USAGM, the American media agency, which runs the Voice of America and RFE / RL has just launched a contract opportunity for repair, overhaul, rebuild and supply services for generators (lubricants, filters, belts, spares, coolants, consumables, etc.) on USAGM-owned Caterpillar generators at various USAGM distribution sites throughout Afghanistan. The request concerns the 16 FM broadcast sites located in Kabul, Mazar-e-Sharif, Asadabad, Gardez, Ghazni, Herat, Jalabad, Kandahar, Khost, Lowgar, Lagman, Lash kar Gah, Nuristan, Pakitka Sharan and Qalatet. As well as the Khost medium wave transmitter. The Kabul USAGM AM site would not be affected as it is operated by Afghan Radio. The Khost transmitter in AM alone consumes 37,500 liters. The consumption of each FM transmitter represents 2,400 liters per year. (