giovedì 2 maggio 2019

Stations heard in Reinante

4885, Radiodifusora Acreana, Rio Branco, 0526-0615, 30-04, Brazilian songs. Interference from Radio Clube do Pará on the same frequency. Cheked with its online program and matches, the same musical program online and the one that I heard on 4885. Unusual on air at this time. 21421.

4885, Radio Cube do Pará, Belém, 0526-0615. 30-04, Portuguese, comments, id. “Radio Clube do Pará”, “Sistema Publico de Comunicaçao”. Interference from Radiodifusora Acreana on athe same frequency. 21421.

CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 1805-1815, 29-04, French, comments. 14321.

7140, Voice of Broad Masses, Asmara, 1801-1815, 29-04, Vernacular, comments. 24322.

7180, Voice of Broad Masses, Asmara, 1804-1816, 29-04, Vernacular, comments. 24332.

6090, Voice of Amhara State, Addis Ababa, 1746-1758, 29-04, East African songs, Vernacular, comments. 24322. (Méndez)

5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, *1801-1905, 01-05, open with Vernacular comments, African songs, id. “Vous ecoutez la Radio National du Mali”. 34433.

9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1735-1800*, 01-05, Vernacular comments, mentioned “Bamako”, African songs, at 1759 tuning music, id. in French “Vous ecoutez le Office de Radidiodifusion Television du Mali emettant de Banako...” and close at 1800. 44444.

MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0457-0525*, 30-04, classic music, at 0502 anthem and identification, more music and at 0507 Radio France International news in Spanis: “Una de la mañana en París, noticias de Radio Francia Internacional”. 14321.

OMAN, 9620, Radio Sultanate of Oman, Muscat, *1400-1415, 28-04, English, id. “Radio Sultanate of Oman, news, the main points..., news in detail..., the main points again”, at 1408 pop songs in English. 34433.

ZAMBIA, 6065, Voice of Hope Africa, Lusaka, 1802-1815, 29-04, English, id. “From Zambia, This is The Voice of Hope Africa”, religious comments and songs. 34433.

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in Reinante
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters