303 number. I hope they aren`t thinking of leaving SW too! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. From the KOSU mailing list: ``On Friday, June 22nd, our 91.7 FM broadcast tower was struck by lightning and damaged. A tower crew will be climbing 1,100 feet Monday morning (July 2nd) to repair the hole in our antenna caused by lightning. The process is expected to last throughout the morning and into the late afternoon. This outage will also affect 94.9 in Ponca City, since it rebroadcasts the 91.7 signal, but it will not affect 88.3 in Stillwater or 107.5 and 107.3 in Tulsa and northeastern Oklahoma. KOSU can still be heard at as well. Thank you for your patience``

Had noticed 91.7 intermittent during `Weekend Edition Sunday` before 1400 July 1. During `Morning Edition`, July 2 it vanishes at 1318* UT, but rechecked at 1457 is already back on, maybe temporarily. Yes, off again at 1757 UT. Be safe, tower crew! (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN SOUTH [non]. 9665, July 2 at 0445, no signal via UTwente SDR of the new clandestine via Woofferton. Nor 13810 via UAE, July 2 at 1541 via UTwente, nor direct here at 1520 check. The schedule hours, 04-06 & 15-17 resemble those of Eye Radio, as on page 518 of WRTH 2018 the B-17 schedule at 04-05 & 18-19, then via Issoudun other frequencies. Eye Radio was the successor to Sudan Radio Service. Anything about resuming SW at 
? No, but they are streaming 24h:

** U K [non]. 15285, July 2 at 1258, BBCWS discussing a silly ballgame, fair-poor, 1259 plug news coming up, and I knew it! Cuts off the air at 1300*. This is one-hour only via SINGAPORE at 1200-1300. The geniuses at BBCWS frequency planning cut up their emissions into smaller blox rather than sticking to fewer good frequencies for longer spans (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1936 monitoring: Ivo Ivanov reports
``GERMANY, Reception of World of Radio via HLR on 9485 CUSB, July 1
1030-1100 9485 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sun, weak/fair``

Confirmed here UT Monday July 2 at 0140 the 0130.5 on WRMI, 7780, S9-S5 and 5850, S9+45; also confirmed UT Monday July 2 from 0302 on Area 51 webcast, and on WBCQ 5129.82 at 0329 check, very poor. Also confirmed UT Monday July 2 at 0330 on WRMI 9955, fair S9/+10. Also confirmed the immediate 0400 repeat on WRMI webcast only. Next:
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9330v to WSW [maybe]
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030   WRMI 7780 to NE, 5950 to WNW [or #1937?]
Tue 2130   WRMI 5950 to WNW [or #1937?]

Full schedule for WOR on all outlets, not just SW; podcast linx:

** U S A. 9955, July 1 at 2124, WRMI with a commercial for --- the gospel huxters who market anti-DX, fixed-frequency radios, but apparently expanding to other products. Sked grid shows at 2100-2130 Sundays is `Impact Radio`, whatever that be, an infomercial? It is not mentioned on
but one may explore many other programs, such as now at the top, `Reserve Military Retirement` --- and US SW is supposedly for audiences abroad? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15809.9, July 1 at 2118, JBA carrier, presumably WTWW-3 on signature off-frequency, but lacking any sporadic-E enhancement at the moment, just like neighbor 15825 WWCR in the 1-megameter too-close range (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5050, UT Monday July 2 at 0123, WWRB is on with OM gospel huxter at S9+45/50 and splattering at least plus/minus 10, impinging poor 5040 RHC which is also undermodulated. 5050 transmissions are very limited but exact spans uncertain, UT Sunday and Monday only? 5050 still going at 0150 with YL g.h. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11530, July 2 at 0144 open carrier/dead air at S0 to S3,  off at 0149 recheck. Wonder if it`s WRMI testing? Aoki/NDXC would have us believe it`s WRMI-3 with Family Radio this hour, but that was replaced some time ago by 0200-0300 on 5950 WRMI-5, per current schedule which has 24 hours of blanx for 11530. Aoki does show Sound of Hope at 2000-1600 on 11529.811, also *jammed, so possibly CNR1, as I would likely have noticed if the carrier were that far off-channel. Of course 11530 is also a Denge Welat, Kurdistan-non frequency, but not until 0500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

This report despatched at 1810 UT July 2