lunedì 8 dicembre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs December 7-8, 2014

** BRAZIL. 11813 & 11747, Dec 8 at 0612, extremely distorted spurs from 11780.1 RNA/RNB are still quite audible centred approximately plus/minus 33 kHz; 11825 WRMI BS is weakened at the moment and not obscuring the upper one. I vow to keep reporting these whenever I hear them until EBC fixes them! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COLOMBIA [and non]. 5910, Dec 8 at 0621, ballad music, poor signal from the Voice of Thy Conscience, altho did not keep with it for an ID this time, lacking Alcaraván Radio. I turn off the radio expecting to hear Seabreeze when I turn it back on after 1330, and so I do (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 15230, Dec 8 at 0617, unlike bigsig 24 hours earlier, only a JBA carrier from presumed RHC in extra hour of Spanish. [BTW, per Aoki, the only other usage of 15230 is AWR Arabic via Germany at 07-08.]

Still trying to recheck the posted RHC schedule, Dec 8 at 1620, I guess RHC has not paid its bills, ha ha, as we find the website is still blocked by this ICRT message:

``Servicio de Alojamiento Web del Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión --- Este es un espacio que permite la publicación de varios sitios web de nuestro Instituto. El hecho de que Ud. esté viendo esta página es una indicación de que no ha escrito correctamente la URL o dirección del sitio que desea. Por favor, cerciórese de que esté realizando la solicitud apropiada.

Note, sin embargo, que existe la posibilidad que Ud. esté viendo esta página porque un sitio web ha sido administrativamente deshabilitado. Si es esa la situación, simplemente debe esperar por su restablecimiento.
© 2006-2014 Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión 20140512``

If that means Dec 5 rather than May 12, perhaps RHC has been AWOL since that date? So we wait (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 4920, Dec 8 at 1350, poor signal with YL in unknown language, 1355 some music mixing, S Asian? No timesignal across 1400, as it is fading down. As on so many 60m frequencies, we have to choose between India and China/Tibet as the two countries are unwilling to coördinate and not collide with each other, despite plenty of clear spots on the band. I`m not sure Tibet would do a timesignal at its hourtop, but India certainly would not at its hourbottom, so I am tentatively leaning toward this being AIR Chennai. With BFO it seems there is a second signal on the frequency. The only other suspect signal is 5040, which would be AIR Jeypore with nothing from China. Nothing audible vs RTTY on 4905 which would be another Tibet frequency if that area were propagating (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 9700, Dec 8 at 0609, surprised to hear song in English rather than music in Turkish from usual VOT which is on here almost until 0700 but now left to make only a SAH with the stronger signal. I suspect it`s RNZI on wrong frequency, instead of 11725 --- NO, it`s // 11725, as BOTH transmitters are in AM mode, very unusual. 0610 goes on to interview a BBC guy about some stupid ballgame. Other TRT frequency 9820 aimed elsewhere is only a het. At 0400-0651 M-F, RNZI is scheduled for a break in DRM between 17675 and 11690, so the second transmitter would be idle --- but putting it on Turkey`s frequency is NOT a good idea --- another SNAFU? By next check circa 1330, RNZI is on proper 5950, not 9700 which it has also been caught before misusing during that period (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1750 monitoring: confirmed Sunday December 7 at 2300 on WRMI 11580, good signal.

NOT confirmed at 0400 UT Monday December 8 on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110 as Larry Will notified us at 0347: ``Hi Glenn, John Lightning has asked for an extra hour on 5110 this evening so I'm going to run him from 0400 to 0500 Monday. I'll give you a make-up airing next weekend, late Friday night (Saturday 0300) which should be on 7490 and 5110. Sorry for the late notification. Regards, Lw`` --- so I guess that will still be 1750 rather than 1751. Next from now:

Monday    2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Tuesday   1200 on WRMI 9955
Wednesday 0401 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Wednesday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1415 on WRMI 9955
Wednesday 2200 on WBCQ 7490v
Wednesday 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395

** U S A. 17790, Dec 8 at 1435, zero signal from R. Africa Network via WRMI which is supposed to start at 1400; while KVOH from the opposite coast is already a bigsig on 17775 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, Dec 8 at 0614, poor signal playing `Silent Night`, so must be WTWW-3 on the air but hardly propagating, stunting with Xmas music, like WTWW-2, 5085 --- but NOT the same music. The 5085 VG signal is instead playing `Joy to the World`. At 0625, I hear JTTW again on 5085 already, but maybe different version? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7455, Dec 8 at 0618 tune-in, just in time for ID ``Radio Paradise, broadcasting across North America, South America, Caribbean and Europe; thank you for listening`` and into praise music. Radio Paradise is axually a subset of TruNews, apparently occupying certain hours of its total programming blox via WRMI, and also heard on // 5850 and much weaker beamed-away 5015 at 01-07 (and also should appear during 18-24 on 11550, same transmitter #3 as 5015).

I`m rather amazed that there have been hardly any other logs of Radio Paradise, which as the only ID given during its portions, could be taken as a ``new`` shortwave station. Speaks volumes about the general disinterest in listening to so-called TruNews.

And as I explained before, the name obviously derives from the 820 St Kitts MW station which Rick Wiles is taking over from TBN (despite objexions of the local manager), and is expected to reactivate soon if not already. However, no identity with St Kitts is to be heard on the SW frequencies, so I am not filing this as ST KITTS [non]. Lacking any detailed program schedule from TruNews, we still don`t know exactly what hour(s) that Radio Paradise occupies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 15598-15623, Dec 8 at 1437, heavy OTH radar pulsing, with WEWN 15610 right in the middle of it but radar alone on both sides. Tho WEWN is strong, the OTHR is still audible under it. One would be tempted to assume this is just another defect out of the WEWN transmitter itself, but I think not, now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1711 UT December 8