This item was on the RRI English newscast at 0000 UT July 1, also now on the RRI website:
"TRANSMITTER Radiocom, the company broadcasting Radio Romania International's programmes, has announced a new series of repair works carried out on a transmitter in Tiganesti, close to Bucharest. The company is stepping up efforts to mend the transmitter and render it operational by August this year. Unfortunately, the defective transmitter is presently affecting the RRI English transmissions beamed to New York, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo and Australia, the transmissions in French to Montreal and Central Africa, in Russian to Moscow and Novosibirsk, in German to Berlin, in Spanish to Mexico, Madrid, Buenos Aires and Brazil and in Chinese to Beijing."
This transmitter has been out of service for over two months, with English to NA on 9550 at 0000 and 7375 at 0300 missing during that time.
(Stephen Luce, Houston, Texas via WOR io group)