Re Voice of Tibet, and accompanied xxx0 or xxx5 jamming spacing.
August 13, logged in southern Germany / Switzerland,
at Greece and Perseus SDR unit at Delhi India.
> Sign on at 2300UTC
> 2300-2308: 7496kHz
7496 kHz VoTIB til 23.08:30 UT
7495 kHz CHN jammer last longer til 23.10 UT
> 2308-2328: 7476kHz
7476 kHz VoTIB from 23.08:35 UT S=8 -78dbm in Greece.
7475 kHz CHN jammer from 23.11 UT S=9+5dB in Delhi India.
2nd TX on 7486 kHz PARKED at Yangi Yul Dushanbe TJK:
from 23.20 UT start strong empty carrier on air,
parked empty, no modulation til 23.29:35 UT,
7486 kHz stronger than 7476 kHz, in Europe, Greece and Delhi.
> 2328-2335: 7486kHz
VoTIB px modulation here from 23.29:35 UT S=9+10dB
7485 kHz CHN jammer from 23.32:10 UT - 23.40 UT S=9+5dB in Delhi India.
Another WHITE NOISE scratching jamming observed on
7477.5 and 7500 kHz far away apart distance,
each broad 8 kHz wideband noise string.
But did not disturb the various SDR signals of Voice of Tibet tonight.
Nearby China Tibetan station
7450even kHz PBS Xizang in Chinese from Lhasa Baiding Tibet center
S=8 or -81dBm in Europe,
S=9+5dB or -70dBm in Delhi India.
So the China jammer power against VoTibet
seems also in the 100 kW power range.
> 2335-2341: 7491kHz
23.35:30 - 23.42:30 UT VoTIB on 7491 kHz.
23.40 UT CHN CNR jamming OFF-air !
Did not appear anymore tonight.
So, to state, CHN jamming on xxxx.0 or xxxx.5 kHz accompanied
noted only 30 minutes(!) tonight from 23.11 til 23.40 UT.
> 2341-2359: 7486kHz and sign off
23.42:30 UT VoTIB moved again from 7491 to 7486 kHz channel.
VoTIB close-down modulation at 23.59:45 UT,
7486 kHz Voice of Tibet TX Dushanbe Yangi Yul
switch-off at 00.00:20 UT.
7489.833 kHz odd fq at 23.45 UT much tiny poor of -115 dBm string
of WBCQ Maine USA fade in to Europe, heard at KiwiNet Switzerland
7480 kHz at 23.46-23.47 UT a short 40 seconds lasting
test of 1000 Hertz tone, most likely from US AGM Udorn Thani site
in Thailand, which scheduled here at 00.00 UT VoA Tibetan then.
23.58:20 UT 7465 kHz BBC pause signal started
of three tones from ENC Singapore Kranji site.
23.59:30 UT 7480 kHz VoA Udorn Thani Thailand in Tibetan started.
73 wb df5sx