** AUSTRALIA. 9580, Friday May 15 at 1343, R. Australia, `Keys to Music` about
Mozart`s Last Year, recognized as same episode aired May 8. Then I was surprised
to hear it, as website claimed it was to be following week, so May 8 airing must
have been a mistake. Original airdate on ABC Classic FM was to be Sunday May 10,
so appearing on RA May 8 must have jumped the gun, losing the previous episode,
``There`s Something About Carmen``. However we may still listen to both of them
for 4 or 3 weeks via http://www.abc.net.au/classic/program/keystomusic/
** CHINA. CNR1 jammers, morning of May
17170, May 15 at 1340, CNR1 jammer, poor with flutter; none in
16100, May 15 at 1340, CNR1 jammer, JBA
15970, May 15 at 1341, CNR1
jammer, fair with flutter
14920, May 15 at 1348, CNR1 jammer, very poor with
13980, May 15 at 1350, CNR1 jammer, poor with flutter; no 12s,
10960, May 15 at 1352, CNR1 jammer, fair with flutter, // but a few
seconds behind 15970; so not Sound of Hope, the target (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** CUBA. 11840, May 15 at 0516, strong open
carrier/dead air, obviously RHC having failed to turn it off at 0500 (Glenn
** OKLAHOMA. 2899.76 approx., May 15 at
0839 UT brief awakening, C&W music is audible despite heavy storm noise over
OK/TX. Lacking the QRN, should be easily copiable. Up at 1323 UT, it`s the first
thing I try again, and there it is on the FRG-7 with E/W longwire (and Altus is
SSW), quite readable steady signal with good modulation in M&M sports
discussion about football, hockey, MLB.
Recorded three excerpts and put
into one file:
UT ``Country KWHW``, humidity 81%, dewpoint 60, 1330 UT join Oklahoma News
Network, first item about listeria at the Blue Bell plant;
1335 UT,
``Smiley`s, one half block south of Walmart in Altus``, into Daily Dose with Dr
Oz, about Lyme Disease; then promo ``Original Swap Shop Monday-Saturday on KWHW
93.5 and AM 1450``, 1337 UT C&W music.
1359 UT, still in, C&W, ID
and into ABC News.
I measured the frequency at 1400 UT when there was
still enough signal to do so on the DX-398 compared to WWV 2500.000, using only
interior random wire. By now it`s weakening a bit, but the signal has been quite
steady and I wouldn`t be surprised if, local noise level permitting, it`s
audible all day here. The city-to-city distance Altus to Enid is 236 km = 147
statute miles. Today`s Enid SR/SS = 1125 UT/0131 UT. Have yet to check for it in
the evenings.
Neither in the night nor the day have I yet been able to
detect any carrier on the lo side of 1450, leading me to suspect that KWHW is so
out of order that most (all?) of its 668 watts are mistuned, going out on the
second harmonic! However, KWHW never makes it here on daytime groundwave, 1450
instead a tossup between the two other OK stations, KSIW Woodward and KGFF
Shawnee. It seems I have never made a definite log of KWHW 1450 altho maybe as a
SAH against the others.
As with all harmonix, as long as they are not
doing damage to a legit occupant of the frequency, and none are known on 2900, I
urge DXers to let them be, do not complain, do not contact the station for a QSL
lest they be led to fix the problem before more of us can hear it.
Tnx to
Dave Valko`s tip, who first heard it in PA May 14 at 0946 past 1000 UT, measured
on 2899.753, and wondered if I could hear the fundamental on 1449.877 (Glenn
** PUNTLAND. 13800, May 15 at 1327, no
signal from R. Puntland, (nor from 13798-USB intruder), while 13795 Iran weakly
audible. Off again? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
18146-USB, May 14 at 2106, AO150H calling CQ17 in English, hampered by much
stronger rag-chewer on 18145.35-USB. QRZ.com lookup shows this is one of a
``dream team`` of Spanish hams in the URE organization with a special trophy to
commemorate the sesquicentennial of the ITU, in operation May 1-30. But no info
on their locations. I first checked 12 and 15 m, deads (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** SUDAN [and non]. 11645, May 15 at 0515, R. Dabanga
via VATICAN remains here ex-11650, poor signal, while the tone jamming remains
JBA on 11650-11651. // 13800 via MADAGASCAR, May 15 at 0518, is fair signal and
no jamming audible for a change (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1773 monitoring: confirmed first SW
broadcast, Thursday May 14 at 2100 on 7570, WRMI (and something else on 15770).
Better signal than usual, but here still much inferior to 15770. But nearby in
FL, Dino Bloise says ``Confirmed! WOR en WRMI [First Airing]. Heard Thursday on
7570 kHz with S9+20 very good signal. May 14, 2100 UTC``. Next:
Fri 2130
WRMI 15770
Sat 0630 HLR 7265-CUSB
Sat 1430 HLR
Sat 1930v WA0RCR 1860-AM [no Gateway 160 this week due to
Sun 0315v WA0RCR 1860-AM [no Gateway 160 this week due to
Sun 2100 WRMI 15770 [scheduled, but not last week, nor on
Sun 2300 WRMI 11580
Mon 0300v WBCQ 5110v Area 51
Tue 1100
WRMI 9955
Wed 0630 HLR 7265-CUSB
Wed 1315 WRMI 9955
1430 HLR 7265-CUSB
Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v
For all our
broadcasts on all media see
to podcasts, latest and previous shows:
** U S A. 7730, May 15 at 0220, WRMI
still playing fill music, rock at the moment, instead of Fámily Radio in Spanish
as scheduled during this hour. Seems it`s been this way for at least a biweek,
and also the previous hour 01-02 on 11920, not checked there the last few days
This report despatched at 1723 UT
May 15