WRTH is pleased to announce that the A21 (Summer) season broadcasting schedules for International and Clandestine/Target broadcasters are now available for download, free of charge.
This file is in PDF format so you will need software capable of reading the Adobe PDF format (such as the free Adobe Acrobat reader, amongst others).
Not only do you get the full schedules, additional things included in the file are:
Broadcasts in Selected Languages (English. French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish); International DRM broadcasts (yes, there are still some around); International Broadcasting Frequency list; International Transmitter Sites, with lat/long; WRTH Target Areas and religious stations cross-reference table (You can find out which country each station is based in and where to find their schedule as that is not always as obvious as it may seem).
Please visit www.wrth.com and follow the links to the download page.
We hope you find this a useful file, both as a stand-alone product and as an accompaniment to the printed WRTH volume.
Feel free to pass this information on to all your radio friends and your social media groups, etc.
73 and happy listening from the WRTH Editorial Staff.