BRAZIL 5938.901 kHz Voz Missionaria heard at 01.26 UT Saturday Jan 15. And on 9666.508 kHz at 01.53 UT fair S=5-6 in FL state SDR remotedly now.
9330 WBCQ suffer heavily on nearby UTE signal of 9327.800 kHz some strong 100 / 200 Hertz WHISTLE tone noise, at 01.41 UT. 6159.943 kHz WBCQ fair S=5 in Florida state at 01.34 UT.
Nothing on 7505 WRNO, nor 5085 kHz WTWW, nor 4765 Bejucal Cuba.
CUBA 5024.996 kHz R Rebelde not as strong as usual, seemingly a reserve unit in Bauta bcast center at 01.15 UT in service.
6000 kHz RHC English talk on electricity generators in Lebanon Near East, voltaic tecnique. Via RadioCuba relay site Quivican San Felipe TITAN of of the three remaining 250 kW beast outlets.
MEXICO 6184.969 kHz Marimba music of MEX / GTM S=9+5dB at 01.38 UT Jan 15.
ROMANIA S=9+30dB powerful signals from both Galbeni and Tiganesti sites on 5910, 5990, and 7325 kHz at 01.30 and 01.42 UT. RRI Bucharest Sp / Romanian.
USA 7305even Tremendous S=9+30dB signal of Spanish sce Vatican Radio relay exchange with US AGM site Greenville. Talk with bishop? of Venezoelan church, iglesia renovation, social life, 7 kHz wide Greenville audio characteristic at 01.41 UT.
73 wb df5sx