venerdì 17 giugno 2011

SIDC Weekly Bulletin

:Issued: 2011 Jun 14 1338 UTC
:Product: documentation at
# SIDC Weekly bulletin on Solar and Geomagnetic activity            #
WEEK 545 from 2011 Jun 06 

The week was dominated by the activity exerted by duo AR11226 and AR11227 in the southern hemisphere. On June 07, a prominence between the two active regions became unstable. It erupted in a spectacular way: plasma was ejected upwards and fountain wise part of it felt back in the solar corona initiating intensity waves. The plasma cloud was not directed towards Earth. At the same time an M2.5 flare occurred peaking at 06:30UT. The proton fluxes went up passing almost immediately the storm threshold. The proton event lasted until midday June 08.

The geomagnetic disturbance on June 04-05 was possibly caused by the plasma eruptions on June 01 and 02. A shock in the solar wind passed at ACE around 10:00UT on June 07, 2011. The smooth rotation in the y-component of the magnetic field is possibly linked with an ICME. This magnetic structure is possibly linked with the plasma ejections in the morning of June 05. The estimated Kp index became 5 during the first 3 hours on June 08. >From the second part of June 09 until June 11, the overall magnetic field strength carried in the solar wind fluctuated between 5 and 10 nT. The solar wind travelled at that moment at a speed of 450-400 km/s. Unsettled to a few active periods were measured. It is not crystal clear that this is linked with the June 07 ejection.
DATE          RC  EISN  10CM  Ak  BKG    M  X
2011 Jun 06  ///    046  100  007  B2.0  0  0
2011 Jun 07  059    039  96  011  B1.6  1  0
2011 Jun 08  074    032  90  014  B1.3  0  0
2011 Jun 09  057    028  88  011  B1.2  0  0
2011 Jun 10  048    022  87  012  B1.2  0  0
2011 Jun 11  ///    015  85  014  B1.2  0  0
2011 Jun 12  ///    011  85  009  B1.7  0  0
# RC  : Sunspot index (Wolf Number) from Catania Observatory (Italy)
# EISN : Estimated International Sunspot Number
# 10cm : 10.7 cm  radioflux (DRAO, Canada)
# Ak  : Ak Index Wingst (Germany)
# BKG  : Background GOES X-ray level (NOAA, USA)
# M,X  : Number of X-ray flares in M and X class, see below (NOAA, USA)
07  0616  0641 0659 S21W54 M2.5 2N 710  II/2,IV/2                  98  1226 spectacular filament eruption

# Solar Influences Data analysis Center - RWC Belgium                #
# Royal Observatory of Belgium                                      #
# Fax : 32 (0) 2 373 0 224                                          #
# Tel.: 32 (0) 2 373 0 491                                          #