domenica 16 gennaio 2022

Glenn Hauser logs January 15-16, 2022

** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98 RCUSB, Sat Jan 15 at 1507, NO signals from LRA36 into two Brazilian SDRs. Did not check Wed Jan 12 when it would have been slightly more likely (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CANADA. 15034-USB, Jan 15 at 1642 UT, Trenton Military with VOLMET, giving time as 1540 zulu --- 62 minutes slow! Let`s hope the flight weather info were slightly more accurate. Times of individual reports are correct, post-1600. Quite a few ``no report received``s; I wager there is never a complete cycle full of reports received!

6754-USB, Jan 16 at 0022 UT, I give the night announcer a chance to make it right: No, claims station time is 2320z; after a bunch of terminal forecasts with No Report Received, including even Trenton itself! Something`s always cockeyed at CHR (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** EAST TURKISTAN. 5060 & 4850, Jan 16 at 0026, JBA signals on 50% of The Urumqi Four, also 4500 but with noise, QRM or defect? The fourth one on 4980 continues blocked by WRMI. As always this combo clinches it for PBS Xinjiang`s four language services from the land of imperialist ChiCom persecution and genocide of Uyghurs and other Moslems. Don`t buy anything made by their slave labor! It`s still pre-sunrise there not until 0140 UT, and post-sunset here, graylinish. BTW the Han masters impose Beijing time even upon the westernmost part of an empire which ought to have five timezones, so that by the Commie clock, Urumqi sunrise is not until ``9:40`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ITALY [and non]. Re: World of Radio anomalies --- I had asked Alfredo Cotroneo of IRRS/NEXUS/IBA about these and he replied Jan 14:

Hi Glenn, Happy new year, and sorry for this late reply. Thanks again for reporting on our frequencies. We are aware of some of these issues, please read my replies inline below:

Glenn Hauser wrote on 07/01/2022 23:14:
> WOR seems to be airing OK on 7290, Fridays at 20:15 CET. I assume the one skipped will be in two weeks, the third Friday, Jan 21. Altho they don`t turn on the modulation until almost 20:01 missing Aida and sign-on, joining FSN in progress. This happens consistently every week. The carrier is on by 19:59, so why don`t you have them add the program feed?

``Currently on 7290 kHz from 20-21 CET there is a slight conflict in the local modulation line (audio) being used by another program, and we have to accept this compromise for the current season. The sign in and initial program are being slightly delayed to try to minimize this issue. Being the program in parallel on 918 kHz since 19 CET, it's another reason for not using a sign-on that would sound odd in the middle of the broadcast on MW (TX modulation feeds are the same for SW & AM).``

> I also check 918 kHz via a remote receiver. Once 7290 was also on they were almost synch with FSN, ID and UN News, but after that they split with music fill on 918 which ran past 20:15 when WOR started. I was trying to have lunch at the same time so did not monitor them minute by minute, but for some time WOR was not on 918. When I rechecked at 20:34 it was back on both.

``It's an old issue, that the Medium Wave station has occasional issues with picking up our feed. It's something totally random and we tried to fix it several times. It's due to circumstances (hardware, software, telecom (internet lines, weather, power, internet failures, etc. at the MW station) not under our direct control. If we had some €5k to spare, we could fix it, but while we try to survive on a very low budget, we have to live with that - at least for the time being. Sometimes our feed drops to a locally generated backup audio feed, and then it resumes later.``

> Another consistent problem I ask you to fix: 918 chops off the air Fridays at about 22:57, some two minutes before the next WOR playback is over, since it`s 29 minutes long starting at 22:30. Could you have them leave the transmitter on for another 2 or 3 minutes?

``It should be supposed to stop at around 23:05 CET, after the news. I will double check, maybe it's just the TX timer out-of sync.``

> Today before 22:57 I could also barely recognize my voice on 207 kHz, a very weak signal. First time I`ve been on longwave for sure, and hope this will continue.

``There are still works-in-progress at the LW station. A new 200 meter long wire antenna has been built, power is still very low, even if hopes are to increase the power to 10 kW later this year. At this time we are not sure whether we will broadcast regularly in parallel also on this frequency, because the cost will almost double for us, but generated income to pay for the airtime will not likely grow enough to cover our expenses. It all depends on the interest among our broadcasters and listeners' response, of course. It's just an experiment so far, and coverage is still very DX-like, with reception reported even in Lapland but weak, not broadcast quality yet in our main target areas in Central Europe.``

> There were reports last year about plans to change 918 to 1323 kHz. What is the expectation now?

``We are still waiting for final authorization from Rome. It may be coming any time now in Q1/2022. Then we are ready to make the switch.``

> At the nearby remote there is considerable interference from Madrid on 918, but AM Italia is on top

``Sounds good :-) Bests, Alfredo
Alfredo E. Cotroneo, CEO, NEXUS-Int'l Broadcasting Association
ph: +39-02-266 6971; Tollfree: 1-888-612-0039 fax: +39-02-706 38151``
(Glenn Hauser, OK, Jan 15, WOR)

** MADAGASCAR. 13670, Jan 15 at 1800, African Pathways Radio on Madagascar World Voice with This Day in History, neat to be hearing this tropical well on the caradio as I am driving thru a lite snowstorm. Later in hour, however, `Creation Moment` anti-science nonsense (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** PERU. 4775.036, Jan 16 at 0029, music at S9, typical offset of R. Tarma (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 5960, Jan 15 at 2349, VOT English VG via UTwente, just in time for sign-off. Instead of claiming it be the 1330 on 12035, recites correct times and frequencies from 1930 to 0400, and PS at 1730. But then says broadcasts at 22-23 and 03-04 are pre-recorded; NO, those would be their summer advanced timings. Announcer, please engage brain rather than just reading obviously wrong info. Cuts off at 2349* with just a few notes of the incomplete IS. But I think it`s forward rather than backward. Something`s always awry at Ankara, erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2121 monitoring: confirmed UT Saturday January 15 at 0230 on WRMI 9395, S9+25 into KB0FX SDR - which cuts out intermittently in Synch mode

Also confirmed Sat Jan 15 at 1700 on WRN North America webcast

Also confirmed Sat Jan 15 at 2033 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, S9+10 into nearby SDR, already well underway about 9 minutes into so started early circa 2024; this does not mean the replay will be earlier than nominal 0415 UT Sunday.

Also confirmed UT Sun Jan 16 at 0030 on WRMI 7730, S9+15/20 into Missouri SDR. See also ITALY [and non]. Next:

0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0530]
1330 UT Sunday WMRI Europe via Ch 292 Germany 9670
2100 UT Sunday IRRS 918-Italy & 207?
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 to NNW
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support. Thanks this week to a generous anonymous contributor via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds to: woradio at and who says, ``Thanks Again for another great year, Glenn!``

One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 3215, Jan 16 at 0038, WWRB still off the air since death of David Frantz, when it had been active weekends only; also likely to be gone after 0200 when it jumped to new 3360 to escape WWCR. FCC-watcher Benn Kobb has just replied to my previous note about a CP:

``Glenn, That FCC construction permit for WWRB should not be a mystery. Frantz had allowed the license to expire. He eventually sought reinstatement. The FCC had him repeat the formal steps of obtaining a license, including a construction permit. That information came to me from FCC when I inquired about it at the time.

Meanwhile, there have been some more developments with the High Frequency Trading stations. I am working on a report about that. Benn`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5085, Jan 1 at 0025, WTWW-2 sounds like Bob Heil, but about hamstuff, not thorganism -- NO more spurs detected near 5072 or 5098 despite fundamental hitting S9+30/40, tweaked away?? BTW, 5830 WTWW-1 is not on now, even tho the post-PPPP owners may think it`s primary. at 0058.5 organ music starts, but 0100 interrupted by quote from Isaiah, CQ, canned WTWW ID treating the Star Spangled Banner as a clip of produxion music -- doesn`t sound patriotic to me! Then Bob Heil starts `TOUTA` for real with yet more recordings of and tributes to his idol, George Wright? and/or Len Marshall, or was it Ben Larson? 0029 Bob closes program until next week, but immediately starts another episode! this time something from Ian in Scotland. I`m listening to $tereo webcast and must catch `Encore` tomorrow night. Whatever`s on TRSW is lost due to such a simulglut of musix on Saturday nights, not to mention The Giant Jukebox on The Mighty farty KBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 1380, Jan 15 at 0601-0641 UT, monitoring the MW DX test from KQKD, 1380, Redfield SD. My report to CPC for eQSL:

Thanks for the test! First time I`ve heard KQKD, which is about 580 miles north of me in Enid OK.

I heard the VVV DE KQKD IDs immediately at 0601 UT January 15. I then recorded 0605-0636 UT and later went thru the file to pick out two areas with VVV VVV VVV DE KQKD KQKD KQKD - several times. Most of the rest of the time if anything could be heard, it was sweep tones upward, or solid tones. The recorder timing may not be too accurate, but should be correct within 1 or 2 minutes.

Solid tones: 0611, 0612, 0616, 0627
Sweeps upward: 0613, 0625, 0629, 0631, 0635
Siren - varying tone: 0615

The first clip of Vs and IDs at about 0611; second clip about 0623.
One must listen closely but I am sure I copied ``KQKD`` several times.

This was on my Icom R75, which runs off an east-west 100-foot longwire, not well positioned for north/south reception. On MW I turn off the preamps to avoid overload. Dominant station among lots of QRM was Mexican music, probably KMUS Sperry/Tulsa OK, some 110 miles east of here, 250 watts at night.

I also heard this on my DX-398 receiver with internal antenna only, sweeps at 0607 UT. This allowed local 1390 KCRC Enid to be somewhat nulled. In both cases tuned on LSB to minimize KCRC.

FYI, I did not employ any remote SDR at any time for this test.

Some background info about KQKD would also be of interest, such as what the call letters may signify, either by original choice or subsequent slogan formation. Looking forward to an eQSL. Thanks, and 73, (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ZANZIBAR [and non]. 6015, Jan 15 at 0410, poor talk in uncertain language, but presumed ZBC in Swahili, as China and Korean radio war not likely to propagate at this hour. Romania 6020 not a problem at only S9/+10 with flutter, English to N America, and // 7410 is still down (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report despatched at 0148 UT January 16