venerdì 6 marzo 2009

Glenn Hauser logs March 6, 2009

** CANADA [and non]. CFRX, 6070, at 0714 check March 6 during Holder Tonight, the UT Tue-Sat talk show from CJAD Montreal, and NO QRM, not even a SAH, from CVC Chile! The reason is that CVC has unexpectedly dropped their overnight broadcasting in Spanish, just as they did in Portuguese several months ago. Must have decided it is not cost-effective, and surely not in response to complaints of QRM against CFRX.

An updated CVC schedule this week shows 6070 still in use only for two hours at 00-01 and 11-12 UT. More frequencies have been dropped, 11805 and 11970, and others reduced. Good news from the minions of J.C.! Now CFRX is relatively unimpeded thruout the darkness hours. However, in A-09, CVC Santiago plans to use 6070 at 2300-0200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. DentroCuban Jamming Command with big noise against R. Martí, 5980 which starts at 0700, noted March 6 at 0724 spreading plus/minus 10 kHz or more with modulated pulses on the sides which are unneeded to jam RM itself, but interfering with other stations, even bothering Spain/Costa Rica 5965. R. Victoria, Perú, 6020v, at 0713 was also QRMed by modulated pulses from the DentroCuban Jamming Command centered on 6030 against Radio Martí. The same spread extended to the high side on 6040; this has not always been the case, so we may thank the Commie Cubans for worsening the collateral damage caused by their accursèd jamming, and inability to confront contrary opinions with reason rather than brute force (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. Quick check of 9525 March 6 reconfirmed VOI operating nominally, which means about 2 minutes late going from English to Malay at 1402 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. NHKWNRJ, 6145, excellent signal at 0715 UT Fri March 6 in Japanese, so you would think it is a NAm service or relayed from NAm, but this hour is really direct from Yamata, 300 kW at 35 degrees intended only for FE Russia; and // much weaker 6165 at 330 degrees for the next zones of Russia westward.

Seemed poetry followed by nice piano music to 0720 when started new program with English title announced by two different speakers as ``Sound Passage`` -- except the second word was pronounced as in French! Started with sound of jet engine. I am really hankering for a full program schedule, translated to English, of R. Japan`s Japanese broadcasts, but repeated requests have gone unfulfilled. There are lots of gems like this involving music or sounds, which can be enjoyed without speaking Japanese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla will be glad to know that XEOI, 6010, R. Mil, was in the clear with Mexican music at 0723 March 6; Conciencia apparently off, and Marfil not heard either on 5910, tho the latter was badly trounced by overload from WWCR 5890 and 5935 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. R. Victoria, March 6 at 0713, happened to tune across 6020 as they were doing a local ID, with chords from Beethoven`s Fifth. It was QRMed by modulated pulses from the DentroCuban Jamming Command centered on 6030 against Radio Martí [see CUBA]. Yes, R. Victoria is perpetually off-frequency to the low side, and when anyone else is on 6020.0, such as all evening during prime time from China/Albania, Turkey, etc., there is a big het. No het now. Did not attempt to measure it here, but Luca Botto Fiora recently put it on 6019.4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. RRI Romanian service to Europe and thence N America on 11940, March 6 at 1417 playing ``Mamma Mia`` song in English. What has this to do with Romanian culture? We thought it was a recent revival by some other group, but outro mentioned ABBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. R. Rossii, Pet/Kam, 6075, March 6 at 1350 with some weird vocalizations. This station really has some neat music. Like R. Japan, I would like to see a program schedule translated to English. Trouble is, this transmitter has developed motorboating, which seems a bit worse every day. Currently registered at 1800-1400, 100 kW at 15 degrees which is favorable for NAm. During A-season this moves to 5920 or 5930 at 1700-1300, neither better for us due to NAm QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [non]. 7325 at 0432 check March 6 found Turkish again instead of English, Sackville relay of VOT; and with co-channel QRM. I see that BBCWS is now also scheduled on 7325 during that hour via Cyprus and/or Rampisham, in Arabic. That collision will be resolved in A-09, by when we hope VOT manages to feed the right language to Sackville, as BBC stays at 0400 and Turkey/Canada shifts to 0300 --- but why should we have to upput with it till then? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. Checking VOA via Tinian, 7575, March 6 at 1355 to find whether there were unwanted noises on the transmission this day; sounded OK, except now there was Spanish SSB on the hi side around 7576. And at 1356 instead of a USG Editorial, there was an ``International Public Service Announcement`` about a guy wanted in the Khobar Towers 1996 bombing in Saudi Arabia; a $5 million reward is offered for anonymous info leading to his capture. Could not catch his name, and do I find anything about this on the VOA website? Of course not! But four names are given at

And the item mentioned which of course will get you nowhere unless you put in the dot after the www! Why are so many ignorant speakers leaving this out? Have they never used the Internet themselves? They never leave out the other dot. Why is it such a burden to include one extra syllable when you have just said ``double-u, double-u, double-u``? This site has a rogues` gallery, no doubt including the individual mentioned. I suppose VOA defaults to the IPSAs when there is no new editorial to broadcast, as the info conveyed is hardly new (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###