venerdì 5 giugno 2020

Glenn Hauser logs June 4-5, 2020


** BRAZIL. 9665.067, June 4 at 0603, JBA music, presumed RVM, always off-frequency but much weaker than it can be. The only ZY I am detecting on 31m overnight. And hardly any left on the other bands.

We have lost *so many* SW stations, especially from this huge country which not long ago had a thriving domestic SW scene. Here are the SW frequency pages from the 2005 World Radio TV Handbook, only a sesquidecade ago. How many do you recognize or remember hearing?
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) See also USA: WBCQ

** NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. 13790.047, June 4 at 0613, Chinese at S9-S7. It`s RFA via SAIPAN, this hour only; previous log via TINIAN was also 47 Hz high, askew signatures of these USAGM stations: 13575.047, May 30 at 1427 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2037)

** U K [non]. 12015, June 4 at 0607, fair in English news about democratic movement in China, national-anthem law, Hong Kong; COVID-19 with someone from a London school. Yes, it`s BBCWS scheduled this hour only via VATICAN. Lots of other 25mb signals now in the nightmiddle, tnx to the Midnight Sun (Glenn Hauser, OK,, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2036 monitoring: confirmed UT Thu June 4 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, JBA vs heavy storms across western NE/KS/OK/TX; LA/MS; MO/IL as well as further

WORLD OF RADIO 2037 contents: Brasil, Bulgaria, Cambodia non, Canada, China, Cuba, Estonia, France, Greece, India, Japan non, Korea North & South, Kuwait, Madagascar, North America, Northern Mariana Islands, Oklahoma, Papua New Guinea, Romania, Russia, Sarawak non, South Carolina non, Spain, Taiwan non, Turkey, Ukraine, UK non, USA, Vanuatu; and the propagation outlook

WOR 2037 is available as of 2343 UT Thursday June 4
(mp3 stream)
(mp3 download)

Or via
Also linx to podcast services.

The shortwave broadcasts should be:

0900 UT Friday    Unique Radio NSW 3210-USB
2200 UT Friday    WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed]
0130 UT Saturday  WRMI 5850 to NW, 5010 to S, 7780 to NE
0900 UT Saturday  Unique Radio NSW 3210-USB
1130 UT Saturday  WRMI 9955 [jammed][? not last week] to SSE
1300 UT Saturday  WRMI 15770 to NE
1930vUT Saturday  WA0RCR 1860-AM
0300vUT Sunday    WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0400]
0300 UT Sunday    WRMI 5800 to SSE
0900 UT Sunday    Unique Radio NSW 3210-USB
0130 UT Monday    WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday    WRMI 7780 to NE
0300vUT Monday    WBCQ 5130v Area 51 or 6160v to WSW
0330 UT Monday    WRMI 9955 [jammed] to SSE
0900 UT Monday    Unique Radio NSW 3210-USB
1800vUT Monday    IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0100 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Thanks this week for financial support from Tom Goodfellow, Palm Desert CA, who sent a generous contribution via PayPal to woradio at PayPal not necessarily in US funds as they will convert. One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5130, June 5 at 0150, 0159, 0202 chex, NO signal from this WBCQ, when `The Big Broadcast of 2020` is supposed to be repeating triply. I had lamented that the original airing a few weeks ago on 7490 and only in the daytime at 2100 UT would peter out long before it got to OK, so Bill Tilford got this nighttime playback scheduled. 5130 however does eventually come on, by next check 0223. At the outset I also have a JBA carrier on 3265.1, which could be the other `BCQ, but not committed to carry this.

Meanwhile, the BBC does start at 0200 on 7490 and 6159.9v following the far right nonsense from Hal Turner. I don`t need to listen now since I heard it the first time via webcast, but I hope others are getting it better now than I am, with too much storm noise from the SW corner of KS and the SW quadrant of OK.

I notice immediately that they are not synchronized: 6159.9 is a word ahead of 7490, and 5130 is a few words behind 7490. By 0223 all three register S9/+10 on the meter, and 7490 suffers the least storm noise, 5130 the most as to be expected. Now if this were only on 9330 instead of the wacko flat-earthers, would be loud and clear. Too bad the deal with WLC did not allow for WBCQ`s own programming to take over on special occasions or for a few hours per week. It`s the least they could do for causing Allan so much grief to keep it running (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7703 approx., June 4 at 0555, local scratch noise blob peaking here and elsewhere is still/again on. And circa 1400, when an OG&E maintenance truck is spotted next to my closest pole, the one with the automatic streetlight circa sundown, but soon gone and no change yet in the problem.

7703 et al., gone again at 0121 check June 5, clearing the bands for unfettered storm noise (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0305 UT June 5