mercoledì 3 febbraio 2021

Glenn Hauser logs February 2-3, 2021


** CUBA. 6060, Feb 2 at 0558, RHC still in Spanish ID & IS, but at 0558.5, cut roughly to end of English hour and then 0600 re-opening English hour. I was hearing no trace of it before 0300, but Ivo Ivanov thinx it start at 0100; and there is another conflict at 04-05 with Algeria via France, an hour I was not checking.

Recheck at 0710, ¿qué pasa? 6060 is still on unlike last night, and in English, good modulation, the best of the lot, as 6000 is off; 6100 // 9700 are both suptorted but 9700 signal holding up to S9+10. 5040 is unusually still on this late, but in Spanish. Something`s always wrong at RHC.

Checking 6060 next night, UT Feb 3 at 0200, again no sign of Cuba here, just JBA Iran; 0315 recheck, now RHC is on with VG signal in Spanish; so approx. start 0300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 13892, 13829, 13764 S7-S9, 13636, 13573, 13508 trace, all approx., Feb 2 at 1511, FMish spurblobs with F# tones out of 13700-AM, at ~64 kHz intervals. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 6000, UT Wed Feb 3 from 0420 to 0440, RHC English, checking for the mid-week edition of Arnie Coro`s `DXers Unlimited`, its former slot on Tuesday/UT Wednesday broadcasts --- no sign of it, just various other features including sports report, `Connecting the Dots`.

However, the Spanish equivalent DX program, `En Contacto` was heard by Claudio Galaz, Chile, Sunday January 31 from 2340 on 13740, with typical content, but he does not say who presented it or whether they said anything about Coro.

Spanish podcasts including `En Contacto` are here: but they are quite sporadic lately, the latest being from 17 enero. Never the voice of Arnie, but the usual Arnie-like topix including ham DX-peditions, propagation. I listen carefully to the closing credits, and Arnie is NOT mentioned; instead, ``escribe: Luís Milán Roldán; su locutora y amiga: Marta Ríos``.

Has Arnie become a nonentity at RHC? Searching website on Coro brings up instead a whole bunch of recent COVID-19 stories. As "Coro" in quotes, zilch. But there may not be anything about the people who do work there now, not even Marta (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ETHIOPIA [non]. 15160, Feb 2 at 1639, JBA music S6-S7 vs ambient band noise level S6; gone at 1719 recheck. Investigating, since Arthur Pozner had reported to the WOR iog at 1603: ``[WOR] Radio Tigray Media House. New broadcast on 15160 kHz. Strong transmission. Started around 1500 UT. Heard on HF-225 E and a 20 ft. random wire indoor a antenna. Location is outside of NYC.``

To which Dave Kenny, UK, replied, ``Thanks for the tip, strong signal here in UK also, from tune-in at 1605 UT with Horn of Africa music and frequent IDs “Tigray Media House” and “Dimtse Tigray”. 73 Dave``

Nothing listed yet between 15 and 17 on 15160, in HFCC, the latest dated 27 January; nor in Aoki/NDXC, EiBi. I would have guessed site Issoudun or Nauen, but those might not be strong into UK. TMH is apparently well-established on disgraced FB and as a video/web and satellite broadcaster, but nothing found yet about SW:

This implies it`s based in Washington DC, and also a new Feb 1 item about updating English broadcasts: This leads to a 24-minute YouTube which indeed starts out in English, but not about their own broadcasts per se.

Wolfgang Bueschel replies: ``a lot of Ethiopian Political News at
Website shows mail address and international phone call of Ethiopia``

The last one is a website developer in Mekelle - may not be connected to TMH itself. WB replies again:

``ISS[oudun FRANCE], or GRI[goriopol` PRIDNESTROVYE]? FMO of Belgium Radio Ludo Maes 15.00-17.00 UT, like entry SMTWTFS 15:01:45 BRB TIGR 15160 AM XXX So let`s try KiwiNet TdOA feature next time. 73 wb``

BRB does not disclose transmitter sites (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 7505, Feb 3 at 0206, no signal from WRNO here; but at 0336 via KB0FX SDR in MO, S9+20 with gospel rock (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1476, Feb 3 at 0313, besides the usual lower-band JBA TA carriers, there is already one on 1476, suspected TWR Benin. I was hoping to hear it cut on for presumably the first morning show, Hausa from 0320 but it`s already on. Nothing detectable on the English frequency 1566. BTW, it`s no accident that 1476 was picked: WRTH 2005 showed 1476 as the main Cotonou outlet of ORTB except it was already inactive (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0530 UT February 3