sabato 14 agosto 2021

Iceland - old antenna system removed

Google Translated:
On August 11, 2021, an old antenna system from AM broadcasting disappeared from the scene again. This time the long wave masts on the southeastern outskirts of Reykjavík, in the Vatnsendi district, were eliminated.

The two masts (they bundled the transmission energy according to the geographic extent of Iceland to the northeast) are said to have been built when radio operations began in 1930.

The transmitter system that was last used is a bit more recent and is also shown in a relevant article. It comes from Brown Boveri (Switzerland), had an output of 100 kW and was probably installed between 1950 and 1960.

The operation from Vatnsendi ended in the 1990s. It was replaced in 1997 by the 300 kW strong, now still operated with 100 kW transmitter Gufuskálar near Helissandur, in the far west of Iceland. A 412 meter high mast is used there, which was previously used by the Loran-C (100 kHz) navigation system, which was shut down here in 1994.

This move was associated with a frequency change. Instead of the old Reykjavík channel 207 kHz, the transmitter Gufuskálar operates on the frequency 189 kHz, as the only station in the world on this frequency.

A single wave operation once ran on 207 kHz – which was also the reason for the frequency change: The Eiðar transmitter worked in conjunction with Reykjavík-Vatnsendi, in the east of Iceland near Egilsstaðir.
All the article here in German with some nice photos from the Icelandic LW transmitting sites..

Radio Eins Radio-News (2021-08-13)

via Ydun's Medium Wave Info

Article and photos here:

(via Mike Terry via WOR io group)