venerdì 3 ottobre 2014

Glenn Hauser logs October 1-2, 2014

** BANGLADESH. 15505, Oct 2 at 1359:27.5, last higher and prolonged pip of mistimesignal makes it thru on JBA signal with flutter, from Bangladesh Betar opening Urdu (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11745 & 11815, Oct 2 at 0535, RNA is *still* putting out big dirty distorted spurs again from 11780 transmitter, as first noted 24 hours earlier, and also a weaker one on 11710 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 19000, Oct 2 at 1354, CNR1 jammer vs RFA Tibet via Kuwait, making very poor het with FRG-7 birdie, and again no lower OOB jammers found (just 15115/15195/15265). One might expect extra jamming during this holiday week celebrating the anniversary of the ChiCom Party combined with repression/suppression in Hong Kong, East Turkistan, Tibet, etc.; maybe propagation just is not cooperating (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 9965, Oct 2 at 0532, DentroCuban Jamming Command pulses against nothing, but fine with me since 9955 WRMI is not jammed at the moment; or rather, since Brother Scare is on at this hour, jamming it would be no loss.

9965 was years ago a Radio República channel (via Costa Rica?). The same rate and pitch of jamming, but stronger, is heard at same time on 9565, where Radio Martí is in the afternoons but never now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 6000, Oct 2 at 0541, again no signal from RHC English which is sometimes on, sometimes off during this hour. Did not stay up to check whether it revived after 0600. Good for MALI, q.v.

5040, Oct 2 at 0544, RHC English now with big wobble. In AM mode, it sounds rather like propagational flutter, while it`s really frequency-flutter, very obvious with BFO applied.

9820, Oct 2 at 1241, RHC extra frequency as always much weaker than // 9850, but also markedly undermodulated for what little signal there is; and with musical CCI. HFCC shows CNR1 via Xian is here, and from 1245 so is Delhi in Sinhala (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM [and non]. Chuck Albertson points out that Comedy Central`s `The Daily Show` and `The Colbert Report` full shows are available unrestricted online from the website so never mind my fishing around for getting them indirectly now that Suddenlink has deleted CC and 23 other Viacom channels from its cable systems including Enid`s. I was under the impression that they were not online so had not even checked (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALI. 5995, Oct 2 at 0541, open carrier, fair signal, presumed ORTM warming up early (if it`s not been on all-night), and no ACI from 6000 CUBA which is off; but I`ve yet to catch its c. 0600 sign-on, if any (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI is off-schedule again, or is it a new unpublished schedule changing circa October 1??

11685-11690-11695, Thursday Oct 2 at 0535, DRM noise is here along with good AM signal on 11725, despite DRM not being scheduled to start until 0651:

Even stranger, Oct 2 at 1243, RNZI is missing from 9700, but already on 6170 instead, found at 1245 when apparently `The Morning Report` morphed into `Dateline Pacific`, with its periodic drumming liners, about TB epidemic in PNG [not making news over here unlike ebola].

Someone advised us to check HFCC instead of RNZI itself for more accurate info, but both HFCC and RNZI still claim that 9700 switches to 6170 at 1300 until the end of A-14. Furthermore, 6170 before 1300 is a solid signal as if on the 35 degree antenna while 9700 until 1300 had been on the 325 away from us.

So this is an improvement, but is it just a mistake? Retune at 1259, heard the Bell Bird IS which normally plays at QSY times but didn`t hear previous announcement; perhaps in the studio they imagined that the transmitter was really switching at that hour? We`ll see if this behaviour repeat 24 hours later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Oct 2 on the road to and from Woodward, I am checking 95.9 which I can`t get in Enid due to distance and 95.7 KXLS. 95.9 is supposed to be transferring from KCCU Lawton to KUCO Edmond. By Bouse Junxion, US 281 at US 412, 95.9 is making it at 1730 UT with classical music --- sounds pro, like Classical 24 syndicated --- but annoying IADs once a minute = intermittent audio dropouts for a split second.

It`s almost like clockwork, at 10-13 seconds past every minute! Once however, the dropout lasted more like 15 seconds. After 1800 UT into public radio talk shows, Hear & Now, etc. This is still KZCU, a satellite of, as IDed later, KCCU, not of KUCO. So I wonder if the deal is off? KUCO had mentioned to me months ago that KCCU was having such problems getting its feed into Woodward, which was one reason they were willing to dispose of it. KZCU is 6 kW H&V at 100 meters HAAT.

Woodward also benefits from 88.1 KWOU, a satellite of KGOU at OU in Norman, which with 23.5 kW at 224 meters has considerably greater coverage, but little Woodward has two *local* public radio signals, not just translators, while much bigger Enid has *NONE*, not even a translator.

But got to do something about those IADs! A few hours later they were still happening every minute at 10-13 seconds past. Also sometimes with clunking sounds like you get from a webfeed with inadequate buffering. You`d think a minor adjustment could have fixed that long ago. When both were in `All Things Considered`, KWOU was running about one second behind KZCU. On the way back, by the Gloss Mountains west of Orienta & Fairview, KZCU 95.9 was losing out to KXLS 95.7 `Lahoma`; while 88.1 KWOU makes it, barely, to the western edge of Enid (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. Voice of Russia is supposedly reviving SW after reorganization putting it under control of the military; an extensive new schedule was registered with HFCC effective October 1. However, VOR itself could not confirm this start date, and we certainly doubted it, unlike some other editors who assumed it must be true.

So we checked out some of the scheduled frequencies before 2400 UT October 1: nothing on 12060, JBA carrier at 2358 on 7240, but probably trace of scheduled Tibet.

After 0000 UT October 2: nothing on 17770, 12060, 6195, 6100 (and 6120 blocked by 6115 WWCR). These were supposedly in Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, English. See imaginary schedule at
also with English to North America supposedly at 0200-0600 via Pet/Kam on 12010 & 12070. Did not check these until later, 0534: nothing on 12010, but algo very poor on 12070 --- it so happens two stations are already scheduled there and then: DW in Portuguese via Rwanda and Iran in Dari via Kamalabad!

Chris Lewis and Noel Green in England checked some more VOR listed frequencies in the morning and afternoon of October 1 and came up with: nothing (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1741, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 6055, Oct 2 at 0024 check, REE English is still on the air past the original drop-dead date of Oct 1, so maybe it`s now October 15. No one at the station seems to know (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 13830, Oct 2 at 0537, VOA French is back here, via BOTSWANA, having been AWOL 24 hours earlier, so again a companion to NHK French via Madagascar on 13840 and tonight somewhat stronger than it; while 13850 Egypt is but a JBA carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1740 monitoring: confirmed on WBCQ webcast, and presumably on 7490v, Wednesday October 1 before 2130.

WORLD OF RADIO 1741 monitoring: confirmed first airing on WRMI, 9955, UT Thursday Oct 2 after 0330, poor signal with pulse jamming, tnx a lot Arnie! Fine on the webcast. Also confirmed at 1230 Thursday Oct 2 on 9955, with CCCCI from France via TAIWAN still underneath. Also some pulse jamming now too. Next:

UT Friday 0325v on WWRB, 3185 (we hope: no show last week)
Saturday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
UT Sunday 0131 on KVOH, 9975
Sunday 2300 on WRMI, 11580 [NEW]
UT Monday 0259v on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5109v-CUSB
Tuesday 1100 on WRMI, 9955
Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1315 on WRMI, 9955
Wednesday 2100 on WBCQ, 7490v

** U S A. 17775, Oct 2 at 1335 and 1353 chex, KVOH in Spanish with good modulation, unlike yesterday. Ray Robinson says that may have been due to the program source at the time, not KVOH itself (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1530, Oct 2 at 0551 UT, WCKY Cincinnati OH is reaudible with Brother Scare, hooray --- as KCMN Colorado Springs is unheard after weeks of nighttime cheating usurping the channel. We`ll see if this stick (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. The afternoon of Oct 2 I found myself on a brief surprise visit to Woodward OK, 87 miles due west of Enid, so did a MW bandscan to see what differed in the daytime, 1851-1900 UT, just after Local Mean Noon. Unfortunately there were storms in the area and a lot lightning noise, worse on the low end, so not a chance for KNMX 540, Las Vegas NM, a much desired groundwave signal into OK.

1370, possibly a JBA carrier, but nothing definite from KGNO Dodge City KS. It`s only 98 miles, vs 158 to Enid city-to-city; surely a 5 kW ND signal over excellent Ogalalla Aquifer ground conductivity should be making it here if really on, and at normal power level. For comparison, 1270, KSCB Liberal KS is 95 miles away, also 5 kW ND, and has a good signal!

1400, checking an hour later at 1956-2000 UT Oct 2, old music, and 2000 ``Your Country, KEYE, Perryton``, in the NE corner of the TX panhandle, which can`t make it to Enid due to additional distance and local 1390. IIRC, KEYE was recently reported from Scandinavia in the Arctic Radio Club, but pulling in American graveyarders thousands of miles away is almost routine for them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15150, Oct 2 until 1355* steady open carrier and off. Thought it might turn into Oman on wrong frequency again instead of 15140 for 1400 English; could also be Madagascar, Austria or Sri Lanka tuning up prior to later 15150 transmissions (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0322 UT October 3