martedì 3 agosto 2021

Vatican: no French news to Middle East at 1600

Vatican - Vatican Radio has quietly dropped its French news broadcast to the Moyen Orient, which I find significant because of the connection with many Lebanese churches ( This seems to be confirmed by looking at the schedule of the French stream ( The short wave time is now filled with music (even secular) until the quarter hour with English „Vatican and World News“ starts.
date (YYMMDD) kHz UTC date (DDMM) country station/details sinpo HjBi further remarks
210709 11620 1600 0907 CVA R. Vatikan, mx/it. IDs statt F, 1615 E, nx 35444 HjBi
210803 11620 1600 0308 CVA R. Vatikan, mx/it. IDs statt F, 1615 E, nx 35444 HjBi incl. secular 1610 „You‘re too good to be true“!, 1615 „Vatican and World News“ in English
(Dr Hansjoerg Biener 3. August 2021 via WOR io group)

Vatican - Vatican Radio still has the 1700 h French news to Africa:
date (YYMMDD) kHz UTC date (DDMM) country station/details sinpo HjBi further remarks
210803 13830 1700 0308 CVA R. Vatikan, F, nx //15565 25433  HjBi Pope Francis I, Zambia elections, Madagascar politics, in South Africa school dropouts because of Covid19....
210803 15565 1700 0308 CVA R. Vatikan, F, nx //13830 25433  HjBi
(Dr Hansjoerg Biener 3. August 2021)

Vatican - Vatican Radio still has the 0630 h French news to the Levant:
date (YYMMDD) kHz UTC date (DDMM) country station/details sinpo HjBi further remarks
210804 11620 0630 0408 CVA R. Vatikan, Hafen/Beirut, AFG, HTI, FR/IT 35444 HjBi
(Dr Hansjoerg Biener 4 August 2021)