giovedì 6 novembre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs November 3-4-5-6, 2014

Now fully updated for B14 and standard time seasons:

DX/SWL/Media Programs:


ALAN ROE`s HITLIST of SW Stations:

** AUSTRIA. 17605, Nov 5 at 1431, Horn of Africa music, poor with flutter, as AWR Afar via Austria is back here for B-14 season at 1430-1500. To our ears, the music has no Christian or even Adventist tinge, but maybe it does to the Afars (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BANGLADESH. 15505, Nov 4 at 1400 I am straining to hear BB and its mistimesignal. Instead of modulated pips, I do only hear six tix ending at 1400:07.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11745 & 11815, Nov 4 at 0639, distorted spurs from musical 11780 RNA are still audible. And Nov 5 at 0635. And Nov 6 at 0706.

Atenção, colegas brasileiros: tenham a bondade de informar mais uma vez ao EBC que precisam de eliminar tais ruidos! Obrigado (Guilherme Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. CNR1 jammers; I still see various logs on frequencies like these of ``Sound of Hope`` by people ignoring the far more likely CNR1 jammers against them. It`s possible SOH will make it thru with a jammer missing, but not without any evidence of that.
10960, Nov 4 at 1344, CNR1 jammer, very poor // 9200
 9200, Nov 4 at 1344, CNR1 jammer, poor // 10960
11655, Nov 4 at 1349, CNR1 jammer with CCI, about 2 seconds behind 9200 & 10960. Per Aoki, 11655 victim is VOA Chinese via Thailand 12-14

11500, Nov 5 at 1440, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter
10960, Nov 5 at 1440, CNR1 jammer, 2 seconds behind 11500
12045, Nov 5 at 1441, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter // 11500
None found from 13 to 19 MHz; BTW, RFA Tibetan via Kuwait is no longer on the 18-19 MHz band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COLOMBIA. 6010+, Nov 5 at 0645, poor signal during song ``Can`t Help Falling in Love with You``, but in this case You is probably Jesus. 0649 Spanish announcement sounds devotionalish, but poor signal, no doubt the Voice of Thy Conscience. Slightly on hi side compared to MW 1010 stations. Checked here after finding no signal on 5910v, sibling station Alcaraván Radio missing much of the time. I wonder if they have only one transmitter operational and take turns? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5040, Nov 4 at 0647, RHC English still has some crackle only on this transmitter, not the 6 MHz ones. Unshift from daylight time Nov 2 in step with Yanqui Imperialism means this 5040 English hour has moved one UT hour later, altho full RHC frequency schedule changes are not due until Nov 9.

17730, Nov 4 at 1403, RHC Spanish missing here while 17580 is the SSOB along with 17775 KVOH.

6000, Nov 5 at 0642, RHC English is missing here. 5040 still on with lite crackling (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. 15180, Nov 4 at 1427, Russian fair with flutter, mentions Kitaya, so odds are it`s CRI, the #1 SW broadcaster in Russian (21 hours a day per WRTH 2014). But I am outfaked as HFCC shows this hour is really RFI from Issoudun (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420, Nov 5 at 0628, ERT Open with Greek conversation, fair. Nov 5 at 1437, Greek song on 9420 // 15650, fair/poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, Nov 4 at 1342, not even a carrier from VOI during English hour. Atsunori Ishida was not hearing it after 1155* Nov 4, nor on Nov 5 (Glenn Hauser, oK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [non]. 13800, Nov 4 at 1352, R. Farda music with good signal; it`s via Lampertheim, GERMANY at 11-15, and before that via Sri Lanka (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 5985, Nov 5 at 1343, Japanese with piano music, Shiokaze, poor signal, het on hi side from Myanmar; also Thu Nov 6 at 1330 I can barely tell she`s in English, plus het (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. 9400, Nov 4 at 1332, Kurdish music with heavy flutter, 1335 talk from Denge Kurdistane, but without CCI from FEBC Philippines, which normally lasts until 1400; poor FE propagation today? 9400 via PRIDNESTROVYE is stronger than G24 9395, and HSK9 9390.

9400, Nov 5 at 1430, Kurdish music and low audible heterodyne slightly on the hi side, poor signal. Maybe a second transmitter is slightly off frequency (like Bulgaria has been but only after 1800) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA [and non]. 9595-9600-9605, Nov 4 at 0638, DRM noise is QRMing 9595 R. Nikkei I, JAPAN. And again Nov 5 at 0629. It is of course, RRI English, now 9600 DRM at 0630 to UK, and consequently North America beyond.

Another prime example of why DRM should be banned from the SWBC bands. There`s plenty of room in fixed utility bands for noisy modes where they can`t interfere with AM broadcasts!

HFCC still hasn`t figured out how to show which transmissions are DRM in country skeds:
but this should show as `N` in one of the columns of the by-frequency skeds. That means `numérique`, French for digital instead of ``digitale``. All the other entries as `D` mean analog, but not sure what French word that would be. And why isn`t it NRM = Numérique Radio Mondiale? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [non]. 7435, Nov 4 at 0645, very poor signal in Russian. HFCC shows it`s R. Liberty, 03-07 UT, 100 kW, 55 degrees from Lampertheim, GERMANY, so presumably well heard circa Moscow. Not jammed yet, but how much longer can Putin tolerate a free press from outside the borders? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 17615, Nov 4 at 1425, open carrier/dead air, fair with flutter, no doubt BSKSA without its companion 17628 blob after 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 5890, Nov 6 at 0705 I notice that Brother Scare on WWCR is completely different (not just out of synch) than the BS on WRMI, 5015, 5850, 7455, 7570, 11580, 11825. Yes, with TruNews now ending at 0700, from 07 to 10, BS occupies 8! WRMI transmitters, 15770 also scheduled, and 9955 – except at 0707 fill music is playing on 9955 instead, much more pleasant. See also WTWW for lack of BS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TROMELIN [non]. 14185-USB, Nov 5 at 1346 I`m looking for the FT4TA DX-pedition lasting until Nov 10, on one of its nominal frequencies. Instead hear an obviously domestic QSO between K7MX and K5GJ about dog fences and a chain link fence used a counterpoise for a stepped vertical antenna. And no one is asking them to QSY.

How about 15m? At 1357 Nov 5 on 21285, I find a CQ from W1AES, but a pileup on 21280, so maybe Tromelin is down 5 on 21275 instead. The pileuppers utter nothing but their own callsigns over and over, so one can only guess they are trying to reach FT4TA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9395, observations of the new Global 24 service via WRMI-1:

0637 UT Tue Nov 4, VG signal now with talk show; about same level as 9955 WRMI which is not always the case; 0649 UT, it`s `Democracy Now`, which has been airing earlier at 23-24 UT. Not sure if either of these times is firm yet. G24 has been posting advance portions of their schedule day by day, but no full schedule yet.

0019 UT Wed Nov 5, Bach classical music, altho special elexion coverage had been publicized for 5 hours; other reports say it was at least partly from Democracy Now

0503 UT Wed Nov 5, I missed checking for a WORLD OF RADIO time; I`m told it did not air this week but will subsequently

0652 UT Wed Nov 5, Radio France International relay

1433 UT Wed Nov 5, surprised to find WORLD OF RADIO 1745 in progress, synchronized with playback on 9955 WRMI, now at 1415 Wednesdays; both followed by Echo of Europe in French at 1445

2201 UT Wed Nov 5, WORLD OF RADIO 1745 is playing again as it did on Monday

1330 UT Thu Nov 5, once again 9395 has joined 9955 for WORLD OF RADIO, now new edition 1746. I understand this duplicating setup may be temporary. See WORLD OF RADIO monitoring in this log report for more (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1745 monitoring: heard at surprise new time of 2201 Monday Nov 3 via Global 24 on WRMI 9395; same time on Wed Nov 5 and also scheduled then for Thu Nov 6 when new 1746 is ready to air. I think those timings will be sticking.

WOR also confirmed on 9395 // 9955 WRMI, Wed Nov 4 at 1415 and Thu Nov 5 at 1330, which I understand may be temporary duplications.

Also confirmed on WBCQ, 7490v, Wed Nov 5 at 2200, one minute ahead of the surprise airing on 9395 G24.

WORLD OF RADIO 1746 expected times including new ones:
Thu 1330 on WRMI 9955 & 9395 G24
Thu 2201 on WRMI 9395 G24
Fri 0030 on WRMI 9395 G24
Fri 0425v on WWRB 3185 (? No shows past few weeks)
Fri 2130 on WRMI 7570 & 15770
Sat 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Sat 1001 on WRMI 9395 G24
Sun 0231 on KVOH 9975
Sun 1000 on WRMI 5850
Sun 2300 on WRMI 11580
Mon 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Mon 2201 on WRMI 9395 G24
Tue 1200 on WRMI 9955
Wed 0501 on WRMI 9395 G24
Wed 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wed 1415 on WRMI 9955 (& 9395?)
Wed 2200 on WBCQ 7490v
Wed 2201 on WRMI 9395 G24
Thu 0430 on WRMI 9955

** U S A. 7555, Nov 4 at 0644, WEWN Spanish is gone (while 7570 WRMI BS remains inbooming) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5085, Nov 5 at 0643, WTWW-2 is missing, while WTWW-1 is still on 5830. Nov 5 at 1345, neither 5085 nor day frequency 9930 is on; 12105 is not on either in compensation. Nov 6 at 0700, 5085 still off, as the #2 transmitter has crashed, maybe also Nov 4 when I wasn`t paying much attention (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 2050 UT November 6