AUSTRIA/GERMANY 6030 kHz SW broadcast center ORS Moosbrunn special broadcast benefit concert for Ukraine, invated by Russia's forces. Just received the following e-mail from ORS frequency planning FMO:
"At short notice, we (ORF/ORS, note) have been commissioned with the live broadcast of the benefit concert for Ukraine from Koenigs Wusterhausen, Germany.
Friday 8 April 2022, 16:00-18:00 UT on 6030 kHz in 49mb 100 kW LPH - log periodic horizontal antenna in use.
Simultaneous transmission from MBR Nauen Germany on 9580 kHz and on MW 810 kHz by 'Wave 370 (museum radio Funkerberg)'. The latter MW outlet at Koenigswusterhausen with only 9 Watt, will not be heard in our country (Vienna and Austria in total).
(Ernst, Engineer Ernst Vranka OE3EVA, via Harald Suess-AUT, AGDX - Arbeitsgemeinschaft DX Austria, April 6; via Wolfgang Bueschel)
ORS Mr. Ernst Vranka, FMO Frequency Manager,
ORS Austrian Broadcasting Services
Wuerzburggasse 30
A-1136 Wien Austria Europe
<ernst.vranka -at->
phone +43 1 8704012629
Michael Puetz
Order Management & Backoffice
Erna-Scheffler-Strasse 1
D-51103 Cologne, Germany
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