** CHINA. CNR1 jammers morning of May 14:
13980, May 14 at 1253, CNR1
jammer, fair
12950, May 14 at 1254, CNR1 jammer, fair; none in the
15970, May 14 at 1255, CNR1 jammer, poor
16100, May 14 at 1256, CNR1
jammer, poor
17705, May 14 at 1257, CNR1 jammer, usual mix with Saudi, target
18980, May 14 at 1258, CNR1 jammer presumed, JBA signal on the
scheduled Thu & Mon 12-13 frequency of RFA Tibetan via Kuwait (Glenn Hauser,
** COLOMBIA. 6010+, May 14 at 0540, music from
HJDH, while 5910v, the other HJDH, is off. Via Henrik Klemetz, DXLC via SW
Bulletin, here`s a CARACOL show from March 14, this year, including an interview
with Martin Stendall, founder of the stations (in Spanish), starting at 2:30
into the 50-minute audio and lasting the rest of it:
He tells a
long story of how he got into the Mish biz, his abduxion by the FARC years ago.,
etc. etc. Break for ads and news circa 24-27 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** CUBA. 15730, May 14 at 1258, no signal from RHC here, but on
15370, where at 1259 canned Spanish announcement says 15370 is now on until 15,
as 9550 & 9850 are being left. Retune to 15730 at *1300, now it`s on. The
thing is, scheduled the other way around, 15730 at 11-15, 15370 at 13-15 only.
Also on weaker // 15230 thruout. Lysdexic ops? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** NIGERIA. 7255 // 9690, May 14 at 0620, VON on again both
undermodulated in presumed Hausa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** SAO TOME. 4960, May 14 at 0542, fair signal but just barely
modulated, must be VOA during scheduled French semihour M-F (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, May 14 at 1200, SIBC with
modulation barely audible, YL talking, 1201.6 music, presumed NA, 1203 open
carrier, 1203:37* approx. cut off the air. So back to normal routine after
excursion to 9545 on May 10-11, per Ron Howard, Dave Valko. Compared to 1020
KOKP and almost the same pitch with offset BFO, but can`t be sure which is
further off, which way (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
AFRICA. 7285, May 14 at 0535, R. Sonder Grense, fair signal with commercials in
Afrikaans, holding up well this late, as we are approaching latest southern
sunrise of the year; but weakening by 0600 altho it stays on for another hour
almost due west from Meyerton (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
SUDAN [and non]. 13800, May 14 at 0525, good signal from R. Dabanga via
MADAGASCAR, with double-tone jamming; RD stops modulation about 0527:05 and
carrier off after 30 seconds more, while tone jammers remain beating against
each other.
13765, at *0528 May 14, VR IS also from MADAGASCAR, maybe
transmitter just moved from 13800; OR, 13840, May 14 at 0529, open carrier, 0530
NHK IS and opening French, also via MADAGASCAR, so either one could be ex-13800,
leaving R. Dabanga no choice but to continue from some other site, i.e. VATICAN,
but by 0530 can`t hear it, presumably due to propagation, just the tone/jammers
above 13800 (also opening at *0530 is VOA French on 13830 via BOTSWANA, and
quite stronger than 13840 NHK).
11645, at 0527 May 14, R. Dabanga already
via VATICAN continues while the other frequency is shifting sites; fair signal
here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
1773 monitoring. New edition completed in time for first airing Thursday May 14
at 2100 on WRMI, presumably 7570 altho at times has also appeared on 15770. The
reverse after that, Friday 2130.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
UNIDENTIFIED. 13667.5, May 14 at 1247, extremely distorted FM
somewhat readable by slope detexion, intermittent CB- or ham-like comments about
equipment, one side only heard, fades somewhat. Suspected image or subharmonic
from CB (2x = 27335 but nothing heard there). Or maybe image from a 2m repeater;
however the fading indicates otherwise, propagated, or nearby mobile. Het
against weak 13665 AM broadcast which would be CRI English via ALBANIA (Glenn
UNIDENTIFIED. 13798-USB, May 14 at 1332,
the colloquial Spanish 2-way intruder is here again like 24.5 hours earlier, but
today no signal detectable from R. Puntland on 13800; it does abut 13795-AM,
Iran in Urdu via Sirjan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)