venerdì 14 novembre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs November 10-11-12-13, 2014

** BRAZIL. 11745 & 11815, Nov 11 at 0645, still distorted spurs from 11780+ RNA audible, tho my heightened local noise level overall tries to obscure them. Nov 12 at 0634, I can make out 11745 but not 11815 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 7395, Nov 12 at 1407, CRI Japanese // stronger 7410; at first suspect a spur, but nothing on 7425; 1410 ID as ``Kochirawa Pekin Hoso``. Also an open carrier circa 7393 to confuse things. 7395 is 500 kW, 73 degrees from Xi`an, while 7410 is 500 kW, 59 degrees from Jinhua site, both Japanese during this hour only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11860, Nov 11 at 1410, RHC with crackle on this transmitter // OK 15370.

5040, Nov 12 at 0644, as soon as Arnie says ``58``, modulation stops on this RHC frequency and the other four of the Cuban Five on 6 MHz. I do not hang around waiting for revival.

11950, Nov 12 at 1413, RHC new frequency is still on past nominal 1400*, but off at 1437 check.

6000, Nov 13 at 0704, this is the only RHC frequency still on the air, and it`s in Spanish after English until 0700; recheck 0709, it`s off, so just overrun? Arnie had said something about keeping 5040 on the air until 0800 in Spanish, but not tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. 9595, Nov 13 at 1352, R. Nikkei I with usual Thursday English lesson based on current events, this Part 3, about Hong Kong protests. Spoken slowly but seems to be presented entirely in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 9395, Nov 12 at 1411, NHK World Radio Japan, poor-fair via WRMI Global 24, same time as NHK`s other relays in English, 11925 via Palau and 11695 via Uzbekistan, somewhat audible here but hardly sufficient. But this must have been temporary as the full G24 schedule effective Nov 15 shows NHK only at two other times per week: Wed 1100, Monday 1800. It`s a wide Google spreadsheet which won`t be searched, so hard to be sure one has found all the times for anything by eye. `Old Time Radio drama` is now scheduled for 14-15 Monday thru Thursday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 9395, Tuesday Nov 11 at 1355, KBS World Radio is audible in English via WRMI Global 24, very poor with ACI, but better than 15575 direct. Again at 1433 check Wednesday Nov 12. However, new G24 full sked effective Nov 15 no longer shows KBS at either time, but instead daily except Thursdays at 09-10 UT, yawn, plus Sundays at 1830-1900. `Old Time Radio drama` is now scheduled for 14-15 Monday thru Thursday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 810, Nov 13 at 0723, full ID but too much CCI; do make out La Mexicana, which officially is the name of only one 810, XESB in Santa Bárbara, Chihuahua. Also 25 kW on FM --- seems 25 kW is the power of all these new mandated FM duplicators so AM can be abolished (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 1030, Nov 13 at 0714, plugging Aguascalientes, but there is no Ags on 1030, and this loops NE/SW vs CCI, then R. Fórmula ID, stuff about México DF, so no doubt national network show; then ``el sabor de México`` feature about tacos; 0718 a bit of Elvis(?) in English; then resuming talk show giving time check as 13 minutes to go, so presumably a playback from daytime at another hourpart. Subject: INFONAVIT which is the government agency ``Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores`` (love those mouthful Mexican federal acronyms!). The only 1030 R. Fórmula in IRCA Mexican log is XEYC 1/1 kW in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, and the direxion fits (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 930, Nov 11 at 2117-2119 UT, from tune-in for two minutes, dead air from WKY, one of few signals which manage to penetrate the Faraday cage of Chili`s on the G8.

Also at 0719 UT Nov 13, WKY is running an ad in English (which they easily mix in with Spanish) for which is some Christian gimmick, then David Stanley Dodge in Spanish. This gives me an excuse to link to a display ad for this station in a Spanish-language newspaper:
Note the cute nicknames for each DJ, Road-Runner and The Doll. Did you know Oklahoma is/has a Race? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1520, Nov 11 at 0651 UT, ad with echo from another Red Eye Radio network station [see USA: WHOW], KOKC ID for ``1520 & 103.1, KOKC``, so still on that FM translator altho previous ID did not mention it but instead on an HD channel of sibling KOMA 92.5; takes turns giving the substations? Also a LAH, which may be from another cheat, KOLM Minnesota, as previously logged (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. The 4.8 earthquake SW of Wichita KS was certainly felt here, as the WOR studio shook for about 5 seconds, but no known damage, Nov 12 at 2140:35 UT. USGS timing for it was 2140:00, so is 35 seconds to be expected for the seismic wave to reach here? (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1746 monitoring: confirmed Monday Nov 10 at 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395; confirmed by Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria, UT Wednesday Nov 12 after 0400 on Global 24, 9395. Confirmed by me, Wednesday Nov 12 at 1415 on WRMI 9955 (after waltz music fill, or is that the Famagusta theme?). Also confirmed Wednesday Nov 12 at 2200 on WBCQ 7490v, and at 2201 on WRMI Global 24 9395. Also on WRMI 9955, UT Thursday 0430 & 1330 (1747 was not ready until later).

WORLD OF RADIO 1747 monitoring: ready for all by 2025 UT Thu Nov 13:
Thu 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395, confirmed
UT Fri 0030 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
UT Fri 0425v on WWRB 3185? Not the last few weeks, canceled? No notice
Fri 2130 on WRMI 7570 & 15770
Sat 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Sat 1001 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
UT Sun 0231 on KVOH 9975
Sun 1000 on WRMI 5850
UT Mon 0400v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Mon 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Tue 1200 on WRMI 9955
Wed 0401 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395
Wed 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wed 1415 on WRMI 9955
Wed 2200 on WBCQ 7490v
Wed 2201 on Global 24 via WRMI 9395

** U S A. 9395, UT Wed Nov 12 at 0200, Global 24 via WRMI is carrying `Peace Talks Radio`. This was really the source for the publicized ``Back to Vietnam`` special. New sked from Nov 15 shows `PTR`: UT Mon 0200-0300, and also Sun 1600—1730. For this log I was pleased to find 9395 audible altho not a bigsig on the G8 with whip only, as I consumed my free veteran`s steak at Applebees, where I had lucked into the best table in the house, right next to windows at the NE corner; while in the middle of Chilis earlier, I could hardly get local FM stations, let alone SW.

9395, Thu Nov 13 at 1348, it`s Amy Goodman discussing Iraq, so must be `Democracy Now` at another unscheduled time, but only today? New schedule shows merely `World Radio Network` during this hour on Thursdays. See full schedule:

** U S A. 7455, 5850, 5015, Nov 13 at 0659, TruNews via WRMI is instead running a long string of differently-worded IDs past 0705, all as ``Radio Paradise``, with a variety of sound effects; see [or not, goes nowhere: without the my, Radio Paradise seems an unrelated music web staton.] This is from Flowing Streams Church in Vero Beach FL. By 0707 finally into talk programming. Must have taken Radio Paradise name from the St. Kitts 820 MW station they have been attempting to take over from TBN. 7455 with the usual RTTY QRM. The TruNews blox contain programming by different names and this must be one of them. I`ve never found a program schedule at nor do I find anything about a Radio Paradise on SW (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1747, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5830, Nov 13 at 0705, WTWW-1 is off the air along with WTWW-2 still missing from 5085, and no WTWW-3 on 12105 either. Next check 1338, only 5830 is back on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 660, Nov 11 at 0211 UT, Navajo chanting; 0215 UT C&W music in English, typical rotation mix of KTNN Window Rock AZ, dominant but with a SAH, probably KSKY Metroplex. Currently seems stuck on ND day pattern at night, rather than protecting WFAN. Has also been reported by Tim Tromp, MI before sunrise, but with IBOC QRM de WSCR 670 Chicago, which can also be a problem here unless nulled. KTNN chanting heard again on 660 at 0715 UT Nov 12, 0725 UT Nov 13 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1747, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also 880

** U S A. 690, Nov 12 at 0716 UT, open carrier here, DF fits for KGGF Coffeyville KS, which ``signs off`` circa midnight = 0600 UT after patriotic music and taps. Hadn`t noticed the OC lately. Keeping the transmitter warmed up? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 880, Nov 13 at 0720 UT, sermon in English east/west, mostly on USB but weakly audible on LSB of the DX-398, i.e. KHAC Tse Bonito NM, another Navajo station failing to protect New York, in this case running 10 kW ND day power; KRVN north/south nullable (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1747, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1520, Nov 11 at 0651 UT during `Red Eye Radio` from KOKC OKC, commercial for has an echo, meaning another RER affiliate, likely another day-pattern cheater. I don`t have to research affiliates, since 0653 UT along comes clear ID for ``WHOW, The Big 15-20`` accompanied by country music, then joint ID with 92.3 FM; 0654 UT back to // KOKC for RER, making a rippling SAH and with slight echo. By next ad at 0657 UT, they are about two words out of synch, why change?

WHOW is a 5 kW daytimer in Clinton IL, per NRC AM Log 2014, and the translator on 92.3 is W222BG. Two nights ago at this same time, the cheater was KOLM Rochester MN, not with Red Eye. Rather than the usual DX-398, I was getting this on the FRG-7 with shortwave random wire antenna input at the bottom of its range, favoring east-west, not KOKC; which is apparently still authorized for STA of only 12.5 kW at night due to its own antenna problems (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 3975, Nov 12 at 0645, VR with Latin Mass is audible but VP // 6070 which clashes with CFRX. Last winter, 3975 would come in pretty well; maybe in a few weeks? 3975 is 100 kW at 330 degrees to W Europe for the 0630 transmission, so should carry on well to here. HFCC B14 shows only these two frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5097.4, Nov 12 at 0641, fair signal with open carrier, could be ute; WTWW-2 is still crashed, no splash QRM from 5085 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 2337 UT November 13