lunedì 2 gennaio 2012

Glenn Hauser logs January 2, 2012

** ANGUILLA. 6090, Jan 2 at 0633, PMS was off, uncovering weak het, presumably between Nigeria and Brasil. I think it was on earlier that evening. And also 11775 was on at later 1430 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL [non]. 9725, Jan 2 at 1243, I tune in at exactly the same time as on Dec 27 that Mark Coady, Ontario, reported hearing Portuguese mentioning Paraná, on 9725 --- no, no Portuguese today, only presumed Pashto mentioning Afghanistan and Pakistan, i.e. V. of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the only station now scheduled at this time on 9725. Listened for several more minutes, but tempted to shift to 9720 for Thailand in English. I also posted Mark`s presumed log of R. Clube Paranaense to S American lists, and this reply so far in radioescutas:

``Radio Clube Paranaense sintonizada por 1430 kHz (ondas médias), anunciando em sua identificação '...vem aí uma nova B2, 'RB2' um feliz Natal, a rádio que toca você'. Recepção em São José, Santa Catarina em 30/12 0135 UTC. Provavelmente estejam nos planos o retorno a alguma frequência em ondas curtas. Vamos acompanhar! Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo SP``

So hearing them on MW, he thinx they probably have plans to resume some SW frequency. The others RCP had, off the air for maybe 8 years, were 6040 and 11935 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. UT Monday Jan 2 at 0639, I am about to conclude that the jammers are off during R. Martí`s break, nothing on 7405, but on 6030 I can still hear weak residual pulsing, rather than CFVP.

15380, 13780, etc. Jan 2 at 1435-1454 I find RHC with an anniversary show for its fiftieth year, about its involvement in the Angolan civil war, ending apartheid in South Africa, etc., etc. Of particular interest were clips of long-gone services, such as ``La Voz de Cuba``, RHC-produced overnight programming on MW in the 70s, with its lovely chime interval signal played a few times, including a wow in the tape sending it off-pitch. That was also in English for a while. They admitted its purpose was to block frequencies from counter-revolutionary stations, a task later taken over by R. Rebelde 24-hour programming. Also a clip of ``CMCA, the Friendly Voice of Cuba``; sexta-lingual Radio Juventud for a congress, but no mention of Radio Taíno. Perhaps this heavily politicized retrospective will repeat this afternoon, evening, who knows when (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. 7220, Jan 2 at 0611, RFI is finally back in the scheduled language Hausa instead of English! After at least a month in English by mistake at 0600-0630. Our loss. Altho when I intuned there was clip in English, soon voiced-over in Hausa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Jan 2 at 0612, good signal from IGIM chanting, on earlier than usual, but transmitter turn-on varies very widely (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO [non]. 15349.1, IMM is fortunately absent Jan 2 at 1504, not producing a huge het with RVA via Vatican 15350.0 during this hour. Nor is IMM to be found on former 15341 or 15344. Still off at 1655 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. 9760, Jan 2 at 1535 during Spe-cial Eng-lish, VOA Tinang-2 transmitter has again descended into just-barely-modulation despite very strong S9+22 signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 6875, Jan 2 at 0610 check, RTI via WYFR starts another year still in German instead of Spanish; mixed with Chinese being translated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U A E. 17810, Jan 2 at 1500-1503*, VTC/BaBcoCk music loop fill, presumably overrun after the YFR Telegu & Tamil relays via Dhabayya scheduled at 13-15, 250 kW, 100 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 11890, Jan 2 at 1406 I am again hooked from my bandscanning by tuning across BBCWS Monday starting `Hardtalk`, this time an excellent interview with James Earl Jones; had to keep listening until 1429, meanwhile resentful that BBCWS provides such a choppy signal from Thailand, which only by coincidence is also aimed USward. Audio available clearly for 7 days via:

** U S A. 9955, UT Monday Jan 2 at 0215, WRMI with début of new show Blues Radio International, scheduled Mondays 0200-0230 and repeated UT Thursdays 0200-0230. Axually I was only listening to the webcast, presumably simulcast on 9955. WRMI has put up a new program schedule grid in UT-5 with quite a few changes, and more to come:
Note that WRMI is NOT really on SW M-F at 1500-2400, just webcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)