sabato 16 maggio 2020

Radio Channel 292 Newsletter

Some interesting news:
Tomorrow, Sunday Mat the 17th, is the last day for Brother Stair as background program on 6070 kHz. This means:
From Monday, much more music on 6070!
Kindly Pastor Inman with his "Word of Deliverance" goes on supporting us, this is important to finance the station. At the moment he thinks about switching hie activities more to 3955 kHz. Because of this he is running some test on 3955 kHz in May, starting this weekend:
It is important, that he gets many reception reports, so he can see where his program can be received on this frequency. Therefore we ask our listeners to send many reports to:
and we already say thank you for your support!
Also waiting for reception reports are of course the other tests on 3955 kHz, Radio Waves International, Seventies Berlin, Encore and Texas Radio Shortwave. Their contact data can be found here:
Apart from that, during the next days sometimes we will switch of the transmitters during the day, to work on our Optimods and the modulator for 3955 kHz, and to improve the wiring.

After our last newsletter, we were happy to get some donations to support our station; we say thank you to Rodolfo Zucchetti in Turin and Dominic Schwarz in Switzerland.
If you want to support us, you can do this by going to this page, and scroll down below the registration for the newsletter:

That's all for today; we always like to get your eMails with suggestions and opinions!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Kind regards

Radio Channel 292