sabato 8 novembre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs November 8, 2014

** AUSTRIA. 11880, Nov 8 at 0627, fair signal in Arabic with Christian sermon: refers to Yeshua rather than Mohammed; there`s also something about the intonation which is unIslamic. Yes, HFCC shows AWR Arabic via Austria at 06-07 --- yet, also registered on 11880 at 06-09 is Saudi Arabia! That better be wooden, lest there be a terrible clash of Abrahamists (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11745 & 11815, Nov 8 at 0628, RNA 11780 distorted spurs still audible, altho barely. A Brazilian colleague has now notified EBC about this continuing problem, so we`ll see what happen (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 12010, Nov 8 at 1345, no signal from RHC, nor on 11950 which is supposed to replace it effective Nov 9, at 12-14 to `Buenos Aires`.

9640, Nov 8 at 1351, RHC on this new frequency, good signal and echo apart from stronger 9850, and nothing on 9550 except Vietnamese. 9640 is on new schedule at 12-16 to `Antilles`. RHC is phasing in its new frequencies rather than abrupt changes tomorrow (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT [non]. See USA: Global 24

** FRANCE. Re: ``15180, Nov 4 at 1427, Russian fair with flutter, mentions Kitaya, so odds are it`s CRI, the #1 SW broadcaster in Russian (21 hours a day per WRTH 2014). But I am outfaked as HFCC shows this hour is really RFI from Issoudun (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)``

Eike Bierwirth replies: ``Almost. Yes, registered as RFI, but not mentioned on their Russian website. This is in fact Radio Taiwan International via Issoudun. Their French relays are included in HFCC, but masked as 'RFI'. This is why it appears that long-gone English, German and Spanish RFI programs (and way too many Russian ones) are still listed in HFCC. No, it's not RFI doing the VoR; these broadcasts are real. Just not actually RFI. 73, Eike``

Just another example of how much HFCC is subject to political pressure and obfuscation. EiBi`s own new B14 schedule, of course, has it right:
And so does Aoki:

** GERMANY EAST [non]. Radio Glasnost was an interesting feature on `NPR Weekend Edition Saturday` Nov 8, a station or rather monthly program from West Berlin which ran for two years until the Berlin Wall and the DDR fell. Text and audio link:
WTFK? Somewhere around 100 MHz. The STASI tried to jam it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, Nov 8 at 1353, no trace of even a carrier from VOI. As of today, agrees that it has not been heard since Nov 4 at 1155* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [and non]. 15575, Nov 8 at 1404, KBSWR, poor signal with heavy flutter in Korean, presumably the same for English before 1400. However, that was relayed by Global 24! See USA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. 9400, Nov 8 at 1401, heavy CCI between FEBC PHILIPPINES with hymn and Chinese talk, and Kurdish music from Denge Kurdistane via PRIDNESTROVYE. FEBC is supposed to be over at 1400; just running a bit late? Not further checked. Or extended to try to drive DK away? They add up to too much ACI to 9395, G24 via WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. The afternoon of November 7 we visited KLGB-LP 94.3 in Enid, now hosting another new gospel-huxtering LP, KVBN-LP 99.9. As usual, no sign of humans in or around the building, but we do see that the tower now supports some much improved antennas, including a small STL dish pointed at Victory Bible Church a few miles east, HQ of KVBN, pictured in our previous report.

KLGB itself may now have improved 94.3 coverage with these new antenna elements. Perhaps someone can describe their design; perhaps someone can measure whether the height above ground is within LPFM requirements.

Full view of building and tower at NE corner of Van Buren & Spruce:
Feedlines into the tower:
Tower looking upward from the base:
Close-up of antenna elements and STL dish:
KLGB-only sign facing north with heavy weathering:
KLGB-only sign facing south in much better condition:
(Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1600, Nov 8 at 1616-1635 UT, KUSH Cushing with continuous Indian chanting, during ``Native Air with Hugh Foley, 10-11 AM Saturdays. Native American News, Music and more!`` per website. Tim Hendel and I were wondering whether any of the talk would be unEnglish. That must have come earlier and/or later (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 13720, Nov 8 at 1340, no sign of `Song of India` from PCJ Radio International via Sri Lanka, now on 5 degree azimuth per Victor Goonetilleke, which ought to carry on transpolar to North America if the MUF and auroral zone permitted. Might make it on a lower band, as AIR GOS is audible on 9690. Let`s hope PCJ schedules some more relays of this via WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Re my hearing VOA `Music Time in Africa`, 15580 on Friday, Alan Roe replies: ``Hi Glenn, "Music Time in Africa" has been scheduled at 2100 on Fridays for a long time (see my Music on SW listings in BDXC-UK's Broadcasts in English publications for B-13 and A-14 and I think I had it listed even before then) but it's never been listed on the website and I've never heard it announced on-air.  There's another long-established "secret" airing on Saturday and Sundays at 1500 UT (last heard Sunday 2 November, although I
haven't reconfirmed the Saturday airing recently).

By the way, the "Playlist" button is really an "Add to Playlist" button. So, whilst listening to one program in the audio player, as you navigate around and click Playlist when desired, it will then add those programs to the playlist queue for you. Never used it myself tho'. Alan Roe, Teddington, UK`` Bill Bingham in RSA confirms `MTIA` at 1500 Nov 8 also via 4930 Botswana (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1746 monitoring: we already noted that the Berlin specials covered the 1000 UT Saturday time on 9395 Global 24 this week via WRMI when WOR was heard last Saturday. But Dave Kenny, UK, still heard us on another WRMI frequency!

``Hi Glenn, A couple of changes to the listed WoR schedule noted this morning: At 1000-1030 UT today (Saturday) World of Radio was carried on WRMI 5850 - it`s not listed at this time on Saturdays. I was expecting to hear WoR on Global 24 at this time but 9395 was carrying
the Rock File instead! 73s Dave Kenny``.

Yes, the 5850 broadcast at 1000 has been scheduled on Sundays, tho I`ve never been awake to confirm it. So switched to Saturdays, or both, or what? WRMI sked still shows Sundays. Upcoming WOR airings:
UT Sunday 0231 on KVOH 9975
Sunday 1000 on WRMI 5850 (if still)
Sunday 2300 on WRMI 11580
UT Monday 0359v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5109v-CUSB; etc.

** U S A. 9395, Sat Nov 8 at 1354, Global 24 via WRMI has familiar YL mailbag voices --- yes, it`s KBS World Radio, and at 1356 over to Kevin O`Donovan, Farmington NM, for his listening tips, about Global 24, Nikkei 9595, R. Japan not to North America, AIR changes on 7420 (as recently posted by Jose Jacob), but cut off before complete at 1359 for G24 commercials: Connectors, and Skymaster active SW antennas. 1400 back to WRN ID, and into Polish Radio External Service, both of which match the live WRN North America feed. These two hours are on the WRN schedule 7 days a week:
So will they also be on G24 7 dpw, or merely temporary? Global 24 still has posted no program schedule for this weekend.

Unfortunately, KBS via G24 via WRMI 9395 at this hour is a strain to hear with weak signal and ACI from 9390 and 9400, but bound to be superior to and more reliable than direct on 15575; see KOREA SOUTH.

G24 website also says they will be adding Radio Cairo! Details TBA.

We can only hope they can get decent modulation direct from the studio without being ruined by Abis and Abu Zaabal SW transmitter sites. R. Cairo is not listed as a ``partner`` of WRN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1755 UT November 8