sabato 5 settembre 2020

Texas Radio Shortwave's Johnny Winter tribute on September 19

Ahoy Matey Glenn -

Cap'n Ric wants to make certain there are plenty of listeners to our broadcast of music by Texas rock and blues artist Johnny Winter.

The program will air on Channel 292 on September 19 at 0200 on 9670 kHz for North American listeners and at 0900 on 6070 kHz for European listeners.

Although Cap'n Ric hasn't checked recently,9670 was almost unusable in NAm because of CCH interference until 0230 UTC.

We send a limited-edition eQSL for correct reception reports on our Texas artist tribute programs. A blank Johnny Winter eQSL is attached to this email.

We're hard at work finishing programs for the remainder of the year:

October 17 - Ladies of Texas Music Tribute (10-17)

November 21 - Anniversary rebroadcast of #1 program (11-21)

December 19 - Rebroadcast of Pre-Christmas Music Special and 12-25 for the Texas Christmas Music Special.

Third Mate Susan says you'll like the October program.

These upcoming programs will be aired at the same times and frequencies as the September program. There will be limited edition eQSLs for the October, November, and Christmas Day programs. We'll recycle a design for the December 19 broadcast.

Listeners can tune in to our broadcasts on European SDRs like the one in Enschede, NL at

73 and Arrgghh.

Always be yourself. Unless you can be a pirate. Then always be a pirate.

Texas Radio Shortwave
Sailing into your ears from the Lone Star State

(via WOR io group)