** ALGERIA [non]. 6105, March 6 at 0523, Qur`an S9-S7 with flutter, RTA relay via FRANCE this hour; aside 6100 Cuba, not quite strong enough to be a problem (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** ALGERIA [non]. 7315, March 6 at 1920 & 1935 chex, Qur`an from RTA via FRANCE, poor with ACI at UTwente. Supposedly // 7375 where nothing but ROMANIA`s two-hour transmission can be heard. Checking in case RTA carry English segment from the International network as it was doing last summer during DST season a UT hour earlier on the then frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 6100, March 6 at 0522, RHC S9+20 in Spanish instead of English after 0500, starting deportivo segment during `24 horas en el mundo` newscast, and // 6060; while English is on 6000. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** ECUADOR. 6050, UT Sat March 6 at 0526 tune-in, surprised to hear ID in English for R. Slovakia International. O, it`s just an illustration within the HCJB German DX program during extended weekend transmission; followed by brief talk in German, a song, and off at 0530* sharp without further announcement. S7-S9 for only 1 kW.
[non]. European POV background from March BDXC-UK Communication: ``HCJB Deutschland’s German DX programme, ‘Medienmagazin’, is scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays at 0530, 1030, 1505, 1800 and 2205 UT. Frequencies include 3995 kHz from Weenermoor in north west Germany near the Dutch border. But the programme is actually produced in Scotland by Horst Wiese who has lived near Edinburgh for many years. The HCJB “DX-Programm” has been recorded for the past couple of years at the studios of Revival FM in Cumbernauld. Past editions are online at: https://hcjb-medienmagazin.blogspot.com/ (HCJB Infobrief 4/2020)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** FRANCE. 11625-11630-11635 DRM, March 6 at 1737, RFI French via TDF Issoudun confirmed, lo-fi only 8.08 kbps but solid no dropouts at S9/+10, via Kuwait Kiwi SDR, picked since target is S Asia. Labeled ``AAC(1000) TDF EXP Data 8.08 kbps`` and ``Medium range use, multipath resistant``. I`ve been intending to check the scheduled 2330-2400 on 9880-9885-9890, ex-5870-5875-5880, where I was hearing it in February.
9880-9885-9890-DRM, so I do, March 6 at 2330: Rochester NY Kiwi SDR, no DRM detected; UTwente can hear DRM noise in AM mode but too weak; Bonaire decodes intermittently at SNR +/- 14 kHz, S9-S8; displays same parameters as 11630 above (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** SWEDEN [and non]. 6200, March 7 at 0002, JBA carrier to Bonaire SDR, surely not ROCV Venezuela; Radio Nord Revival, Sala, Sweden is supposed to start a 47/48 hour special anniversary show now with 10 kW on A3H = reduced carrier USB. 0010 I try UTwente which is slightly better, trace of music? but can`t find it USB only. Probably Tibet which is on 6200 about 21 hours a day. Nord alternative frequencies publicized are inadvisable now either: 6035 next to huge Spanish 6040; 6130 also probably weak Tibet. Why were they given Tibet-clashing channels? To be in Swedish except a couple spans partly in English as I point out on WORLD OF RADIO 2076: Sunday at 05-07 and 11-12; Monday at 20-21 UT. See: http://radionordrevival.blogspot.com/ for full schedule, QSL info (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 417-MCW kHz, March 6 at 0746, as I am almost asleep, I keep copying NDB ID as ../.-.- which is I/Ya the Cyrillic letter. But it must really be the usual occupant of 417, IY, ../-.-- Charles City, Iowa which I have not noted miskeying before. I was uncertain whether the final tone was long or short, i.e. -.-. which would have been C, but there is no IC around here either (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2076 monitoring: zzz thru the 1300 UT Saturday March 6 airing on WRMI 15770; did anyone hear it?
Confirmed starting at 2043 Sat Mar 6 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM MO, via nearby KB0FX remote. With some glitches not on my original recording, not clear whether from playback or remote. There were nonesuch on preceding ham show.
Also confirmed Sat Mar 6 at 2230 on WRMI 9955, poor on PL-880 with reelout clipon.
Also confirmed Sat Mar 6 at 2300 on WRMI 7780, immediately after Tirana music, no ID; poor S9-S5 direct but at 2325 check via Maine SDR, S9/+10; Rochester S9-S8 but both with glitches/skips/clix every few seconds. This seems to be a defect on Kiwis when run in the SAM/SAL/SAU/SAS modes. Next:
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0500]
2300vUT Sunday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE
1901 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html
Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to Kelley Sprout, KB3LR, Hughesville PA, for a MO to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702. The same address for a check in US funds on a US bank
One may also contribute via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com - not necessarily US funds (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 9955, March 6 at 1549, WRMI-3 is very much back with bigsig BS after missing most of yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 5950, March 7 at 0200, WRMI with Texas Radio Shortwave, first biminute of `YROT` theme, openings by synthetic voices, Third Mate Susan, and Cap`n Ric with eQSL offers for this show of lady performers only. I hear it direct on the portable ATS-909 anext the computer, but prefer to listen via the Kansas City Kiwi where it`s VG S9+10. Never are the ladies nor their songs identified, just one after another with occasional ID/QSL breaks by Susan, such as at 0215, 0231 Cap`n Ric on the poop-deck, 0234, and 0257 outro, YROT theme. Instead the ladylist if not the playlist has been posted, and forwarded by another Texan, Terry Colgan:
Cap'n Ric is pleased to announce the artists featured in the upcoming Ladies of Texas Music Tribute:
Jeanie C. Riley
Jamie Lin Wilson
Sunny Sweeney
Lisa Loeb
Norah Jones
Lydia Mendoza
Marcia Ball
Lucinda Williams
St. Vincent
Barbara Lynn
"Sippie” Wallace
“Big Mama” Thornton
Bessie Tucker
Janis Joplin
Lacey Sturm.
Cap'n wagers you haven't heard of many of these female artists, and also wagers that you'll enjoy their music.
The tribute program will air several times:
March 7 - 0200 UTC 5950 kHz via WRMI
March 20 - 0900 UTC 6070 kHz and 1800 UTC 3955 kHz via Channel 292 in Germany
March 28 - 0200 UTC 6160 kHz via WBCQ.
Third Mate Susan designed a special limited edition eQSL to be sent to listeners who submit correct reception reports to texasradiosw@gmail.com. (From TRSW's Facebook page)``
One song in Spanish caught my ear at 0219 with a possible title, ``Canta, Guitarra Mia``. Probably Lydia Mendoza, one third into the list (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 5085, UT Sun Mar 7 at 0125, `Theater Organ Under The Arch` is underway on WTWW-2, but only a quick check as I listen to only one music show at a time, `Encore` classical on WRMI 5850 this hour, having missed the first airing at 23-24 on 7570 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. Am glad to see that ondemand access to the superb CBS Sunday Morning has been restored to proper funxion: On March 6 I check the current/most recent one of Feb 28: https://www.cbsnews.com/sunday-morning/ A single full file plays straight thru with all commercials removed, totaling just over 62 minutes. One may also play individual segments linked just below if desired. I haven`t tried to retrieve older episodes, whether the same options apply (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
UNIDENTIFIED. 1540.21, March 6 circa 0730 UT, trace of a carrier here but not outstanding like last two nights; confusing to the ear as there are more carriers off 1540.000 including one circa 1540.02 and the usual 1539.96 = KGBC. See my previous report about KGBC and KEDA as well as the mystery, which has been discussed further in the ABDX group: Heterodyne on 1540
``I don't think the original reporter mentioned if the het was on the low or high side. Do you hear the gospel station on 1540.21 kHz? It is sometimes audible here: http://kiwisdr.ku4by.com:8073/?f=1540.21usbz10 Thank you and best regards, Mauno`` Ritola, Finland
Where is that? Is labeled: ``© bluebison.net KU4BY's SolarSDR Elizabeth City, NC | Grid: FM16vf, ASL: 30m, [map] Antenna: Wilson 1K about 15' AGL. Powered by the Carolina Sun!``
I try it near local noon at 1631 March 6: displays 1540 carrier + 50v Hz but nothing audible. There are far too many GOS stations on 1540 circa NC (gh)
``Mar 6 at 6:39 AM --- The station furthest off frequency is on 1539.904 (NNE/SSW) with others appearing on 1539.9732 (N/S), 1539.9755 (WSW – signed off @ 2345 ET), 1539.9835 (NW - CHIN) and 1540.022 (W). Strongest station is on 1539.998 to the WNW (KXEL).
1539.998 tops the channel when KXEL is nulled. That one is Bahamas. The het is definitely the 1539.905 but taking Glenn’s note into account it is probably some station in the Eastern South who didn’t throw the switch. Rick S., Rodanthe NC OBX FM25go``
IRCA March 5: ``Walter Salmaniw 4:44am #18219 --- Again I can hear the het quite well in Victoria and see a relatively strong carrier on 1540.203 tonight, as well as others quite a ways off channel on 1540.023 and 1539.908. As on 1350, there are a LOT of carriers spaced closer to the nominal. The 1540.2 channel is near audio into Victoria. 73, Walt``
That`s really far. In western USA the only 1540s are the big one in LA CA, 50 kW KMPC in Korean, also ethnic KXPA 5 kW Bellvue WA near Walt, and KASA Phoenix AZ, 19 watts of ranchera at night.
March 6 at 2329 on ABDX, Rich:
``I have it on 1540.205 but can’t make it out. Seems to be WSW. But here’s what’s weird. I have similar signals that pulsate up and down along with the .205 on 1540.113 and 1540.021 – in each case 92 Hz down. Rick S., Rodanthe NC OBX FM25go``
Rick`s WSW bearing from OBX correlates with my ESE from Enid for best bets: WTBI near Greenville SC and WKVQ Eatonton, central Georgia. Both 10 kW daytimers. FCC official March LSS for both 2345 UT. Has there been any change now? Anyone near-local to those locations to check? Perhaps Bob in Bamberg SC original reporter can tell if it`s NW from Greenville or West from Eatonton. 73, (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 0356 UT March 7