lunedì 22 marzo 2021

Glenn Hauser logs March 21-22, 2021

** CUBA. 13833 approx., March 22 at 1352, spurblob with no program modulation but hum; 13766 undermodulated with hum and no F-natural tone here either; source 13700-AM is S9+10 and undermodulated; 13635 S8-S9; 13570 better S7+ and tone; also weaker traces circa 13503, 13440, 13373. Approx. 65-kHz intervals. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** IRAN [and non]. Continued from last report: 6040, IRIB English from *1920 March 21: at 1948 about pandemic, and now via UTwente, // 11880 is also VG, S9+25 while 6040 is S9+30. 2002 a lexure on Islam starting with a bit of Arabic; billions of people have been informed about Islam; something about ``good governance``; New World Order in Farsi, Arabic. 2011 song. 2014 reading an article from National Geographic about Amazon forests, greenhouse gases, not just CO2. Still in progress when chopped off the 6040 air at 2020:32* and 11880 is also gone.

Like at 1920 joining program in progress, obviously there is no coördination between programming and transmission on the odd SW timings of :20 past the hours. Altho news on the (half) hour aired successfully, perhaps the rest of English programming be pulled from their TV service? which operates on a different schedule.

Anyhow, English is still going, a day after all SW was feared to be terminated. I`ve heard the whole hour altho not with undivided attention vs my favorite Sunday afternoon music on public radio stations. Nothing heard in English about a SW closedown, nor did Bryan Clark, New Zealand.

Spanish had been announcing such a close, so am sure to check next broadcast in that language, from 2350 on 5980, 7230. At 2349 via UTwente, 7230 is S9/+10 with IRIB IS; 5980 comes on later at *2350 at S9+20/30 but dumps off at 2351* while 7230 remains. *2352, 5980 back on with Qur`an introduxion in *English* not Spanish, now not // 7230 which is in national anthem; 2354 into Spanish introduxion of Qur`an, and by 2357 both in Spanish seemingly matching. Now 7230 has a SAH from an understation: CNR via Xi`an the only other listee. On ForoDX, Spaniards suggest SW programming is now coming from the HispanTV channel; and a Spanish A-21 SW sked was announced.

At 0130 I check UTwente for other sked languages: 6040 Arabic not heard. but on at 0131 JBA carrier then Qur`an; 7360 has algo, Tajik? Enough for tonight.

7310 Arabic, 9800, 9870, 9390 at 1456 March 29 via UTwente, seem to be occupied by regular VIRI S Asian languages as scheduled. 6 MHz frequencies not heard, maybe not propagating this early.

7300, trying again March 29 for 1520 English, like yesterday, I can`t hear any of it via UTwente or Kolkata SDRs, just the China/Taiwan radio war. But maybe it`s still on. Next: *1920 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MEXICO. 660, UT Mon March 22 at 0407, `La Hora Nacional` so it`s an XE, still on standard time until April 4, at 10 pm CST Sundays, after which it goes to 0300 UT. Quick check of other frequencies finds LHN on 730, 570, 540 but best on 660: likely XEEY Aguascalientes2, tho 4 or 5 others in IRCA listing (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MEXICO. 770, March 22 at 0550, rock music, Spanish announcement; string of PSAs including Secretaría de Salud Pública, Electoral concluding with 3-tones which as pointed out in NRC IDXD is a giveaway that it`s Mexico:

``Mike Jeziorski, Juriquilla, Querétaro, México; Sony ICF-2010, no external antenna. International News MEXICO: If you are listening for Mexican stations, pay close attention to the three-note chime at the end of this announcement on YouTube: The chimes end every announcement by the Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE), which has been running PSA's very frequently on AM stations in the months leading up to national elections. If you hear those notes cut through the noise, then you have an XE coming in``

After that, PSA mentioning Tribuna Electoral, Zacatecas, so again it`s XEFRTM in Fresnillo, rather than XEACH Monterrey or anyother (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) See also USA: WGN

** PANAMA. 18160-USB, March 21 at 2159*, HP9SAM, Steve is going QRT but says he will be back next Sunday here or on ``56``, at same time (starting when?) and returning frequency to normal ham usage. An active ``17`` m guy logged before (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2078 monitoring: confirmed Sunday March 21 from 2200:20 on Area 51 via WBCQ 6159.93. Before 2200 was in WBCQ IS & ID loop, then a bit of othermusic until WOR start. JBA direct vs high local line noise level; but at 2320 check JBA carrier into VA, MO remotes, as K-index is 5, G1 storms. No response yet to my request to move us back into the night at 0300 UT Mondays.

Also confirmed Sun Mar 21 at 2300 on WRMI 7780, good S9+10/25 into VA SDR, but poor only S7-S9 into UTwente; before 2300 there was only music for several minutes, concluding with the anomalous ``PCJ Radio International`` ID! again this week.

Confirmed UT Monday March 22 at 0030 on WRMI 7730, VG direct after chimes inserted after ID.

Also confirmed UT Mon Mar 22 at 0230 on WRMIs: 5800 S9/+10 to MO remote, 7780 S9+10 to ME remote; also on WRN webcast same time for one more week, but by March 29 should be at 0130 UT.

1901 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2200 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support: thanks this week to Gerald T Pollard, Raleigh NC, for a generous check to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702, with comment, ``Equinoctial greetings to the Recording Angel of Shortwave, who is in especially fine voice these days`` [sic]

One may also contribute, not necessarily in US funds, via PayPal to woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 15825, March 22 at 1409, instead of JBA carrier, WWCR inbooming at S9+10/20 clearly audiblizing the horrible squeal on #1 transmitter. Shares SSOB status with 15140 Cuba. Must be sporadic E opening but unaccounted for by any MUF spot on DXMAP. At one megameter distance, on 15 MHz, Nashville is too close for F2 propagation but not too close for Es (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 720, UT Monday March 22 at 0554, tuning across WGN Chicago, I pause because Rollye James is sounding like a DXer, discussing whether WEDO is off the air as a caller claims; they`ve had a CP to diplex non-direxional with something for 3 years but it should have expired. Was simulcasting EZL from WKGO. Apparently this is a trivia/quiz segment during her show. WEDO is or was an 810 daytimer in McKeesport PA - Pittsburgh market. Per WGN sked, Rollye James is supposed to be Mon-Thu at 10 pm-1 am CDT = 03-06 UT Tue-Fri; after 05 UT Mondays it`s `WGN Showcase`, reruns of previous week`s shows.

[non] BTW, at 0558 UT under WGN, I can hear the Mexican NA playing from somewhere in the CST = midnight zone, so most likely XEDE Saltillo, 24h as in IRCA Log; two of the three others supposedly daytimers (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 1140, March 22 at 0355 UT, C&W music, ``100.1 and 1140 AM, KXRB`` ID, plug a game with wine, mention Sioux Falls. From the north dominating anyway on my E-W longwire despite night pattern supposed to be totally to its NW from SE SD; likely really on ND day pattern, 10/5 kW -- unless it has an STA like more and more stations are getting to run ND all the time with reduced power at night. Again at 0603 UT check, KXRB country music jingle (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)


The Open Mind --- False Equivalency Created The Big Lie
03/15/2021 | 28m 15s | Video has closed captioning.

Daily Beast columnist Wajahat Ali discusses a culture of false equivalence that has normalized domestic terrorism and disinformation. Aired: 03/15/21 Rating: NR

This report dispatched at 1721 UT March 22