venerdì 17 luglio 2020

Radio Six International - more shortwave broadcasts

Following successful live broadcasts on 6070kHz on June 6th and July 2nd, Radio Six International (based in Glasgow, Scotland) will continue monthly broadcasts for the time being. The next broadcast will be on Saturday 1st August 2020 from 22:00 to 24:00 UTC on 6,070kHz from Rohrbach, Germany with 10kW.

We have issued a good many QSL cards, both electronic and cardboard, since the June broadcast and are happy to continue to do so. E-cards will be emailed free of charge, but we request a US dollar or Euro as a contribution to return postage for hard copy cards. or Radio Six International, 21 Sherbrooke Avenue, Glasgow G41 4HF, Scotland are the addresses to send reception reports to.

Our intention is for the September broadcast to air on Saturday 5th at the same time and frequency.

Director of Programmes,
*radio six international*
21 Sherbrooke Avenue, GLASGOW G41 4HF, Scotland
The Studio, Port Ramsay, ISLE OF LISMORE, PA34 5UN, Scotland
Glasgow: +44 141 427 0531
Lismore: +44 1631 760 100
On FM, AM, Shortwave and DAB Digital radio on 57 affiliate
stations around the world and online at