venerdì 6 dicembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs December 5-6, 2013

** AUSTRALIA. 13630, Dec 5 at 2107, R. Australia news, poor signal, a reverb apart from // 21740 which is much better. Propagation paths must differ considerably. I`m accustomed to hearing 13630 well on its other Pacific transmission at 05-08, but not this one at 21-23 with a 15-degree difference in azimuths (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [non]. 5025, Dec 6 at 0055, R. Rebelde is off again uncovering a JBA carrier, possibly Perú, R. Quillabamba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. 15190, Dec 5 at 1959, R. Africa direct is still here but JBA today.

17790, Dec 5 at 1959, R. Africa via WRMI has good signal, making QSY at 2000 announcement also to 15190, and off 17790 at 2000:15*.

15190, then back to here as Bata continues, overridden at *2002:40 by WRMI open carrier producing SAH of several Hz. 2003:20 it adds modulation of gospel music. So it`s the fifth day in a row that the two Radios Africas, each run by a Jeff, are colliding with each other (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO. 9575, Dec 6 at 0057, fair signal with ME music from R. Médi 1, better heard on 9576, away from 9570 CRI Albania, since 9580 CRI Cuba is not modulating yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 530, December 5 circa 1900 UT, approached Vance AFB south of Enid, to confirm that the ``K530AM`` transmitter is still on the air with weakened carrier. From due north of the main gate it only puts a few bars on the DX-398 and DF is exactly south inside the base. Its frequency is still up in lights on a nearby sign by the approach street, Southgate, preceded by 5 other messages about gate hours. You may just want to look at the last one or two:
Diffusing gate hours and any variations may be the basic purpose of the transmitter, but most of the time it was running an incredibly boring and repetitive loop of PSAs about safety, some of them completely inapplicable here, such as preparing for hurricane evacuations. Anyhow, maybe it will be revived. Meanwhile, 530 is a little more open for DX to me (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 91.7, Dec 6 at 0112, checking KOSU, I am reminded to point out that during `The Spy` night music programming, as well as during all the public radio talk programming in the daytime, KOSU seems always to be in mono. Have they abandoned stereo completely, with no classical music to bother with? Obviously the music they do play could originate in stereo (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU [and non]. 5980, Dec 6 at 0051, VOA Tibetan and Cuban pulse jamming are mainly audible here; just after 0100 the weak CCI diminishes a little as the CNR1 jammer goes off, this time leaving R. Chaski still on, unlike absence last night, and this cuts off at 0104:11* which is 16.5 seconds later than last heard three nights ago = usual average slippage of 5.5 per 24 hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CUBA [non]

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 15440, Dec 5 at 2004:50, open carrier from WRMI now adds Brother Scare modulation in progress for this less than 2-hour transmission toward Europe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 15580, Dec 5 at 2015, VOA African Beat is playing a ``Jingle Bells`` version from Cameroun; as I am dozing into my half-sesquihour nap, I am trying hard to dream of a one-horse open-sleigh there. 2100 site change from Greenville to Botswana, as news on the hour starts, is much less noticeable than before, with the latter coming in almost as well, just somewhat more fading (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1698 monitoring: WWRB is on 3195-AM, but not 5050-USB any more; UT Friday Dec 6 the assertive preacher preceding us keeps going past 0430, until, until, finally stops but seemingly not finished so WOR starts late at 0435.6. Fortunately, 3195 stays on the air until our (almost) conclusion at 0504.5, altho the websteam cuts us off at 0500 as usual for the Bible readings. Next:
UT Saturday 0300v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB
Saturday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
UT Sunday 0030 on WTWW-2 5085
UT Sunday 0501 on WTWW-1 5830

** U S A. WRMI Observations: the 9955 program grid has a blank at 22-23 UT M-F, not 22-24 as typoed in last report. Family Radio now shows not only at 23-24 M-F but also at 03-04 UT daily. However, on the frequency schedule, it`s at 02-03 UT. On the latter, details such as day of week variations and languages are not shown.

Usual wall-of-noise jamming infests 9955 before 0100 Dec 6 for Radio Libertad, abating to lighter pulsing after 0100, with another repeat of `Viva Miami` interviewing Jeff Bernald. At 0133 on 9955, I am hearing R. Slovakia International in English, so that 0130 airing has not changed --- but still with pulse jamming. Jeff White explains December 5 my hearing KBS World Radio in the 1330-1400 UT period:

``There will continue to be many program changes on 9955 kHz over the next few weeks as we make adjustments. KBS will not stay on. RSI continues, but WRN switched their former time to KBS; thus the KBS on WRMI, as we were picking up the English from WRN. The transmitter used for 9955 kHz going south was repaired this morning, so we're up to full power now on that. Jeff``

I also check 9955 at 0327 Dec 6, now with preaching in Spanish past 0330, so I suppose that is really the new Family Radio hour. The frequency grid now shows only one frequency for FR at 23-24, 13695 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED [and non]. 15480, Dec 5 at 2005 still something odd going on here: besides AWR in Arabic via MADAGASCAR there is again a second signal not in the schedules. It`s making a SAH of about 6 Hz with no modulation until 2006 when I hear BBCWS ID briefly before dead air again. At 2007 the SAH has reduced to less than 1 Hz, I think, unless that`s now just lite propagational fading and the BBCWS carrier has gone off. Nothing but AWR Arabic past 2015 when they ID. Yes, when in this neighborhood I also check 15476 for Antarctica, but not a peep (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0526 UT December 6