martedì 14 ottobre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs October 13-14, 2014

** AUSTRALIA. 9580 // considerably weaker now 12065, Oct 14 at 1235, RA with `Late Night Live`, Phillip Adams` interview with John Hopkins, author of ``White Nile Diaries`` about his adventures in Africa on a motorcycle. Always fascinating.

Something`s wrong with the online RA program schedule. If you click on a program title, including LNL, you just get back to the International home page, not the program page. To find LNL, you have to go thru the A-Z list of programs, and here`s today`s show:
It originates with RN, as Adams also mentions, along with podcasts, but not R. Australia.

Something`s also wrong with ``detecting my timezone`` which always defaults to London even tho my computer is on UT, so have to override it. UTC is at the very bottom of a drop-down listing of lots of more exotic locations.

Online program schedule now shows `LNL` Mon-Thu at 12-13 UT, with `The World` TV newscast on Tue thru Fri at 11-12; still no entry for 12-13 UT on Fridays, unless `The World` is really two hours long; must monitor then. `Unearthed` from JJJ starts at 13 M-F, for four wasted hours except Mondays for three hours. Really from 1305, as the weather for Darwin on the ABC news is cut short for rapcrap. At 1259 there had been an outdated promo for ``The Daily Planet coming up in 5 minutes`` which we would much rather hear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11780, Oct 14 circa 0530, to be fair, I must report that this time no spurs are detectable from RNA, unlike last night; may it ever be so (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 12980, Oct 14 at 1349, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter

13830, Oct 14 at 1350, CNR1 jammer, poor with CCI from victim, RFA Tibetan via Tajikistan

14870, Oct 14 at 1353, CNR1 jammer, fair and about 2 seconds behind 12980. None in the OOB 15s, 16s, 17s

18980, Oct 14 at 1357, CNR1 jammer, very poor with flutter, // 12980

 6075, Oct 14 at 1403, Firedrake, very poor with het on hi side. Per Aoki, target at 14-18 is RTI Chinese via Kouhu, presumably the one off-frequency. (Sept 30 at 1448, Ron Howard was hearing both Firedrake and CNR1 jamming on 6075 vs RTI) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6000, Oct 14 at 0517, RHC English absent again as happens to this frequency more often than not; not struggling to hear it on 5040, 6060, 6100 or 6165 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9965, Oct 14 at 0111, R. Cairo Arabic with whine, good signal but undermodulated

12070, Oct 14 at 0111, R. Cairo, VG signal but rhumble and Spanish (?) modulation extremely distorted, suppressed so peaks only audible

11710, Oct 14 at 0112, R. Cairo, good signal but no Spanish modulation, het from RAE 11711-, which supplies some musical modulation

9315, Oct 14 at 0119, R. Cairo ``Spanish``, but dead air on fair signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9430 & 9935, Oct 14 at 0118 check, ERTOpen is closed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, Oct 14 at 1333, VOI signal is fair with flutter but just barely modulated, so yet another Tuesday goes by without being able to hear a presumed `Exotic Indonesia` hookup with RRI Banjarmasin (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1530, Oct 14 at 0129 UT, Mexican music from east/west, no doubt KXTD Wagoner (Tulsa) daytimer again broadcasting illegally long after sunset; yes, 0135 UT after tune, SHVA with ``Qué Buena es tu radio, Qué Buena es tu casa [o caza???], Qué Buena, 15-30 AM``. Evidently the call letters are reserved for ToH IDs only, if even then. Can`t say I`ve ever heard them announced in any language. Dominating frequency vs WCKY and anything else (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN. 9500, Oct 14 at 0118, no signal from RSO, so presumably on 15140 or 15355 but inaudible there too as is more and more likely to be the case into winter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3385, Oct 14 at 1229, I am waiting for the JBA carrier from Rabaul to autocutoff, which occurs at 1230:46.5* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Oct 14 until 0103:28.5*, R. Chaski carrier cutoff, which is 23.5 seconds later than a quadrinite ago, = 5.9 per (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA [and non]. 21505, Oct 14 at 1308, BSKSA with heavy flutter, yet Kuwait Arabic on 21540 is much stronger and steady; why? Both 500 kW, 21505 is at 295 degrees from Riyadh, 21540 at 310 degrees from Kuwait, so 15 degrees closer to us but on a higher-latitude path (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOMALILAND [and non]. 7120, Oct 14 at 1346, JBA carrier with music at near-imagination level, presumed R. Hargeisa, long-path; with CW QRhaM, and gone by 1400. NZ near the same path still audible on 6170 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. I listen to the final SW broadcast of REE English to North America, UT Oct 14 from 0000 on 6055 (really from IS a few minutes earlier Oct 13). Altho I could listen to it later online, this has to be direct on SW, even tho I have to use my FM feeder from a quieter location in the house, away from my noisy computer.

News starts about the Ebola patient in Spain (Ebola, BTW, was named for a river in NW Congo DR where it first appeared, but don`t blame the river). At the end of the news segment, the now-standard official announcement about how REE is being ``modernized`` to ``broadcast`` on satellite, internet and TDT instead of SW.

This plays again at 0019, and then at 0022 into `Listeners` Club` --- on a Monday/UT Tuesday? I have a feeling the mailbag is pre-empting other programming, under the circumstances. Justin Coe & Alison Hughes are co-hosting; they mention it will be the *last* such program, so apparently the trimmed down 30-minute webcasts have no room for it.

There`s a petition to save REE with some 700 signatures; also another one they saw at the RTVE TV studio with 150 or 160. Also mention the petition at with 350 signed [see below]. Expected to lose 90% of its audience by dropping SW.

At 0029 JC says this will be the last English SW broadcast to North America, but one more to Europe & Africa. Then into acknowledging reception reports, several asking for last-day QSLs (but didn`t they quit QSLing years ago?). They say no reception reports will be needed any more, as non-SW reception will be perfect. Interrupted by a few songs requested, but only snippets for half a minute or so.

0033, Mike Cooper in Stone Mountain, Georgia, (one of few listeners who axually uses satellite), says there is no English heard on satellite now, but they assure him there will be. 0042 from another longtime listener, Christer Brunström in Sweden. 0052 wrapup with a full song, ``Thank You for being a Friend``; 0056 to canned sign-off, IS and off at 0057*.

Stephen Cooper in England recorded the whole thing:

11795, UT Tue Oct 14 at 0110, REE IS is on, 0115 sign-on in Ladino, program preview; feature to be about the 150th anniversary [is that all?] of the Comunidad Judía de Melilla. Co-hostesses are Matilda and Raxel (sp?), and they too announce the end of onda corta as REE ``moderniza``, and into interview with someone on above topic. VG reception as always on this S American service, and we`ll really miss the music as well as the almost-Castilian Sefarad language.

9535, Oct 14 at 0530, REE with usual VG signal despite 272-degree beam which is south of US; yet CIRAF targets registered are 4 and 6-11, which is all of USA, eastern Canada, Mexico, Central America and Caribbean. Program now is `Lanterna Mágica` about cinema, with clip of Schwarzenegger, then discussing Hitchcock films, `Psicosis`, `Los Pájaros` with dubbed clips. Another SW show bites the dust.

Remains co-channel to Algeria via FRANCE during this hour, but tonite that`s JBA underneath; at least they are zero-beat so no SAH. Henceforth, Algeria uncovered! We may also say goodbye to REE`s DRM noise on 9775-9780-9785.

21610, poor and even weaker // 21640, Oct 14 at 1306, REE with opening Morse code spelling out `Españoles en la Mar` for the last time on SW, following another ``modernization`` announcement.

Unless of course, petition campaigns succeed, such as at
their terms of service and privacy policy, however, are a deterrent

** SRI LANKA. 11905, Oct 14 from *0114:12, SLBC carrier on, VG level with flutter; 0114:47 music starts, timesignal ends at 0115:19.5, sign-on Hindi or Bengali (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 9830, Oct 14 at 0113, La Voz de Turquía not on this frequency as heard 47.5 hours ago, but on proper 9770 // 9870 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11580, Oct 14 at 0120, surprised to hear WRMI-4 in Hindi instead of Brother Scare. Family Radio Hindi is supposed to be only on WRMI-9, 15770 during this hour, which is JBA and can`t tell whether it`s // or not. Testing a lower frequency may well be called for, or is it just a mistake? Both are already on 44 degree antenna toward Europe, which misses India by a considerable margin. Online sked still shows 15770, not 11580 for Hindi. Ivo Ivanov (does he ever sleep?) in Blgaria says on this date, 11580 continued with ``wrong`` programming: 0200-0300 music, 0300-0302 RTI Spanish // 7730, which is WRMI-1; but 0302 back to BS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 880, Oct 14 at 1215 UT, after hymn, KHAC live DJ mixing Navajo and English (Dinglish?) with IDs in passing, mentions Jesus Christ, timechex in MDT, temp 26 degrees. Dominant as long as KRVN is nulled. Obviously illegally on 10 kW ND day power yet again from Tse Bonito NM. Interesting to compare with another Indian language, Tarahumara, on neighbor 870 XETAR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 930, Oct 14 at 1221 UT with WKY música nulled, another Spanish speaker with 800 numbers concerning derechos humanos en California, presumed KHJ Los Ángeles, but I would still like a more definite ID (Glenn hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1510, Oct 14 at 0129 UT, with WLAC nulled, music, outro in Spanish mentions corazones, tentative phone number 1-800-20-20-25-15, fading into QRM from something in English. Again suspect XEQI Monterrey, with 50 kW day power. Cantú says about it:
``1510 XEQI  La Nueva Radio
Programas culturales, educativas.
50,000 watts solo de día
Transmisor: Escobedo, N.L.
Grupo Radio Nuevo León``
And Cantú`s website link appears to be under construxion,
quite an elaborate animation including coal-mining, with a countdown in English from 77 days which is approximately New Year`s (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9825, Oct 14 at 0527, no signal unlike carrier 24 hours ago. Could also have been an IBB warmup-only frequency, but not tonite (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)