martedì 7 ottobre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs October 5-7, 2014

** BANGLADESH. 15505, Oct 7 at *1358:28, BB carrier on and shortly IS, then mistimesignal ending at 1359:20, getting earlier and earlier, and opening Urdu. Fair signal, improving (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 12910, Oct 7 at 1257, CNR1 jammer, very poor with flutter

14920, Oct 7 at 1258-1300*, CNR1 jammer, poor // 12910, cut off after timesignal; hurriedly checked 16s before then, none heard.

18980, Oct 7 at 1329, CNR1 jammer, poor with flutter // song on 11785
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also TIBET [non]

** CUBA [non]. 6000, Oct 7 at 0550, RHC English is AWOL again, and so is 5995 Mali, no carrier on either. I suspect ORTM sometimes stays on 9635 day frequency at night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 13850, Oct 6 at 0534, R. Cairo, Arabic to N America, good signal but only a trace of suppressed modulation with buzzes.

 9965, Oct 7 at 0239, R. Cairo, Arabic, fair with whine

13850, Oct 7 at 0556, R. Cairo, Arabic, at first OC/DA, but then trace of music and Arabic modulation; wiggle that patchcord! Yet now it is the SSOB! Better signal level than 13630 Australia, 13830 Botswana, 13840 Madagascar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420.0, Oct 6 at 0531, ERTOpen back on-frequency after jump to 9418.0, 24 hours earlier; talk in Greek

9420, Oct 7 at 0230, ERTOpen good with flutter, but open carrier/dead air, also on 9335 and still so at 0240, 0545 chex

15650, Oct 7 at 1402, music on fair signal, presumed ERTOpen; JBA carrier on 9420 at this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11510, Oct 7 at 1324, Denge Kurdistan, via PRIDNESTROVYE, good signal but speech rather than music I was expecting during this hour; 1355 in a vocal duet. Thought maybe time shift in area, but says no DST in Iraq, and Turkey`s not off until Oct 26, pseudo-European. No listing there for Islamic State, which could reset the clox however they like on pain of death (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 1060+, Oct 7 at 0234, XEEP, R. Educación slightly hi in frequency, music // 6185. Terry Krueger had it on 1060.1, but not that hi for me, maybe one click on the DX-398 = 1060.04 or so. Not much of an audible het, since main competition is perpetually off-frequency KIJN Farwell TX which must be nulled, and it is also on the hi side making a fast SAH; however, in dead air at the moment. See also USA for log of it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, Oct 7 at 0227, very poor signal with pirate music, unreadable announcement, laser SFX; also pulse QRM not like CODAR. This thread says it was: Generation Wild, new to me:,18800.0.html

** OKLAHOMA. Tropo opening Oct 7 brings in some OK TV not that far but not normally visible, all times UT: see also USA for more

1429 on RF 26, KTENNBC as 10-1, KTEN-CW as 10-2, and KTENABC as 10-3. These are Ada OK, 1000 kW

1430 on 48, KOCY-LP, OKC is still in NTSC, barely locking in video, no audio, at 1439, presumably still with minor Spanish network Estrella. 18.2 kW with APP to lower to 13.5 from same coordinates, why? CP for DTV is 15 kW, also same site. No other NTSC DX to be seen on complete VHF/UHF analog bandscan

1442 on RF 17, TBN with 5 channels, despite antenna to SSW, also seen earlier, has to be KDOR Bartlesville from the east, 1000 kW, the only full-power TBN anywhere on 17. Did not copy down all the sub-IDs, but later checked on // RF 15 KTBO OKC:
14-1 KTBO-D1 [so did KDOR run own ID on 17-1?]
14-2 Church [you mean 14-1 is not??]
14-3 JUCE [formerly JCTV], for youth
14-4 Enlace [Spanish, cómo no]
14-5 SOAC [Sound of a Child], for kids, also a newish monicker

BTW, at 1738 UT checking this out I find that only 14-5 has a continuous Mexican-like small white text ID bug in LR:
Why, for benefit of DXers? Ha!

1447 on RF 12, KXIICBS as 12-1; KXIIMYT as 12-2; KXIIFOX as 12-3. This is really Ardmore OK, site in OK, but long ago hijacked by the Texans to COL Sherman, only 35 kW

Despite RF 17 KDOR, on RF 36, during this opening, could not get KRSU Claremore to decode, due to CCI? among many `bad` signals, as I wanted to check whether Classic ARTS is still being carried as 35-2; shows only 35-1, as Edu (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 9545.0, Oct 7 at 0547, JBA carrier I would not have noticed unless seeking it with BFO, presumably SIBC as Ron Howard has been reporting wide variations in its switchover time to 5020, and also leaving that carrier on past 1200v* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 7490, Oct 7 at 0230, WBCQ is off, so Brother Scare is definitely gone from that station. Ivo Ivanov reports he`s also gone from WHRI. Surely WRMI x 5, WTWW and WWCR are sufficiently redundant!

13810, Oct 7 at 1405, Brother Scare fair via GERMANY, as a psychophant is calling in from Dawson City. Aoki shows the 14-16 bihour is via France on weekends, Germany on weekdays, why? I also compare to domestic outlets:
5085, Oct 7 at 1405, WTWW-2 BS is VP still on night frequency, no 9930
9980, Oct 7 at 1405, WWCR-4 BS is running 8 seconds behind 13810 Nauen

** TIBET [non]. 15582, Oct 7 at 1401, considerable het to VOA News in English on 15580, obviously from V. of Tibet, via TAJIKISTAN. Latest Aoki shows it on 15582 at 1230-1235 & 1337-1407. VOA during this hour is São Tomé. Both are supposedly jammed by the ChiCom, yet none heard now. Jammer on 15580 would have done double-duty (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1741 monitoring: confirmed at 2300 UT Sunday Oct 5 on WRMI, 11580, new time, and also the latest edition from now on. Also confirmed at 0300 UT Monday Oct 6 on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5110v-CUSB. (Tuesday 1100 on WRMI 9955 not checked, but presumed). Next:
Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1315 on WRMI, 9955
Wednesday 2100 on WBCQ, 7490v

** U S A. 7490v, 5110v & 9330v, Oct 7 at 0230, NO signals from WBCQ, in prime time! With departure of Brother Scare (and it was Allan Weiner himself who started calling him that years ago, in a slip? on the air).

WBCQ online schedules now show 7490 *off the air* 0000-0300 UT Monday-Friday, between whatever, and 0300-0400 `Financial Survival` then off again; also *off*, UT Saturday 01-03 (or from whenever AWWW ends, usually later than 0100); UT Sunday *off* 0200-2100. 9330 is supposedly totally off the air weekends, and *on* the air M-F only at 22-23 for `Money Talks` plus AWWW UT Sats 00-01+. 5110 is shown as totally *off* the air from UT Monday 0400 until UT Saturday 0000 AWWW; but on air evenings Sat/Sun/UT Mons (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 670, Oct 7 at 0603 UT, ``Hog Call Sports Radio``, stronger than WSCR easily nulled about 5 Hz SAH away, i.e. KHGZ Glenwood AR, which the 2014-2015 NRC AM Log reconfirms is supposed to be a 5 kW ND daytimer ONLY. Does WSCR care? Of course not! Just so clear-channel WSCR can cover to the city limits of Chicago --- and anyway, KHGZ is also on a CBS sports radio network tho not/never? // WSCR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 880, Oct 7 at 0558 UT, SRN `News`, 0559 UT KHAC weather for Window Rock etc., as this Tse Bonito NM station continues to cheat with 10 kW ND day power and pattern. Nothing on 770 from 50 kW KKOB, nor on 660 from 50 kW KTNN, just KSKY Dallas. With KRVN nulled on 880, KHAC still has a fast SAH from some musical station, maybe opposite Cuba, 12 kW R. Progreso in Mantua PR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1060+, Oct 7 at 0234 UT, KIJN Farwell TX making its usual fast SAH against anything else, but open carrier/dead air. This 10 kW direxional ``daytimer`` often modulates at night too with Spanish preaching and gospel music. I was checking for XEEP DF [see MEXICO] which is also off-frequency to hi side.

1060+, Oct 7 at 1306 UT, typical fast SAH from KIJN but now hearing preacher in English ``must be born again`` instead of ``hay que renacerse`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also UNID 1060

** U S A. First decent tropo DX opening of the fall here, Oct 7, all times UT: [see also OKLAHOMA]

1416 on RF 18, KFSM-DT as 5-1, and KXNW-MY as 5-2, the latter with 34 bug in LR; photoed. KXNW major channel is 34 in Eureka Springs, but also on a bunch of minor channels including this, from Fort Smith: KFSM is 550 kW

1423 on RF 9, KAFT-1 as 13-1, Fayetteville AR, 37.9 kW; no time to check subchannels, presumed same as before including reading on 13-4

1423 on RF 27, ``no`` signal from KFOR OKC, implying that there is DX CCI at least when aimed east. So probably caused by KFTA-TV in Fort Smith, 600 kW. Other OKCs OK on same heading, e.g. KWTV-39

1431 on RF 14, KERA-HD as 13-1, World as 13-2; no others, but my STB makes it hard to unmix from RF 13 OETA with 4 channels. KERA: 975 kW from Dallas TX

1436 on RF 41, KXAS-DT as 5-1; Cozi-TV as 5-2; 891 kW, Fort Worth TX

Tropo maps show heavy opening into S Texas, even Tamaulipas, but nothing further than The Metroplex for me: 432 km / 269 miles from Cedar Hill site antenna farm

1448 on RF 21, KHBS-DT as 40-1; ARK-CW as 40-2. Photoed the latter; still in at 1528. Clock on program guide/ID registers CST not CDT! 325 kW from Fort Smith AR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1060, Oct 7 at 1306 UT, heifer prices with KIJN TX nulled, 1308 UT into music. I would guess the BIZ format of KRCN Longmont CO the best bet, altho its 50 kW ND day power is not authorized until 1315 UT in October. It also has a PSRA of 126 watts starting at 1200 UT in Oct, a big boost from night power of 111 watts. Also possible: KNLV Ord NE, 1 kW; KGFX Pierre SD, 10 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1825 UT October 7