lunedì 22 ottobre 2012

Glenn Hauser logs October 20-21, 2012

** BANGLADESH. 15105, Oct 21 at 1255, no signal from BB; propagation should have been sufficient; 15090 Kuwait is audible.

15505, Oct 21 at 1400, no signal from BB Urdu service either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 9555, Oct 21 at 0442 check, fair signal in Vietnamese, as VOV relay is on correct frequency tonight, no 6175 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake, Oct 21 after 1300:
15550, fair at 1301
 9780, fair with flutter at 1311, and not much else audible. Unusual here, but must be jamming applied to RTI as in Aoki. Deewa Radio from Thailand to Afghanistan is also scheduled

Circa 1330:
13920, fair with noise at 1329, utility QRM; none in the 12s
14800, good at 1331
15490, poor at 1332, with noise jamming too, het on hi side
15625, poor at 1334, het on 15627
15970, fair-good at 1335
16100, poor at 1335
16980, good at 1335 with flutter; none in the 17s

Before 1400:
15500, fair at 1359, het on hi side

** CUBA. 15340 et al., Sunday Oct 21 at 1338 tune in late to RHC, afraid I missed the birthdays on `En Contacto`, the Spanish DX program at 1335, but no --- it`s been pre-empted for remote correspondent reports about voting today in Santiago, Holguín, Las Tunas, etc. Big deal: who says a one-party dictatorship can`t go thru the motions of democracy --- as long as all the candidates for the national legislature are good Commies! Reporters even cite the exact numbers of people voting, altho the day has just started.

So we are totally out of luck this Sunday morning for Spanish DX programs, also gone from REE an hour earlier [see SPAIN], and I can now go back to REE 11880 without guilt for the current program, world music on `Mundofonías`. Will there be any Contacto at the scheduled repeats of 2235(?) or UT Monday 0135? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9305, Oct 21 at 0432, R. Cairo humbuzz, self-imposed propeller-noise jamming atop just barely modulated presumed Arabic, totally useless. Sounds like it is about to explode, self-destruct, which would be a good thing, end of misery; just get the clueless staff if any, far enough away (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420, Oct 21 at 0442, good signal from VOG Orthodox music show, two or three male cantors interweaving, great stuff they provide on UT Sundays, and still going when I rouse momentarily at 0624 to turn off the radio. Without the baggage of belief or understanding much Greek, I can enjoy it pro-arte (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUIANA FRENCH. 11995, Oct 21 at 0433 open carrier with hum, still from TDF Montsinéry, burning megawatts for nothing. I know my reports on this are somewhat repetitive, but this is a major anomaly which should not be happening, and indicative of a certain incompetence at one of the world`s remaining major relay stations. When they stop doing this, I`ll stop reporting it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, Oct 21 at 1312, VOI carrier now is barely modulated, instead of not, or just-barely modulated, such that I can recognize the YL announcer in English, but not copy what she is saying, still much softer than the sounds of propagational fading. So perhaps the modulation percentage level has risen from single- to double-digits (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO. 9579.12, Oct 21 at 0441, Arabic music, no het, so Médi Un, Nador transmitter is back on air and still way off-9575-frequency, and Gabon is not yet on. But at 0513 recheck, it is, reviving the het which I put at 880 Hz, altho Wolfgang Büschel measures the Nador frequency directly a bit higher at 9579.138 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENINGN DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 9500, UT Sunday Oct 21 at 0101, rock music, fair signal 34433, from KBC Radio test to North America via Sofia (Kostinbrod), BULGARIA. Frequent ID breaks in English, such as 0104 ``Mighty KBC, 4 minutes past the hour``; 0108 another heavily produced ID and a Dave Edwards (?) classic. 0114 ad for a SW radio supplier in Germany, but could not catch the address or website; 0116 KBC Radio`s own web and e-mail address. 0143 greeting a listener in the USA. Stops at 0200, brief open carrier and off.

Unfortunately this scheduling conflicted with other things, such as the début on OETA OKLA of the 37-episode `Doc Martin` quirky Britcom from ITV; and WTWW-2`s weekly broadcast including WORLD OF RADIO; see USA. No significant CCI on 9500, but KBC was much weaker than e.g. 9490, R. República via GUF atop jamming, and KBC wasn`t armchair listening level anyway to take in the music. Hope they will anyway continue a North American SW service, altho no doubt more expensive Wertachtal could serve us much better.

Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria reports: ``BULGARIA, The Mighty KBC test on Sunday Oct. 21, 2012: 0000-0200 on 9500 SOF 100 kW / 306 deg to NoAm, good signal in Sofia, but also noted second harmonic on 19000 (35543). Very, very old transmitter!`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 15120, Oct 21 at 0438, fair signal with tone test, hum, as VON is working up to its 0500 English broadcast on AM. So it`s propagating tonight, at least at first. It and 15400 Dabanga/Madagascar are the OSOBs, a truly African night on 19m, no Australia or anything else (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6945-AM, Oct 21 at 0443 as I tune in, ID with undercoverradio @ and music, poor signal, so mission immediately accomplished to ID this pirate, and so much going on elsewhere, I must tune away (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 960, UT Sunday Oct 21 at 0500, KGWA Enid stops modulating after ID. Under open carrier I at first hear mostly Spanish music, then some English talk before KGWA blasts back on at 0505 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1120, Oct 21 at 1232 UT, tell-tale het, subaudible, upon KMOX amounting to 76/minute = 1.27 Hz, and it loops toward KEOR which I therefore assume is still on the air without modulating. Official KEOR sunrise in Oct is 1230 UT, Nov at 1300, so maybe just turned on. I had not noticed any SAH on KMOX in the nightmiddle. On Oct 18 when I first heard KEOR reactivated, the SAH was exactly 1 Hz, but definitely more than that now (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PALAU [and non]. 9930, Oct 21 at 1245, T8WH starting `Christ Gospel Broadcast` as scheduled Sundays, but with fast SAH from an unmodulated carrier. What could it be? Nothing but T8WH scheduled here in Aoki, a.k.a. [K]HBN in HFCC. The regular fast-SAH fading is distinguishable from irregular propagational flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. 9430, Oct 21 at 1316, guy speaking English about moving from Taiwan to Canada, then presumed consecutive translation by gal into Chinese; but not back to English, instead continuing conversation with another YL in Chinese. English segments frequently show up on FEBC`s Chinese service like this, despite having formally banished English as an unnecessary language years ago: I suppose because English-speakers were more likely to be converts already (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. 11880, Sunday Oct 21 at 1244 check, REE via COSTA RICA, still no `Amigos de la Onda Corta` DX program, altho it`s still in the weekly promotions sent out by José Bueno for 1230 Sundays. It`s really been missing for several weeks. Instead, song in English, 1250 discussion in Spanish about holiday music, postres (desserts). If it were still on at all, AOC would probably shift one UT hour later from next week as B-12 starts. I have noted the other two airtimes, Sat 0505, UT Sun 0030, since the 1230 vanished (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [and non]. 9505, Oct 21 at 0428, open carrier, and then French ID from ``La Voix du Soudan``, apparent new external service from R. Omdurman; then to music of horns, strings, percussion, 0430 adding vocalist. 0447 still in typical music, just this side of the Horn of Africa; 0448 IDs in Arabic and Swahili, more music; 0454 IDs again, dead air; 0457 music is back continuing past 0500. At 0517 recheck it`s weaker, overshadowed by 9515 CRI Arabic via Albania.

Hours for Sudan`s new service have not stabilized but Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria tells me Oct 21:
7200, *0225–0427* AND -1330–1557*
9505, *0430 (UNDER IRAN?)–0700- AND *1600–1830-``

While Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria reported:
``Radio Omdurman Sudan in Arabic on Oct. 18:
0200-0500 on 7200 ALF 100 kW / 000/090 to EaAf, ex 0200-0400
Saut Afrikya min Idaa-tu Sudanya/La Voix du Soudan, Radio National
du Soudan in Arabic/French and announcement in Somali or Swahili on Oct. 18: 0500-0800 on 9505 ALF 100 kW / 270 deg to NoAf, ex 0400-0700`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15610, Oct 20 at 1835, no signal from WEWN English transmitter. The two Spanish outsenders are still going, 12050 stronger than 13830, the latter the squealer. Not due to propagation since 15825 WWCR was VG.

Also 15615, Oct 21 at 1302, weak carrier on and off and on and off, presumably WEWN attempting to start up English service on 19m; Still nothing at 1333, tho Spanish 11550 was good and 12050 squealing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15385, Oct 20 at 1835 check, no sign of KJES NM for its scheduled 18-20 UT broadcast; still hear it most of the time in the mornings on 11715, evenings on 7555 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9990, UT Sunday Oct 21 at 0102, WTWW-2 QSY announcement by Ted Randall to 5085, and 9990 off at 0103*; by 0104, 5085 is running, sounds like Rod Hembree`s Good Friends Radio Network, formerly heard on SW only via WBCQ 9330. I assume this would be on the rest of the hour, as last week WORLD OF RADIO was reported to have run at 0200. However, at 0143 recheck, WOR was already well underway, and must have started this week about 0132, since at 0200, just as at the end I was mentioning that last week we were on at 0200, I am interrupted (or rather talked over) by an automatic TOH canned ID. Once WOR finished, that ID played again, and then at 0202 `Amateur Radio Newsline` #1836.

So is 0130 UT Sundays the nominal time for WOR on 5085?
WOR`s original 0400 UT Sunday time on WTWW-1 continued, on 5745.

Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria, was hearing 5085 on the air from 0430 until a very late 0705 UT Oct 21 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9825, UT Sunday Oct 21 at 0410, poor signal with flutter from WHRI, Chris Lobdell during `Pirating with Cumbre`, and still at 0425 playing a (studio?) clip from some pirate. However, this must have been a `DXing with Cumbre` repeat, since earlier in the week Marie Lamb had notified the dxingwithcumbre yg that because of yet another technical problem at WAER/WCNY where she works, she would not be able to produce a show this week. I wonder if she ever DXes herself, as it seems most of DWC is turned over to Chris and some downunderite (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9980, Oct 21 at 1308, WWCR-4 with Brother Scare is not on the air, as it has been the past week from 1200; maybe just a Sunday variation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1010, Sunday Oct 21 at 1230 UT, ``Arizona`s Christian Station, KXXT`` and another ID in passing, all in English this time. Atop CCI from another gospel huxter in English, presumably 50 kW KXEN St Louis; and KXXT is surely on 15 kW day power already when the sun is just barely rising in OK, let alone Tolleson AZ far to the west, instead of 250 watt night power. FCC AM Query does not have anything about a PSRA in KXXT`s Correspondence file (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15045, Oct 21 at 1254, weak open carrier, still detectable with BFO once AIR 15045-15050-15055 DRM blasts on at 1300 sharp, the Sinhala service to its one possibly DRM-equipped listener in Sri Lanka. Sometimes the DRM is on much earlier, unmodulated?

Dave Valko, PA, has also been wondering what 15045 is, and has been hearing some ``modern subcontinental music`` on it from 1230 to 1300.

Maybe it`s Grenada about to reactivate -- ha2. 15045 shouldn`t be AIR since another transmitter is still on 15045-15050-15055, but you never know with them. More likely it`s AIR Burmese service which is scheduled on 15040 at 1215-1315, but nothing noted there. If we hear any modulation on 15045, should check listed // 11710 (probably blocked) and 11620 for the Burmese. A pirate might also be responsible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 16207, Oct 21 at 1336 as I tune across in search of Firedrakes, sounds like a typical Egyptian or Saudi broadcast transmitter putting out frying-sounds or propeller noise, but with BFO on I can also hear RTTY, so apparently a ute transmitter also severely malfunxions this way. Nothing listed on this exact frequency in several ute references I consult.

But in the UDXF yg there are several logs, mostly by Bruno Casula, Cagliari, Italy in the 2008-2010 era, such as:
``16.207,00 SKP22 STOCKHOLM RADIO Stockholm S LDOC J3E/USB 03-set 1413 WKG "ALITALIA-160" 1415 PHONE PATCH (BC)``

And earlier this one: ``16.207,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL BEE/36-50 50/200 28-gen 1014 TFC KRY //16234,0 (BC)``

And from exactly 4 years ago, Eddie Bellerby reported Oct 21, 2008:
``16.207 ---:Prob Russian Naval 1524 Tue 14 Oct 08 Revs 50 - no tfc``

Altho 16207 is not in an aeronautical or marine band, but fixed up to 16360 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

I double-checked the dates this time!