giovedì 4 dicembre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs December 2-3-4, 2014

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. 9580, Dec 4 at 1207, RA with `Late Night Live` sub-host other than Philip Adams interviewing someone about Israel moving up parliamentary elexions by two years. With QRM from spurs out of 9570 China via CUBA, something which is rarely a problem here unlike in Ontario, but the RA signal is weaker than usual.

Now on weekdays for anything of value, we have to listen before 1300 when they start running that awful Triple-J music for 3 or 4 hours. By 1337 the rauc music is playing and no more 2ACI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11745 & weaker 11815, Dec 3 at 0658, distorted spurs from RNA 11780.1 are still audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 5097.4, Dec 3 at 0651, open carrier and brief RTTY burst. Meanwhile, Kenneth Vito Zichi, Michigan in MARE has identified this as CFH in Halifax. RTTY stations often leave their dead carriers on when there is no traffic. This is after all, primarily a fixed-service band, not broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1750, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. 17585, Dec 3 at 1450, CNR1 jammer with flutter, this time about equal level to its victim, which is IBB Tibetan via Lampertheim, GERMANY during this hour only.

9230, Dec 4 at 1348, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter, better than // 9280, Dec 4 at 1348, CNR1 jammer, fair with flutter. No bandscan for others now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 5965.0, Dec 4 at 1342 love song sounds like English, so I suspect it`s the Klassik network of Malaysia, which Ron Howard has noted is now on 5965 even, a different transmitter than 5964.7. Fair with flutter, but 1345 mixture of Korean and Chinese, language lesson, so it`s really the CRI Korean service at 11-15 UT, 73 degrees from Xi`an. No sign of Malaysia unless it adds to the fading. FWIW, this 5965 signal is very slightly on hi side compared to 9965 Palau, or that could be slightly lo (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COLOMBIA [and non]. 5910, Dec 3 at 0649, no signal from HJDH after having heard it for three nights in a row IDing as La Voz de tu Conciencia instead of Alcaraván Radio --- but during this quarter hour weekdays is TWR Polish via AUSTRIA, good signal now with no het or any QRM; the other HJDH presumably the one on 6010v with music het. Likewise Dec 4 at 0638 check, no 5910 but very poor music on 6010+ (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1750, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9935, Dec 3 at 0647, ERTOpen with humwhine so severe it`s atop the program modulation, while // 9420.0 is OK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 5910, Dec 4 at 1340, Sea Breeze fair signal, reconfirmed in English on Thursday discussing, what else? North Korea (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1030, Dec 4 at 1256, looping roughly east-west, full ID for Radio Fórmula, XERFR, 970 in México DF, i.e. flagship of far-flung network in the US of M and the US of A --- at first I wonder if it could be the 50 kW SS in Memphis TN, but it`s still supposedly its own Radio Ambiente. No, it must be the only real XE Fórmula affiliate on 1030, per Cantú:
``1030 XEYC Radio Fórmula Cd. Juárez, Chih. 5000 500``
IRCA Mexican Log agrees except power as 1000/1000. WRTH 2014 went with 5000/500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. TCS eQSL "Rock 'n Roll Art Show" --- Glenn, Thanks for sending on your logging of our Thanksgiving Day show to the Free Radio Weekly! An eQSL attached. 73s (John Poet, The Crystal Ship/TCS Shortwave Relay Network Dec 4)

Viz. Nov 28 at 0002 UT on 6850-AM:

** SAUDI ARABIA. 15435, Dec 4 at 1502, BSKSA is fair with flutter, but humbuzz louder than JBM programming, Arabic music? At least it`s not that awful frying sound this transmitter once achieved (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020.0, Dec 4 at 1200-1201+, JBA carrier continues in 5025 Cuba splash. I suppose SIBC is again leaving its carrier on past ``sign-off`` even if no modulation; far too weak to tell the difference here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15570, Dec 2 at 2043, open carrier, surely Greenville-B warming up for *2100 broadcast on neighborly 15580, this time avoiding QRM to previous IBB site already on 15580 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1749 monitoring: confirmed UT Wednesday Dec 3 at 0401 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395 with good signal and no problems; but checking the webcast first from before 0400 I find it looping, then past 0400 sounds like my voice looping at maybe 3x speed mixed with another sound resulting in turkey-gobbling effect. This is still going on two hours later.

Confirmed Wednesday Dec 3 at 2200 on WBCQ, 7490v+, very poor signal, and a minute later at 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI, 9395, very good signal. No more looping on webcast by now.

WORLD OF RADIO 1750 monitoring: confirmed first airing UT Thursday Dec 4 after 0430 on WRMI, 9955 good signal; by contrast, whatever was on G24, 9395 had a poor signal (often it`s vice versa). Also confirmed second airing, Thursday 1330 on WRMI 9955, sufficient signal vs lite pulse jamming; tnx a lot, Arnie! Next:

Thu 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Fri 0030 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Fri 0430v on WWRB 3185 (maybe)
Fri 2130 on WRMI 7570 & 15770
Sat 0401 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Sat 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Sun 0231 on KVOH 9975
Sun 1000 on WRMI 5850
Sun 2300 on WRMI 11580
Mon 0400 on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Mon 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Tue 1200 on WRMI 9955
Wed 0401 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Wed 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wed 1415 on WRMI 9955
Wed 2200 on WBCQ 7490v
Wed 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395

** U S A. ALL 9395, Global 24 via WRMI monitoring (see also WORLD OF RADIO monitoring):

Dec 2 at 2042 check it`s JBA, so apparently not testing the 315 antenna toward us at this moment.

Wed Dec 3 at 0704 I find the Global 24 Mailbag is in progress, which turns out to be an unscheduled time (unlike 0730 Thursdays). Mentions antenna changes in the works for western North America, tests to Europe and India. Reply to listener in Sweden, and then another, Björn Fransson. Says they have mailed out 100 QSLs yesterday and another 100 today, plus special ones for the Berlin Wall broadcasts. Next to John C[ooper] in Pennsylvania, a listeners club member, and ``proud supporter`` of G24; he gives the programming an 80% favorable rating. Having problems getting good audio file from Radio Cairo (apparently accounting for reduxion to only one broadcast a week). Says some domestic programs are difficult to get on SW due to exclusive affiliation agreements --- i.e. AM or FM stations view SW as competition (everywhere!). Still negotiating for some great shows on Public Radio. Did you hear `Bluegrass Review` last night? `Democracy Now` has now been
 codified for two airings M-F, at 15 & 23 UT. Considering a third later for the West, in the 04 or 05 range. The overall schedule is taking shape.

No more mail, so at 0713 name-that-song contest to win a mug, the first to e-mail wins. (Since this was surely a repeat from 0000 or even previous day, I figure it`s too late.) Mailbag host signs off without IDing himself, maybe Phil Workman? And plays R-E-S-P-E-C-T. I think I know that one. 0716 Listener Club promo for prizes and giveaways; then #2 tune, Na-na-na-na. 0719 promo for G24 Marketplace; 0720 tune #3, ``It Ain`t Me ---``. This kept me up later than intended. The Mailbag was originally going to be ``daily`` at 0000 UT Tue-Sat at least, but latest schedule grid revision shows it only on UT Wed & Fri, and so entered on the Dec 4 update of our DX/SWL/MEDIA programs schedule,

Wed Dec 3 at 1400, NHK relay is starting, good signal; tuned in too late to hear what was on before 1400. This time NHK does not announce the time of the original broadcast, which last time we heard it gave JST equivalent of 12 UT.

Wed Dec 3 at 1451 check, now it`s KBS World Radio relay, with folk music, 1458 outro as `Sounds of Korea`; survey to determine the station`s most popular host of 2014. Must be the half-hour version, while sometimes the full-hour plays at 1300. 1459 WRN ID, FSNews from London at 1459:30, plug Democracy Now next, Global 24 ID, 1501 D.N.

Thu Dec 4 I am awake too early so at 1206, find classical music show playing on G24, not fill music. 1217 introduces ``Fantasía para un Gentilhombre``, guitar concerto, mispronouncing Fantasía.

Thu Dec 4 at 1336 check, now it`s vocal jazz music. At 1348 it`s KBS World Radio speculating about Kim Jung-Un; 1401 into Old Time Radio, 9/18/34 episode of Woodbury Radio Show starring Bing Crosby, and I think the 2014 announcer referred to ``The Upstate Radio Theatre``; by 1504, `Democracy Now` is on again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, Thu Dec 4 at 1211, on WRMI, Jeff White is explaining in Spanish his shows Viva Miami and AWR Wavescan; this is axually an interview by Dino Bloise on `Frecuencia al Día`. Jeff says he started SWL in 1972 first hearing Deutsche Welle while he was living in Indianápolis. He`s optimistic that SWBC has many more years, can`t be totally blocked by jamming unlike other media. Then at 1215 Cuba turns on the pulse jamming, none before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9930, Dec 2 at 2040, tone test but not super signal, presumed WTWW-2. Jamie Labadia has been at WTWW apparently trying to get it back into service:

``Happened to have QSO with Jamie Labadie on CW the other night, who told me that he was in Nashville for a little while to work on a transmitter for WTTW, so something's happening! Best, Saul Broudy W3WHK`` as he told the DXLD yg December 3.

Dec 3 at 0651 check, 5085 is still off but 5830 is on.
Dec 3 at 2230-2304.5* open carrier on 9930, big sig

** U S A. 880, Dec 4 at 1300 UT tune-in, VG signal with ID ``Thanks for listening to KHAC, The Voice of Hope``, and then nothing, almost as if signing off at this odd hour. Obviously still on ND day power from Tse Bonito NM. No sign of KLRG AR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5050.0, Dec 4 at 1202, JBA music, probably V. of Beibu Bay Radio, Nanning, CHINA, rather than AIR Gauhati/Aizawl per Aoki. BTW, per Australian DX News, if and when Vintage FM comes back from NSW, it`ll be on 5045 with 1 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1750, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15573.0-USB, Dec 4 at 1408 past 1500, 2-ways in Spanish, one of which has constant background, engine? Noise. Slight het from much weaker so-called North American service of South Korea on 15575-AM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1900 UT December 4