mercoledì 31 ottobre 2012

Voice of Russia abandons 558 kHz

Voice of Russia will apparently cancel its use of 558 kHz in Switzerland after less than two years. shows for this frequency now an end date of 31 Dec 2012, mentioned in on-air announcements as well.

These transmissions started on 1 April 2011 after Voice of Russia was the only broadcasting organization interested in mediumwave frequencies in Switzerland at all. They originate with a power of 200 kW from the Cima di Dentro facility, abandoned by SRG in 2008.

Note how the equipment is installed in an underground shelter here as well, like it was the case at Sarnen and Lenk, too. Wonder if it is still the transmitter inaugurated in 1979, guess it is indeed. Note also the aux antenna, which I already saw confused for a dipole for 1566 kHz, which it not is. (Hammock-type antennas are often confused for dipoles.)

(Kai Ludwig via dxld ml)

Ascolti AM Luca Botto Fiora

Ascolti AM (orari UTC)

Venerdì 26 ottobre 2012
*13.00 - 9965 kHz
R. AUSTRALIA - Koror (Palau)
EE/Cinese, annunci YL/OM.
Segnale buono
Secondo HFCC B12 resta così anche dal 28 ottobre.


Sabato 27 ottobre 2012
18.00 - 1368 kHz
R. CITY "More Cars" via IRRS
Villa Estense-PD (Italia)
EE, IDs OM e oldies USA.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
Solo una trasmissione ogni mese.


Prime prove della loop HF esterna ricostruita *dopo alcuni anni* attorno alla ringhiera del balcone, anche se i duri e puri direbbero che attorno al metallo non c'è posizione peggiore. Poi, come se non bastasse, il balcone è *angolare*! Dunque un rettangolone ripiegato, di dimensione 70 cm x 7,9 metri, che tramite prese e spine a banana trasformano il dipolo aperto di 21 metri (ovviamente pure esso angolare!) in una loop, ma il gioco - come si suol dire - vale la candela. Il rumore locale, più o meno dai 7 fino a 5,5 MHz rispetto al dipolo aperto è quasi nullo. I segnali, mi riferisco a quelli più difficili, lì per lì sembra che siano troppo bassi ma all'improvviso schizzano di 1-2 punti S e hanno una resa audio impeccabile. Con il dipolo aperto, comunque sempre lì pronto all'uso, sarebbero un po' più elevati, ma solo in apparenza perché il risultato è la somma del segnale con il noise e lo S-meter purtroppo non può fare certe distinzioni.


Dalla spiaggia al gatto delle nevi!


Domenica 28 ottobre 2012
Non è che si faccia tanto di diverso perché la zona è sempre la stessa, però il minore assillo del rumore elettronico locale rende la ricezione un po' più gradevole. Poi, se si ha tempo, sempre con la loop gigante possono capitare ascolti ad orari strani (i miei prediletti) tipo quello di ieri dell'Indonesia riattivata su 9526 verso le 12.50. Va bé, era solo una portante, però verificata in banda laterale con l'ECSS non poteva che essere lei.
06.37 - 6205,2 R. ORANG UTAN INT. - EE, IDs OM. SF-IN
06.40 - 6300 R. PAARDENKRACHT - EE, IDs OM. BN-IN
06.50 - 11725 R. NEW ZEALAND INT. - EE, intervista OM/YL. SF
06.51 - 11945 R. AUSTRALIA - EE, IDs YL e sport. BN-SF
06.53 - 15120 VO NIGERIA - mx afroreggae. BN
07.51 - 6085 R. 700 - K. Krekel (D), GG, IDs OM. BN-SF


Lunedì 29 ottobre 2012
Sempre con la loop gigante.
06.31 - 11510 DENGE KURDISTAN - tk OM. BN-SF
06.34 - 11765 SRDA - Curitiba (B), PP, annuncio OM. BN-IN
06.35 - 11780 RN AMAZONIA - Brasilia, PP, mx locale. SF-IN
06.36 - 11815 R. BRASIL CENTRAL - Goiania, mx locale. SF-IN
07.00 - 6030 JAMMING senza R. Martí in // 7405!!! SF
Verso le 22.00-22.30, bassa ma pulita CKZN 6160,9 e spenta (da qualche giorno) RNA Brasilia 6180.


Martedì 30 ottobre 2012
06.26 - 7850 tent. CHU - Ottawa (Canada), EE, IDs OM-PC. SF-IN
06.28 - 7405 JAMMING+R. MARTÍ in // 6030. BN-SF
06.31 - 6754USB TRENTON VOLMET (Canada), EE, wx OM-PC. SF-IN
06.49 - 9665v tent. VOZ MISSIONARIA - Camboriú-SC (B), Canto. SF-IN
Non ascoltate da qualche giorno: 6180 RN DA AMAZONIA, 7245 R. MAURITANIE, 9675 R. CANÇÃO NOVA, 9705 Niger e/o Etiopia (canale completamente vuoto). Poi magari domani, per la legge di Murphy, saranno tutte accese.

Luca Botto Fiora


QTH G.C. 09E13 - 44N21
Rapallo (Genova) - Italia


R7 Drake
VR5000DSP Yaesu
PL-660 Tecsun
Loop in ferrite ACA di 75 cm interna (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop magnetico 150x100 cm su finestra (@2-5,5 MHz)
Loop esterno 70 cm x 7,9 metri (@5,5-30 MHz)
Dipolo aperto esterno 21 m (@5.5-30 MHz)

Amplificatore RF K0LR-WA1ION per loop in ferrite
Amplificatore RF LX1456 NE per loop magnetico e antenne esterne
Baluns 1:1 a choke di RG174 (6 spire - diametro 15 cm) per antenne esterne
Eliminatore di QRM MFJ 1026 (modificato W8JI) per antenne esterne
Splitters 0-1000 MHz a 2 vie


E5 Etón
Loop in ferrite ACA di 75 cm interna (@70 kHz-2 MHz)
Loop magnetico HF 55x55 cm


Digitali Sony
ICD-B500 (R7)
ICD-BX112 (VR5000DSP - E5)
ICD-BX800 (PL-660)
TRC-1149 Sanyo (R7)


Audacity 2.0.2 (acquisizione-conversione audio)
DXToolbox 4.1.1 demo (propagazione)
EarthDesk 6.0.2 demo (scrivania-orologio mondiale)
HourWorld 3.4.3 demo (orologio mondiale)
Multimode 6.3 demo Black Cat Systems (UTEs)
TimePalette 6.1 demo (orologio mondiale)

North Korean Shortwave Getting Stronger

The North Korean authorities are in the process of replacing their existing shortwave radio transmitters, Daily NK has learned. The measure appears designed to both allow better broadcasts targeting South Korea and stop outside shortwave broadcasts entering.

According to the Northeast Asian Broadcasting Institute (NABI), the authorities made their first move in March this year, replacing the shortwave transmission equipment at Kanggye Transmission Station in Jagang Province with modern equipment made by Beijing BBEF Electronics Group Co. Kanggye Transmission Station is one of three high output shortwave transmission facilities in North Korea, with the other two being at Pyongyang and in Gujang County, North Pyongan Province.

More at ...

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi

Glenn Hauser logs October 31, 2012

** ALBANIA. 6100, Oct 31 at 0227, night two of the new time and frequency in English to NAm: R. Tirana IS, 0230 Klara`s sign-on announcement has been changed from the defunct A-12 one aired 24 hours earlier, but it`s wrong! She says the English schedule is to UK at 21-22 on 7465 Mon-Sat, and to USA, 02-03 on 6100 Mon-Sun --- as if the broadcasts had been expanded to a full hour, and the 6100 is of course only UT Tue-Sun. Sufficient reception, no jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. Further chex of the doomed ``CKCX`` SW station:

9560, Oct 31 at 0205 and 0229, tone test upon what was KBSWR in Spanish, and now without the clacking! It would be incredibly ironic if KBS has finally fixed the clacking problem now that they have no programming to send. More likely, the tone is now originating from Sackville, maybe Montreal or London.

6175, Oct 31 at 0205, ex-VOV relay remains off the air. See VIETNAM

5960, Oct 31 at 0229, music fill instead of NHK Japanese, but that can be heard underneath from GUF.

6110, Oct 31 at 0511, VG ex-NHK English relay is still on, now with fill music from Sackville (or Montreal? As the songs are just as likely to be in French as in English). See JAPAN [non].

9650, Oct 31 at 1259 tuned in just in time to hear RCI IS & ID and off, so they were still filling this ex-KBSWR English hour.

11655, Oct 31 at 1310, the NHK Japanese service frequency which had lasted long via Sackville, has now been replaced by music fill, mostly soft jazz. Still at 1411 recheck, and now it`s // on:

9650, Oct 31 at 1411 past 1420, ex-KBSWR in Korean hour, no more tones and clacking, but soft jazz music fill, and // 11655 ex-Japan relay.

Today Oct 31 is apparently the final final day for Sackville! As the CRTC has granted CBC`s request to revoke the license for CKCX as of November 1, referring to the CBCNQ service on 9625. Tnx to Andy Reid who tipped us on this Oct 30:

``Permission granted to close "CKCX-SW" Sackville --- Buried in this decision from the CRTC is the word on Sackville's Northern Quebec Relay:

"It indicated that the new transmitters will ensure that the population of the aforementioned locations continues to be served by the news and regional information programming of its Radio One service when CKCX-SW Sackville ceases operation.

"Commission revokes the broadcasting licence for CKCX-SW Sackville effective 1 November 2012."`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake, Oct 31 circa 1330:
12230, fair at 1326 with flutter
12500, fair at 1326 with flutter
12870, poor at 1326
None in the 13s, 14s, 15s, 16s, 17s

** CHINA [and non]. It appears that with B-12, the 8-kHz carrier constellation is no longer surrounding 11760 from the defective CNR1 jammer transmitter at 13-15. At least on Oct 31, I can`t hear any of them, except 11775 PMS has an extremely weak het, so weak that I can`t detect whether it is on 11776 (where it used to be) or 11774. There is also significant CCI on 11775.0, i.e. per HFCC B-12, AIR Tibetan/Nepali services at 1200-1430, 250 kW, 25 degrees from Panaji, GOA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6000 and 6010, Oct 31 at 0510, RHC English is on both as 6000 has not gone off at 0500, and they are an echo apart. This means 6125 is not yet on the air: yes, nothing there, so I set a receiver with BFO on 6126 and wait for it to come on: the RadioCuba operator finally wakes up and on it comes at *0521, at first unmmodulated, 0522:38 fade in the English programming. // English was already on 6050, 6060.

The dozing operator at RadioCuba also failed to turn off the 9790 CRI relay at 0500: huge open carrier there at 0515, but off at 0521, rechecked once 6125 RHC had come up.

New RHC schedule, fixed to time order, effective Nov 1 shows English:
América Central              11760 kHz /25 m  2000-2100
Banda Tropical                5040 kHz /60 m  0000-0100
Wáshington                    6000 kHz /49 m  0100-0500
Chicago                       6140 kHz /49 m  0100-0700 [ex-6050]
Norte, Centro y Sudamérica    6125 kHz /49 m  0500-0700
New York                      6060 kHz /49 m  0500-0700
San Francisco                 6010 kHz /49 m  0500-0700

** CUBA [non]. 5980, Oct 31 at 0508, VG signal with tone test, open carrier and off at 0508:50*. Surely Greenville-B tuning up for the R. Martí 07-13 UT broadcast on same.

11930, Oct 31 at 1324, R. Martí with no jamming audible. I suppose the DentroCuban Jamming Command has not yet synched up exactly with the new B-12 RM schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 15040, Oct 31 at 1300, weak carrier here instead of 15045, so Delhi-Khampur has finally put the AIR Burmese service back on proper frequency, and again far enough away from the *1300 DRM on 15050. But it may not be far enough way in the targets (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, Oct 31 at 1338, still zero signal from VOI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 11935, Oct 31 at 0243, NHK is programming Japanese at last, the first night they have attained this instead of continuous IS and IDs in English and Japanese. This is new GUIANA FRENCH relay scheduled at 0200-0400. And it is // synchronized 5960 under Sackville music fill. Since until now 5960 and 11935 were not both with NHK programming, there was some suspicion 11935 was still coming from almost-defunct BONAIRE. Now 5960 and 11935 are so close as to produce a `stereo` effect, as they fade independently (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CANADA

** KAZAKHSTAN [non]. 15525, Oct 31 at 1335, assertive singing by OM, alternating with strumming; occasionally the strumming accompanies the singing; enjoying the music, trying to figure out the language: something `central` Asian. 1345 announcement mentions Kazakhstan --- but one thing for sure, it must be into rather than out of Kazakhstan, which has eliminated SWBC completely, even relays.

More such singing and strumming follows, except now mostly by YL, and she is very rudely cut off in mid-note at 1358*. Uplooked later in HFCC, we find that it`s IBB in Kazakh, i.e. R. Liberty, 100 kW, 77 degrees from Lampertheim, GERMANY at ``1300-1400``. Make that -1358! Yet another station with total disconnect between studio and transmitter about when the transmission really ends (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


** MEXICO. 710, Oct 31 at 1244 UT, 16 para las 6, TC on La Ranchera de Cuauhtémoc, XEDP, so this part of Chihuahua is back on UT-7 since Oct 28 (while Juárez and other border areas keep UT-6 along with USA for another week). Usual dominant signal just before sunrise here, so can`t be sunrise yet there, nor can it be night power of 100 watts as in WRTH. Furthermore it`s hard to believe that day power is only 7000 watts; anyhow, it really gets out on skywave.

Just before this, I heard a 720 station in Spanish talk programming auto-proclaim the time at 1240 UT as 6:40, so probably XEJCC in Ciudad Juárez, on the border and hostage to US DST dates (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 960, UT Wed Oct 31 at 0500, KGWA Enid fails for the second night in a row to unmodulate, so not audiblizing understation DX. We have high hopes they will resume doing so unpredictably (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9370, Oct 31 at 1310, Brother Scare via WWRB has a pronounced echo, mimicking long-path; maybe some kind of feedback loop at WWRB, as there is no such echo via non-synchronized WWCR 9980. I must say that the Last Day Prophet of God is a bit self-centered (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7506.4, Oct 31 at 0229, very poor signal, sounds like woman talking, must still be WRNO on unique off-frequency. Other US signals seem normal, so doubt this can be blamed on propagation. Maybe they sometimes default to exciter only, making it a real DX catch (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15610, Oct 31 at 1303, WEWN English is back here, ex-15615 yesterday, and even manages to modulate during the first half hour! Yet it`s weak enough not to bother yet Greece on 15630. By 1407 it has built up and does shove its 15628 spur against Greece (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 529, Oct 31 at 0538, LYQ beacon ID repeated in Morse, copiable aside Cuba 530. Capt. David Frantz, Chief Pilot of ATC, notified me that this had just been reactivated as backup to their ILS due to night flights. It`s at the WWRB site, Manchester TN, and reports are welcome via the WWRB website (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [non]. 7305, Oct 31 at 0205 and 0230 chex, no signal from VR which in B-12 is scheduled here for its only remaining broadcast to the W Hemisphere, Spanish at 0200-0245 via Greenville. What happened? Missed checking this UT Oct 30, but on Oct 29 there was a carrier with no programming; and on UT Oct 28 not yet anything (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VIETNAM [non]. 9640, Oct 31 at 0205, VOV via Woofferton UK to ENAm, in Vietnamese with good signal tonight. Quality will vary a lot more than it used to from single-hop Sackville on 49m (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. TP carrier search, Oct 31 at 1248-1252 UT: JBA on 774, 828, 882, 1008, 1098, 1566. 1566 was strongest, and hoped for some audio; 1098 suspected to be a receiver birdie or local source instead (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15595, Oct 31 at 1409, open carrier, a bit of noise and off before the minute is over. Greenville again warming up for later? No, per HFCC it`s likely TINIAN, which is now relaying VATICAN at 1430-1600 to S Asia, except on Sundays and this Wednesday adding on Urdu from 1415 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

martedì 30 ottobre 2012

Glenn Hauser logs October 30, 2012

** CANADA. 6110, Oct 30 at 0508, Sackville keeps this frequency on but without NHK any more, which lasted thru Oct 29. Now playing novelty song in French, obviously local fill, as they had been earlier on 5960. See also JAPAN [non]

9555, Oct 30 at 0509 check, Sackville has finally turned off this ex-VOV frequency, like 6175 earlier. See also VIETNAM [non]: 7345

9650, Oct 30 at 1255, SAC also keeps this ex-KBSWR English frequency on air, with local music fill instead of tones and clacking; 1259 RCI IS & IDs and cut off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 5025, Oct 30 at 0523, R. Rebelde is still bothered by RTTY CCI. A shame, since they play some great music and believe it or not, devote less time to ruthless propaganda than RHC. Cuba`s #1 domestic service on relay, and also no English, an advantage for those who don`t understand Spanish anyway.

Arnie may be looking for a new frequency. Why would any RTTY service pick this frequency already occupied by a strong broadcaster? Subtle retaliation for Cuban jamming? Will the RTTY decode with all this AM QRM? I understand that most RTTY is encrypted these days.

The new RHC B-12 schedule has come out, effective Nov 1, apparently when Cuba goes off DST, as Spanish programming starts at 1200 instead of 1100 UT and ends at 0600 instead of 0500.

Notably, 6050 is no longer on the schedule at all, 01-07 English replaced by 6140. Good news for HCJB, which RHC has blocked for a couple of years. As usual, two English broadcasts shift one UT hour later, 20 ex-19 on 11760, and 00 ex-23 on 5040.

Still on the schedule is the imaginary ``Aló Presidente`` at 14-18 on 5 frequencies, not specified as Sundays only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9905, Oct 30 at 0513, tho missing earlier, R. Cairo is on now with buzz, distorted and suppressed Arabic modulation. Seems sporadic but they should turn it off permanently if they can`t or won`t fix it. Yet they make seasonal frequency changes (ex-9305) as if nothing is wrong, nobody notices (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 7475 // 9420, Oct 30 at 0518, VOG with VG signals instead of Greek music playing American big band standards such as ``Melancholy Baby``. We`re sure glad to have them back on the air after 0200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 17650, Oct 30 at 1328, VIRI Arabic with distorted Qur`an, way atop CRI French via EAST TURKISTAN. I imagine this collision is intolerable in the target areas of each (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 11740, Oct 30 at 0508, NHK in correct English on new GUIANA FRENCH relay back to WNAm, replacing CANADA 6110, which is still on the air but without NHK. Altho significantly weaker than 6110, 11740 is very good, best yet, so we can only hope the winter night MUF from the tropix will hold up thru B12. NHK English also audible on weaker // 9770 via FRANCE. Steve Luce in Houston TX says 11740 came on two minutes late (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


** KUWAIT. 9535, Oct 30 at 0512, mixture of Slavic and west Asian language, i.e. Tatar-Bashkir as now scheduled for R. Liberty, 250 kW, 355 degrees from Kuwait so rather USward too; replaces Algeria via France which was on 9535 this hour in A-12, moved to 5865 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 570, Oct 30 at 0535 UT tune in, full ID at odd time from XEBJB with address, etc., mixing with C2C on presumed KLIF (which at mid-hour has a musical break, now ``Time After Time``). Per Cantú:
570 XEBJB Radio 570 Monterrey, N.L. 5,000 500

** OKLAHOMA. 960, UT Tue Oct 30 at 0500, KGWA fails to quit modulation so no understation DX tonight (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 15630, Oct 30 at 0515, the VOR Pet/Kam frequency which was inbooming earlier at 0237, is now inaudible, tho scheduled until 0600. But that`s OK; from 0400 we have 9830 instead of 17665 for English to W NAm.

17500, Oct 30 at 1354, typical Russian tones on and off in warmup procedure, 1400 VOR starting Russian news, but marred by whistling Spanish 2-way SSB CCI, plus intermittent ``running water`` QRM. 1403 mid-news ID as ``Golos Rossii, novosti``. HFCC shows 200 kW, 190 degrees from a Moskva site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 17615 // 17625, Oct 30 at 1350, BSKSA HQS now has equally good modulation on both; for a long time, 17625 was inferior with hum. Also much weaker // 17895 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 7315, Oct 30 at 0521, R. Dabanga singing IDs immediately upon tune-in, compensating for a long ID-less spell 48 hours earlier; VG signal via VATICAN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15615, Oct 30 at 1318, open carrier except for some slight swooshing sounds also audible around the plus/minus 9 kHz spurs, i.e. WEWN is back here as in A-12 instead of 15610, where they were at the beginning of B-12 from 1300. Dead air continues past 1325, but WEWN English programming had started by 1336 recheck. Why they are avoiding 15610 or 15605 is known only to Glen Tapley. B-12 HFCC shows 13-24 on 15610 only. Or maybe today they forgot that they are no longer supposed to be on 15615 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 9630, Oct 30 at 0510, folk music in presumed Hausa, AWR at 0500-0530, 300 kW, 190 degrees from AUSTRIA, now good signal in the clear with REE/CR`s move to 9675. AWR plays a lot of interesting music and in so many incomprehensible languages that we are not in danger of being converted. Is some of their music non-religious to pull in the unwary, or all with a message for those who can understand it? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 9645, Oct 30 at 0510, poor signal in Arabic with het, no doubt VR vs Bandeirantes, Brasil on 9645.4. HFCC show VR in Arabic at 0500-0530 daily on 9645 and 11715, the latter inaudible, not propagating. The question is, whether the V. of Charity relay from Lebanon in Arabic which on winter timing would be at 0530, is still on any Vatican SW frequency? Apparently it was dropped earlier in A12 when it would have been at 0430 on one or the other (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VIETNAM [non]. 7345, Oct 30 at 0527 talk in Vietnamese, cut off abruptly at 0527:45*. Was hearing a strong signal earlier in the hour with music which did not strike me as Vietnamese, and had forgotten that this was the replacement for 9555 via Sackville, VOV`s final hour to WNAm. HFCC confirms it`s 250 kW, 310 degrees from Woofferton at 0430-0528 to CIRAF 6 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Ascolti AM 29 ottobre B12

5950 29/10 1500 R. New Zealand, Rangitaiki  ID Px News E 23222
7370 29/10 1509 HRV R. Rijeka,Deanovec Px "Giornale radio"It QRM CNR2 Beijing 32433
7390 29/10 1512 R. Romania Int., Saftica Px "notizie cultura" It 44434
6185 29/10 1516 Voce della Turchia, Emirler Px " Cultura locale" It 34433

Nino Marabello
Treviso, Italia

ANT: VHF esterna azimuth 230 gradi

Glenn Hauser logs October 29-30, 2012

** ALBANIA. 6100, Oct 30 at 0227, R. Tirana IS on new frequency for B-12, only fair signal but no jamming or other QRM. 0230 opening announcement still gives A-12 times and frequencies: seasonal changes always seem to take the studio by surprise. Program preview includes news, cultural activities of the week, sports. SINPO 35433 altho local noise level holds it down, which a much stronger signal like Anguilla 6090 could overcome. Greece still audible as well on 7475, but we hope the 6 MHz channel will penetrate better thru the darkest winter nights to come (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA [and non]. 5960, Oct 30 at 0239, Sackville just won`t let go of this ex-NHK Japanese relay frequency, but instead of R. Japan they are playing a C&W song in English, then a song in French! These are way atop what sounds like Japanese talk, and then a Japanese song, no doubt the proper NHK relay via Guiana French. Last night they were both with R. Japan an echo apart. See also JAPAN [non]; KOREA SOUTH [non]; VIETNAM [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 5025, Oct 30 at 0234, R. Rebelde, plus considerable RTTY QRM. A few nights ago, R.R. was off and we were only hearing the RTTY, which we had never noted QRMing the station, perhaps because we are not usually tuning around at this hour. R.R. may well have gone off to try to identify the source, so whence is it? Something new? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 15330, Oct 29 at 1955, R. Martí back on this B-season-only frequency, so now the jamming Cuba has been running all summer is doing some ``good``, altho certainly ramped up to full bore now. But RM goes off at 2000 and moves to also jammed 9565, while // 11930 and 13820 continue (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. R. Cairo check Oct 30 at 0235 finds some differences from last night:
9905 is missing, and so is ex-9305, the extremely distorted Arabics
9965 is also missing, the undermodulated/distorted one
but it can`t be due to propagation since:
9720 is still there with JBM English, ex-9315

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. 15190, Oct 29 at 1957, R. Africa, fair signal with gospel huxter; off the air at next check 2007; meanwhile YFR English via Ascension is still on 15195 from 20 to 22 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. 15275, Oct 29 at 1956, DW in English, VG signal discussing spacesuits, rudely cut off the air at 1957. Well, that`s what the schedule calls for, 1900-1957, 250 kW non-direxional from RWANDA. This transmitter has a squeal on it like on one of the WEWNs and several others around the world. 15275 is used at many various hours from DW Kigali starting at 0630, but only this last 0.95 hour in English. Someone please tell the studio to wrap it up by :57!

9655, Oct 29 at 2005, here`s DW English again, with `Africa Link`, not as strong but has same squeal as 15275; bet it`s exactly the same Kigali transmitter. This one is in English at 2000-2057 and 2100-2200 at 295 degrees USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUIANA FRENCH. See CANADA [and non]; JAPAN [non]; KOREA SOUTH [non]

** JAPAN [non]. 11935, Oct 30 at 0239, after hearing the mess on 5960, see CANADA, what`s going on here? Still for another night playing nothing but the NHK IS and IDs in English in Japanese, while 5960 under Sackville appears to have NHK Japanese programming. How much longer will it take to get all this straightened out?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 11635, Oct 30 at 0110, KBS World Radio, Spanish relay confirmed at new time 01-02 and new frequency via GUIANA FRENCH, only fair signal here aimed toward S America. TDF thought it was going to be at 03-04 on 15400. No sign of that at 0332 check.

Sackville may have turned off the ex-Vietnam frequency 6175, but the ex-Korea frequency 9560 is still on with tone and clacking, Oct 30 at 0228, i.e. ex-Spanish at 0200-0230 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1120, Oct 29 at 1930 UT, KEOR is not on the air. Wayne Heinen, editor of the NRC AM Log, says, ``A look at the Silent STA filing at the FCC says that the reason the station went silent back in June was "technical". Maybe they replace a part or two, run a few tests and then shut it off and try to find another way to fix it``.

Maybe, but as I said before, if it was ever on the air this past June, we missed it completely, and/or it was very brief; as it had also been off the air for many months before that (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PRIDNESTROVYE. 7290, Oct 29 at 2214, fair signal in English from Radio PMR on B-season channel, ex-9665. Their undated schedule page
shows 7290 at the top, 9665 at the bottom, and times in EET which apparently = UT +2 with English starting at 18, 20 and 22 UT M-F. Except their usual pattern is to run the 22 UT broadcasts on Sun-Thu, since by local time, those are also M-F at midnite; need to reconfirm that they start at 2200 Sunday and stop at 2200 Friday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. Taking a look at the B-12 VOR schedule which J-M Aubier pointed to,
I am surprised to see 15 and 17 MHz frequencies in the evening to North America --- higher than in the summer, and must be hitting us from E Asia, not Europe. Will they work? They sure do tonight, Oct 30 at 0237 check with `In Between` conversation: 17665 and 15630 are very good, in fact the SSOBs! And 17690 is there but considerably weaker. What are the spex? HFCC shows
15630 0200 0600 1,2,6 P.K  250 67 0 288
17665 0200 0400 1,2,6 P.K  250 61 0 288
17690 0200 0400 1,2,6 VLD  500 50 0 218
Pet/Kam always does better here than Vladivostok for some reason, considerably further away, despite twice the power (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH AFRICA. 15480, Oct 29 at 1958, guitar and flute hymn audio is cutting off and on, 2000 AWR theme, ID and Voice of Hope in English, introducing Arabic. Still cutting out past 2008, a shame with some more neat music. I had no idea what the site would be until uplooked: Meyerton at 19-21 in Arabic. Looks like SENTECH has big problems; or AWR does in getting the audio in from Battle Creek or wherever (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. 15125, Oct 29 at 1958, REE COSTA RICA winter frequency is on, but in the meantime, NIGERIA has started regular DRM broadcasts centered on 15120, causing QRDRM to REE/CR --- serves them right for QRDRMing neighbors of 9630 in the evenings. The 15125 collision is timed just right on M-F at 18-20, but longer hours on weekends per REE B-12 schedule, all to S America and not strong here in NAm --- Sat 16-23, Sun 12-23 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9350, Oct 29 at 2006, tuning across I note that VG signal from WWCR in Bible reading has modulation problems, hitting on peaks only; unlistenable. Is no one noticing at 1300 WWCR Avenue? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7506.4, Oct 30 at 0111 check, WRNO with usual very strong signal and heavy distortion on gospel huxter modulation no one in his right mind would listen to. Hmmm, nor would anyone in his right mind if it were perfectly modulated. Wrong minds, yes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5050, Oct 30 at 0110, WWRB with remote report about the storm --- could it be live? But then cut back to studio for preacher with I-told-you-so rant correlating it with prophecy. 3195 is not on at this time. Next check at 0233, both are on in // with Martha-like hymnbelter before preacher takes over (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VIETNAM [non]. 9640, Oct 30 at 0110 during English, VOV`s new North American service via UK replacing Sackville, not only is on too high a band for winter, but this particular frequency is a bad choice, only 10 kHz from 9630 REE/CR QRDRM which until 0200 is covering up to 9645 at least. 0229 check, 9640 is off the air, but back on at 0232 for next English, poor with fading, 25432. They must be making a beam change before 0230. But none shown in HFCC, just continuous 294 degrees from Woofferton to E North America at 0100-0300 and 0330-0400. Meanwhile, Sackville has finally turned off VOV`s former frequency 6175, at 0228 check; last two nights they had kept running it with BabCoCk music for hours and hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Glenn Hauser logs October 29, 2012

** BANGLADESH. 15105, Oct 29 at 1259, S Asian music, hum, Bangladesh Betar sign-off in English; poor.

15505, Oct 29 at 1359, very poor with hum, 1400 music to open Urdu, but so poor I cannot detect an inaccurate timesignal today, shux (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA [and non]. 6120, Oct 29 at 1227, NHK English relay continues, `R. Japan Focus` concludes, 1229 full English schedule announced not including 6120! Off at 1230* after some Sakura, but no RCI IS or ID. Was also audible on replacement 15190 via GUIANA FRENCH.

11655, Oct 29 at 1313 check, NHK Japanese Sackville relay is still going too.

9650, Oct 29 at 1240, KBS World relay transmission is still going, despite nothing but tone mixed with clacking, same as on 9560 at 0200.

9625, Oct 29 at 1240, CBCNQS very poor signal in apparent Inuktituk, much weaker than the pointless KBS relay on 9650.

As the Sackville deathwatch is prolonged. Doubt there has been a reprieve, but as Kai Ludwig speculates, the site is abandoned and the automation just keeps mindlessly running what had been scheduled whether there is any correct program input or not. At least on the weekend, but now it`s 9:40 am Monday in NB. Maybe it`s all destined to turn off Oct 31, end of month rather than Oct 27, end of A-12 season? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6010 and much weaker 6060, Oct 29 at 0544, incompetent RHC has their feeds mixed up again, as both these are in Spanish, leaving English only on 6050 and 6125. In fact, Spanish is supposed to be on zero frequencies after 0500.

15510 approx., Oct 29 at 1358 as I am tuning in Bangladesh on 15505, a distorted spur from RHC no doubt coming from very strong 15340 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9526-, Oct 29 at 1242, VOI missing for the second day, no carrier at all vs China radio war on 9530. Atsunori Ishida shows nothing heard today or since the start of the 1200 Japanese broadcast Oct 28 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGST)

** IRAN [and non]. 17650, Oct 29 at 1314, CRI French via Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN, again in huge collision with signal of equal level in Arabic, mentions Amerikiyah, M&W talking, not VOA format; 1319 music is considerably distorted and with BFO the carrier is even unstable.

Suspect IRIB, and searching for //s, none found on 19m, but bingo on 22m, 13750, except it`s running behind 17650 by about three seconds. I must have overlooked Iran line in HFCC B-12 for 17650, so certainly not VOA via Vatican, as speculated yesterday, but Zahedan, Kamalabad:
17650 0530 1430 38,39 ZAH 500 289 0 145 1234567 281012 300313 D ARABIC    
13750 0830 1430 39    KAM 500 178 0 146 1234567 281012 300313 D ARABIC    

** JAPAN [and non]. 6055, Oct 29 at 1231, formerly clear signal from R. Nikkei now has CCI! Despite being properly registered as 24 hours in HFCC by NHK on behalf of ``NSB``, the ChiCom have usurped the frequency 6055: 12-13, CNR Mongolian, 100 kW, 15 degrees from Beijing site; and also 14-15, CRI Khmer, 100 kW, 200 degrees from Nanning site. Take that, you island-grabbing enemy! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5910, Oct 29 at 1330, piano theme and Shiokaze opening in Japanese, definitely here ex-5985 as presumed from yesterday; poor signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALAYSIA. 5964.71, Oct 29 at 1234, het on lo side of CRI Korean on presumed 5965.00, at approximate D4-pitch note per my keyboard, which is 294 Hz. Yesterday was not hearing the het at all. Ron Howard says R. Klasik is normally on 5964.71 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6185, Oct 29 at 0546, ``Take 5`` on piccolo! from XEPPM. Tnx to central Mexico`s slightly more sensible termination of DST a week earlier than along the border and El Norte, R. Educación is now on the air one UT hour longer until 0600, and in the clear with nothing on 6180 or 6190, which is helpful since their modulation is under. I suppose it is also starting one hour later, 00 instead of 23 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 5950, Monday Oct 29 at 1330, RNZI Mailbox is already underway with Bryan Clark`s DX report, his first since July; habitually starts two or three minutes early. Fair reception, but I recommend listening online to hear well his several clips of DX catches, including XEARZ 1650; R. Guaráni [sic], Argentina on 1650.13; Hargeisa 7120; Bangladesh 7250; Libya active on 11600 in Arabic at 2000, sometimes as late as 2100; Salem Stereo 14950.8, but not since Sept. 30. He also mentions R. Túvalù reactivated on 621 which he can hear on the coast under a co-channel NZer. Bryan will be back in two weeks. This time must have started up to 4 minutes early, as playback begins with some Marshallese music which was long over by 1330.

The latest RNZI Mailbox is always at this URL for a biweek:
then replaced by a new one, and the previous one moved to this URL:
EXCEPT: Oct 29 at 1620 when I play back the previous one, it`s the same as the new one! And in fact both are labeled as such.

Followed at 1341 by Mike Byrd propagation report, 1343.5 the real mailbox segment mainly about 11725 reception (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Oct 29 at 1420 UT, a little area tropo from OKC visiblizes KOCY-LP ch 48 which is *still* in analog with Estrella TV, and signs of NTSC on ch 19, which is KUOT-CA. Soon fading out, much weaker 19 going first (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 9830, Oct 29 at 0540, VOR starting `This is Russia` show, very good new frequency, ex-13775, fine modulation unlike neighboring R. Rossii, 9840 buzzer from Taldom. 9830 is 250 kW, 64 degrees from Pet/Kam to WNAm including Alaska at 04-06. Last winter the two collided on 9840; they finally got the message and avoided that problem. I hope the RTTY infesting 9830 all day earlier will not be a hazard now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOMALILAND [and non]. 7120, Oct 29 at 1354, presumed R. Hargeisa source of JBA carrier, eclipsed by a stronger carrier around 7119, presumably a ham which then went off, but then CW QRM mainly from hand-keyed AE0SL who per is Stanley D Leeson, 6337 152nd St, Hugo, MN 55038, USA and who, it is safe to say, is not interested in monitoring an AMBC from Hargeisa by long-path, but who includes family and wedding pictures on his site. But we digress (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [and non]. 9700, Oct 29 at 0539 Turkish music, ex-11980, and 9700 is ex-RRI, Romania which had similar good signals here all summer in morning Eurolangs including English. Now RRI has abandoned 9700 completely which it ``inherited`` from defunct neighbor R. Bulgaria. TRT now has 9700 at 0500-0700 in Turkish, 500 kW, 310 degrees from Emirler to W Europe and USward too. Interesting to contrast the always minor-key sad-sounding music from Turkey with the happy major-key music from Greece on 9420, which continues to be reactivated during this timespan, // 7475 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 11890, Oct 29 at 1306, BBCWS starting `World Briefing` with reports from US about H. Sandy, initially how George Stephanololopolous alarmingly headlined it on GMA. Fair but sufficient signal, so note this for us Americans not supposed to hear BBC on SW: 13-15, 250 kW, 25 degrees from THAILAND for E Asia, but also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5745, which both WTWW and R. Martí planned to be using, is occupied by neither, Oct 29 at 1235 check, just OTH radar probably from China covering 5730-5770. But at 1351 I can barely hear R. Martí and make it // 11930 as the OTHR continues with added SSB QRM to one side, and apparently no jamming unlike 11930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

lunedì 29 ottobre 2012


ARISS Radio Contact Tuesday, October 30, 2012 with school in NY – Downlink audible in Europe

Tuesday October 30 at 16:16 UTC, which is 17:16 CEWT, an ARISS contact is scheduled for Southern Tier Catholic and Archbishop Walsh Academy, Olean, NY.

The radio contact will be a telebridge operated by IK1SLD, located in northern Italy. Downlink signals will be audible on 145.800 MHz FM.

The conversation will probably be conducted by astronaut Sunita Williams.

Enrico, IZ2NXF

Glenn Hauser logs October 28-29, 2012

** ALBANIA [and non]. 7465, Oct 29 at 0025, new frequency and time for R. Tirana, Albanian to NAm, 0000-0100, ex 2300-2400 on 7425. Fair signal and in the clear, as it would not have been if stayed on 7425, where CRI English from Kashgar is co-channel and indeed audible here on the opposite worldside; in B-11 they kept colliding.

6100, Oct 29 at 0218, 0230 and 0243, R. Tirana`s new English frequency at new time 0230 is not on tonight, but will start UT Oct 30, so I check it anyway for any QRM problems: not from any legitimate broadcaster, but Cuban pulse jamming is running against nothing, perhaps Arnie`s little jab as a spoiler to an ex-Communist country. There is nothing on 6100 at any hour of the day in HFCC B-12 (or A-12) which could possibly require jamming from Cuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 6180, Oct 29 at 0219, RNB is missing again, undetectable between Sackville 6175 and México 6185 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 9625, Oct 29 at 0224, CBC NQ is still on with jazz piano, now with ACI from Spain on only one side, 9620 direct, since CR relay has moved to 9675; however, the REE 00-02 DRM bihour remains on 9625-9630-9635 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. See VIETNAM [non]; JAPAN [non]; KOREA SOUTH [non]

** CUBA. 15205-15255, Oct 29 at 0027, RHC 15230 is again accompanied by buzz field out to 25 kHz away.

6000 and 6050, Oct 29 at 0103, the only two RHC English frequencies scheduled from 0100 are still in Spanish // all the others checked: 5040, 6060, 9710, 9810, 11690, 11760, 11840 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also ALBANIA

** CUBA [non]. 9825, Oct 29 at 0221, R. Martí with Serie Mundial coverage, at first seems atop jamming, then seems that noise is just from the crowd in the ballpark (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9965, Oct 29 at 0220, open carrier, dead air with some hum

9905, Oct 29 at 0220, DA but then distorted Qur`an and cutting out, i.e. modulating on peaks; meanwhile propeller noise is continuous.

9720, Oct 29 at 0223, fair signal but JBM; bet it`s also Cairo, which listed this frequency in last half of A-12 but never used it for English to North America at 0200-0330. At 0235 with phones I strain to hear it, and then can tell the M&W conversation is indeed in accented English; the A-12 frequency for this, 9315, is no longer on.

6855, Oct 29 at 0235, open carrier, fair signal. Could this be Cairo too? They have appeared in this area in past. Checking HFCC B-12, 6860 is scheduled earlier in the day but not 6855. It shows the 9 MHz ones:

9720 0045 0330 6,7 ABZ 250 330 0 800 1234567 281012 310313 D Spa, Eng
9905 0200 0700 8,9,27,28 ABS 250 315 0 216 1234567 281012 310313 D Ara
9965 2300 0430 8,9 ABS 200 325 0 211 1234567 281012 310313 D Eng, Ara

9905 is ex-9305 where not heard, altho it is still on the schedule with exactly same parameters, alternate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 9895, Oct 29 at 0238, music and YL narration, Farsi? 0239 into Qur`an, slightly distorted modulation. Can`t be Farsi, maybe Farsi-accented Arabic which is now scheduled 0230-0530 from IRIB, 500 kW, 289 degrees from Zahedan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. Like last night, the NHK relays are still messed up by Sackville staying on the air despite new relays in place: 5960, Oct 29 at 0216, I can hear NHK Japanese twice, the echo much weaker about one second behind the first one, and still so at 0242. I think the first and stronger one is Sackville, mostly covering up the second, weaker and now correct one via Guiana French. But the other GUF frequency, 11935 at 0215 and still at 0242, which would be in the clear, is again only running the NHK IS and IDs over and over. If NHK feed gets to GUF for 5960, why not for 11935 too?

6110, NHK English is still going on very strong Sackville at 0505 check, also weaker // 11740 new via GUF manages to stay in English instead of Spanish tonight, and also audible via FRANCE on 9770.

6195, meanwhile at 0506 has NHK Spanish playing exactly the same liner heard a few sex earlier on 6110 during English news. This is via WHRI, unlike 0400 Spanish on 6195 via GUF (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 9560, Oct 29 at 0225, Sackville is still transmitting the KBS Spanish relay at 0200-0230, VG signal except there is nothing but tone disrupted by the clacking.

B-12 HFCC shows TDF with KBS Spanish is now 0300-0400 on 15400 via GUIANA FRENCH, unchecked but KBS` own schedule at
shows instead 0100-0200 on 11635, not checked here yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 960, UT Monday Oct 29 at 0500, KGWA dead air is filled when nulled by pileup of other stations making heavy SAHs, but heard at first atop is definite Spanish, ``Qué tal, amigos otro --- musical``. Null on this one fits for XEK Nuevo Laredo. Then I am hearing blues music, especially shrill harmonic at 0503, presumed WABG in Mississippi (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1120, Oct 28 at 1950 UT, KEOR Catoosa/Sperry/Tulsa is back on with continuous Mexican music, well audible via caradio on another expedition north of Enid to Squirrel Haven; however, asphalt portions of US 81/64/60 where we are simultaneously northbound, westbound and eastbound, produce heavy tire static, while concrete portions much less so. I stop at a pulloff by a celltower with no visible means of electrical support; powerlines are poler, but on other side of highway. Do these things run on batteries or own generators even when powerlines are handy? At least they put out no RFI on MW.

During all this recent KEOR reactivity, tho I have not listened for hours at a time straight, I have never caught any announcement, let alone a slogan, or legal ID, so I make sure to listen at the next hourtop, 1959: No, just segué to more music. Seems they don`t think they need to ID legally. Still on at 2019 with music introducing itself as cumbia! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1430, Oct 28 at 2006 UT, near Squirrel Haven about 10 miles north of Enid, I am parked and bandscanning on the caradio. I especially want a definite log of nearby KALV, which is hard to hear dentro-Enid due to its null protecting KTBZ Tulsa. Out here we are just far enough away from the null to hear it weakly atop KTBZ and making a SAH of about 8 Hz. ``Your host for Northwestern Rangers [a silly ballteam] in Alva, 1430 AM stereo, KALV`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1500, Oct 28 at 2001 UT, Fox Sports Radio. Would expect this to be nearest groundwave station, KPGM in Pawhuska, rather than KSTP, a bit early for skywave from St Paul, and that`s ESPN, right?

Unlike ESPN Deportes, Fox Sports Radio has a user-friendly website with all affiliates on one page
or, one may click on a state-by-state map, but the only one they know about on 1500 is WSEM in Donalsonville GA. A recent change? NRC AM Log 2012 shows KPGM as RELigious. Sports is the religion in OK; but I go direct to KPGM:
which shows it is now primarily sports talk, and explains that on weekends they are with FSR, much but not all of the rest of the time with The Sports Animal OKC, KWPN-640, which is all-ESPN, right?

Plus they have local talk shows, and even a minute-by-minute schedule:
setting an example followed by too few radio stations
(Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1610, the hum-only carrier heard before N of Enid is still there Oct 28 at 1958 UT, presumably Great Salt Plains TIS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SERBIA [non]. 6190, Oct 29 at 0105 fair in Serbian. IRS has made seasonal change from 9685 to N America, tho they won`t tell HFCC about it. Still going at 0214. Presumably this and the English times have all been latened by one hour. It had not been yesterday, but now the ``program schedule`` which is really a transmission schedule lacking any info about program titles or content, is up for B-12:

Showing English on 6190 250 kW is at 0130-0200 except Sun & Mon. To Europe: daily 1930-2000 and 2200-2230 on 6100 with 250 kW, and 1400-1430 daily on 9635 with 10 kW (from inside Serbia)(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. 9675, Oct 29 at 0223, REE via CR is now here as expected, ex-9630, and // 9765, much weaker 3350; see also CANADA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 15440, Oct 28 at 2210, the new and only RTI relay time in English via WYFR, 22-23 UT, excellent signal, as was the case before when not in English. Feels like it`s on their 315 antenna but supposedly 285, while // 6115 is much weaker, listed as 355 degrees, so that should be much better in the east (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7335, UT Monday Oct 29 at 0058, `Voice of Martyrs` concludes and WHRI announces frequency change from 7385 to 9605; trouble is, this is 7335. Goes off and 9605 does come up at 0059, and there is another WHRI on 7385 with separate programming, `Waters of Life`, but after OCS IS, 7385 continues past 0100, into `DXing with Cumbre`, AAMOF, #736 produced Oct 25, so Marie got one done this week. And there it goes again on a real SW frequency, 5920 at 0200 UT Monday, in progress at 0219 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5050, Oct 29 at 0102, WWRB with KJVB readings, and also // 3195, so they haven`t phased out the higher frequency yet, altho it isn`t always on too. Both still on at 0240 with g.h. on world devastation prophesied. Note: before 0100 the US station on 3195 is WWCR while WWRB is on 3215, then they swap (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7506.4, Oct 29 at 0215, WRNO gospel huxter with suppressed modulation; 0233 starting another one, `Truth That Changes Lives` more distorted and even worse during music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1540, Oct 28 at 2002 UT on caradio a bit N of Enid, dominant station has ABC news, 2005 ID as ``Talk Radio 1540 KNGL``, gratuitous anti-Liberal promo, Mike Gallagher Show promo or start. This is 250 watts in McPherson KS, not yet overridden by KXEL skywave (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 7305, Oct 29 at 0232, open carrier, fair but not solid signal, presumably Greenville standing by for Vatican Radio to feed them their Spanish service now scheduled at 0200-0245; ¿Mañana? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VIETNAM [non]. For the second night, Sackville is keeping ex-VOV relay frequency 6175 on the air with nothing but BaBcoCk fill music loop, with that glitch/tape snag every minute, as noted Oct 29 at 0105, VG signal but pointless.

Meanwhile, VOV`s replacement for Sackville, 9640 via Woofferton is also on with real programming in Vietnamese, at 0214 Oct 29, fair signal, no comparison to Sackville. At 0223 reciting Vietnamese words with bell cues between, presumably language lesson for Anglos. At 0231 check, the all-English broadcast has started, presumably repeating the 0100.

Tonight I make a point of rechecking 6175 after 0300, when that frequency is scheduled in B-12 for VOV Spanish via WHRI: yup, there it is about 4 Hz apart, and underneath CANADA. So RCI is spoiling replacement transmission by its former longtime client. Presumably same happens at 0400-0430.

9555, BabCoCk music loop is still here tonight, Oct 29 at 0459 check till 0529 during abandoned VOV Vietnamese via Sackville from 0430 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Glenn Hauser logs October 27-28, 2012

** ALBANIA. 7425, Oct 28 at 0233 open carrier, dead air, no doubt R. Tirana, one of many stations unable to coordinate a smooth transition from A- to B-season scheduling. English to NAm for B-12 is at 0230 on 6100, but not there. Instead they kept 7425 from A-12 on the air but moved it one hour later, and there was no programming being fed from studio. Maybe that was still done at 0130, when I believe neither frequency was on the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** ALGERIA [non]. 5865, Oct 28 at 0511, Qur`an on RTA`s new/reactivated B-12 frequency via FRANCE, ex-9535; 7295 remains on air with non // Qur`an, from two different networks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRIA. 6155, Oct 28 at 0538, no signal from Ö1, when we used to hear nice classical music; now the only remaining transmission we can hear from Vienna shifts one UT hour later to 0600-0715, too late this week until we`re back on standard time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BANGLADESH. 15505, Oct 28 at 1356, hi-pitch tone and flutter and hum from BB past 1400, no IS, and TS comes 69 seconds late! Then opening Urdu. Reset your clox! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BONAIRE. 15265, Oct 27 at 2230, NHK Japanese relay is still going; would this be the final broadcast from Bonaire? 2359 IDs and closing transmission, 3 pips of time signal until cut off at 2400* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CANADA; JAPAN

** BRAZIL. 6180, Oct 28 at 0224, RNB missing again, so no ACI for BaBcoCk music loop on 6175 or more varied music on XEPPM 6185 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 6175, Oct 28 at 0224, BaBcoCk music fill loop playing continuously on what had been the relay of Voice of Vietnam. So much for turning off Sackville after A-12 is over! Transmitter is still on air, but program feed has been removed. Continues all evening and even QSY to 9555 for more of same when checked at 0459. Notice some tape snags (?) in the loop around 0522; automatically off at 0529* after RCI IS & IDs. See also VIETNAM [non]; JAPAN [non].

9625, Oct 28 at 0504, CBCNQ with CBC News in English, report from Windsor, close enough to the World Series & Detroit Tigers. News ends at 0504:30, right into YL in Inuktituk, apparent sign-off pronouncing address in English rather than French, but no full sign-off in discarded English, followed at 0506 by sign-off in French, to return at 6:55 am ET, ``bonne nuit``, 0507-0508* ``O, Canada``. So was this the final final of CBCNQ and/or Sackville?

No, 9625 again heard, but very poor, Oct 28 at 1332 with `The Sunday Edition` on plot to overthrow Mossadeq (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 5965, Oct 28 at 1235 Firedrake against nothing, but could not find any usual FD frequency propagating 12-18 MHz to compare. At 1243, back on 5965, now it`s in Korean, so it was NOT FD, but something within the CRI Korean service now scheduled 11-15 vix Xi`an.

Firedrake Oct 28 after 1300:
15570, fair at 1313
15485, poor at 1313, het on hi side
12980, very poor at 1317

After 1400:
15570, poor at 1403

** CHINA. 6030, 6045, 6085, 6125, 6150, 6175, 7295, 7310, 7365, 7385, 7445, noted all these CNR1 frequencies with same music, and most of them as jammers, Oct 28 at 1322-1325. Only 7385 had significant QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CROATIA [non]. 7375, Oct 28 at 0514, CRZ with Croatian rock music now extending one hour later via GERMANY until 0600. HFCC shows that for B-12, site has also changed from Wertachtal to 100 kW Nauen, viz.:
23-04 255 degrees to SAm
00-02 300 degrees to ENAm
02-04 315 degrees to CNAm
04-06 325 degrees to WNAm
So the overlaps with two transmitters are different now. English segment should now be at 0300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EUROPE. 15520-AM, Oct 28 at 1245, poor signal with some fadeups, electronic music, and DJ talking over from time to time, with hotmail address; says he will be returning a bit later today, but keeps going for now. 1250 hard-beat music continues; DJ says ``we have to go``; 1251 ``got to go, closing down after this``. 1253 acknowledges e-mail from Adolf in Austria, will answer him. 1254 ``You are listening to –--- over Europe `` but again I can`t catch the ID! 1255 vocal music, 1257 finally:
```` and off at 1300*
Then I check Georgi Bancov`s Pirate Radio Weekend roster: Borderhunter is on there, but not at this time or frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 7475 // stronger 9420, Oct 28 at 0514, VOG with Greek talk; the Sunday Orthodox service will now be starting an UT hour later circa 0600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA [and non]. 9526-, Oct 28 at 1330 not even a carrier where VOI English had been active for a couple weeks; now if it comes back, has heavy ACI from 9530 VOA Chinese via Philippines and jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 9710, Oct 28 at 0415 Oct 28, V. of Justice on new B-12 frequency to NAm from 0330, fair here but very poor on // 11770 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. NHK B-12 transition from A-12 is a royal mess:

5960, Oct 28 at 0210 has NHK music, extremely strong. This was supposed to switch from CANADA to GUIANA FRENCH, but has it? At 0221 there is a SAH and some CCI but can`t tell from what. 5960 remains on air past 0400, which was the old Sackville scheduling, while GUF in B-12 is only until 0400.

11935, Oct 28 at 0210, JBA carrier, surely not NHK as now scheduled via GUIANA FRENCH instead of Bonaire; bothered even by runover Cuban jamming from 11930. However, at 0231, NHK World Radio Japan, Tokyo IDs in English and Japanese, and Sakura IS loop is playing over and over on 11935. Well, that`s a start. At 0239 still doing this, while 5960 is continuing with NHK programming.

11740, Oct 28 at 0459, NHK IS, only fair signal on GUF replacement for English on 6110 via Sackville; sign on and starts news at 0501 with earthquake in Queen Charlotte Islands, but at 0502:41 someone cuts the NHK feed from English to Spanish!! Now the news is about an agreement with Mozambique over natural gas. 0508 still in Spanish; then I check 6195, which is almost synchronized with 11740, Spanish news about death of composer Hans-Werner Henze. 6195 is the new relay via WHRI for NHK Spanish at 0500, (also at 0930), but NHK Spanish at 0400 on 6195 is via GUF, unchecked. While 11740 stays in wrong language Spanish, I check 6110 and find bigsig from Sackville is still on! in English, item about archery.

9770, Oct 28 at 0518, NHK English is also audible here, NF via FRANCE, ex-11970.

15190, Oct 28 at 1227, sufficient NHK English on NF via GUIANA FRENCH to replace 6120 Sackville: I set the alarm to check this just in time. But 6120 is also still on, at 1228 about one second ahead of 15190. HFCC B-12 has both 6120 and 15190 registered for GUF, but today 6120 must still be Sackville, slow to QRT itself. Off at 1230* without any RCI IS/ID, however. During the final minute at 1229, NHK announcer recites the entire NHK English schedule with new B-12 frequencies, NOT including 6120 at 12, but adding 11730, (which is via Uzbekistan).

11655, furthermore, supposed to end with A-12, is still on the air with NHK Japanese via Sackville, Oct 28 at 1404.

11925 is very poor vs R. Martí 11930, and 11695 is JBA at 1405, the new English frequencies at 1400, via Palau and Uzbekistan respectively. See also BONAIRE, CANADA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Oct 28 at 1336, no signal from Shiokaze via JAPAN, where it has been for a few weeks; maybe the poor signal on 5910 is its alternate replacement; not on 6135 either, just bonking (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [and non]. 15575, Oct 28 at 1244 checking for KBSWR direct replacement in English to NAm at 12-13 as on their new schedule, ex-9650 Sackville: JBA carrier, could be colliding station as previously outpointed. 15575 also sked for Korean at 14-15: nothing at 1403, aside Firedrake on 15570, so something is propagating from E Asia.

9650, however, is still on from Sackville, at 1407 check, VG signal, but only with tone test and clacking, no programming. More mixups (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 21540, Oct 28 at 1305, R. Kuwait is still on this unregistered frequency in B-12, Arabic music atop REE in Spanish. It looked promising on Oct 27, when Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria found RK on surprise 13650 at 10-15 instead of 21540, but it collided with others on 13650. In HFCC, RK continues to pretend it is on 21520 at 1005-15, instead of 21540, meanwhile prolonging the totally unnecessary collision with Spain (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MYANMAR. 7110, Oct 28 at 1227, Thazin Radio is back on after missing a couple of days due to civil strife and/or power outages; music audible at 1324 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 9500, Oct 28 at 0037 and later chex, no signal from Mighty KBC Radio which said it would be testing again this week via BULGARIA to North America. Later info came that a microprocessor failed, and they will try again next week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 5950, Oct 28 at 1321, RNZI is back on its B-season frequency ex-6170, Oct 28 at 1321 about geothermal energy. Had not seen a full B-12 sked from them but here it is:
including 5950 at 1300-1550 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6970-AM, Oct 28 at 0042, rock music from pirate with good signal, but could not pull ID at 0043 thru the noise level. Andy Robins, MI, got the ID: XFM Shortwave (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 960, UT Sunday Oct 28 at 0500, KGWA maintains modulation with sports scores, running late this Saturday night, so no Fox hole (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 5975, Oct 28 at 0223, RRI in French, with het, from what? ``Pictures at an Exhibition`` on piano. At 0236 on // 7325 which is stronger, during mailbag greeting listeners in Québec.

5910, Oct 28 at 0229, HJDH has some heavy QRM atop making fast SAH, in Romanian so must be RRI, and at 0237 found better // 7340 with violin concerto. Both are to E NAm at 01-03.

17530, Oct 28 at 1240 RRI in English is the SSOB except for Cuba, far exceeding anything else from Europe or Mideast on 16m; talk about a town in Transylvania where musical instruments are made. New B-12 schedule moves this English hour one UT hour later to 12-13, but after this Week of Confusion, when we are back on UT -6, it will resume being too early for us before 7 am CST, even if propagating. 17530 is TIG, while // 15460 is GAL, both to WEu and hence NAm. // to elsewhere are 17765 GAL and 21570 TIG (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [and non]. 7290, Oct 28 at 0208, VOR English very good, somewhat stronger than // 7250 in new B-12 scheduling. 7290 is 500 kW, 309 degrees from KCH, MDA at 23-04, = Grigoriopol, PRIDNESTROVYE. 7250 is 500 kW, 315 degrees from ``ARMavir``, Russia at 22-04, per HFCC. These spans are not necessarily entirely in use or entirely English. AM hams in North America can kiss their favorite 40m frequency 7290 goodbye.

9840, Oct 28 at 0518, Russian from R. Rossii, propeller-buzz transmitter is back here, ex 12+ MHz something, from Moskva/Taldom. Can`t they tell how defective it is? But whoopee! This winter unlike the last couple, they are not colliding 9840 with VOR from DVR to WNAm.

5930, Oct 28 at 1320, JBA signal, so not R. Rossii, Pet/Kam? We were wondering if local time would go off DST and hence prolong the broadcast another hour past 1300? Apparently not, still in HFCC to close at 1300. TWR via Irkutsk is also registered here 1245-1530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOMALILAND [and non]. 7120, Oct 28 at 1328, JBA carrier presumed R. Hargeisa starting to show via long-path; more of a signal from LSB VE7BC close by (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. 9630, Oct 28 at 0516, REE Spanish via COSTA RICA has heavy Christian-sounding CCI in language with music. HFCC shows it`s now AWR in Hausa, 300 kW, 190 degrees from AUSTRIA, but it`s almost equal level to REE! This should go away from Oct 29, as B-12 REE schedule shows them on 9675 instead at 02-06 to NAm, while 9630 was the A-12 frequency. Complete B-12 REE is in latest DXLD 12-43, but HFCC still doesn`t have it, just relisting old B-11 info.

17595, Sunday Oct 28 at 1310, REE has started `Mundofonías` world-music show with Perú, so it remains at the same UT as in A-12 until new program schedule effective Nov 12, but now on the B-12 frequencies, also new very strong 15170 ex-11880 via CR, and weaker 15125. 15170 is best, but a trace of an understation. Can it be RRI as per last winter`s collision revived? Yes, Romanian 13-15, 290 degrees from Galbeni (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 7315, Oct 28 at 0534, VG signal, but lo-fi audio, interview in Arabic. Tired of waiting for a Radio Dabanga singing ID to be interjected, but surely this is it as now scheduled in B-12 at 04-06 via VATICAN (hope possible collisions with WHRI have been worked out). 7315 is ex-11650. The other new frequency in HFCC is unchecked 11940 via MADAGASCAR, ex-15400 (fortunately, as 19m is dead); also on unchecked UAE 13800. 7315 and something on 7325 squeeze out much weaker Magadan on 7320 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 5950, Oct 28 at 0200 and later, WYFR is gone and with it the RTI English relays. New and only one is now 22-23 on 15440 and 6115 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [and non]. 9655, Oct 28 at 0415, VOT on new B-12 frequency for English to NAm, ex-9515 at 0300; during DX Corner, fair with flutter.

15350, Oct 28 at 1303 news in Turkish enumerating US swing states; VOT Turkish now here at 07-14, 500 kW, 310 degrees from Emirler for WEu and thence NAm. Would be good if it weren`t for RHC 15340 splatter plus/minus 20-25 kHz! At least Morocco continues to be long gone from 15349.1.

17755, Oct 28 at 1307, Turkish music, better signal than non-// Turkish service on 15350; as in previous B-seasons, this is VOT German service from 1230, 500 kW, 310 degrees from Emirler and also USward.

12035, Oct 28 at 1356, no signal at all from VOT, supposed to be B-12 replacement for 1330 English, ex-1230 on 15450, which was fairly reliable for a semiyear. Is 12035 really on the air? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K. 5985, Oct 28 at 0239, fair signal in Farsi. It`s new B-12 channel for BBCWS, due east from Woofferton at 0230-0330 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 7520, Oct 28 at 1327, wild fiddling, ex-7575, 1330 ID as VOA `Jazz America`, also on poor 9640. 7520 is on air during the 13-14 hour only on weekends, 250 kW, 332 degrees via Tinang, PHILIPPINES, while 9640 is likewise at 270 degrees.

9800, Oct 28 at 1333, good signal in Korean but some CCI; is VOA, 250 kW, 21 degrees also USward from Tinang, PHILIPPINES, at 12-15, ex-15775 in A-12. No CCI in HFCC, just Pakistan at 1230-1330. See also INDONESIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9990, Oct 28 at 0037, WTWW-2 is blasting in, on air for weekly Saturday evening broadcast with Ted Randall. Presumed QSY to 5085 circa 0100; no WORLD OF RADIO at 0130 or 0200 as in previous weeks. 0200-0300 running Rod Hembree stuff; 0300 starts playing back an old QSO show; 0510 check off the air, unlike last week when stayed on a couple hours more.

11490, Oct 28 at 0212, very poor signal from PPP = // 2 x 5745 WTWW-1. Never noted this harmonic before, but may well be in this case DX-398 receiver overload rather than transmitted.

5745, Oct 28 at 0400, WORLD OF RADIO 1640 airs as scheduled UT Sundays. Also next week, but after that due to end of DST, will appear at 0500 UT Sundays starting Nov 11.

5745 has been in use by WTWW-1 for a few weeks ex-5755, but what about B-12 when OCB/R. Martí was already registered for its usual winter usage at 11-14? HFCC shows RM has been cut back to 13-14 only so there is no collision, but I`m still hearing a weak signal from it and no jamming yet at 1319 Oct 28, while WTWW-1 is already on 9479 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3195, Oct 28 at 0214, gospel music, presumed WWRB which past week in transition period has been running // 5050, but no 5050 now.

Note that per updated transmitter schedule at
WWCR-1 is also on 3195 part of the time:
22-01 3195, 01-09 3215 this week, and from Nov 4:
23-02 3195, 02-10 3215

Contrariwise, WWRB is on 3215 until 01, then 3195 until 04, presumably also changing to switchover at 0200 once DST is over and then running until 0500 including WORLD OF RADIO UT Fridays at 0430 on 3195 if they can manage to play it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGESTE)

** U S A. 5920, Oct 28 at 0218 `Pirating with Cumbre`, so `DXing with Cumbre` is here at 0200 UT Sunday. 7520, ex-9825, PWC on DWC is also heard at 0415 UT Sunday. But may change next week or two with DST ending (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15610, Oct 28 at 1301, WEWN announces this hour on 15610, and joining program (mass) in progress, as happens so often --- will they ever get their act together? Anyhow, in B-12 no longer shifting to 15615 for the first bihour of English on 19m (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [and non]. 7305, Oct 28 at 0210, no signal from Vatican Radio, which has registered a surprise new relay via Greenville and retimed Spanish to 0200-0245. Presumably will really start UT Oct 29. Also scheduled 1130-1200 on 7305, both daily.

21680, Oct 28 at 1306, PBXVI clip and news in Italian about BC quake, poor signal from VR, 1300-1320 daily in Italian, 250 kW, 185 degrees from SMG.

17650, Oct 28 at 1308, big collision between French and Arabish? French is certainly CRI via Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN and is // 15205, but the other? Nothing in B-12 HFCC. A12 Aoki, however, had VOA Somali via VATICAN at 13-14, so suspect SMG has failed to change/delete this transmission. Check tomorrow (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VIETNAM [non]. 9640, Oct 28 at 0226-0228* something in Vietnamese, so no KBS English direct from Korea South. 9640 is the replacement for Sackville 6175, with VOV scheduled now 250 kW, 294 degrees via Woofferton UK to CIRAF 8 = E NAm: 01-03 English, 0330-0400 English. Since they never had two hours straight of English, I assume this really includes Vietnamese at 0130-0230; did it come back on at 0230?
See CANADA, where old 6175 stayed on the air with BaBcoCk music fill loop all evening and even on 9555 after 0430; 6175 is still on the new VOV schedule, but only for Spanish at 0300-0328 and 0400-0428 via WHRI. I may not have checked during those hours, but it could have been a big collision.

The replacement for Sackville 9555 in Vietnamese at 0430-0528 is supposed to be 7345, 250 kW, 310 degrees from Woofferton to W NAm, which is an even worse substitute for Sackville. It aims across Greenland and Utah to Los Angeles (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CANADA

Glenn Hauser logs October 26-27, 2012

** ALBANIA. 7425, Oct 27 at 0129, R. Tirana IS about to open the only remaining English to North America. Note that for B-12, it changes to 0230-0300 on 6100, except UT Mondays, so might start UT Oct 28 or 30. The only other English, to Europe and onward to E NAm will be at 2100 except Sundays on 7465 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BANGLADESH. 15105, Oct 27 at 1258, BB in English with a song in Bangla for Dear Listeners, but soon fade it out for sign-off, also addressed to Dear Listeners, with p- and e-mail addresses, 1300 tone test still on past 1301.

15505, Oct 27 at 1357, BB open carrier with flutter, 1358 IS starts, timesignal ends at 1359:47. At least their wrong-time has been fairly consistent lately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BONAIRE. Check 15265 Oct 27 at 22-24, for NHK in Japanese. If it`s still on, that may well be the final broadcast via Bonaire in the last hours of A-12. Nothing is scheduled to replace this transmission on any frequency from any other relay (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA [and non]. 11655, Oct 27 at 1308, NHK R. Japan relay via Sackville for the last time at this hour, 13-15, with nothing scheduled to replace it tomorrow from B-12.

The final NHK relays via Sackville may already have happened as it`ll officially be Oct 28 = B-12 when the 02-05 Japanese on 5960 or the 0500-0530 English on 6110 would occur. It may not be easy to tell whether Guiana French has taken over 5960, except the new schedule will be 02-04 only, // 11935 also GUF ex-Bonaire; and English at 0500-0530 moves to 11740 from Guiana French. We are eager to find out how well the replacement for Sackville 6120 in English at 1200-1230 works from Oct 28: 15190 and/or 6120 via GUF.

9625, Oct 27 at 1405, lo het as evidence that CBCNQ is still there underneath RTI in Vietnamese this hour only. 0505* UT Sunday Oct 28 could be the final QRT, or unlike the external relays, might keep on until monthend as some reports have it. See also KOREA SOUTH [and non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake, Oct 26 before 2400:
15390, poor at 2357; Aoki and HFCC have no possible target, except CNR13 service in Uighur from Lingshi is supposed to start at 2355
15585, poor at 2354 mixing with Chinese, i.e. RFA Mandarin via TINIAN
16980, poor at 2354 with heavy flutter // 15585

Oct 27, after 1400:
9680, mixed Chinese, either CNR1 jamming or Taiwan or both, not RRI?

** CUBA [and non]. 15140, Oct 26 at 2352, music from RHC on the `Mesa Redonda` TV talkshow simulcast frequency, and guess what, it is not separate from all the other frequencies checked, but // 17705, 15230, 11840, 11680, 6000, 5040. 6000 is also supposed to be on M.R. breakaway. 23-24 is apparently the fill-music hour which Grayson Watson, Dallas, enjoys so much.

BTW, DISREGARD RHC`s own website schedule in Spanish, which is way out of date:
Looks like they never changed it from last winter! In fact some of the frequencies on it are hoarier than that, like 12020. Maybe some of those will come back this winter. Look for Arnie to juggle the RHC schedule around November 5, once everyone else has settled into B-12 a week earlier. However, says DST in Cuba ends November 11, a week later than the USA & Canada, which could complicate things.

15200-15260, Oct 27 at 1258, RHC`s usually innocuous and not very strong 15230 transmitter is again surrounded by a buzzfield out to 30 kHz either side. 15205, CRI French via Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN can overcome it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. 21180-21205, Oct 27 at 1407, OTH radar pulsing presumed from here, invading the 15m hamband; 40, 17, 15, 12 and 10 m are full of SSB contesters and probably 20m too, unchecked (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 17725, Oct 27 at 1304, buzzing transmitter with no intelligible audio, and this is not coming from adjacent RHC 17730. HFCC shows R. Cairo, Dari, 250 kW, 70 degrees from Abu Zabaal at 13-14; the world champion of totally useless and clueless broadcasting. If it were before 1300, it could be a nearly equivalent mess from Islamabad, Pakistan in Chinese on 17725 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, once I have recorded WOR 1640 saying R. Africa has been missing, we get a report from Brian Alexander that it was on again as of Oct 25. Also heard here Oct 26 at 1928 with lo-key but non-Alamo preacher in English, 1930 hymn, 1933 `Let the Bible Speak` show with Northern Ireland address, sounds like closing, but then ``What a Friend`` hymn, seems same preacher, 1936 about Adam & Eve. Fair signal with more fading than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUIANA FRENCH. 11995, Oct 27 at 0438, JBA carrier presumed from Montsinéry. Weaker lately, maybe propagation, or could they have reduced power to waste less than 500 kW? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA [and non]. 11710-11715-11720, Oct 27 at 0132, DRM noise from AIR Nepali service is blasting in, should decode way over here amid the opposite worldside, and QRMs RAE Argentina 11711 analog in Japanese. They should vary to 11709 instead (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAMAICA. 7029-LSB, Oct 27 at 0525, 6Y9X making rapid contest contacts including an HB9, mentions ``this frequency and 234`` meaning he (or cohort?) is also monitoring 7234. Jamaica was originally 6Y5 only; does the -9- signify something in particular? says he`s Paul J. Young, K1XM who uses 6Y9X during contests, but no specific location on the island given. At 0530 working VP5T in Turks & Caicos, also heard but 6Y9X had a hard time copying his call (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. See CANADA [and non]

** KOREA SOUTH [and non]. 9650, Oct 27 at 1405, KBS World Radio in Korean via Sackville for the last time at this hour. And true to form, to the very end, they have done nothing to get rid of the constant clacking noise as fed from Seoul.

Just in time, the KBSWR B-12 schedule has emerged, via Alokesh Gupta, showing both 9650 Sackville North American transmissions, Korean at 14-15 and English at 12-13 are being replaced by 15575 direct! Lots of luck, propagating that across the winter darkside. KBS is still boycotting HFCC, so who cares if both these collide with others in B-12? 15575, 10-14, BBC English east from Cyprus; and 14-16, BSKSA Pashto NE from Riyadh. We might have better luck with KBS English to SE Asia off the back, on 9640 at 14, 16 and even 02, QRM permitting. At least we can expect the direct broadcasts to abolish the clacking once and for all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 720, Oct 27 at 1250 UT, discussing and playing music of Guadalajara. Altho there are 2 or 3 other XEs I`ve heard on 720, I am tempted to pick this one from Cantú which is in Jalisco, and obviously musical: 720 XEQZ Ritmo 720 San Juan de los Lagos, Jal. 1,000 400.
Guadalajara sunrise 1254, Enid SR right now, 1250 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 880, Oct 27 at 0513 UT from southwest, Spanish educational or at least so during PSAs about patriomonio cultural, hidografía, on to music, dominating frequency but SAH. It`s likely one of these three as heard before, per Cantú:

880 XEV   Radio Fórmula + FM 101.7 Chihuahua, Chih.  5,000   250
880 XETC  Kiuu + FM 91.1           Torreón, Coah.   10,000 1,000
880 XEPNK Milenio Radio + FM 103.5 Los Mochis, Sin. 10,000 2,000

880, Oct 27 at 1225 UT, discussion about la guerra para la paz, Albert Einstein revealed he didn`t believe in god; mentions Coahuila, Torreón. Not necessarily the same one heard earlier, but now it`s surely XETC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MYANMAR [and non]. 7110, as I mentioned in my yesterday`s report about SOMALILAND 7120, no signal from Thazin Radio, and still nothing Oct 27 around 1329. Ron Howard, California confirms it was off the air Oct 26. He and Victor Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, also confirm this and other Pyin U Lwin frequencies were still missing today, perhaps due to power problems, which have been reported around the new capital.

5985.8, Oct 27 at 1334, G5-note het upon JSR Tokyo, Shiokaze in Korean this Saturday, which is presumably very close to proper 5985.00. It`s not exactly G5 = 784 Hz, but closer than Gb or G#, and so closer to its usual offset than yesterday from Yangon, still powered (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 960, UT Sat Oct 27 at 0500-0505, tonight`s KGWA Fox-hole jumble is mainly occupied by a Mexican song; one ear on this and the other on 6899.4 pirate, see UNIDENTIFIED (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1120, KEOR Catoosa/Sperry/Tulsa observations: on the air Oct 26 at 1857 UT with banda music, 1900 segué with no ID. We have never heard them ID in latest reactivation. 1917 recheck off the air, or maybe carrier is still on; hard to tell on caradio. 1939 on receiver with BFO, carrier is definitely off. Nothing heard around 1300 or 1700 UT Oct 27.

This correlates with Bruce Winkelman`s notes at local range in Tulsa:
``Just tuned past 1120 and there is Spanish language vocal music from presumed KEOR-1120! 1247Z 26OCT12. 1305-1335Z 26OCT12 Spanish language vocal music, with no announcements or other identifying "talk" between selections. Quick check of 1120 this morning 1232-1240Z 27OCT12 shows no OC from presumed KEOR, only a faint KMOX`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. 7105-LSB, Oct 27 at 1330, DU1UG with quick contest contacts. gets no results for this call, but I`m sure I copied it correctly from fonetix (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SERBIA. 28923-USB, Oct 27 at 1408, YT7AW working contest. That`s what it takes to force 10m hams to venture above 28.6, but there were still none to be heard above 29.0 MHz. shows:
YT7AW, GORAN HAJOSEVIC, Focanska 133, Smederevo, Serbia

** SOMALILAND. 7120, looking for R. Hargeisa longpath, as barely heard yesterday: Oct 27 at 1336 a carrier begins to be JBA; strengthens to BA at 1356 and gone at 1402. All the contest-enhanced QRhaM did not help. Ron Howard says it went off at 1401* Oct 26, and unlike Oct 25 he could not be sure there was English at 1320-1340 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN. 9505, Oct 27 at 0442, Hornish of Africa music, fair signal, presumed R. Omdurman, a.k.a. La Voix du Soudan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 6040, Oct 27 at 0448, music sounds like TRT, and by golly it is // 11980: the latter is commonly audible, but haven`t had VOT on 6040 before. On last day of A-12, HFCC shows 6040 is 500 kW, 138 degrees from Emirler at 04-06; 11980 is 500 kW, 310 degrees USward during same hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 9479, Oct 26 at 1950, WTWW-1 has a considerable het from some station on 9480. Most of the time, in North America with its super-signal, WTWW gets away with this deliberate off-frequency operation which was authorized in order to move a high-order harmonic of 9480 off a nearby VHF 2-way frequency for school bus communications. But HFCC A-12 shows at 18-20, CRI French via Albania is on 9480 beaming 310 degrees also USward. Other clashes registered: 1330-1700 R. Rossii, 200 kW, 260 from Moskva; 2000-2100, IBB English via Thailand; 2155-0100 CNR Tibetan from Beijing. Not to mention the 1 kW German registered 0800-1600.

Initial B-12 HFCC shows following conflicts:
WTWW (as ``9480``), 11-01 at 50 degrees vs:

0800-1400 GOH, Germany, 1 kW
0800-1605 CNR Tibetan via Beijing site, 100 kW
1500-1800 VOR from Moskva
2000-2100 IBB from Lampertheim in English, 120 degrees opposite
2100-2400 GOH, Germany, 1 kW, tentative
2155-0100 CNR Tibetan via Beijing

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1640 monitoring: 5109.8-CUSB, UT Sat Oct 27 starting at 0131:51 on Area 51 via WBCQ. Had some lite SSB 2-way QRM on one side or the other.

Remaining repeats: UT Sun 0130 or 0200 or ???? IF WTWW-2 is on 5085.
UT Sun 0400 on WTWW-1 5745.
Sun 1730 (for the last time) on WRMI 9955. Mon 0500, Tue 1100.
WRN via Sirius XM 120: Sun 0830 & 1730 (for the last time, then from Nov 4 only at 1830 Saturdays, Nov 3 still 1730 UT) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7506.4, Oct 27 at 0133 check, WRNO is on, very good signal and distorted modulation. By 0338 recheck, there is only a very poor signal with flutter, undermodulated. At first I figured it was something else until matched the off-frequency. Propagation had dropped out. Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, measured this on 7506.379, Oct 26 at 0300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 940, Sat Oct 27 at 1236 UT from SW/NE, ``Band of Gold`` nostalgia song, then ``Tnx for the Memories`` but not by Bob Hope, plug 515-964-8947 to order CDs, ``Music & Memories show on your favorite radio station`` from the 1940s. This leads to only one:
Praise 940 in Des Moines IA, Saturdays at 7-8 am [CT], which fits, i.e. KPSZ, which NRC AM Log classifies as REL:AC but at the moment is really NOS if not REL:NOS. Apparently it`s the ONLY station carrying this show, as also seems local with 515 AC.

Remember when 940 Des Moines was KIOA? That perfect call ended 11/18/1996 when it became KTXK; and then from 09/03/2002 KPSZ. 10 kW day pattern from 1230 UT in Oct has a broad major lobe centered on 260 degrees, but still plenty toward Enid, all per FCC AM Query (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1430, Oct 27 at 1256 UT, full ID for KZQZ St Louis, NBC News Radio 2-minute capsule with optional cutaway in the middle for stations which find two minutes too much. This IDs my unID of Oct 15 at same time. Network info that it`s funxional M-F only obviously outdated, as this was Saturday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6899.4, Oct 27 at 0454, pirate on AM is occasionally fading up vs utehash on lo side with music, 0458 announcement, 0502 fade-in better with narrative story with SFX about Gregory Peccary; 0506 jazz/big band music; 0508 resumes story; 0519 music. Never got ID. Googling reveals that, preferably spelt ``Greggery Peccary``, it`s a Frank Zappa thing:
But whence on this frequency? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6925-SSB, Oct 27 at 0533, stream-of-consciousness tale, Dr Benway? 0535 mentions Palomar Observatory, 0539 Dr Peters and a strange glowing polyhedron; dozzzed off until 0619 when it sounded like Chris Lobdell with reception reports, mentioning Winterfest, Pirate Radio Boston. So is that the proper ID for this transmission, or a vintage/relay? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

sabato 27 ottobre 2012

20/10/2012 and 21/10/2012 logs


Brazil - R. Voz Missionaria in Portuguese with music at 2213 on 9665. Caned ID at 2213.  At 2240 Voice of Russia turned on their transmitter and covered up the signal.

Canada - CBC in English on 9625 at 2150. At 2200 news read by a YL. Next followed a magazine show on violence and organized crime in Columbia and Venezuela.  (Klauber, NY)

India - AIR with Sitar playing on 11670 at 2122. Signal beamed to Europe. YL hostess in English. Transmitter located in Bengaluru, India. At 2130 a show documenting the history of Indian musical instruments. (Klauber, NY)

Spain - R. Exterior De Espania on 9650 with a musical show in English. OM announcer. The broadcast was  targeted to Europe.


Albania - CRI in English with Chinese Studio program at 2155 on 5960. (KLauber, NY)

Botswana - VOA in English on 15580 at 2144 playing music . Female hostess. (Klauber,  NY)

Canada - CBCNQ on 9625 at 1533 in English. A female hosting a talk show and interviewing a YL who is a singer and songwriter.  (Klauber, NY)

Germany - WYFR on 9715 in French at 2149. Male announcer. (Klauber, NY)

Guam - Adventist World Radio in English on 15360 at 1607. Male announcer conducting a phone interview. Audio seemed to have a problem. Sounded like tin cans banging behind the announcer when modulating.  (Klauber, NY)  

India -  Musical show on 9950 at 0020 in English.

Iran - VOIR Iran in Japanese on 11765 at 2107. Male announcer with indigenous music.  YL announcing the next song at 2109.
In Arabic on 12080 at 0010. Target North Africa with a female hostess of a musical program. (Klauber, NY)

Mah'e, Seychelles - BBC on 9730 at 2243 in English. A Talk show hosted by a male and female announcers. (Klauber, NY)

Nigeria - VO Nigeria on 7255 at 2117 with local music in Fulfulde. Listened until 2127and the same song was playing with no announcer. (Klauber, NY)

Russia - VO Russia in English on 12040 at 2127. YL interviewing a gentleman. Segment ended at 2130 when news headlines were read. (Klauber, NY)

Alex Klauber
Tecsun PL-660
MFJ  1045C preselector
Sangaen  ATS. 909
200 foot longwire antenna.
My location is not far from Syracuse, NY

Log Mon. Oct.22,2012


Austria - Trans World Radio in English at 0715 on 7400. Male and female hosts playing songs.(Klauber, NY)

Australia -  R. Australia in English at 1217 on 11945. A woman with a magazine show about religion in Indonesia. (Klauber, NY)

Botswana - VOA African relay on 15580 at 1835. Music show hosted by female announcer. VOA ID at 1845. (Klauber, NY)

Brazil - RN da Amazonia on 6180 at 0637in Portuguese. Show featuring music. (Klauber,  NY)

Germany - Family Radio on 15670 in Hindi at 1454. Male talking presumably a newscast. Flute music with a female announcer at 1455. Family Radio theme music at 1459. (Klauber, NY)
Croatian Radio in Croatian on 7375 at 2330 with sports report. At 0353 playing music. (Klauber, NY)

Saipan - VOA from Agignan Point 1, in Chinese on 15115 at 1205. Recording of  children singing. A male announcer began to speak over music bed. Female talking over a bed of children's music at1212.  (Klauber, NY)

Tinian Island, Mariana Islands  - R. Free Asia. Man and woman in Chinese on 11540 at 1541. Woman talking over music bed.  (Klauber, NY)

United Arab Emirates - R. Australia on 9855 in English at 2315. Male  with the news. Week signal. Lots of fading. Heard ID at 2318.  (Klauber, NY)

Alex Klauber, Rome,,NY
Tecsun PL-660
MFJ 1045C Preselector
Antenna: 200' longwire

venerdì 26 ottobre 2012

Glenn Hauser logs October 25-26, 2012

** BANGLADESH. 15105, Oct 26 at 1259, Bangladesh Betar is signing off, this time the OM announcer, asking for listener correspondence to the Director, referring to 41.3 mb, 7.250 MHz, and off at 1300*. Does he think this very transmission is on that frequency?

15505, Oct 26 at 1357, BB is on with IS, heavy flutter; timesignal ends at 1359:43, 17 sex early today, opening Urdu (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 26 circa 1330, all with flutter:
12230, good at 1330
12670, fair at 1330
15495, fair at 1330, het on hi side
15900, good at 1333
16980, good at 1333
17450, very good at 1335; none in the 18s

** CHINA. OTH radar pulsing, presumed from here, covers wide areas:
5750-5850 at 1310 Oct 26, main peak is around 5800; above 5820 the pitch is different than below 5820, two of them abutting?
5875-5910 at 1311 Oct 26 with BBC 5875 on the edge
6760-7000 at 1312 Oct 26, several different peaks, avoids 40m hamband
7850-7930 at 1324 Oct 26, CHU 7850 on the edge

** CYPRUS. OTH radar pulsing, presumed from here, invading the 15m hamband: 21250-21275, Oct 26 at 1307. See also CHINA for more OTHR of different pitches, wider bandwidth on lower frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA [and non]. 11711, RAE has heavy noise QRM, Oct 26 at 0125 but unlike last night, this time it`s really coming from DRM centred on 11715, which must be India`s Nepali service. (Wow, Nepal must be a really modern country full of DRM receivers!!), as scheduled in Aoki:

11715 ALL INDIA RADIO(DRM) 0130-0230 1234567 Nepali(Digital) 250 124 Delhi (Khampur) IND 07709E2850N AIR a12

Strangely enough, HFCC has this transmission starting at 0115 but claims it is not in DRM. 124 degrees is a bit too far south as Nepal is east of Delhi. 95 degrees would be about right (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, Oct 26 at 1326, VOI in English but as always very undermodulated, with hum, heavy flutter. All I can make out is something about ``25 km from the city`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Friday Oct 26 at 1336, Sea Breeze in English via JAPAN, YL with headlines and datelines from September about events concerning North Korea, stingers between them. So it`s now ``in season`` for us to hear this late, English on Fridays.

Constant het on hi side from Myanmar, which my keyboard places at C6 = 1046 Hz, but it`s usually measured direct around 5985.8, such as 5985.812 by Wolfgang Büschel Oct 7; 5985.828 on Sept 24, 5985.808 on Sept 25. By Ralph Perry, 5985.86 on Oct. 6 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 540, Oct 26 at 0514, amid CCI I catch a mention in Spanish of ``90.5 FM`` from the west, i.e. it`s a match for XETX again, Cantú:
540 XETX La Ranchera de Paquimé + FM 90.5 Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chih. 1,000 250. The main CCI was C&W music, presumably KWMT Fort Dodge IA again with its resurgent night signal. On daytime groundwave, it`s under KDFT with a 1.5 Hz SAH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 960, UT Friday Oct 26 at 0500-0505 another deadair Fox-hole from KGWA Enid, during which nulling its strong local carrier, I hear mostly blues music dominating, presumed WABG Greenwood MS; 0503, 800-299-8255 phone number probably during a break in ABC news from WERC or KMA. Any phone number ending in 8255 means ``TALK``, i.e. for call-ins. I find it amazing how unhelpful the dozens of reverse-phone number lookup sites are. About 15 sex before KGWA blasts back on at 0505 with a local ad, the understation starts a political ad with a black accent, probably WABG, but can`t copy any clue (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOMALILAND. 7120, Oct 26 at 1315, JBA carrier, upon which an intermittent SSB ham is saying ``hello test, 1, 2, 3`` until 1319. Was not expecting to be hearing R. Hargeisa, long path this early, as has been easy for Ron Howard, California. Still there at 1340, now with some CW QRhaM. 1347 trace of music, less CW QRM. 1357 the signal is a bit better and can make out some HoA music vs CW QRM on hi side. 1357 an announcement, 1358 seems dead air, 1400 talk, but gone by 1404.

This matches recent observations by Ron Howard, that they have this earlier transmission now, take a break and resume around 1500. And on Oct 25 he says there was even English, probably at 1320-1340, definitely from 1328.

Sunset today at Hargeisa is 1442 UT. The long path cross the Indian Ocean south of Australia and NZ, up across the Pacific, total water path after Africa until hitting North America. And there was no carrier at all today from 7110 Myanmar`s very different transpolar path (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WRNO is back on, 7506.4, Oct 26 at 0124, strong signal with gospel huxter, very distorted modulation. Latest absence still did not improve anything (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1640 monitoring: confirmed Thursday October 25 on WTWW 9479, excellent signal. They are still running the announcement that 5755 ``will`` change to 5745, which is interrupted by canned ID, then WOR starts intact.

WWRB is on both 5050 and // 3195 at 0125 Oct 26, so WORLD OF RADIO at 0330 probably will be too this week (Glenn Hauser, OK, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

WORLD OF RADIO 1640 monitoring: Maybe so, but I start listening to the webcast at 0329. ``Amen & amen`` SC preacher ends at 0330 (he interjects more amens every few sex during his sermon, an extremely annoying tic), and deadair/noise level rises; 42 seconds later just silence; 54 seconds after that, hum and noise start up; 2+ minutes after that, Dave comes on and says he`s very sorry, but can`t get WORLD OF RADIO to play tonight; knows we are disappointed, but will have to fill with something else. Me too; wish I knew how to fix his computer problem. WWRB gets the same mp3 file other stations have no problems playing.

Better chances to hear WOR 1640: UT Sat Oct 27 at 0130v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; UT Sun 0400 on WTWW 5745. Maybe also at 0130 or 0200 or ???? UT Sun on WTWW 5085, if on the air this week. Circa Europe, UT Sat 0630 & 1630 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265. In Latin America, Sat 0800, 1500, 1730, Sun 0800, 1530, 1730, Mon 0500, Tue 1100 on WRMI 9955. Also Sat & Sun 1730, Sun 0830 on WRN via SiriusXM 120 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 16207, Oct 26 at 1335, the frying-sound transmitter is in again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)