mercoledì 9 febbraio 2022

Log of Febr 8 - 9, at NoAM, Rochester NY and Edmonton Alb-CAN

Log of Febr 8 - 9, at NoAM, Rochester NY and Edmonton Alb-CAN remotedly on Perseus server at 23.30 to 01.47 UT.

7499even TJK Voice of Tibet Oslo via Dushanbe Yangi Yul site, on Febr 8
at S=9+35dB signal in Delhi India. S=9 in Athens Greece remotedly.
23.44-24.00 UT time segment (ex 7486 ! kHz), and accompanied by
7495even CHN CNR jammer against VoTibet in Tibetan. S=9+15dB in Delhi.
7600even ARM R AFG International in Pashto via Yerevan Gavar site,
at 23.54 UT Febr 8, tremendous S=9+45dB signal in Delhi remotedly.
13-03 UT in deep winter schedule, could be move to spring time
M22 season time at 14.30-02.30 from March 6th again ?
Ludo Maes_? frequency choice decision ?

4799.995 USA WBCQ MA state in northeatern corner US, S=4 tiny in
Edmonton-Alb-CAN remote SDR's, at 23.55 UT on Febr 8.

Annoying scratch wipe CODAR signals on 4770 - 4799 and 4884 - 4915 kHz at
00.00 UT on Febr 9.

5938.824 BRA R Voz Missionaria, in BrasPort, fair S=5-6 signal at 00.02UT
little on lower side now again, after higher in previous weeks.
5990even CUB CRI Beijing via Latin AM relay site at Quivican San Felipe
TITAN with 250 kW beast. Cantonese Chinese scheduled. Guitar mx
noted at 00.04 UT on Febr 9.
6029.996 CAN CFVP Calgary, excellent audio quality, small domestic program
Calgary local advts. and Public radio program with lots of
laughing audience and commedian laughing. S=7 in Edmonton-ALB.
At 00.08 UT on Febr 9.
6069.996 CAN CFRX Toronto, En, poor fluttery S=4-5 strength at 00.10 UT
6159.945 USA WBCQ MA site, poor S=4 signal, only exiter power ? heard at
00.12 UT, accompanied 2 x 60 Hertz apart distance power strings
6180.009 BRA R Nac da Amazonia, Brasilia in Bras Port, S=9+20dB at
00.14 UT,
BUT NOT ON 11780 kHz tonight.
6184.970 MEX XEPPM Radio Educacion Mexico D.F., Spanish mx px, 00.16 UT
S=6 or -86dBm fair signal at this 'gray path' hour.

9420.002 GRC Avlis Greek radio is back on air, was lately a little
irregular on regular service. Proper S=9+40dB in Alb-CAN remote.
00.18 UT on Feb 9. Greek folk mx program. 10.4 kHz wideband audio
9535even CUB RHC La Habana in Spanish via Bejucal site, S=9+20dB in Alb,
00.20 UT, either side 2 x 60, 120 Hertz main power strings seen.
9649.999 CUB RHC Spanish too via Bejucal site, S=9+25dB at 00.24 UT.
9666.587 BRA Radio Voz Missionaria, not stable frequency, varying at
10 Hertz distance jump hop, up and down, S=9+30dB powerhouse
tonight tremendously. 00.26 UT on Febr 9.
9819.125 BRA R 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo SP, also S=9+25dB strength, but hit
heavily by 800 Hertz whistle heterodyne tone against neighbour
9820even CHN CNR2 China Business Radio, Xianyang RTC #594 bcast center.

12094 - 12206 kHz CODAR annoying scratch wipe signal, S=9+20dB at 00.30 UT

11670even CUB RHC Bauta site in Spanish, S=9+35dB strength backlobe signal
in Edmonton-Alb, 00.32 UT, guitar / singer of Latin AM music.
11760even CUB RHC Bauta non-directional Caribbean target signal, folk mx
in Spanish, S=9+30dB at 00.34 UT on Febr 9.
11780 kHz Brasilia R Nac da Amazonia NOT ON AIR tonight.
11815.026 BRA Radio Bras Central program, S=9+30dB much powerful tonight
at 00.37 UT.
11850even CUB RHC La Habana in Spanish towards South America azimuth, via
Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW beast site, bad audio DISTURBED
audio px feed signal at S=9+50dB backlobe azimuth signal, at
00.40 UT on Febr 9, and also accompanied of usual +/- 10 kHz
carrier signal spurs on 11840/11860 kHz channels, but no audio.
11905.004 SLK/CLN SLBC Trincomalee site in Bengali, 250 - but on reduced
125 kW TX power. 00.42 UT, S=9+25dB in Edmonton-Alberta remotedly.
11949.995 CUB Tonight single hour 00-01 UT 'Radio Mesa Retonda' in Spanish,
this Monday-Thursday program, via Bauta site S=9+25dB strenght,
and usual \\
6000 kHz Quivican TITAN site, S=9+30dB at 01.47 UT, and also \\
12000even CUB RHC harmonic of 6000 kHz Quivican San Felipe TITAN site at
S=9+20dB signal strength tonight at 00.50 UT.

13418 - 13577 kHz CODAR annoying scratch wipe signal, S=9+25dB at 00.52 UT

13740even CUB RHC Bauta in Spanish towards South AM, but S=9+35dB proper
backlobe signal at this Alberta azimuth tonigth. AT 00.56 UT
Guitar / singer progr in Latin AM mx.
13795.004 IND Scheduled is AIR Bangalore in Mandarin Chinese, but in
Alberta Canada heard terrible audio mixture, both AIR Chinese
and China mainland CNR jamming on
13795even CHN S=9+10dB at 01.10 UT on Febr 9.

15720.011 NZL R NZ Pacific in En, S=7-8 in Alb-CAN, talk on broadcast
matter program, at 01.16 UT talk on big money invest of New York
Times newspaper, compared budget of BBC London radio and TV.
15624.874 much odd frequency, once again the question, scheduled AWR via
SLK/CLN SLBC Trincomalee relay site, but due of oddity likely
rather via AWR Agat GUM - Amoy language relay site ? 01.18 UT
S=8 signal.
15245even CHN CNR7 program R The Great Bay, from Hohot RTC #594 bcast
center, Cantonese language sce at S=7 at 01.20 UT on Febr 9.
15230even CUB RHC Quivican Brasil/Argentine Spanish sce via Quivican on
backlobe signal into Alberta at 01.24 UT S=6 or -87dBm fair.
15190.081 BRA R Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, BrasPort, fair -79dBm
signal at 01.27 UT on Febr 9.
15180kHz DRM block of CHN, CNR1 radio via Kunming bcast center, S=8 or
-82dBm at 01.30 UT on Febr 9.

17770kHz DRM block of CHN, CNR1 radio via Dong Fang island center at
01.34 UT on Febr 9, S=8 or -77dBm strength.
17739.962 MRA RFA Tibetan program at S=6 or -85dBm sidelobe into Alberta,
via Agignan Point, Saipan island. 01.37 UT on Febr 9.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 8 - 9)