giovedì 5 dicembre 2013

Glenn Hauser logs December 5, 2013

** CHINA. 11430, Dec 5 at 1227, harmonious choral music, fair signal and // 11640 with CCI, soon Chinese announcement, then also found on weaker // 10960, but none in the 8s, 12s or 13s. Aoki has both 11430 and 10960 as 100-watt Sound of Hope nuisance frequencies from Taiwan, successfully tying up CNR1 jammers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also TANNU TUVA [and non]!

** CUBA. 5025, Dec 5 at 0704, R. Rebelde is still off the air. But at 1207 it`s back on, with squeal. Maybe they were trying to eradicate that in the meantime? Ha.

5745, Dec 5 at 1208, pulse jamming is still here, despite being long-abandoned by Radio Martí (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 9955, Dec 5 at 1300 I am awake to catch the beginning of the new relay via WRMI of KBS World Radio, since hearing the last few minutes of it before 1400 on Dec 3 and 4. But: NO signal; 1305 recheck now it`s on, not with KBS but as previously scheduled Radio Prague! Even tho it starts at 1305 after a dispensable 5-minute filler, it`s already wrapping up at 1326, but announcer adds here`s some more music ``for our satellite listeners`` (huh?). After an ID by Andy Sennitt in Hilversum, 1330 switch not to R. Slovakia International as still on the schedule, but instead joining KBS World Radio in progress, during `Seoul Calling`, a W&M conversation show discussing such things as who are the most influential women in the world. 1337 into `Korean Folk Tales` about an ugly woman.

So KBS had not replaced both Prague and Bratislava during the full hour, but only RSI during the second half. That`s a bit awkward, but still allows us to hear the KBS features after `Seoul Calling`.

I wonder if RSI suddenly pulled out of WRMI, or what? It`s also on the schedule, now needing to be reconfirmed on 9955:
Mon-Sat 1130-1300 in Spanish
Tue-Sat 0130-0159 in English

** KUWAIT [and non]. 21505, Dec 5 at 1407-1417+, the Buzzing Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is worse than usual, but the ME music here, and then the Arabic talk, bear a striking similarity to what I am hearing on 21540 Kuwait --- by golly, they are the same, except 21540 is about 4 seconds ahead of 21505. 21540 has the usual CCI and SAH from Spain.

Very strange. Must be some joint produxion, possibly to do with the Gulf Cooperation Council, which used to do some exchange programming in the region. 21505 is // 17705 and synchronized, both much weaker than the other Saudi service on 17615, Qur`an (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 660, Dec 5 at 0711 as I tune in, ID amid banda music as ``La Kaliente 102.9``; dominant signal at the moment vs IBOC noise from 670 WSCR. Let`s see, which one uses that slogan, which I naturally assume must be misspelt with a K instead of a C, in an effort to appear ``kool``, just like with Ke Buena instead of Q? Cantú reveals immediately:
660 XEEY La Kaliente + FM 102.9 Aguascalientes, Ags. 50,000 10,000
It`s running ten times the night power of any other XE on 660 if the listings can be believed, tho one other has a 50 kW daytime transmitter, XEDTL in the DF (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 730, Dec 5 at 1254 UT, VG dominant signal with Xmas songs in Spanish, ``La Ke Buena 107.1`` ID, i.e. XEHB in Chihuahua. IRCA Log 2012 had this as only 1000/300 watts from San Francisco del Oro; while Cantú is much more like it:
730 XEHB Ke buena + FM 107.1 Hidalgo del Parral, Chih. 50,000 1,000

** MEXICO. 1570, Dec 5 at 1249 UT, XERF is still playing ``Mañanitas`` at this hour, heartfelt song, a tradition to gently awaken a child at sunrise on its birthday; and still following at 1251 with ``servicio social`` segment as frequently repeated, missing persons as far away as California, with phone numbers to call, and lost-and-found items such as documents (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 2910, Dec 5 at 1215 UT, JBA talk, 1217 music probably part of ad, back to talk. Surely the oft-heard but always-weak third harmonic of XEVT, 970, Villahermosa, Tabasco (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO. 9575, Dec 5 at 0656, pop music, French announcement about a Festival Internationale, poor signal but Médi-1 is in the clear, and welcome back to SW. Not in HFCC, of course, but B13 sked there shows the only co-channel competition is NHK at 1530-1600 from Yamata in Chinese. For one more non-HFCC broadcaster on 9575 we must consult EiBi & Aoki: AIR Bengaluru in Tibetan at 1215-1330 + ChiCom jamming, of course. Aoki has added Médi at 0500-2400, but we did hear the 9579.12 carrier/het at 0216 before the frequency was fixed. Presumably running 24 hours as before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 530, Dec 5, ``K530AM`` Vance AFB never came back after crashing around Thanksgiving. There does seem to be a very weak carrier still on the frequency, which I need to check by approaching Vance closer, beyond my usual routes around Enid (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [non]. 12075, Dec 5 at 1229, VOR in English, excuse me, ``VR`` so no longer suggesting ``thief`` to Russians, amid discussion of Washington/Beijing relations, fair with flutter, and one pip about 5 seconds before 1230 but no break on the half-hour. Annoying frequent music stingers lasting a few seconds each.

Aoki shows 12075 as 12-15 UT, 155 degrees from TAJIKISTAN, hardly ideal for here, but take what we can, while we can, as it now seems certain that VOR will stop all SW broadcasting Dec 29, according to this:

** SAUDI ARABIA [and non]. BSKSA // KUWAIT: q.v.

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9355, Dec 5 at 0657, good signal from WRMI, but open carrier/dead air instead of Brother Scare. 0659 comes to life for Zanotti ID (hey Bob, you forgot to say ``dot`` after www --- just try to get anywhere without it), 0700 BS resumes, as well as on 9955, which had been playing fill music before 0700.

9495, Dec 5 at 1222, another log for the record of The Overcomer via WRMI, seems regular pentecostal service during this semihour (is there any such thing as a ``program schedule`` from Walterboro?) Praying and muttering with unrelated music background which could be confused with CCI; this has ACI de Cuban pulse jamming on 9490 against Radio República which is really on the air (still via FRANCE) only at 0100-0300, but take that, you nasty, counter-revolutionary frequency! BS is much stronger on // 9690 at 1222 and still at 1303 while 9955 is in a break (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA: WRMI

** TANNU TUVA [and non]. 6100, Dec 5 at 1200 I am checking out more than one report in the NASWA Flashsheet claiming to have heard R. Rossii, Kyzyl, in Russian and Chinese, such as this:

``6100 RUSSIA. Radio Kyzyl heard at sign-on at 1200 GMT on 11/27/13. IS, ID first in Chinese, then in Russian ("Govorit Radio Kyzyl"), then talks in Russian. Fair but clear (Bob Brossell Pewaukee, WI. Equipment: JRC NRD-545; Eton E1; Sony ICF SW77)``. He also had previous logs like this on May 10 and April 13, 2013.

Sorry, no: it`s NOT R. Kyzyl but China Radio International, opening its Russian hour, which is 500 kW beamed 55 degrees, favorable for us beyond FE Russia. It always opens with obvious CRI theme, ID in Chinese, then in Russian. Please explain how you could hear 500 or 5000-watt Kyzyl (sources conflict) despite CRI with 500,000 watts --- - unless this CRI transmission is missing, which it certainly is not, today.

The opening CRI ID goes ``Govorit, Mezhdunarodnoye Radio Kitaya``. If you can`t recognize CRI in Russian by itself, try // to the other frequencies scheduled at 1200, but not necessarily synchronized: 5905, 7215, 7410, 9590, 9685, propagation permitting; I think 7410 would be most likely. That can easily rule out ``Kyzyl`` on 6100.

However: CRI open carrier was on 6100 from 1155 tune-in Dec 5. I could hear a trace of modulation under it, which *possibly* was Kyzyl, and was in the middle of a timesignal when CRI modulation started with theme, dual language IDs, into news about Ukraine. A slightly late timesignal would not be unusual for R. Rossii.

Here`s a previous log of Kyzyl, which would seem to be certain by matching to 5930; but still, what about CRI in Russian on 6100??

``RUSSIA. 6100, Radio Rossii – Kyzyl, 1230, 10/17/13, in Russian.
Light music to 1230, man talking for about 3 minutes then back into
light music. Fair. // 5930 – Petropavlovsk, also Fair (Mark Taylor,
Madison WI, Perseus, WinRadio g313e, Eton e1, Grundig G5, Tecsun PL
660; EWE, Flextenna, NASWA Flashsheet Oct 20 via DXLD)``

At 1235 Dec 5, 6100 is still nothing but CRI in Russian; at 1257 it`s ceased but there is a weaker open carrier, with SAH, 1300 something starting in Korean, which per Aoki is now KCBS Pyongyang (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SLOVAKIA [non]. See KOREA SOUTH [non]

** U S A [non]. 11750, Dec 5 at 1225, VOA news outro after report on the Great Barrier Reef; it`s `Crossroads Asia`. Good signal! And not surprising since it`s on the 21-degree beam also USward from Tinang, PHILIPPINES this hour only (extended to 1400 on Sat & Sun for `Jazz America`). Still seems strange to hear VOA here instead of BBC for which 11750 was once a major traditional frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, Dec 5 at 0653, WRMI with recognizable fill-music loop heard before, during Greek segment; the beat almost matches the pulse jamming! Segué into song in German. At least WRMI is audible now which it was not during WORLD OF RADIO a bihour earlier. This is when Brother Scare is scheduled, but once again with music loop substituting. They appear to have a lot of trouble switching this programming around to the proper transmitter at the appointed time.

9955, Thu Dec 5 at 1224, ``Frecuencia al Día con Dino Bloise`` sufficient but with pulse jamming and weaker than 9690 BS. I think FAD first airs on Fridays so this is probably from last week.

9955, the switch from SSE to NW antenna (and also different transmitters) still occurs Dec 5 at 1359, this time during the `Scoreboard` minute, followed by another Zanotti ID, 1400 gospel huxter. `Viva Miami` gets another repeat until 1430.

Altho still dated effective Dec 1, I see on Dec 5 that the WRMI program grid has been tweaked again to show that 9955 carries Family Radio only at 23-24 M-F, while the 22-24 prehour remains blank (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also KOREA SOUTH [non]; SOUTH CAROLINA [non]

UNIDENTIFIED. TP carrier search Dec 5 at 1238-1242: JBA on 594, 693, 774, 882. I was wondering why we haven`t had any Trans-Pacific logs lately from my neighbor Richard Allen near Perry OK:

``Hi to all the TP DXers. It's going to be some time before I can rejoin you. I had reconstructive surgery on my right ankle last and am still in hospital. Will be in recovery and out of action until the end of the year. Best wishes for good DX (Richard Allen, Nov 22, IRCA)``
Get well, Richard! (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1220, Dec 5 at 1246 UT, unfamiliar Xmas song, roughly north/south, ID sounds like KLCD. But that leads to two possibilities in the 2013 NRC AM Log:
KLDC, Denver CO, but it`s UC:GOS/REL format with 660/11/35 watts; OR
KLBB, Stillwater MN, NOS format with 5000/254/422 watts
It`s pre-sunrise for both as it is here; still with het from the off-frequency Texan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1717 UT December 5