sabato 1 novembre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs October 30-31, 2014

** ALBANIA [and non]. 7465, Oct 31 at 0020, I am now checking R. Tirana`s Albanian hour to North America. Very poor carrier, can`t make anything out altho there is no interference, so this is just as bad as the 0230 English on 7425.

7425, Oct 31 at 0240, again a very poor carrier, unreadable; adjacent Iran in Spanish on 7420 is better at poor level and can be heard with concentration. (Tirana`s successor on 7425, DW in Swahili via RWANDA, has sufficient signal at 0328) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. 11945, Oct 31 at 0604, I catch R. Australia with news in French at new time; 0605 back to English before I can tell whether 13630 and 15240 were also in French. Maybe 0600 M-F only like the previous 0310 scheduling, and does that still exist?

9580, Oct 31 at 1227, again this Friday, RA is airing `The Naked Scientists` from ABC RN during this hour, and after 1300 rock/rap music from Triple J (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11745 & weaker 11815, Oct 31 at 0607, scratchy spurs from 11780 RNA are still outgoing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9200, Oct 31 at 1334, CNR1 jammer, fair with flutter; none in the 10s, 11s

12500, Oct 31 at 1342, CNR1 jammer, poor with flutter; none in the 13s, 14s, 15s, 16s, 17s, 18s (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also MYANMAR

** IRAN. 11675, Oct 31 at 1338, good signal with flutter but some hum, ME music, undermodulated announcement. Aoki says VIRI, Urdu at 1250-1420, 500 kW, 178 degrees from Kamalabad.

13750, Oct 31 at 1345, in Arabic giving which must be pronounced in English; similar signal to 11675 Urdu, but very good with flutter, to be expected since this is also 500 kW, 178 degrees from Kamalabad, at 0820-1420 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [non]. 9430, Oct 31 at 0328, ME music, fair with slow fades. HFCC says it`s IBB in Farsi via Lampertheim, GERMANY, at 0200-0530, 100 kW at 108 degrees --- which means R. Farda. One of the best Eurosigs on 31m now (9420/9415/9935 Greeceless) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 540, Oct 31 at 0609, Mex NA ending, ``Cuarenta`` and top 40 music, i.e. XEWA San Luís Potosí, SLP. Had to null CBK to hear it, a welcome and rare situation. Still doubt XEWA is anywhere near 150 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MICRONESIA. 4755+, Oct 31 at 1158, JBA carrier until cutoff at 1159:46*, i.e. PMA The Cross. May be last time I check this for a while as it will seem a local hour earlier once we are off DST (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MYANMAR. 7345, Oct 31 at 1245, weak signal, music with flutter, suspected Thazin Radio as certainly unsounds like CNR1; while CRI Japanese on 7325 is inbooming. B14 Aoki is now up at
where we find an x by CNR1 frequency meaning not currently on the air:
7345xCNR 1 0800-1805 1234567 Chinese 100 175 Beijing 572 CNR1 b14                
and unlikely to be CRI Serbian via Albania:
7345 CHINA RADIO INTER. 1200-1257 1234567 Serbian 150 ND Cerrik ALB
leaving only this at this hour:
7345 Thazin Radio 1230-1330 1234567 Mon 50 356 Naypyidaw 1652N 09610E
Ron Howard could confirm this from Asilomar State Beach if he weren`t on holiday from DXing in Shanghai (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 17628, Oct 31 at 1348, BSKSA blob is still here instead of 17625, while 17615 is not a blob, but poor signal and undermodulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** THAILAND. 9390, Oct 31 at 1248, R. Thailand with world news in American English by W&M anchors, about Hong Kong, Malaysia, Israel, Xinjiang, India, Russia, etc. 1258 ad for hotel?/nightclub?, ID as ``Radio Thailand FM 88`` until cutoff at 1259.6*. Back on a few seconds later with much weaker signal, 1300 timesignal, chimes, English ID as Radio Thailand World Service and into Japanese. The Udorn antenna has just switched from 132 to 54 degrees, which you would expect to improve the signal here at 21 degrees from Udorn. Why not? Maybe strange sidelobes.

I`ve made a point of listening to what is defacto the best R. Thailand English broadcast audible in North America, since from tomorrow, the new Global 24 service from WRMI will be on 9395 and likely to blow 9390 away; could be worse if on 315 antenna like 11825, 7570, but WRMI schedule shows 355, almost due north from Okeechobee, which eventually will also cross close to Udorn (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Glenn: If you have a chance, can you check our 11550 and 11580 frequencies, which are airing simultaneously from 1800 to 0000 UT? Here we are hearing some audio mixing between the two. But it's impossible to get a good idea here on the site; we need to have someone listen who's far away to see if you hear any secondary audio in the background on either or both of these frequencies. I realize they're not beamed in your direction, but maybe audible anyway? Thanks (Jeff White, WRMI, Oct 30, to gh, via DXLD)

Jeff, Too much noise around the house, so I took the PL-880 out to lunch at a Sonic, outside on a nice day (except for ``Sonic Radio`` on the PA). Listened on and off 2040 past 2100 UT and could hear no crosstalk on either frequency. So will TruNews be on 11550 daytime too or just test audio source? (Glenn to Jeff, ibid.)

Thanks, Glenn. That's good to know. Yes, TruNews has gone to a 6-hour format on three frequencies daily from 0100 to 0700 UT:
5850 to Eastern North America
7455 to Western North America
 5015 to Latin America
and from 1800 to 0000 UT daily on 11550 to Europe. The UT times will remain the same when the time change occurs in North America this weekend (Jeff White, ibid.)

Updated schedule grid shows 11550 is transmitter #3, same one used on 5015. And Global 24, 9395 is on transmitter #1, here shown as on 355 antenna only, 24 hours. Remember, it inaugurates at 2300 UT Oct 31. Own website says full program schedule will not be up until Nov 1 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also THAILAND

** U S A. 7505+, Oct 31 at 0228, I notice that WRNO is still running strange-bedfellow newscasts from Deutsche Welle; variable times? Additional degrading humbuzz applied by WRNO, of course. Explosion in Texas, other world news, by British-accented YL, outro at 0232 as Thea? Walton? And ref to for more news, back to gospel huxtering (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3185 // 5050, Oct 31 at 0242, WWRB is running Brother Scare on both frequencies. As alleged WOR time approaches, UT Friday 0330v: by 0327, 5050 is off and 3185 is still BS instead of the usual preacher, and continues well past 0330 with no sign of GH. Webcasts, however, both of them, are now running KJV Bibling, neither BS nor GH. Why don`t I pull WOR from WWRB permanently? Next:
Friday 2130 on WRMI 7570, 15770
Saturday 0730 & 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB
UT Sunday 0131 on KVOH 9975
Sunday 1000 on WRMI 5850
Sunday 2300 on WRMI 11580
UT Monday 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Tuesday 1200 on WRMI 9955
Wednesday 0730 & 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1415 on WRMI 9955
Wednesday 2200 on WBCQ 7490v

** U S A [and non]. 12050, Oct 31 at 1341, WEWN Spanish es ASP (ausente sin permiso - AWOL), clearing channel for RFA Tibetan via TINIAN, poor, and/or ChiCom jamming, during this hour only. 11550 WEWN Spanish meanwhile is VG (Note that 11550 is now succeeded immediately at 1800 by WRMI/TruNews). (Glenn Hauser, OK< DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 612, Oct 31 at 1150, Trans-Pacific carrier search thru bottom half of the MW band finds only this weakie --- except I can`t null it, which implies it`s something else local --- yet it`s exactly on 612.0 as far as I can tell (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1730 UT October 31